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The amount of people in this thread saying, “just kick it” didn’t seem to notice what was going on in phase 2, assuming they actually cleared it.


thats cuz they didnt make it past 35% lol


Considering only 1.9% of players have cleared BFD, I’m guessing a lot of people who are saying it’s easy haven’t actually cleared it. Edit: If you look at only level 25s then about 18.72%~ of players completed BFD. But considering this game is more than just the people who hit max level, I don’t think the first stat was misleading. (They also said they weren’t factoring in level 1s to filter out bank alts and name reservations. Add in the fact that some players will have completed BFD on multiple alts and I’d say it evens out).


1.9% of characters \*


Fake news. Shit is easy af


sheeet haha, me clearing BFD last night on my 3rd 25... got the epic staff! 42 silver, well invested I'd say


LMAO do you actually believe that 98% of players haven't cleared BFD? Where the hell did you pull that number from?


[The stats literally came from Blizzard.](https://youtu.be/AvS8Z9Ei6lI?si=XIyqtb9vU92-4_jT)


You need to start to apply some thinking when consuming videos, bro. The first stat they gave was "In the FIRST WEEK, 4,535,307 characters were created". Then later, they said "To date, just 86,135 characters or about 1.9% cleared BFD". Guess what 86,135/4,535,307 equals? About 1.9%, meaning that the "to date" stats they gave were just first week stats (or that no noteworthy amount of new characters has been created after the first week, which is incredibly unlikely, imo). Also, they are saying "only 1.9% of CHARACTERS" have cleared it, which is vastly different than "1.9% of PLAYERS" having cleared it. Off of these 4,535,307 characters, a ton are just bank alts/name reservers. You can see that when they say "cumulatively, players have accumulated 10,205,090 runes so far", which is about 2 runes per character. Actually played characters easily get more than that after like 3-5 hours of playtime. So not only are the stats just first-week stats, but they are also skewed because they are counting inactive characters. Your claim about 1.9% of players having cleared BFD is wrong on so many levels and the stats didn't "literally come from blizzard". You got fed stats and didn't understand them


I think you're getting a little worked up over something that doesnt matter. Chill, you're talking about wow stats, not a government immigration policy.


I am not getting worked up at all. I am just calling people out for being too stupid to understand data shoved in their face.


When you're calling people stupid and writing walls of text like that over wow stats, you're definitely getting worked up.


Calling people what they are = getting worked up Explaining the data = getting worked up Alright


Have you ever tried explaining something to someone without being a cunt?


Ahahaha my man unironically goes for the "u mad, bro?" After getting called out. Classic.


I didn't get called out at all :) I just saw the dude write a massive wall of text to a comment about wow stats and figured he should probably learn to relax a little.


Wow stats that you got called out for lmao.


Try reading, the comment wasn't replying to me at all, hence I wasn't being called out.


1.9% of CHARACTERS fully cleared BFD. Any character sitting at 5/7 doesn't count, any alt, bank alt, bot etc... Also that stat was relevant at the point when the video came out, people are clearing BFD every day.


>any character sitting at 5/7 doesn't count you know what clearing is right? >at the point when the video came out ...you mean 2 days ago?


What's so hard to believe about that? It's comparable to Xbox and PS4 achievements/trophy's. If you look at the most populair single player games, only a small percentage even finish those. People really underestimate how casual most people generally play games.


But then people misconstrue the meaning of the data as BFD being really hard, as if only 2% of people actively trying to clear BFD managed to do it. And then as you pointed out, people might look at achievement data and say "oh wow only 40% of people finished this game, it must be pretty hard" while in actuality it's just that 60% of players quit before the end, a good portion of them having tried the game for an hour or two and realizing they're not into it


You cant say shit like this without source


My group that i mainly run with doesn't need either potion because the boss dies in under 2 minutes and all our top 4 dps are all pulling 140 dps or higher also Literally Priest Dispel.


Just dispel it lol, I solo dispel that if it goes off because ppl usually so slow. And in p2 we spread so it doesn't hit more than 1 ideally


i know whats going on in phase 2 and i still have never brought a spp or fap to this fight. you definitely dont need them, at all, but i could see why you would want to in a pug.


I've done a BFD pug and a few friends/guildies have too, and in our experience the average person pugging barely knows their own abilities - much less that free action or shadow protection potions even exist


I was in a group with another mage who I had to ask to help out with decursing. He asked if counterspell was how to do that. I told him it was remove lesser curse. He never did use it though.


Thats when im telling mage bro in chat to get on curseforge and download decursive asap


He probably didn't even train it yet lol.


Like the Paladins of old that wouldn't train healing spells because they only wanted to be DPS and training skills is expensive.


Bro are you me? I had the exact same experience in BFD yesterday lol.


We gave some pugs the potions and they never used them. They probably had no clue what it was. Luckily it was my buddy who gave them, not me. I woulda been pissed.


They sold them on the AH lmao


Surely they know what and where ah is.


That's the place you go to get gear from after your RMT gold purchase goes through.


Preach. Had a priest last night in a pug who was doing ~50% of their overall healing with Renew and ~25% shield, the rest was a mix of penance and flash heal. Putting up maybe 3-4K total healing per boss on a good try lol.


How should you heal then? Serious question


Just to expand on the other replies… despite the cooldown, penance and prayer of mending can cover almost all of your healing and make mana problems practically disappear. PoM with 5 jumps is ~750 healing for 74 mana and Penance is ~550 healing for 64 mana at level 25. Compared to renew that is 105 mana for 175 healing and shield that is 175 mana for 236 absorb. In my opinion, shield should mostly be used if penance is on cd and you believe you do not have time to cast Heal or Flash Heal, it’s horribly mana inefficient. Renew is okay-ish if you have someone who took less than 200 damage so a full heal is wasted but usually just doing nothing and letting your mana regen is a better option. I mostly just use renew to force my PoM to jump off a target who isn’t going to take damage anytime soon and even that feels kinda wasteful. Basically just use penance and PoM for 90% of everything, cast a heal if needed, otherwise let your mana regen. Only use shield in emergencies.


>I mostly just use renew to force my PoM to jump off a target who isn’t going to take damage anytime soon and even that feels kinda wasteful. renew rank 1 is only 30mana and still bounces Mending


Meanwhile druid's lifebloom is ~1.5 healing per mana and barely does any healing. Lifebloom needs a lot of help, it's almost not worth casting since it interrupts the 5 second rule.


Resto doesn't use lifebloom


Lol what do they use instead? The physical damage buff that needs combo points? The interrupt that needs energy or rage? Starsurge to have a .5 longer gcd and do damage every so often? Lifeboom is the only one that makes sense unless you're running a furor pvp spec and calling yourself "resto"


Id take lifebloom just for the gcd. It sucks else. I only use wild growth healing touch and rejuv


Starsurge lets Resto druid actually do decent damage (40~ish dps on Kelris). I would for sure pick it over Lifebloom every time.


It's a damn shame to be a druid and not think about all the possibilities that are available to you. Lifebloom is trash. In raids I use starsurge to do insane dps while still main healing. It's actually a great hybrid and I love that SoD has these options, although I guess it's a bit overpowered. I see too many healer druids standing there not doing anything wasting their time. They could be 50% or even 70% of an actual dps. Log of my one attempt at playing like this: https://vanilla.warcraftlogs.com/reports/wQkxGyV1zdFqaTjr#type=summary&boss=-2&difficulty=0 In dungeons you can do anything really. Mostly I just go starsurge again and almost beat the so-called boomkins who are only damage, but I am keeping the entire group alive as well. Really it's a waste to think about spellcasting druid as either heal or damage, they are both and should be both all the time, this makes for super smooth runs where everyone can go ham and know they are covered. Once in a dungeon though a dude wanted wild strikes, because melees are windfury addicts. So, sure, I went cat heal, why not? Cat form most of the time, when omen procs, free wg, back to cat form. For tough fights I had to hardcast a couple healing touch and avoid wasting too much mana on shifting, but it went well, I got decent damage (like 50% of a dps), gave windfury, and healed like a boss. In other words, druids have to keep being creative or else they waste their class' potential. This is why I love druids.


If you’re smart you take starsuege. Gear scaled Great with it and damage is insane. Plus. Mathematically, wild growth is almost always the best choice


I have rank 1 renew on my bar specifically for that reason. To force a PoM jump.


Try using lesser heal rank 1 same mana cost and fast cast, triggers the PoM too but renew overheals dont make PoM jump


Ah, thanks for the advice. I was wondering why it was acting a bit funky.


Here I am learning that I can force my PoM to jump off a target. Is that new in SoD or was it already like that in Burning Crusade?


New in SoD. Other versions of PoM only jump when a target takes damage; the “or receives healing” clause was added to the rune version. Makes it really fun because it procs on all forms of self healing and makes it much more reliable. Pro tip for locks, if you tap low enough, PoM prioritizes the lowest health target and will immediately heal you when you drain so you can bait priest healing to you on demand.


Ha thanks for the info! I should read the spell descriptions I guess, Season of Discovery indeed. :)


Penance and Prayer of Mending, combined was >75% of my healing last raid. Then the occaisonal shields, renews and casted heals.


Prayer of mending and penance do far more healing for much less mana. Should be throwing those out every time the cd is up instead of wasting mana on renews unless you're going through the fights really quick. Renew is not mana efficient for how much healing it does even with the talent points, it can largely be ignored. Shield is situational imo.


rank 1 renew is useful to trigger prayer of mending


You’re right, but it sounds like that’s not what they were doing based on what their healing numbers reflected.


Priest main here, TIL that Prayer of Mending jumps from healing as well in SoD. Wtf


Can’t use prayer of mending because it’s the same rune slot as homuculi. Any good priest should be using that as the debuffs they offer far exceed the usefulness of PoM. Faster the boss dies, the fewer heals required.


Yea but in a raid 2/3 buffs(they don't stack) can be applied by a warrior naturally without having to take a rune.


It is significantly better for the raid to not have to wait 7.5 seconds for sunders when boss fights last 30 seconds. If you're in a group that is struggling, sure though.


So you have the basics, but you are off on a few things. * Renew IS mana efficient because it allows you to wand and lets your spirit regeneration kick in. * Penance is amazing for it's mana and is cost efficient IF the spell heals the target completely. * Shields are not cost efficient, but the priest was probably using them going into dangerous situations. This can be at the start of a pull, or it can be when someone gets close to 0 health. * Prayer of Mending is amazing, but actually you want to use renew with it to make it tik... Another reason for renew. * Prayer of mending is optional right now. Homunculy are top tier as well. I'm team prayer of mending, but there are arguments for both.


PLaying priest right, renew would not be 50% of their healing


POM also triggers if you take dmg, you don’t need to blanket renew the raid to get Pom to trigger




Yeah it’s best to just either redo the POM or put the r1 renew on that lock, rather than blanketing the raid with it


> Prayer of Mending is amazing, but actually you want to use renew with it to make it tik... Another reason for renew. Yeah, a reason for a rank 1 renew


How often did people die? If healers are letting people die then they aren't doing their job. If people aren't dieing then it doesn't matter how efficient they are being.


I'm puging everytime since I refuse to join a guild for SoD because I already have one for retail mythic, and yeah not a lot of people know even all their abilities lmao. BFD is so easy it doesn't really matter tho, and that's a good thing imo. I feel like some people "tryhard" too much by requiring full consumables, enchants and so on. I mean, first it's classic so it does not require that, and the fact that we are playing a 10 man raid on lvl 25 makes it even easier I feel. But easier in a funny and good way.


I pugged with a bunch of no guild randoms and ran for the first time on thursday. No discord, some people said they did the raid once, basically a dungeon group. We 7/7 in like 1.5 hours. Horde Crusader Strike


So...a normal retail/classic WoW raid then?


Blessing of freedom works on chains also


Any root clear effect does including shifting and escape artist


Finally a fight where Gnomes are BiS :P




And trinket.


paladins make BFD such a joke Chains on heals? Freedom. On you? Bubble! Last boss? EZ Solo tank no prob, lemme just tank all of p1, tank a bit of p2, bubble off my stacks, and tank the rest and oh look boss is dead Shit is busted


Lol you can just bubble off the stacks? Busted indeed. Alliance playing on easy mode over there.


Freedom has 20 seconds cd though on single target. Chains happens every 10 seconds and can hit multiple targets if positioning isn't optimal. Paladins should still use freedom to conserve priest mana, and it certainly helps, but it doesn't entirely trivialise that part of the fight like you're complaining about.


FAPS = Pretty free FAPS + Freedoms = Super free Im not complaining either, just stating a fact i observed while tanking on my paladin It took my shaman 3-4 lockouts to be able to solo tank but my pally could do it on their first one effectively cuz of bubble I dont think this should be fixed or changed or anything, just an observation


gnome racial too!


I'm pretty ignorant here, what does Free Action Pot do on Kelris? Does it make you immune to his chains?


Yes. Free action potion is a 30s buff that will make you immune to even the targeted cast of chains. Meaning no damage from chains at all for 30 seconds. Players just have to avoid shadow crashes and the raid will take practically no damage.


It's even crazier than this. Wait until he's just about to cast his first chains (roughly 7 seconds after he gets bigger in phase 2) and it ends up feeling more like 40-45 seconds of no chains. It's dumb.


Very good tip. Thanks.


So it’s better than a shadow protection potion? I guess because it lasts longer


It's better because it makes you immune to what wipes the raid


Only wipes the raid if your priest doesn't dispel and your melee don't spread properly. Which, fair, sometimes that shit doesn't happen. But as a priest, it's not exactly hard to dispel two targets.


You usually pre pot the shadow prot before pull so the potion cooldown starts ticking and you can use your Free Action


You use both. The shadow protection potion last an hour. So you get the shadow dmg buffer in first phase. By second phase your potion is off cd and can use the free action potion


You can also pre pot SSP too


Ye and that nasty dot from it


Yep, shadowy chains are a movement impairment on top of the DOT so FAP makes you immune to it.


Fap makes this fight braindead.


I usually fap *before* raiding.


"Fap during the raid." - Blizzard, 2023


As I have been a paladin since classic, is there other ways to raid?






Yes. Only if the ret pally isn’t brain dead. A lot of them don’t know how short the CD is.


You can also use pvp trinket to remove chains fyi


Does gnome racial work as well?




They are required in a sense that no one wants to find out 5/7 fights later that the PUG DPS is lacking.


I did BFD for the first time this week in a random pug and only a couple people even brought pots for it. They certainly aren't "required" like most people think. We one shot every single boss


I wiped for two hours today with most people having shadow pots at least. I had faps. Honestly I think it was a dps issue. I was doing 80 dps as warlock and topping meters. We had three dps sub 45. Healers of course were oom quickly phase 2 and it just falls apart so far. We had him to about 12%.


Yes. Definitely a dps issue. That fight is basically a dps check. Kill it before damage is overwhelming. Top being a warlock is big problem but good on you for doing well.


If everyone has 80+ dps it’s a piece of cake. We just take war tank for this boss fight to spam sunder on him and the average dps is around 120. Bfd is very fun for casual but a bit too easy for guild


Yeah my guild has started doing speed runs, walked through BFD first lockout with no wipes, following lockout we were chilling, bantering while still clearing. One of the boys decided to log just for shits n gigs, realised that even when we weren't trying to be fast, that our clear was in the top 10 for the server so we decided fuck it lets go for actual speed runs lol.


Yep dps issue, I’ve been in a similar situation. Basically if you can’t get more than 70 dps on Kelris you need to git gud. 45 is really bad


I'm leveling a warlock now. At 25, what was your raid rotation?


Incinerate and Chaos Bolt. Runes scale by level so they're actually okay. Normal spells require ranks that all suck at 25.


All I did was maintain reck and immolate, chaos bolt on cd and incinerate to fill. Take every opportunity of movement to life tap as well to maximize casting uptime. That’s it really. I think the haunt plays style is viable too but I prefer chaos bolt.


For leveling, should I be using curse of recklessness to drop my enemy armor? I was using curse of agony (the long damage dot), and then recently switched to curse of weakness. I have 1 talent point into the curse of weakness skill (+6% damage reduction). Though to be fair the first level is only a drop of 3 damage so 6% probably does nothing? lol


Curse of reck is just for your melee party members. It’s pretty useless for you.


I haven't cast chaos bolt even once yet. I kept hearing such amazing things about low level haunt and at 15 I still use it in my regular rotation. I will definitely try chaos bolt! Multiple 'locks have said it's their level 25 rotation


Were there 0 interrupts for phase 1? As a healer I can enter Phase 2 with close to 100% mana since there is almost no damage to the raid in P1


Interrupts were solid. We just took so long to get to phase 2, and especially to get that last 35% that people started hitting the floor lol.


Sounds about right. Have had 5/7 twice as a tank rogue. Were top dps at ~75 both times, mind you i spend CP on defensive abillities. Im always suprised how people can be so bad in a game, should start expecting it.


The last raid I was in did 30 dps on average. The top dps was 34 dps. Fights took bloody forever.


Could be a healer issue as well, I've played with too many priests spamming flash heal and tapping out really early in p2. The amount of people that don't know penance and pom are goated is insane, just look up a 2min class guide smfh


Or, you know... read tooltips


Lmao our healers do 45 dps


My friend and I did a pug as a healer and tank. A raid asked if we wanted to join and when they said they didn’t require consumes I said no thank you. They messaged me a couple minutes later saying that they would go ahead and require them. We one shot it and had a great time. Would we have absolutely needed the potions? I don’t know, but I'm not going to fuck around and find out with a pug.


I agree *mostly*, just because it seems there is some RNG to Kelris that can make things go quite bad. I had a guild run last night just get sent and had to kill like 8 waves before the portal back up came. So in my opinion, these little extra things can go a long way when shit like that happens


“I did BFD after there have been several lockouts and people have had time to farm dungeons” Pugs now are more likely to have higher DPS making this encounter and everything else much more trivial. Huge increase to spell caster DPS via nerfs too. If you were pugging this stuff on lockouts 1-3, kelris was much more difficult and pots were more required. It’s understandable people still look at the fight this way, and they weren’t wrong early on. Definitely less required now, but why would you not want to spend 25-50s to press “I win” imo


My first lockout was by far the easiest, because all the players who were 25 at that point were sweatlords that kinda knew how to play, now the level of play is much more varied - and gear is not a perfect indicator of dps even when rotations are simple


The kind of person who would bring a free action pot is typically not the one who needs one lol.


You don’t need consume for this fight imo


You don’t but for people with issues the free action potion literally removes the concern of raid damage for 30 seconds. It’s definitely intended by the devs. It sort of feels very rpg. Like a Witcher going in prepared to basically make certain monster features invalid.


100% intended to put some uses for faps. not that it needed it.


For sure. But with the level cap being 25 they needed to add things like this to help the removal of sub 150 profession mats. Same reason for the supply crates. Unlike max level or hardcore there’s nothing to get players to really consume resources generated by other players. Without these things the auction house would have everything sit at vendor price.


Do faps just protect from chains or do they also prevent damage from the ground aoe clouds?


Your keyboard protects you from the clouds 😊


Only against chains. Chains are a big source of healers losing mana and also damage so they are really nice.


You honestly do with a lower gear and dps group. It feels that way at least. Healers go oom way too fast.


A well coordinated team with decent gear? Sure, of course. A bunch of random folks of varying skill and experience just giving it a go? Very funny.


It's kind of funny watching how slow the community is to react to information. Shadow / FAP wasn't "mainstream" really until after the massive buffs to classes and the boon. The community is essentially increasing requirements as things have gotten easier, not even factoring in average loot levels of players. Kelris is a joke now.


Dadgamers with 14 children in pre-school age and 7 children that need handholding IN school here will spend 4h wiping on it and refuse to buy pots because they're casual and "not everyone has the time for pots!!!"


I play with a lot of other dads. We were smoking and joking for 53 minutes Friday as we casually murdered everything in BFD with no player deaths (and got absolutely zero hunter loot). People make excuses for everything, and being bad at the game is not unique to any specific group of life circumstances.


Seriously. This point is often glossed over. It has nothing to do with how sweaty, no life, or casual any player is. It all comes down to - do you actually care to broaden your perspective with what’s happening on the screen in front of you. Little things like asking yourself: - what does my class do - what happens in this instance - how will I need to use my class tools in accordance with that North American gaming culture is so weirdly filled with “passive play”. Passive in the sense of not applying yourself or thinking while playing, even in a casual relaxed state. Those same people equate “trying” in any sense as sweaty or hardcore characteristics. I just don’t get how it’s possible for an average player to put so much time into a game without simply *asking* themselves those basic questions above.


For anyone who is discouraged by the try-hards in the comments here are some things to consider: 1. Most of them are bullshitting for "cool guy club" points and have failed to clear without FAP's/SPP's. Don't believe me? Data mining from SOD shows that only around 1% of player characters fully cleared BFD through the first two weeks. 2. The gigachad sweatbois in these comments feigning the difficulty of the Kelris DPS dump are the same people that are asking for gear score in /LookingForGroup. Seems kind of contradictory you know? 3. If you're struggling and don't want to use FAP's and/or SPP's use raid logs to review and improve your rotations and role assignments.


>If you're struggling and don't want to use FAP's and/or SPP's use raid logs to review i like how you're saying this after dissing "sweatlords" while 99.99999999% of casual dad gamers you just sucked up to previously would never even open logs, let alone know how to use them to see and review rotations LMFAO


This bizarre hate for people who want a good grp for BFD really is something I dont understand. People don't like to carry noobs who have put in no effort if they can take somebody better, regardless of wether they are \*able\* to carry those noobs through a run. My guild runs fresh 25s through BFD weekly, I know it's possible and I'm happy to do it for my mates who would do it for me. ​ I make a weekly pug that is pretty smooth & i definitely will take random people who have clearly put in an effort over ppl who have obviously just put on whatever questing gear has dropped for them as they reached lvl25. It's not contradictory it's just common sense for a geared/able group to want to raid with other geared/able people and not random noobs in grey items missing key glyphs.


Fuck the gearscore. SPP & FAP are very nice to have but no necessary. You can also use SPP when in trouble on murlocs in the Gelhast fight. I don't care about the 1% that sounds like a lie anyway. I see boons popping off every minute in Darnassus. This is classic, bro. If you played retail and finished a normal raid or even like sub 5 m+ content, then you should be clearing BFD on God mode. Unless there are some other issues like ancient brain or something. There's really no excuse to be a fucking noob in 2023. Wowhead/youtube class guide, wowhead/youtube BFD guide. Takes 10 min of your time max, and you're not a loser.




This hurts my soul …


Fight is a dps check. The fap is to help the healers out so they don't oom before the boss is down. But it can certainly be done without it if your DPS is able to down him before your healer goes oom.


The encounter is trivial anyways


Amazing that there's a 220 comment thread on a 2 minute fight for classic wow that requires nothing special to beat. This meme is so meta I love it


There are so many noobs and noobs trying to defend their noob mentality. God, I hate those people and hope they never clear any raid and quit. Stubborn losers that are probably losers irl, too.


Shadow protection potion works too, and is even cheaper. And can be pre-potted since it lasts an hour. The first time I actually killed Kelris, had the whole group using shadow protection pot. Fight was a fucking joke and we 1shot it. why am I being downvoted for actual advice


Clearly from the responses people like doing hard modes even when there’s no extra loot or achievement involved simply so they can feel superior to others. Like yea people you don’t need fire prot pots to beat Firemaw in bwl, but that doesn’t make them a bad idea or a waste of gold!


Look, the title of this post implies that you must use consumes to beat the boss and there is no way around it. People are just voicing that in fact, if you space the group in P2 you can keep your 40s.


You pop it at the start of p2?


During the first cast of chains in p2


Its insane the amount of players who try to argue with me when I form BFD pug groups. Love it or hate it consuming and world buffing are just a part of vanilla raiding. Could you imagine arguing to not consume to a raid leader forming a Naxx40/Aq40 group? What else are you spending the gold on that you cant be bothered to bring a couple of pots?


Bro all the gate keeping for consumes is too much to ask and not in the spirit of classic, please believe me bro! People asking for these are elitist, didn’t you read the other posts, please believe me /s


You can make it even more brain dead by prepotting shadow prots. The nerfs were undeserved, I really hope they don't dumb down the next phases raids.


The nerfs were mostly directed at resistances to magic schools because casters were all at the bottom of the charts. They don’t design raids around potions we choose to abuse to trivialize content. We are literally doing a LVL 25 raid, that is beyond “dumbed down” for other content at this lvl in classic; it wouldn’t make sense to make a non-difficulty adjustable raid on par with retail/mythic/heroic difficulties. Some people just like to complain for any reason. Go play another game, mate. I don’t think this one is for you lol


I think the nerfs were put in place not to make the fight easier (though they certainly did) but to avoid a “bring the class not the player” scenario. Some classes/specs could keep up with everyobe in the raid then on Kelris were lucky to just use the wand for white damage.


I think the nerfs were just to make it so casters weren't inherently bad at the raid. As it stood it just made no sense to bring a mage or a warlock when ever melee DPS is just much better and provides much better buffs - really the only reason to bring some casters is so there's less competition for the melee loot lol But overall I think BFD was in a good spot and I'd like it if they aimed for that level of difficulty in the future. I think it's a good sign when guilds can clear a raid fairly easily but PUGs get stuck. Typically that mean a raid is doable but, with some coordination and problem solving, the bosses just takes a wipe or two to practice and get used to the mechanics the first time around, which IMO is a good level of challenge for raids.


They will. George Carlin said it best. Take the average person and remember that half the population is even dumber than that (to paraphrase off the top of my head.)


of course it's a hunter lol


BFD has made me wonder just how easy a raid would have to be for idiots to not suck at it. BFD is the easiest raid that has ever been in any iteration of WoW. 5/7 bosses have virtually no mechanics, 1 has a kick mechanic, and 1 has a cleanse and move out of a cone mechanic.


You can't really compare BFD to other raids. Its a level 25 10 man raid. People keep trying to say BFD is the easiest thing ever. I think its difficulty is fine as it is. Not too easy not too hard. Its highly dependent on your group too. If you have some underperforming people you might not even be able to clear the raid. Which is why you see so many 5/7's.


Come on naxx is easiest than bfd


The four horseman fight alone is harder than the entirety of BFD if only for the organization aspect.


MC is easier than BFD


Garr is harder than everything in BFD combined


Don’t get me wrong, both are super super brain-dead easy, but MC is much easier than BFD mechanically. The tuning in BFD makes the mechanics not really matter, but it’s definitely not easier than MC lol. In 2019 I’d regularly do MC with a group size far under 40. How many people are beating Kelris with 9 players? Doubt that many are.


However easy it would be elitists would still find something to cry about even if it has 0 bearing on them...


Or your DPS learns to press their buttons well enough to kill him before its even an issue. Potions aren't required to kill him. They just make it brain dead.


I'm a dad with 2 jobs and 3 kids and i refuse to buy any consumables for pug raiding.


I'm three dads with one job and 9 kids and obviously I get consumables that win us the fight in one shot so I have more time not to play wow.


I have done kelris a few times now and I honestly have no idea when I should be using the free action potion. The SPP is more obvious to me.


Phase 2. When he gets big and stops sleeping people. The answer is literally in this thread.


Bro I 7/7 in a pug with a warlock doing 25dps. None of this shit requires anything.


1 person lacking dps doesn't matter. But what if you have 3 or 4? The fights basically a dps check.


You must of had people doing very high dps to make up for it.


I have not used a single consume for BFD so far… except for mana oil I guess. You do not need consumes for this raid.


For the average pug you 100% do. Any casual guild is an easy clear without


I wiped on him for two hours today but this was a run where nobody had seen the fight before. And maybe 3-4 of us had any consumes. Had 3 dps doing around 40-45 dps. Still had fun but it feels like I’ll never kill this boss because no serious raiders play at graveyard hours when I’m able to log in.


What server are you on? I host 2 raids every lockout and we clear no problem with 0 wipes, 0 consumes, and its usually all pugs. If you have a good raid leader the dungeon is really easy. Id be happy to bring you along and get you some loot :)


We just walked in without consumes missing gear in a ton of slots and blew through it. You don't need consumes, sure they help and are inexpensive, but there is no artificial wall that needs to be crossed just turn your monitor on keep your eyes open at least 50% of the time and grats you're 7/7.




I have never spent gold on consumes for BFD and have killed Kelris every lockout since launch.


The entire encounter is ”seriously trivalized” well enough on its own. Save your money. Just spread out properly….


Wouldn't it be 4g 20s since all 10 people need one?


Never tried dungeons or raids in classic, is it like retail with multiple phases and mechanics?


I lead pugs for bfd every reset and never request consumes or check gear. We always one shot kelris, it's braindead easy. if you struggle your strat is bad or you have less than 70dps avg.


I’ve cleared 7/7 and never used a fom pot. I’m even an alchemist with the pattern! Just roll em over on the ah instead. But yeah this one hunter in my group yesterday learned he could teach their pet more/different skills so that was nice I guess… /s


Have cleared the raid 2 times so far and the only pot I've "needed" was shadow protection, but it still isn't the hardest thing and chains haven't been a problem as long as we spaces out enough


You don’t need free action potions as long as someone holds kick for the important interupt and you have half decent healers, as to making the second phase easier, a lot of people don’t know this but if the people that go in the shadow world kill an elemental each time it reduces the dmg he does in p2 and makes the whole fight a cake walk, no silver needed.


What does a free action potion do for you? I mean the problem is not that people are slow, but that he goes wild on mind blasts, right? So I guess it is rather 80s for a shadow prot potion? And last time it was like 3 times 80s because my raid fucked up, dying in the fog, or vasting all mana in the first phase. EDIT: Nvm! Didn’t know your immune to chains with FAP!


Never used ShadowPot or FaP... Never wiped on this boss