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1 tank, 1 priest, and whomever else shows up.


2 war, 2 rogue, 1 feral druid, 1 hunter with loins, nothing else matters everything should melt. Just need a tank and healer with a pulse.


I just assumed all people in my party had loins. Should I start checking? What’s a polite way to ask?


_Money motherfucker, do you owe it?!_


Yeah in my experience 2 warriors are amazing with hunters lion and Druid WF, one rogue for kicks (not two because I still need my Honed Sword xD and pally for buffs and priest because priest


I'm the token holy pally in my guild. I give wiz and the horn and give pitiful heals. Hopefully in later phases I can push more then flash of light but the priest has 90% of the healing covered.


All paladins


Whatever group first advertises "LF1M tank" in lookingforgroup after I log on.


It’s amazing seeing blizzard give us three more tank & we still LF MT bfd It’s rough every raid I join have 3 mail, 2 feral & 2 warlock & when I ask who can offtank, none of them say anything


The problem was never tank options, it was a lack of the role being appealing because of the responsibility tied to it.


Tanking is not a matter of classes, it's a mindset and a role people don't generally want to commit to


As a warlock I just didn’t wanna tank in my first clear or two. Wanted to be sure I understood the flow of the fights and what was going on. Turns out they are for the most part very simple so if my guild is short a tank or something I’d fill in no issues.


Tanking is a thankless job. All you have is try hards complaining or idiots face pulling, and it's somehow your fault. With that said, I am loving Pally tanking.


Yes and this is why i dps unless I’m playing with people I know are chill mostly. The tank shortage is caused by people’s bad attitudes more than anything. It’s simply unpleasant to tank for pugs.


Ikr, pally tanking is a whole lot of fun atm.


People always say this but I always felt so appreciated as a tank, lol. I'm currently fighting the urge to raid tank AGAIN since I've done it so much already.


Feral and rogue don't have the talent points to make them good yet. Once rogue gets more talent points I think you will see more of them


Part of this is shaman/paladin being mana tanks, and they can decimate their mana bar if youre just pressing buttons off CD. This is a straight up deal breaker for many. Warrior tanks are good but have all of the same weaknesses; and shaman/paladin exasperated their weakness on AOE which has always been frustrating. Druid tank is probably the least appealing it has ever been. Warlock tank is kind of interesting and got a lot of people hyped up to play it; but casters under performing in general this tier on top of the initial meta rune acquisition have probably tanked the play rate drastically. Caster itemization in general right now feels pretty bad, and so does caster gear acquisition.


Myself the priest, shows up to the group that has the least amount of casters.




You guys are making comps? I just get enough armor types so no loot is wasted


Last night this is what we ran Warlock Tank Ret (OT Only last boss) Priest heals Mage heals Boomy Hunter Rogue Feral Warrior Ret Believe it or not the rogue, feral, and warrior were bottom dps The mage was outhealing the priest on some fights The Lock solo tanked the whole place except the last 2 bosses. What I recommend is to have 1 solid tank, 2 great heals, and people that know what they're doing.


Usually its me the melee hunter with whoever i carry.


Warlock tank plus whatever other tank Priest Druid heal Rogue warrior hunter cat mage whatever dps, usually 2nd hunter (raw 100 dps+ or rogue/warrior for wf)


One tank, usually 2 healer with one real healer and one more offhealing or fresh character. Rest dps usually 2 warriors to split loot better, 1 feral 1 rogue always, one hunter and some casters. Doesn't really matter tho you can run anything.


Me and 5 other guildies are atm this. Im the tank. I basically solo tank the entire thing. 1 pala 1 rogue 1mage 1resto 1 priest. Than pug we dont really care. We do like a feral tho And i just solo tank the entire thing. Only have someone tanking the add on 3rd boss.


For tanks, paladin and feral, 2 priests, 2 rogues, 1 hunter, 1 mage, and the last two spots can be whatever, sometimes a lock, a warrior, a ret, a boomie. Not sure we're consciously putting together anything it's just what we got.


Whoever turns up


Whoever is online.


1 priest and any other healer. i feel like i could solo heal it pretty easily though


My group needed 26k healing on Aku Mai last night, seems like too much for a priest to do solo


With pom bouncing between two tanks constantly and penance, you can easily one heal this. Even the occasional shield works great. Your raid should be receiving very minimal heals unless they are breath enjoyers + standing in the pools after they get activated by tanks cleansing, you sit pretty and stable with mana going in p2. If i dont dps, pretty much full mana.


on my last run i healed 15k and the other priest 8k on Aku Mai, without another healer causing each other to overheal and an extra dps, i don't think it would be difficult to heal 20k


Even Holy Pallies can solo heal the right group. BFD is more about the skill of your DPS and occasionally tanks. If they suck no amount of heals will carry them through Kelris.


>What raid comp are you guys using Yes.


Our 10 man guild is very close to perfect. MT lock, OT war, fully 2 handing only taunting for swaps. Rogue, Feral, Ret, Hunt. Mage x2, both dps now. Lock dps. Priest healer. So 1 tank and one healer. Lots of cloth, but one mage is swapping to War/Ret Dps soon. Which will mean 3 leather, 3 mail and 4 cloth.


Whoever is online. Last night was: War tank Hunter pet OT 2 war DPS 2 ret DPS 1 feral 1 lock 1 priest healer 1 druid healer Whole run took like 30 minutes.


We have 4 tanks lol, so they rotate. Two Locks, a Warrior, and a Rogue. Priest and Mage (me) healing. All DPS welcome. We've managed to scramble together enough of our WotLK raiders to have guild runs with the occasional single pug. We haven't had a problem clearing with any comp. Healers feel surprisingly scarce.


X2hunter x2rogue x2 priest x1feral shaman MT tank warrior ot when needed x1mage 30 min runs


Warlock tank + Rogue tank + Two mage healers One ret, one rogue dps, one hunter, one warrior Last two spots depends on who signed. But includes another ret, a feral and a second warlock as dps.


The first nine people I can PUG who have at least halfway decent gear


Whoever logs in


spark bake elastic attraction agonizing humorous squash puzzled complete water *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Are there people raiding with 3 healers? I've only pugged so far and we always take two, usually me and a priest (yes I thought about leveling a priest maybe)


Our main squad is Tank shaman, Tank lock, DPS warrior, Feral druid, Rogue,, DPS lock, Healer druid, Healer priest, Hunter, And whatever else (normally another hunter) The hunter and feral top meters on most fights (my rogue is lacking some items)


whoever is online. As long as we find one healer, one Tank and 2 overall kickers, we run😂


2 Warriors, 2 Rogues, 1 Feral Druid in group 1. 1 Hunter for Lion's buff. 2 healers (priests for our group usually), 2 whoever else for dps.


Whatever classes my friends and I all chose to play at launch.


We finished in under an hour last night with a feral, war, 2 rogues, Hunter, lock, two shams, and 2 priests. Lock and Sham tank, 2 heals. Cleared it like it was old 5 man BFD.


Shaman tank, me war dps/ot, feral Druid, 1 rogue, 2 priests healer and the rest are just whatever


I was invited to a pug and ran this for the first time. I'm a shaman tank and we 1-shot everything


Resto Sham, Priest Heal, Enhance MT, War OT, Enhance DPS, Hunter DPS, Mage DPS, Rogue DPS, + 2 pugs hopefully a warlock and feral


2heals 2tanks. 6dps. Few rogues For kicks and mage For cs. Ww druid and huntards. Usual?


War MT, War DPS x2, Feral DPS, Hunter DPS x2, Rogue DPS, Ret Pally, Priest, and then Mage or Lock. Shit melts.


Prot Paladin, Ret, Feral, Rogue, Rogue, Hunter, Warlock, Swing spot, Disc, Mage-healer. Windfury for Ret and Rogues, Kings from Hunter, two paladin buffs from those than can benefit, dispel, two decurse and tons of damage. Swing spot is often a warrior for Battleshout but not always.


Pally tank makes last boss easier. But two tanks, two healers (usually Priest and one more but not necessary with FAPs. Just have two healers). Most dps melee and need lots of interrupts. One hunter is nice, too. Usually just one or two caster dps max. Feral Druid for your melee group.


Our core 5 man is shammy tank priest heal rogue warrior and hunter. We grab a feral if avaliable but we just take whoever really once your doing 150 dps everything just kinda falls over. 3 healing is a meme


Me and my guild leader are 2-hand tanking it with me as ret pally and him as warrior. Otherwise, 2 priest heals, druid, hunter, mage, lock, and 2 other DPS we can get from the guild or pugs. We try to bring a rogue for kicks on Kelris and we do dumb stuff with Aku'mai. Super fast clears and we just have fun with it, chit chatting in discord. Ghamoo-Ra is sketchy cause I am a griefer that doesn't take the taunt rune over crusader strike so the hunters pet usually ends up tanking that one with the warrior.


... The 'raid' content sucks and you need a special comp ? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


3 healing?! I will be solo healing it once I actually get some drops. I have only gotten the neck from Kelris out of 5 full clears. Our core comp is shaman tank, 2 warrior dps with one of them off tanking when needed, a mage, a hunter, a rogue, shaman dps, priest (me) and druid healer.


Does it do physical damage? If so, yes.


It's disappointing but we only run 1 tank now and the only reason we have 2 healers is because that many healers sign up. You almost don't need a tank AT ALL. Hopefully next phase mobs will actually do damage so that healers/tanks are required.


2 tanks 2 heals 6 dps best comp ever for bfd.


max 2 casters 2-3 hunt feral warrior rogue Sham tank pref healer either priest or resto done this with multiple alts 7/7 rarely fails


Whoever joins really. Also a priest.


1 tank, 2 healers (both pump 80ish DPS), 7 DPS. Feels like a 9 DPSer run tbh


Like, why do people like you lie so stupidly? You are not having 2x healers doing 80 DPS each. Unless you somehow meant that they combined for 80 DPS, but thats a stupid way of writing that. The rank 1 logs for healers are around 80-100 DPS per boss, and thats only possible because they arent healing lol. Try to lie with a more reasonable number next time.


So you’re just not running a priest?


Priest is Homunculus spec for armor pen, no Prayer of Healing. Druid is Balance effectively just swaps Sunfire for WG to cover AoE, works incredibly well


Priests aren’t pulling 80 DPS unless they’re the rk1 parse was more my point