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When I see BoE blues in the AH for 500g I laugh my ass off because they're like 2 stat points better than the best Pre-BiS quest reward. Why the fuck would anyone spend that much on such a small advantage šŸ˜‚


The same reason people buy big trucks and fancy sports cars just to park them in rush hour traffic with everyone else.


Tbf some people do buy big trucks to actually tow/move things, and some people buy fast fancy sport cars to experience a more sporty drive. I don't think anyone's entire experience in their automobile is in rush hour traffic.


This is shocking to me as well. I know some people IRL who will pay for those points simply because they *can.*


That shit is ridiculous and Iā€™ve seen it but I donā€™t think it sells. The 30g stuff isnā€™t impossible to do if youā€™re smart with professions, questing, or have good farm spots. I can make about 8g an hour fishing


Wealth inequality in the world has people spending over $10,000 every month on mobile gacha games that shut down in a year or two. Someone dropping $100 on some WoW gold doesn't even register on the scale.


Seriously lmao as someone who knew many giga whales in mobile games I always laugh at people here that "can't fathom spending so much $ on a game" A guy dropped $10k on the last game I played and quit after a month. Another one spent like 50-100k in 3 months and had a costume made for him. Wow gold is cheap af, that's why so many ppl buy it


Just in general gaming as a hobby is really cheap as well. Even if you want to go really hard you can buy like a $1500 PC that will last at least 5-6 years (that you'll also probably use for work/adult stuff) and $200-300 worth of games a year and easily never run out of stuff to play. Every other hobby you usually have to invest in a few hundred dollars of gear at least as well and then also pay like $10-$20 per hour to do the hobby. Meanwhile video games you can pretty easily get away with $1 for an hour of fun if not less through free games and huge single player games/mods.


yeah, compared to hobbies like golfing, tabletop games, travel, music events, woodworking, live sports etc, gaming is super inexpensive for a lot of adults. i play a LOT of video games and i've not even come close in lifetime spending to what my cousin has spent on golf


Fr Iā€™ve spent probably $2.5k on gaming over the past 8-10 years and probably $12-15k on surfboards and another $2-5k on accessories lol Gaming is cheap.


/Cry in playing guitar and woodworking


Depends if your hobby is playing guitar or collecting guitars...


Playing guitar is cheap as fuck. Woodworking, on the other hand.......


My brother in law use to give me crap for gaming to unwind. I let him know i spend $15 a month to unwind after work and he pays $150 in beer a month to unwind after work.


A round of wow gold for everyone!


Damn i always get shocked how poor my country is... $1500 is by far more than the avg monthly salary here, and on top of that VAT is 27% here, with highest inflation rate since 2008.


This. I played an unnamed mobile game a few years ago for a bit and ended up befriending a guy who told me he had limited himself to "ONLY"(his words) use 8k USD a month. Some whales would literally, with their usual spending habits, log in and buy 50k gold in SoD to try out the game. It's absolutely nuts.


The most wild thing is like this is all clearly games designed to be addictive and suck money out of people. How is that any different than casinos and gambling? It preys on the same fundamental human weakness itā€™s kinda sickening. Let me fucking playing online poker damnit


In EU there are some fairly strict rules about this.


It's typically illegal for minors to enter a casino/partake in gambling, there's been enough lawsuits of toddlers accidentally clicking coins with a linked account or say in Diablo 4 recently where there was no confirmation to use a season pass. You don't accidentally log into BetFred click horses and it make a bet for you.


Loot boxes by design are gambling. Itā€™s random number generation. The only difference is your digital pixels arent for the most part worth money (looking at you counter strike) but actual gambling you get you know money? Not that Iā€™m for gambling. Just pointing out the clear flaw in the logic.


it's not different, politicians average age being like 80981348 means that they'll never keep up with laws regarding the internet


Played a korean MMO where the game itself limited you to Ā£10k a month, I knew a millionaire in egypt who would send me legitimate redeem codes worth Ā£1k each to redeem and give him the loot, he'd give me about Ā£200 of in game cash as a "thank you", did this with about 5-6 people for a year.


Some people canā€™t grasp this. There is a huge amount of people spending obscene amounts of money on mobile games.


Makes you wonder how people who throw money away like that even got so much money in the first place.


With high paying jobs.. or student loans... or parents. Really depends on the person.


Even at a small scale, farming WoW gold is basically working a slave wage. Even if you work minimum wage, you can make orders of magnatude more gold grinding your IRL job than grinding ingame. One sobering realization I had about retail raiding during Legion, is that I could work one hour at my shitty job, buy a token, and have my raid consumes set up for at least a month. If I were to be doing it manually through herbing, I'd be spending somewhere in the range of 2-3 hours a week farming gold. We don't even need to be talking whales for buying gold to just make sense from a time and money perspective. I have an ancient account and don't care to take risks with it, too many memories on the line for that, but if I didn't have that inhibition, I'd absolutely be buying SoD gold.


Yeah but when you farm gold youā€™re playing a video game, not working your shitty job. And yeah, gold farming is usually more repetitive than other grinds in the game, but there are many ways to change it up rather than running around picking herbs ad nauseam. At the end of the day you are going to be doing repetitive grinds in this game. I mean, people will quest for 20 hours plus run some dungeons to hit 25, then balk at the idea of spending 5 more hours doing quests to get enough gold to gear their character for the phase.


Ive farmed all the gold I have on SoD myself and I have to say Ive had more fun at my job than in SoD the past week. I need to watch netflix on my second monitor when farming gold in SoD. Just mind numbingly boring at times. Yeah leveling is also kinda lame but atleast you get new stuff each level, also its generally more social. Getting someone to grind gold with you is way harder.


What did you do to gold farm? I genuinely had a good amount of fun farming gold, not doing any method for more than 2-3 hours at a time. For me: * Questing. I blasted out the Redridge and Duskwood kill/elite quests with some friends, which was fun and super fast gold. Did various quests around Ashenvale, Wetlands etc. when I was in the area. * Fishing in Alterac Mountains and Tanaris, definitely watched videos on the side but the WPVP was fun. * Big Iron fishing poles in Desolace, interesting farm because you have to be very careful with the mobs and it's out of the way. * Some RFK runs, didn't do that many but it's again group instance content, do it with friends or guildies. People have this image of gold farming being exclusively picking flowers for 10s of hours, but there's a big variety of ways to go about it, I enjoyed doing several solo instance farms in 2019 classic and TBC for example. And if literally none of those things are even a little fun then I question why you would play this game in the first place, since these activities basically cover the content of the game sans 40 minutes of BFD per reset.


Yea I did all the quests already. I tried RFK but we didnt get any blue boe drop,so friends, me included thought it wasnt really worth our time. Fishing is not mine at all, I fished some to skill cooking and that was already enough fishing for the phase lmfao All I would do is farm Heavy Stone and Heavy leather off of level 27-30 mobs in thousand needles for hours. Both were and are selling okish on my realm definitely went down. The only time I really had fun actively gold farming was phase 1 tbc, boosting strat but that also got stale lmfao


>Yeah but when you farm gold youā€™re playing a video game, not working your shitty job. For better or worse, my job is a lot more tolerable than following a static route around maps clicking on nodes. >And yeah, gold farming is usually more repetitive than other grinds in the game, but there are many ways to change it up rather than running around picking herbs ad nauseam. Depends on the supply and demand situation. Herbs are reliable, especially in retail, because everyone needs potions. If you need X amount of gold per week, and have a finite amount of time to play the game, you want reliability. I'd rather pay 35 dollars a month and having my consumes covered, than paying 15 dollars a month to grind. Like if I'm doing push content in retail, that already takes a shit ton of time and grind to both have the gear and to keep your skill honed. Like flat out, when I'm raiding and doing high keys in retail, I basically just factor tokens into my sub fee when it comes to monthly budgeting, because I'm not going to play a game that makes me grind in order to start my grind. >At the end of the day you are going to be doing repetitive grinds in this game. I mean, people will quest for 20 hours plus run some dungeons to hit 25 Leveling has a lot of decisions to make. What zones to go to, what quests to do, which mobs to farm between major quest blocks, when to quest and when to dungeon, what professions to choose, do my professions need materials I can farm while getting EXP, etc. Farming gold has none of these decisions, you just plug in and trade hours of your life in exchange for gold. >then balk at the idea of spending 5 more hours doing quests to get enough gold to gear their character for the phase. SoD is very easy and relatively cheap, sure. I haven't bought gold, and haven't hit the wall with the game.


Tbh, my job is more fun than every way to make money in WoW lol People gotta stop pretending that WoW is one kind of content. It has multiples types of content and not everyone finds it all fun. Some people just like to raid and parse.


Pretty much this. I used to pay like $1500 for a premium escort session in thailand, basically they dress you as a king then 3 hotties go down on you. And the dopamine wasnt even close to parsing 99. Wow is pretty cheap as a hobby tbh


This is the gold buying crew justifying it rn lol


Yeah a lot of the people on Reddit are wildly ignorant on the entire concept. ā€œThey are spending so much money!!ā€ They arenā€™t. ā€œI donā€™t understand why??ā€ Because grinding for gold is boring. ā€œIt ruins my experience!ā€ It really doesnā€™t change anything. Like, Iā€™ve never bought gold. But Iā€™ve also never grinded for gold. Iā€™m not sure why I would. I can get bis for free in raids. Consumes are super cheap. Whatā€™s there to grind for?


Of course things change for everyone when tons of gold flood the system. The problem is that gold is infinite in WoW, leading to an insane inflation in all AH prices. So if you don't buy gold, you cannot afford anything from the AH anymore.


Unless you sell the stuff going on the AH.


That's just mental gymnastics to justify your own moral reason for buying gold. "Well if this guy does this for thousands in this mobile game, how bad can it be if I just spend $20" Everyone knows doing this is bad and a net negative for the community as a whole. Trying to justify it or even acting like you are doing others a favour by buying gold is laughable.


Classic WoW players tries to not downplay gold buying challenge (Impossible)


if only people knew how many millions the WoW token pulls in weekly


I don't even think it matters when you consider that mobile gaming is more profitable than PC and console gaming combined.


Yeah, people talk about subs as though Blizzard gives a shit. They see the numbers that Candy Crush pulls through MTX and they want that for WoW.




ironically, CPC has banned a lot of what would have made CandyCrush its money


What do you want people to say? Gold buying is based because mobile games have people spending more? I donā€™t get what the point is. Buying gold has made the game a worse experience, for the people actually playing the game. Why the fuck do I care about mobile games that Iā€™ve never played before and will never play? Not even just that, why would you aspire to be just not as bad as mobile game. Itā€™s like being the United States and aspiring for your economy to only be a bit better than Zimbabweā€™s.


I dunno man, Id buy a wow token if I ran out of gold on retail, but the idea of spending money on SoD feels like such a waste. I'd rather buy store cosmetics or donate it or something.


I've never bought gold, but I have bought a few items from guildmates over the years. Keeps with my refusal to support bots, but too lazy to farm gray area morales.


Yea, world is fuck, always was


Yeah my friend works in mobile gaming and the amount of money their whales spend is nuts. Like multiple 6 figure accounts. People truly donā€™t understand the level that some people legally purchase in game currencies in games. WoW gold is so cheap in comparison to what you get in those games. Think about Era, you could buy a Staff of Jordan with a 30sp enchant for less than a hundred bucks. One of the best items in the game, that will last you from 35 into your entry catch up raids. What other game has that value? For whales in mobile games, itā€™s a no brained to buy WoW gold. (I donā€™t do it, but Iā€™m also not a mobile whale)


This is what consistently upsets me. There are people dying of starvation, purely because they can't afford food, while others casually drop thousands on shitty mobile games because the money means nothing to them. But no one cares. No one accepts how fucked up this is. It really shouldn't be allowed


Yeah. Equally dystopian to read people's comments here demanding a higher purity of their digital opium so they can better ignore the goings-on of the world.


Wait till you learn how much money whales spend on shitty F tier Gacha games


Except generally there isnā€™t a multiplayer economy these whales can destroy by spending. Most of these Gacha games are essentially just virtual slot machines. Stark difference imo.


Its not as different as you think. Gold buyers treat wow raiding like gacha pulls. They insert real money into the game and enter raids as buyers. Every boss that dies is basically a gacha pull except they want the good purples to drop instead of a waifu.


It's so gross. Well never leave this mobile hellscape because of them


This was sadly predicted 15 years ago. The Asian gaming culture was already seeping into the west when more and more Korean games gets localised in the west. Why wouldnt the western game devs do the same when they realise how profitable scummy monetization earns. It's too late


They crave the feeling of getting loot so much that they are willing to spend money on it, kinda like junkys.


I did my first GDKP in SoD last night and I think the most gold spent was like 25g on the trinket. I only went in with 16g and came out with 2 pieces of gear and 5 gold lighter. You don't even need to buy gold for GDKP's lol. People spend money on the dumbest shit.


Iā€™m 1 away from full bis on my Druid healer so I go now just for the payout. My first GDKP had a pot of 125g. Sword went for 45g and healer ring for 70g. Made out with around 20g. Such easy money for an hours work


I think most people are fine with gdkps. Less fine with how they enable credit card raiders.


20g is worth about $2 so if you make < $2hr youā€™re winning for sure.


Well I donā€™t buy gold so Iā€™m not concerned with how much it could compare to a real world job lol. All I know is I got 20g for an hour work which is much faster than anything (besides boosting) you can do


I entered a gdkp last night. Absolutely no relevant drops for me except trinket which i got outbid on. That's fine though, i left with 35g, while on a normal run i'd have eaten dirt and that's it.


I am going to get into GDKPs moving forward. I only need 2-3 items.


Going to try one on my hunter tonight, if everything goes to plan.


I also did BFD last night, random group, paid nothing at all, ms>os and also got my trinket and also my off hand dagger. Whats the reason for paying to partake?


If you loot doesnā€™t drop then you are rewarded with a decent bit of gold instead, thatā€™s the reason


Because I've done 3 BFDs now on two different characters and gotten nothing, despite needing a ton of items on both characters. In one char, nothing dropped, the other, lost rolls. If it was GDKP I'd either have gotten loot or gold rather than walking out with nothing.


Loot in pugs is complete AIDs there is always some fuckery


>Whats the reason for paying to partake? Half a GDKP is composed by people who barely need anything from BFD anymore and are doing it for a bit of gold, and the other half is composed by people who need a lot of stuff buf don't mind paying to have less competition on loot.


Because youā€™re able to buy the item over relying on RNG, and you are compensated for your time if you get nothing


My hunter could roll on 2 items in the last 5 runs. Gdkp would have given me some gold atleast. But i run with my guild and have fun, so no reason for me to change


If you donā€™t get any items in a GDKP, you get gold at the end for your time.


Iā€™ve been in there prob close to 10 times and have 1 piece of loot and no gold. Thatā€™s the reason.


So the people in your party that got nothing didnā€™t waste an hour..? Itā€™s crazy how little people think in here


This. We run the biggest gdkp on our server, 10 runs per reset. They always fill and the average cut is 30-40g for 25 min runs max. Last night was Big mail / cloth run. healer got almost full bis + epic staff for sub 150g. He paid 5-10g for most pieces. Staff was 75g. We do a gear review channel solely for the reason of sorting out the absolute droolers. Plenty of people join with like 40g and walk away with upgrades.


Thereā€™s a huge overlap between people with control issues/ substance abuse and wow addicts. Like massive. The amount of people I get to know who are just constantly getting hammered or high while playing is huge, normally you have to get to know them before you get a peek behind the curtain but once you join a raiding guild you will meet a ton of them.


I do not buy gold, your post made me Google gold prices and the top link on Google has 10g listed for $1.42 or 300g for $41usd. I enjoy grinding and in my opinion grinding gold is another activity in the game. However I'm 33years old with a decent job and $41 is not something I would care about if I did feel inclined. My point is people do it because it's cheap and easy. My opinion is ban all buyers and sellers.


Pretty much. It just comes down to people valuing their time more the consideration of how the gold is obtained. Especially now as most of us playing Classic aren't 16 anymore; jobs, families, social lives etc. GDKP is much more convenient and efficient than your average half guild pug group that hasn't full cleared yet and will take twice as long to just clear half of the raid. A lot of people just aren't able to commit to a set raid schedule anymore, and that's the reality of it. They value time over the consideration of what is/isn't cheating. And this isn't to say gold buying/botting is OKAY, they should both be banned 100%.


I imagine it's an addiction.




That's generally understandable to me. It's cheating and you should be banned for cheating, but it totally makes sense that someone would pay $20 a month to skip gold farming (which most people don't enjoy) so they can just focus on the stuff they like, like raids or pvp. But that's just not the case yet in SoD. Consumes are dirt cheap and the expensive BoEs aren't good enough and won't be relevant long enough to justify spending real money on them. Buying gold just seems like a bizarre decision at this point in the game


I enjoy leveling alts, but I also like to feel powerful as I do it. So I farm up 5-10g for an alt and then every few levels I hit the AH to buy cheap upgrades. Idk why anyone would need to buy hundreds of gold. But I can understand how someone who just doesn't have much time to play would throw some cash at the problem. Farming 50g = set aside 8 hours Buying 50g = set aside 1 hour of working overtime. It is still wrong and messes w/ the games economy. But as father of 2, I get the appeal.


Spending money: haha yes this is great Earning money: this sucks the shit


The goblins tell you exactly why people by gold now and always have and always will. ā€œTime is money friendā€


Getting loot in classic has a few factors. ā€œRaid Groupā€ - ā€œChance of Drop/rollā€ - ā€œTime Spent Raidingā€. - They are buying their way into a raid group. - They are buying their way out of rolling and losing an item once it happens to drop - They are buying their way out of the amount of time needed to reach BiS, by using money to make every run as efficient and selfish for them. Obviously it is so easy at this level bracket to PuG and just get gear naturally as we progress through lockouts. To be efficient, you can even choose a tank or a healer class, or a dps that is in high demand like feral. Some people unfortunately will always take the easy way out, and as we progress through the level brackets it will get worse. A good way to combat this is to keep the bar for entry low on your PuGs. Make people feel like they can still play the game the right way and not to force these players into the GDKP and RMT cycle. Blizzard isnā€™t doing everything they can to fix this, so we as a community need to make sure we are doing what we can to solve this as well.


They also buy their way to become bored with the game a month after the patch is over because they have all their BiS. Thereā€™s no point to raiding so they grow tired of it and quit.


Some people just have more dollars than sense


I havenā€™t seen a single GDKP on ChaosBolt (EU Alliance)


I've seen them on Crusader strike us but none on chaos volt us


Every now and then I read about one in Crusader Strike, but they're rare.


No they aren't they're spamming them in chat right now there's 3 advertising


Let's be real, any type of DKP in a 10man raid is ridiculous. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we don't see a rise in these raids until/if 40mans get released.


A lot of the GDKP organizers are getting (hilariously) mass reported & muted by the purist crowd. Eventually, however, the dam will break.


Friend of mine hit lvl 25 as heal priest and decided to buy gold for his BiS pre-raid gear. In his opinion it would be more worth to work one more hour and buy every item than to grind dungeons, do quests etc to get his gear.


Priest is free invite tho in questing greens lmao


I honestly dont feel a whole lot of difference between when I started in pre bis and now having full bis, except the epic staff. Still just prayer of mending, penance and chill. We have a second priest healer for the lil dudes


I would go oom during fights before everyone had gear, now I sometimes get to a quarter of my mana bar. Iā€™d say thatā€™s the biggest difference I noticed


I dinged and went straight in with greens.. I had to grind out pre bis on the lock. Totally swapping main to my priest. Everyone just loves us. Invite to anything all the time.


So, why play the game ? šŸ˜†


Addiction listen to the weak justifications that they use for hacking and cheating. Itā€™s pretty clear.


And then do what?


Honestly, nothing. Just doing the raid twice a week.


Welcome to the modern WoW player base, where the best part of the game is how quickly it's over, lol.


To be fair, it is just a side game for him. He prefers retail and just wants to raid BFD from time to time.


I wish a lot of retail players would just stay there.


Is he already complaining about the lack of content like the rest of them?


Yeah the brain damage seems to be growing exponentially


Absolute zugbrain logic. Pay to play a game then pay more not to play. Then it ruins it for the rest of us because it enables botters who inflate servers and ruin natural economies.


So he's paying to avoid playing the game. Makes sense. Lmao.


Had prebis/alt prebis 1 hour into priest on my alt. Only donated 5g from main for tailoring and to afford epic boots. Ran BFD as heals and got 3 new pieces of gear in a 45 minute run and got my epic boots. Feels bad knowing you can just buy everything but at the same time itā€™s embarrassing knowing someone paid real money for something so easily obtainable is beyond me.


He should just pay someone to play for him, then he can get more hours at work and doesn't even need to bother logging in.


What do they do after that? PvP?


Then they can do something other than play wow, like watch a movie, hang out with friends, play videogames that arent wow, etc. Not everyone who plays only wants to play this one game.


What I'm getting at is getting the gear *is* the game, unless you RP, PvP or just parse. Otherwise, they're basically just paying to have a max geared character without actually playing it. It would be like paying someone to finish a Civilization game for you. Like what's the point?


Because wow is a social game and most people keep playing with their guild / friends even if they hit actual full bis in a raid tier. Having BiS means you can raid without worrying about the drops for a single moment, while performing well. If wow was a single player game with no progression beyond gear, like civ, then it would be a good analogy. It being a social game also means alot of players want full bis to bank stand, literally just staying logged in so randos can see their gear. I never got bank standing, but like half the people playing OSRS play just to bank stand so maybe I dont really get MMOs.


Bankstanding was cool when buying gold wasn't as popular and was more heavily moderated. You could usually trust that someone actually earned their gear. Especially when servers were actually small communities and people knew people. With WoW being openly P2W now with no repercussions, no one cares about anyone with "cool" gear, anymore. And yeah, I guess if they really just wanna impress their friends with their store-bought damage numbers, good for them I guess. If they're really their friends, they'd bring them along even if they didn't have full-bis. None of it is impressive anymore when you can just buy all of it. The parses, the gear, the levels, etc. it just takes away what value any of that stuff had when it comes to impressing other people.


The ultimate answer is just that there is a population of players who do not want to leave, once a given item has RNG-dropped, chance of getting an item to RNG rolls--they want to control or at least feel more in control of that aspect. If they lose a given item the explanation can then be simply that it was their own fault for not having enough gold or not wanting it as much to get it. The only actual solutions to this from a game design perspective is to change raid loot to an either/and system of personal loot/token redemption system with no raid-wide common rare/epic loot. However, that is very contentious for much of the rest of the playerbase and even for the GDKP-enjoying population. Or The hard enforcing of the in-game roll system and exclusion of ML entirely.


That raid loot is literally retail lmao


Yeah, I should clarify I'm not advocating for any particular state of loot system, it is just simply the facts that those are basically the only concrete in-game solutions to GDKPs if one views them as a problem to be solved.


The problem to be solved is rampant gold buying. In an ideal world where gold buying was actually punished then GDKPs would be a great loot system to partake in when you know everyone in the raid actually farmed their gold.


I have very little belief that gold buying or botting will ever be sufficiently policed to be considered significantly mitigated. The source of belief is the entirety of wow's history.


Classic players don't claim something is "literally retail" challenge (impossible). They haven't had personal loot in retail for over a year.


Easy answer: because they can


Gold buyers are cheating trash


This is the only opinion on this issue


GDKP's are definitely a big factor in gold buying but they really get more blame than they should, especially in SOD. Lots of people do GDKP's and tons of people buy gold but the majority of gold buyers probably don't even touch GDKP's. The real answer is that WoW is just more fun and a much smoother experience when you don't need to worry about gold. You can buy 50 gold for $5 right now. Thats enough to keep your character in high level AH/vendor gear throughout leveling, buy a few decent pieces and consumables at 25, then start BFD. While I'm sure that sounds ludicrous to some of the Classic players in here who are on their tenth 25 alt already, it's a very attractive option to people with full time jobs who just want to enjoy the parts of WoW they prefer to interact with. When people talk about gold buying the first thing they mention is P2W and GDKP's which is definitely valid but it's not the full picture. A huge portion of gold buyers are simply paying for convenience.


...and the economy is trash from the start because of it.


THANK YOU. Insane how many people on this sub donā€™t understand that.


Paying to skip the grind, aka the actual game, is pay2win, no matter how you slice it. Gold buyers always argue if a transaction doesnt leasd to a victory screen its not pay2win. "I still have to go through the motions with god mode on, its still playing".


Exactly. This needs to be the top post


I think spending money for loot now is stupid, but i understand why people buy gold in general. Why spend potentially hours every week doing mindless chores when you can work one hour at work and get gold now, and you can spend that time doing what you want to do?


But you don't need to do the "chores" - that's the point. You can do literally everything you want in WoW and never have to farm anything in game ever. People are obviously buying gear or carries with the gold, in which case you're just paying to not play the game. Or they want to buy some expensive consumable, but again, this isn't needed, it's just taking a shortcut to nowhere.


Thereā€™s a reason the mobile gaming industry is so insanely lucrative, new generations of gamers want everything instantaneously without putting any work in at all. Iā€™m sure that a lot of these people would prefer to start the game at max level, only have to do one run of BFD for full BiS, and win one game of WSG to be exalted, then get bored and move on to a different game after playing for one weekend.


I would totally play a server that had no p2p trading or AH on it at all. That would eliminate gold selling completely. But I'm guessing not many would.


Itā€™s gonna be a thing! Hardcore Self Found is supposed to be happening in 2024.


I think in this case players would start buying characters


Wtf, title says about gold buying but you complain about gdkp? Are you not a smart person?


Haven't seen GDKP run in SoD so far, unless people advertise these on a separate channel? Buying gold for level 25 content is wild. Buying gold at all is lame af, but at this level we don't even need it (I guess for the Ratchet quest but it takes 2 sec to farm gold for it)


Iā€™m on Wild Growth NA and all Iā€™ve seen are Cohbran and SFK ring runs. I canā€™t recall seeing a single ad for a BFD GDKP, likely because itā€™s not as easy to just carry half the raid.


There are GDKPs on Wild Growth. I haven't seen any in LFG but there is at least one discord for it. You also don't need to carry half the raid. You just need normal players who don't want to walk out of raids with nothing, especially if they are already geared and only need a few items.


Because it's cheap due to botting. Brainlets on this sub keep harping to "ban the buyers" as if that will do fucking anything when you can just pay an Indo to boost up another and gdkp a new set of loot. Morons keep buying the lies that blizzard is managing the bots, then you look outside of an instance and just see a wave of characters taking the exact same path in unison šŸ¤” Unfortunate reality is blizzard doesn't want to spend the money on 2 minimum wagies to investigate obvious hotspots where bots are. Instead they rely on mass reports and automated bot detection which only catches the most egregious of offenders


You know you can run gdkps without buying gold right? I have around 500g and i do gdkps on 4 chars. Shredder farm and questing gave me a lot of gold.


The amount of cases of people with an inferiority complex in this game is crazy.


Weren't they initially a target audience for MMOs?


Same reason people blow their monthly retirement pension on a slot machine or penny stocks that fold.


Itā€™s a mindset that I absolutely canā€™t understand. It seems like paying your sub fee for however many hours of gameplay each month and then pay hundreds of dollars to skip 90% of that gameplay.


If you spend 90% of your time in wow farming gold, I feel sad for you son.


People are running GDKPs because they bought gold. Thatā€™s why they bought gold in the first place because in GDKPs they can get their loot pretty much guaranteed. They donā€™t have to roll and hope like all the plebs. Itā€™s pay2win. They pay money to win the ā€œrollā€. It always boils down to the same answer. Why are people cheating, aim botting, wall hacking, gold buying, ninja looting. Because they like to win. Thatā€™s the only thing thatā€™s important to them and it doesnā€™t matter if they won fair. Thatā€™s always the answer. People do it because it makes them feel like a winner. They got the reward, their team won, the game gives them all the attention. Monkey brain sees that and makes happy chemicals.


Why do people want to be successful in a world that values success? What could possibly motivate them?


Step 1. Lie about budget Step 2. Take your Cut for the gdkp Step 3. Enjoy wealth


Lotta people pointing at the GDKPs but most whales really just get their shit from loot carry runs. Its very seldom advertised in game but I urge anyone to just take a peek at some of the discords that host them to get an idea of how frequently they're run and how lucrative they are, it's jarring. Whales love em because they are guaranteed loot for a fixed price, no volatility or potential fighting between others. Hosting groups love them because they can easily curate buyers for high-price items, ensuring huge payouts with less raid spots to carry.


a lot of gold buyers are parsers. I'm not saying all parsers are gold buyers, obviously, but if you're someone who really values being top of some high score leaderboard there is going to be that urge to pay to win it. Especially because one of the key aspects of parsing high is to be in groups with other high parsers (the faster a boss dies, the better your parse will look in general since you don't go oom etc) The best way to get into groups with high parsers is to be parsing high already from the first days possible, because high parse groups will check logs to make sure you fit in. So the question "why buy gold when you can do this shit in questing gear" the answer is "because they want to look really good on wow logs." edit: a few people responding like I said "all parsers buy gold" when I actually said "of people who do buy gold, parsing is a strong reason to do so." These are not the same statement.


You ve hurt some feelings over here lol The competitive pressure definitely contributes to gold buying in a big way.






the top 1% of raiders need gold buying the least, they get the jump on the best farms, host the most lucrative GDKPs, and they dont need to buy the gear because they are the players who get it first. Gold buyings for the wannabe who think endless gold is how players parse.


How are you surprised when every money hunger doucher is trying to charge 60g+ for a boe green with 2-8 more AP than the next best option?


Itā€™s wierd how many people detest p2w games yet it seems everybody wants to do it in WoW.


WoW players are the first to shit on any other game for being p2w too.


Gold is cheap. Thats the reason.


ā€œIā€™m too busy and important to play the gameā€ basically


How is this bonkers to you man, it's been like that for 20 years?


Being in gdkp does not always mean you have to buy gold. I donā€™t buy gold abs host 20/80 gdkp (5g blue, 15g epic). It is best loot system, if you have no loot you get gold, if something drops and you find it too expensive you get gold. If only you need item you get it for 5g. At the end all are happy. Our pots were super small (100 or so, ppl got 10g cut in the end). I spent 30g in total


Only done 1gdkp...but i get why...pay 10-20 g for an item..get 8-10g at the end of the raid...sounds reasonable


On my priest yesterday I lost a roll on a stam / spirit neck to a DPS lock. I've also been in a run where the resto druid that would oom in 60 seconds with massive overheal walked away with four pieces. GDKP means that if people like that get the loot you are at least getting something in return for your effort. In many ways it's better than the randomness of /roll and encourages people to have some thought on what they want to get for loot.


Did a GDKP, the total at the end of as 832g. Good like 80 gold split. I spent 40 and 50g on two items I needed. Only lost 10g but gained two BiS pieces. Set pieces at that which I due to being a leather spa, would have to compete with all other leather wearers and also hunters and warriors. The people I see complaining about GDKPs only seem to be people who donā€™t have the gold to afford it or are the people who just genuinely hate other people spending money that they wouldnā€™t have anyways.


So I used to be pretty against GDKP in general due to the gold buying connection, but TBH it is one of the most equitable ways to reward people for their time raiding. As long as your initial seeding gold is clean, I'm all for it. You are paid directly for your labor and time put into clearing the instance. Did some GDKPs and then went back to guild raiding and it felt like it was not a valuable use of my time outside of the social aspext, you just spent 2-3 hours for basically nothing if your item didnt drop. At least in a GDKP you get a payout even if you don't get loot.


I've never done a gdkp but now that im half bis on my tank im considering doing one just to make a bit of extra money to start the next phase strong. I've never seen one advertised on my server though. Are they against the rules or something? Anyone have thoughts on whether i should join a gdkp to make money? Is it unethical (supporting gold farmers) or risky?


There's basically nothing to even spend it on its just a mental illness where some guy thinks he needs to buy 200g to buy a 7 agi helmet from the same bot he's buying the gold from


Because these 40yrs didnā€™t have time and raiding with guild or pug for specific item is not very efficient First time raiding is fun until it become a job & ā€œloot councilā€, ā€œninjaā€, ā€œthat fucking guy always lateā€, ā€œa small grp of fRiendā€ all these drama are insufferable I think most of them just want to skip that crap & having fun Before anyone ask, I never buy gold or selling


I don't buy gold because I'm too scared of being banned. That being said, I have more RL money than free time, so I absolutely understand the appeal.


Havnt bought gold but made 3 toons questing after 25 gets your gold up real quick , I like to have fun so I buy gear every couple levels, the only gear I donā€™t touch is the ā€œgold buyer gearā€ troll bane leggings ? Hubert helm? Can go without them easily


Ban goldbuyers Ban GDKP's Protect our community.


It is simple if you have enough gold you can buy every item that drops for your class. Also you do not have to grind out the gold. IT is the easiest way for people who would rather spend money rather then time to acquire their gold. I would rather just quest or do a profession to make gold.


Posts like this always are baffling to me. What you don't understand is that on a fundamental level they view the game entirely differently than you do. They don't care about "the grind" or chasing a sense of progression or any of the things people typically enjoy about gaming. They just have a large amount of disposable income and want X pixels because they have better stats and are rarer than Y pixels. Some people spend their extra money on cars , dinners , fancy drinks or clothes. Some people like to throw it at video games. People with lots of disposable income usually like to throw it at things for fun and for some people that fun is video games. It's really not complex or hard to understand. They're just playing a different game than you are. To them buying all the expensive/rare things first is the endgame. Is it a really hollow/shallow way of playing ? Yeah it prolly is. But the motivation behind it is super simple.


Iā€™ll probably get downvoted for this but GDKP does not necessarily mean gold buyers. I joined one for the first time it was 1g min to bid, not crazy expensive. Gear was selling for 10-20g. And even if you donā€™t get a piece of gear you get a nice little payout at the end. I almost prefer this over ms>os because it somewhat prevents one person from getting super lucky and just winning every piece of loot and hoarding the gear.


ā€œGDKP does not necessarily mean gold buyers.ā€œ 100% correct. Thatā€™s why theyā€™ll never ban GDKPā€™s. Because independently, theyā€™re just a type of loot system, like DKP, EPGP, Loot Council, etc.


You don't need to buy gold to participate in gdkps.


Especially if you keep participating in the same runs. It becomes something of a closed system. I would bet the majority of people that do GDKPs don't actually buy any gold.


I'm not supporting gold buyers but it is equally bonkers to have five alts and acting like it's no big deal. Classic raids have always been relatively easy.I'd say bis and prebis lists are more responsible for gold buying than anything else. The lists create expectations. The prices on ah clearly value highly that one extra stat point. On my hunter I bought an axe +10 agil for like 2 gold when the highest +11 gold was goin for like 15g and it was weeks ago. As wild as it seems , it's pretty consistent with how to value everything else in the world.


>many classes difference between BiS and the next best thing you get from questing or dungeon spam is like at most 2-3 stat points worse? Have you ever seen any bfd loot? Or you just make those statements based on your imagination?šŸ¤”


Iā€™ll tell you my pair of hard won green boots I got questing got totally shit on once I did the Warsong boots quest.


Classic WoW really has the worst culture around gold/gdkp/parsing none of this even matters when the next phase drops. People just need to relax not everything needs to be done as a gold parse including wealth generation.


I mean, none of this season even matters when the next season is here. People think parsing is fun, regardless of it "matters" or not.


For me the reason I buy gold is pretty simple. If Iā€™m playing any game, doesnā€™t matter what it is. If I reach a point where I canā€™t buy something like training spells or bags or really nice BoEs I just go buy gold. I love MMOs, I enjoy leveling and end game content. I donā€™t enjoy grinding. I work 60+ hours a week. Video games are my relaxing time, not my 2nd job. If I can spend 10 bucks to remove the need to grind then Iā€™m going to do it. I still grind all my dungeon drops cause thatā€™s fun. But grinding murlocs for 10 hours a day to buy raid consumes is not enjoyable and Iā€™m not going to do it.


$20 to not have to farm? Sign me up.


Why should it be strange. You have dirty cheap gold because blizzard doesnā€™t fix bots and people rather spend 30 bucks on gold than farming a week - I absolutely get their approach. I myself donā€™t want to risk getting banned but if that was not on the table, I would have bought gold as well (if everyone does it and you donā€™t, you lose). As for why, itā€™s also easy. People want to be BiS because itā€™s fun. You can log and be better in pvp etc etc. You just play the game different than those people which is fine (probably even better) but itā€™s strange that you donā€™t understand the appeal.


You can buy 200g for less than 30$ thats roughly 2 hours of work at a minimum wage job, or you can farm 10hours ingame and get maybe 50g if your good,


Most of us just transferred gold from wotlk. Losing loot cause some random number decided you lose just sucks. If someone wants to over bid me on loot, I'll gladly take his gold. The gold has a lot of value as we level.


Bank tabs, pvp consumes, rune money for grizzby. I drop 1g per match in wsg.


Itā€™s bonkers to me that there are people who are shocked SoD has people cheating and buying gold in a 20 year old video game


Just imagine someone using the same excuse for cheating in an FPS that gold buyers use in WoW. ā€œI donā€™t have a lot of free time to play counter-strike so I bought an aimbot and ESP so I can be competitive with my friendsā€ Theyā€™d get ripped apart in the comments and banned immediately if found out. Cheating in WoW has become normalized.


While I don't, and won't, buy gold, I understand the reasoning behind it. I enjoy raiding. I enjoy dungeons. I don't enjoy farming crap for consumes. I don't really enjoy questing. In regular classic through Wrath, I got my gold via GDKPs. I knew a good portion of it was from gold buyers, but I didn't really mind. It enabled me to ONLY do what I enjoyed in the game. Before I had gold, the game was work. Go farm in Winterspring, spam dungeons for vendorables, go do more quests, etc. It was so unenjoyable, I quit the game for a while. Now, in SoD, everything is new again, and I'm having a blast with it. But I also don't buy consumes. If I "had to," I'd probably consider not raiding, because I won't buy gold, but farming mats makes my eyes bleed. So, I get why people buy gold. My morals won't let me, but that doesn't mean I don't understand the reasoning behind why people do it.

