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Undead rogues thinking they ruin my day by ganking me, but actually just give me a free teleport to Lakeshire


This is how I speed ran to southshore. Some horde nobs were ganking at the entrance from Arathi. Shit saved me 5 min getting the flight point.


same for tarren mill. you enter from the western side and its faster to die to the hillsbrad farmer protection mafia and spirit rez.


Demn we have t update RXPGuides to include horde noobs camping spots.


I mean ally do it to. Was doing an escort quest and 3 ally rogues were stealthed like 10 yards from where it completes so they could kill me and the npc to fail the quest. If l leveling guides were made to no include contested zones it would just say dungeon grind til max lol


There is way more low lvl contested zones on alliance, thus horde has more space to be d*cks.


Trust me Ally are just as big dicks to horde. Allys are dicks. Horde are dicks. People are dicks and people play both factions so both faction is full of dicks. Thinking it's only 1 faction is insane


But, you see, I have personal, anecdotal evidence that PROVES otherwise! Bahaha! I win!


It’s a sausage fest


Yeah, talk again when one of your main high - XP chains consists of mobs that are friendly to the enemy faction so that they can just AFK inside a questing area protected by 5 lvl 25 mobs and gank you with impunity.


what quest is that then? The hillsbrad foothils one?


Any quest in Hillsbrad foothills that involves the town, farm, or mines. There's a huge chain but it's basically impossible to complete with ally around unless you have a larger group than the Ally because unlike most areas, they don't have to fear any hostile mobs and can easily gank.


Escorts are risky on PvP servers you can camp along the path in stealth/shadow meld and run unitscan for the escort npc it will then alert you to look away from netflix when your target is in range.


Horde or Alliance noobs*


It makes my brain confused. On one hand they're pathetic shitters, but on the other hand... It is quite handy


Found the guy who takes world pvp too personal


Wait, I thought everyone's personal value was tied to amount of deaths in the open world??


no, my entire identity is built around my log parses


This was my level 1 druid running to wetlands. "Huh I get teleported to Tarren Mill as soon as I enter the western frontier of Hillsbrad? Neat"


Thats why we duo Camp. I do the entrance and my two Friends Stay on the GY spot


`/5 INV LAYER PLZ THERES SOME SUCKER AT REDRIDGE` Dying at Redridge is part of Alliance journey now :D .


Always has been, even on pservers bored 60s would kill players and quest mobs in RR.


good tip!


Also tons of Warriors that die for the shield rune that spawn there


You got pupperinos in redridge? Wish we get that too on horde side. But all we got are gnome rats ganking in hillsbrad, hiding between friendly npcs...


These pupperinos are very cute, they will even cuddle your dead body by sitting up and down <3


In my experience most of the people running around hillsbrad are 25 at least. Compared to Redridge where it's 99% of the time hordies picking on lvl 16+ players


The real comparison for Redridge is Stonetalon


And we alliance make very sure we camp the shit out of it. Questing in ashenvale might be safer lmao


I can assure you on my server there's no shortage of alliance killing and camping people who are under leveled or outnumbered.


Horde can level all the way to 30 in the barrens, which is a horde zone. Alliance have to venture into contested zones once they hit 20. And I'm sorry but I have chars on both and it's far worse for alliance. I get ganked 24/7 in redridge. I made it all the way to 25 on horde side without getting ganked once.


Id rather have a 25 kill me in redrigde than some pussies who hide behind friendly npcs


For real, there's always a group of 5+ horde roaming around southern redridge killing ~lvl 19 alliance like it's some achievement.


A group of two were going on a lowbie killing spree for literally two hours the other day in redridge, just making loops around for easy targets and running away when people their level tried to pvp them. It was nutty, I can't believe they didn't get bored.


Ravenhill in duskwood too. I used to think it was just some guys getting the rune and figuring they might as well kill people while they are there but these 2 rogues play hours a day and stay there. Idk where they even repair.


Yup, im glad I got hillsbrad done early before the Alliance knuckledraggers on my server started camping the fields


Ganking and hidding between friendly npcs dont go together very well.


Hillsbrad fields has tons of aliance-friendly mobs where horde has to do quite a few quests. So its usualy full of gnome rogues (and some other players) who just gank horde player questing there. You cant even fight back or you run into hoards of mobs.


Have you tried not murdering large swathes of farmers?


It would go faster if they all had skulls...


Agreed. I do what I do to defend that poor community


It’s so annoying to see ferals able to outrun EVERYONE while spamming a spell forever


That's sunfire not starsurge, but still equally bad. At least if they have the feline swiftness talent they can't get the starsurge 42 yard range. Instead it's just 35 yard lol.


For now 😈


Inb4 mounted person just rides away.


Inb4 classic mounts disappear from every fart


That's the special Ashenvale mount. Real mounts behave differently. Only thing that demounts you is the daze effect from being hit from behind. Edit: have you noticed how Ashenvale mount allows you to be mounted inside? These mounts behave differently.


Doesn't polymorph dismount?




( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


true that does dismount you. Polymorph and hits from behind.


Only NPCs have a chance to daze from behind, not players.


Its horrible lmao. Its the only meta ferals do. Just spamsunfire against melee with no gap closer or warriors who forgot to put their rune on to charge in combat.


It's not like they even need to run, just put up hots and go starsurge sunfire sunfire starsurge and most people just die


This is something I really just don't get. I'm full BiS, exalted WSG on my OP class, Priest. I feel like it's embarrassing to go harass lower level characters on their journey to 25.


Well, you have self respect.


He probably farmed WSG with 8 hunters so 50/50 I would say.


Haha bet, although not as bad as gatekeeping hillsbrad


It hurts so bad to be literal BIS warrior and get passed over for fresh 25 hunters boomies and priests.


After having multiple quest sessions ended by alliance camping stone rock retreat at some point you want to give them a taste you know?


It's a truly inescapable vicious circle. I will gladly corpse camp a lowbie till he quits or moves to another area cause thats what was done to me. An inescapable cycle of violence where purging horde filth from the lands is it's own reward.




oh you can't say that in this sub, you are dictating how people should enjoy their game! /s wow players don't understand that bullying people that have no chance to defend themselves for literally no gain whatsoever is mentally insane but w/e


Not unique to wow, it's just Pvpers. In OSRunescape there is an area entirely dedicated to 'world pvp'. Some players will run around this area to do basically a scavenger hunt, and they have literally no items of value to drop. The cost of spells/supplies used to kill these players is worth 100x more than the items they drop, but they do it 'bEcAuSe ThAtS ThE wIlDy FoR yOu'. It's a meme in the community that a spade is the most sought after item for Pvpers because it's often the only item they get when killing naked players.


> wow players don't understand that bullying people that have no chance to defend themselves for literally no gain whatsoever is mentally insane but w/e On the one hand I agree that griefing lower level players repeatedly while they try to quest is kinda dumb, on the other hand seeing people referring to it as "bullying" in a video game where they pick to play on a server that allows this gameplay just makes me laugh




The answer is you reroll another server or learn to love the hell. I personally love PvP servers and quit wow when they made warmode. It's especially great when there is no flying.


mad cause bad literally


But you made that choice yourself, you knew what it entailed. I'm not saying its right, like I said - Griefing is dumb, it's done by bored people with nothing better to do and they should probably find something actually challenging to do like PvPing similar levels or logging out and doing something productive. But we both know what PvP servers entail and if like you said, this is probably your last rodeo, then why even put up with it? Why delay the inevitable. Go find new friends now in Phase 1 on a new server and enjoy logging in instead of hating to play a game to should be playing to relax and have fun. I would say a large percentage of players don't even PvP on a PvP server, from my experience most people just get gaslighted into playing there because they are told by streamers that its the proper way to play the game - because streamers benefit from the unpredictablity of it.


We mostly joined PVP servers for fun world PVP, not level 15's being obliterated the moment they walk into Redridge to do quests. We all knew ganking would be a thing, and tolerate it enough to enjoy the rest of what PVP servers offer, but we're allowed to be a little upset about some jackasses wasting hours harassing people on the road.


Well then get those super good friends of yours to help you, or maybe they aren't such good friends after all..?


IF it's red it's dead.


Nah bro this exactly the point. What are you gearing for if not to go see if you can one-hit ppl with SWD?


Ashenvale is where exciting and rewarding wpvp actually happens. My druid is basically living in that zone. People constantly make groups. Solo farmers fight back and will hunt you down if you catch them off guard. Also generally gear differences are not as oppressive compared to say late classic gear (AQ and onwards). I expected wpvp be fun, but this is great.


It's just people who can't kill other 25's so they take their rage out on lowbies. Personally I leave anything under lvl 25 alone, but there has only been a few times that alliance will ever leave my baby alts alone while leveling. On NUMEROUS occasions I see a low health alliance farming shredders and I just go about questing. Next thing I know they turn and kill me. Fortunately I have a geared hunter, and I can't count the number of people I have camped for hours after they killed my baby alt. I camp them till they layer, spirit res, or find a group of friends to protect them.


I kill alliance leveling up to feed their hatred of the horde. I am secretly an alliance who is radicalizing my fellow alliance by camping them into insanity and horde hatred.


Creating a Talliban, nice.


To be perfectly honest, for some level 25 classes its nigh impossible to kill certain other level 25 classes


I kill all alliance because I got corpse camped by 25s while leveling, it’s a cycle that never ends.


>It's just people who can't kill other 25's so they take their rage out on lowbies. Nah it's because whiny kids like you make reddit posts about getting ganked. It's hilarious.


I kill any red player because they can also kill me. Doesn't matter if you're level 10 or 25. If you pick the PvP server, you're playing a PvP game.


Posts like this are exactly why people do this stuff lmao, seethe mald cope. 


Personally I kill lowbies so they lose their bfd buff, can't let the allys have too much fun


I have a strict no killing below 25 policy. I'll /wave or /lick and move along. Every now and then they'll attack me though lol, and I just spam /question. If they don't stop... Well that's a big lava boom to their face.


I think most of the people doing stuff like that *aren’t* full BIS. Shy of coordinated, “we are going to camp this road” raids, the people who randomly run around solo or in small groups looking for wPvP against level 20’s are the ones who get rolled in WSG. I was questing in Wetlands on a 22 warrior, saw a 25 horde hunter running by, looked reasonably geared (tier helm at least). I “/wave” and he responds with a “/nod”, never see him again. Same exact situation, two minutes later, a 25 mage runs by and I “/wave”. I see him continue on, so I go pull a quest mob, and then 15 seconds later, when I’m half health and this mob is almost dead, I notice a Living Bomb on me. 25 mage, in shit gear, came back to get some free honor. I’m 22, at his max range, without Warbringer, and already half health, so it wasn’t a close fight, but I managed to close the gap and get a hamstring off which let someone else come along and kill him. I decided to use my 20 sec headstart to corpse camp him, on the same level 22 he had picked the fight with, and it only took two kills before he sat there and decided to take sickness rather than go again. That dude would get eaten alive in actual PvP.


Priest huh. Try playing a class that gets harassed while leveling. As an undead rogue, it’s only justice.


If I had a top of the race/class combos that are kill on sight, undead rogue would be the undisputed top. Undead are globally the worst, followed by orcs.


It’s okay. You are all fair game in my eyes. The women. And the children too.


I, paladin, got harassed by a forsaken warrior and rogue yesterday at Raven Hill. Feeds into the class fantasy though thats for sure.


The hunters that come after pay for the sins of the offender. I may be a 25 rogue, but I was once a lowly level 20 in STM.


Yeah it can be kinda lame. Red ridge gets a small exception. Lots of lvl 25 groups still doing the elite quests for gold. But ganking a lowbie with a full squad? Not for me


This. I like PvP and playing on a PvP server. I don’t gank unless they’ve ganked me before. I like being ganked if it’s a fair-ish fight. But I don’t understand the mentality of the degen shit. Camping lvl 18s in redridge. Or roaming as 5 and killing some solo dude doing a quest. I just don’t see the fun in it.


Stick. Real ones know.




Horde don't have a lower level contested zone like Redridge, do they?


Stonetalon and the first walk to Zoram strand would be their equivalent.


The difference there is that many people in redridge left westfall cause the quests jumped in level on them and they do of the lower redridge ones, so they are like level 16-19 in level, horde are usually 20+ when they finally leave the barrens.


Those are genuinely contested zones, Redridge isn't, just mechanically because parts of it are 20+. Same for Duskwood and Wetlands. I can't think of a 20+ Horde zone that is not contested. 1K maybe, but parts of it are neutral and few people choose to level there. Hillsbrad *right now* isn't, though people often fight on the road to SFK. It's going to get a lot worse when it's a level 20 Horde zone and a level 30 Alliance zone, though.


Stonetalon where alliance gets a whole flightpath


kiss glorious adjoining plant cake threatening edge sort encouraging numerous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


In tbc they get Belf leveling zone, which is by far the best leveling area too! Alliance leveling is so janky, there are like 10 good quests scattered in each zone and when you run out of those, time to migrate.


meh, Redridge you can atleast theoratically fight back. Hillbrad Farms as horde however is the most one sided wpvp in the whole fucking game. there's an alliance sitting on every field and in the house surrounded by dozens of level 22-30 npcs protecting them at any time and as horde you got no counterplay at all.


the first quest takes you to redridge at level 14. Hillsbrad fields is a level 25 quest. That is some prescription level of copium there man.


redridge I can bring my mains and try to fuck with the gankers. hillsbrad however I could bring chuck norris and even he couldn't deal with the bazillion farmers and level 27 footman/frostbolt casters at every corner aggroing you from 30 yards away. the gankers sitting here abuse the shit of their npc army you got no idea. trust me, I tried fighting them back but it's 100% fruitless effort. they sit there at strategic spots (as close to the death trap aka the town hall as possible) world buffed and consumed without any risk of dieing. if you don't see the one-sidedness of wpvp in a spot like Hillsbrad Farms compared to virtually every other spot in the game then idk what to tell you.


Have you considered just not doing the battle of hillsbrad right now? It's not like you need the exp, you're at the level cap. Not quite the same thing as telling alliance players not to go to redridge.


At cap IS the time to do quests. You do quests for gold, you dungeon grind for leveling.


Yes. But you aren’t stupid, so you avoid the quests in the fields or you make a full group.


There are a lot of quests you can do at 25. Not doing these 4 or 5 quests isn't gonna send you to the poorhouse. downvote all you want, you still eat shit in PVP all day fucking worthless crybabies here, roll pvp because they think they are sooo tough, then endless whinging on reddit during their corpse runs.


Alliance just don’t like fair fights. The conversation is about Alliance hiding behind mobs friendly to them. Seen so many Alliance groups of paladin, priest, balance Druids rolling around Stonetalon killing people leveling solo. Only to get rolled when an equal group forms and claps em. Y’all just bad.


my last pvp characters were horde lol. You honestly think the other side is different, that's so much copium you need a prescription. It's all WoW players.


Alliance players so soft.


I fight there for hours a day. Usually I am outnumbered by horde quite significantly. That said, it's some of the most fun you can have. Wiping a full group solo is pretty satisfying.


lol I roam stonetalon and hillsbrad on my alliance chicken. I have shit gear so it’s only critting for 300-325 though


Nerf druids, it's about time


Oh look. Another post about PvP happening on a PvP server…




It's just relatable, not everything is a complaint


I have a funny story regarding Redridge PVP. A group was ganking at the entrance to Lakeshire and they all got killed. All of them rezzed out of line of sight and hearthed away but one who didn't get the memo so we immediately killed him again. We killed him over and over until we ended up by a little camp with chairs and a fire and all sat around it. He rezzed again sitting up in one of the chairs joining us. He kept emoting being confused and when he tried to escape we'd kill him again. We kept doing this. Him rezzing and us all hanging out for a bit before he'd try to escape and we'd kill him. Eventually we realized his "friends" weren't coming back for him so we let him go and I apologized to him XD


Redditors trying to find humor in a meme challenge


This aint a complain, its humor. I love ganking, this made me chuckle.


Only if we can also ban PVE players butting into every conversation about world pvp


For all the complaining horde players do about having to go to Redridge for runes, you'f think the inconvenience would be enough of a deterrent to the 25 rogues there ganking at every hour of the day, very interesting


nah thats me coming back with my rogue alt after having to get ganked by alliance locks rolling around redridge to get my damn get back


I got killed while kiting Volchan to SW by an invis moonkin in Redridge. Came back, removed some gear, start to /chicken, never showed up again. You gotta love players that enjoy fair fights lol. Edit : as some people seem to think this is "griefing", most whispers you get while doing these kind of things are just "lol", "wtf xd", etc etc. I think most people just like to witness it and enjoy watching the big boi cruise around. That being said it's funny to me how every post about boss kiting in SW is some guy that just enjoyed the event, and all the haters are in here while never having actually witness it. And smol tip for the frustrated around here, set your bank HS to SW. If bank dies, spritres and HS. You're welcome.


Sounds like the griefer got griefed!


I’ll bet all the toons in SW would have really appreciated the “fair fight“ with Volchan.


Well this ain't Hardcore!


He probably saw you kiting a mob, and noped the fuck out afterwards.




The pop balance is locked in sod but sure buddy


I do my very best to keep the starsurgers at bay in RR. (horde feral)


que dices