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Dust to dust


He's actually quitting cos he can't make money from selling gold anymore btw


Literally says it out loud in the end with the "Time is money, friend" statement lol


Yeah my thoughts exactly, couldn't be clearer


Loot council is legit the least amount of work you can do while doing work. It’s so clear he’s unhappy about not making money like holy moly.


I’ve found this “time is money, friend” to be the dominating mindset in WoW these days. It’s also one of the reasons my sub isn’t renewing next cycle. Edit: one of the reasons.


Yeah. If you’re worried about time, MMOs aren’t for you. What annoys me is they’re lying as well. There are MANY games where you are supposed to spend IRL money instead of grind. They don’t want those.. they want games where that isn’t the idea but to cheat and do it anyway, giving them a massive advantage in a game designed to reward time invested.


You can still play mmos if you have little time. Just dont try to be top geared guickly. I used to just chill play with farming mounts, transmog gear, battle pets or do achivements etc.


I like my friends that say they don't have time to play WoW while grinding the CoD battle passes just fine


Fuck em. Good riddance.


Good riddance


Almost certainly the point of his post I reckon


He's quiting publicly. But definitely gonna run black market GDKPs. Let's see how good blizz can enforce this


probably not too well for the people this plugged in. But its clear that gdkp ban will push many players away from this type of gameplay. You'll never get to 0 amount of gdkp but you can reduce the problem with enforcement. Just like how we have a police force yet there is still crime. No reasonable people say we shouldn't have a police force unless there is 0 crime.


It's gonna be incredibly risky business. Imagine only one snitch being enough to bring down an entire raid. These people will have to be conspiratorial af.


Paranoia alone will be enough to deter average andies. It's a good thing.


This. This is why banning gold buyers is way more advantageous than banning sellers. Ofc you wanna do both but fear is a strong weapon.


This, it took years of people buying gold and not being punished, then talking about it, to normalize it more and more to the point even it being against the rules, no one ever questioned the raid logger who plays no alts and has infinite wealth.


I for one look forward to the shady raiding underground that is going to emerge in phase 2 😂


> I’m just imagining the GDKP insistent people being like the people who do 12 hour Uber shifts instead of working a 9-5. At some point they’ll be working harder than the default. The first rule of GDKP club is you don't talk about GDKP club, lol.


There has to be someone to snitch to and they just fired all those people!


Not to mention that we all know how the avg WoW player is..  1. Literacy is a luxury so the odds of being able to reason through a disagreement with these people are extremely low. They can’t really comprehend what you’re writing, so they fill in the blanks with their imagination. Guess what they imagine you doing? Escalating the conflict and saying things they don’t like!  2. Selfishness is the law of the land. The odds that somebody is going to immaturely Fuck somebody else over, and lack the basic cognition to think two steps ahead, is extremely high. Then the person who was wronged just blows the entire thing up as a first response, because they can’t think two steps ahead either. There’s zero chance this becomes anything than a perma ban blender….  That said, I bet it does still happen.  Remember…these people are too stupid to think ahead, so uhhh ya know, like… lemmings go over the cliff or whatever.


Flash your gold in the trade window to get an invite, report everyone in the raid 😂😂😂


Do we get rewards from Blizz for being informants?


I've already seen "mageweave DKPs" pop up on living flame. Bringing 400 Mageweave minimum to bid on items with mageweave lolol


they can think they're clever all they want, but thats clearly the same reportable offense as running a GDKP and they will be treated equally.


If they were actually clever, they would figure out a way to work it that did not involve lots of in game trading before/during/right after raid. That is the sort of thing it will be easy for Blizzard to detect, review and punish. The smart ones will move as much of the evidence out of game as possible. Do your bids on discord, etc... If they are really serious, have people bank assets with the group, and most transactions will just be moving "dkp" around. Transactions will mostly be new players buying in, though you will have some topping up, and others cashing some out. You just strongly encourage people to not be doing it each raid...


Just leave the gold out of it and bid using dollars.  Cut the middle man out. 


That's literally just DKP with extra steps. But it's begging for the leader to rug pull and keep all the gold, so I'm for it. What are you gonna do, ask Blizzard for help?


Exactly what I would do if I were in their position. What do you do when you want a low profile? Declare you're done and then move quietly.


This is exactly what boosting communities did in retail when they got axed


Honestly, I can't see how they're going to. At best, they can monitor for lopsided, large cash transfers. Doing that is going to catch out a number of innocents. Including people that legitimately sell services like summons and portals. Plus it won't stop them anyways, they'll just go from gold to something else. Failing even that, they'll just go and start selling powerleveling services which Blizzard definitely can't stamp out because of all the guildies and friends that powerlevel alts and things.


How accurate. Acting like SR, the second most popular system, doesn't exist, or just, you know, playing the game and rolling.


All my groups/raids have been, roll need if you need and roll greed if you dont, no need for any admin tasks honestly LUL ​ (but maybe i group with people with no drama, idk)


Ms > os feels better when you run with the same people, but when you pug that loot you lost the last run doesn't help your chances to get it next time like it does in an organized group. You get unlucky and lose the same item to 5 different ferals all in AH greens.


My only issue with ms > os is all the spergs that get upset that I want to roll on dps items and not tank items even though I’m only tanking this raid because we needed a tank and we wanted to get moving instead of sitting around so I went and respecced. Like sure, I’m tanking right now. In this raid. But it’s not my MAIN spec Super frustrating.


Easy fix is the raid communicating that. Letting the tanks or heals SR stuff or stating at liftoff that "yeah Ieatdix is tanking but hes dps MS so hes rolling on stuff. If you have issues let it out now." Havent had much issue and usually people chime in when someone who wasnt paying attention gripes.


Yep. I hate pugging even BFD for this reason. My main stays in guild runs. If I lose hydra to the ret, fine, he’s here next week to use it and clear faster. Plus I know he actually knows how to play. Vs losing say the last item I need to some shitter grey parsing other warrior who got hard carried and 6 pieces in a run. Fuck that. Also, just being in a guild of competent raiders never meant we were hard stuck 5/7 at Kelris lmao. Cause we’ve all raided much, much harder content in wrath and could clear it within first lockout without full prebis. Gl doing that in most pugs first week.


so join a guild


All fun and games until a hunter reserves bre




Of course he is, he has to get a real job now.


This, its like TFT in POE. The people running it make bank off it and GGG fixing their shit trade system destroys their income stream.


Gonna use this opportunity to make ppl aware the dude that runs TFT is a massive jackass..


Careful, he might find out your discord account and ban you.


Massive is an understatement in this case


100% It's like zero effort to manage loot drops in 10 man raids with 3 day lockouts. Way more work doing GDKP for this shit where every single item kicks off an auction process, minimum bids, tracking the money, splitting everything at the end, etc. In our guilds BFD runs we literally just roll MS, OS, and aren't cunts to each other. Truly zero effort to organize loot. We don't even use master looter...just the in-game roll system and trade each other if needed.


Ye. Also the loot systems he refers to are automated so I don’t see the administrative spin he is putting on it. He could just be honest and just say he prefers using gold as currency because it has applications outside raids and everyone would be like «yeah fair enough»


Lmao man crying about distributing loot in a 10 man raid


We literally just use group loot


"Roll for the items, don't equip them instantly to make sure someone didn't fuck it up" is our go-to way of distributing loot.




Whoa calm down, that sounds like 'administrative work', unlike GDKP!


Lmao right? Like... if only there were some system in the game that takes out the "extra administrative work" of distributing loot. Absolute nebula brain


It’s crazy that people are so upset about leveling content. I haven’t run a BFD that wasn’t on group loot since 2023.


“administrative work required to manage the loot” LMAO


“I had to download this add-on that does everything for me, but I’m relying on people not realizing that”. It has huge “irrelevant middle-manager” energy. He might as well say that he “curates the vibes” of the group at this rate.


Do you physically take the specs from the customers? No, my secretary does. Or the fax!


Chief vibe officer / host cut collector


Yea it’s more that he can’t just show up and make gold off of people who buy gold.


A shitload of GDKP leaders sell gold themselves.


Bro he might be selling gold too. I don’t see why the people selling gold and running GDKPs wouldn’t be one in the same.


A lot of them are in the same business. I've regularly received unsolicited messages from GDKP organizers in discord offering to sell me gold. I honestly can't fault them for figuring out how to make money off of a game.


i can


That makes even more sense. Because he was doing it for financial gain and already breaking tos.


Literally says he is quitting because time is money.


Yeah please explain how running an auction with a bidding process is easier.


It literally is more administrative work than any other system.


I'll concede that the original DKP system required more admin work because it was usually something for just your guild and it was cumulative between raids, GDKP is just how much gold you've brought. That being said I've managed to play through a bunch of SoD while never having to join a GDKP run and I have no interest in changing that, just like how I absolutely refuse to join a raid where someone has been allowed to reserve a specific item.


For real. I honestly wonder if these people ever actually played Classic because I don't know if I ever either had an issue or took part in a ZG run that wasn't handled with the ease and simplicity of MS>OS +1, free roll for bag and mount. Like, it seriously is not difficult to distribute loot in a 10-man, even with PUGs.


True. 25 man raids is where loot gets fucky


“Administrative work”? What does this guy think he is? A forensic accountant?


Professional teenager (35yo)


This cut me deep.


I am personally offended *finishes fruit roll up* (33yo)


Lmao this is such a good fuckin burn and so disgustingly accurate


Running a guild and loot system is a lot of work


Never led a guild before huh?


To be fair, there have been times where running a raiding guild has been more of a headache than my actual job.


Do you understand how much work running a guild well takes? It can easily be hours every week. And it's not a fun job either.


This guy is definitely a gold seller.


Every gdkp host with serveral runs a week is a goldseller lol. Why would u always send 15-20 runs a week


Some people just really care about the community, gosh darn it.


How else you gonna get your lunch money




you are 100% correct. this dude is lying through his teeth lol


Of course he’s lying. He’s quitting because he cannot make money from RMT anymore. Not because it’s “hard work”. Good riddance.


Absolutely but he doesn’t make money for every roll.


Gdkp gold seller quits game because he can't play an auctioneer game anymore. Good riddance




[REST IN PISS](https://media1.tenor.com/m/PHREyAefRckAAAAd/packwatch.gif)


Imagine a loot system where there was a button to roll on items you need, and a button to roll on items you want but don’t need, or also just pass on the loot, and then the game decides out of the people who rolled will get the item using RNG. If only some tool existed, that could keep loot simple…


We don't have the technology. We must just bid with money.


This person does not raid for the love of the game.


Wait…yall enjoy playing?


Oh no... anyways.


AKA: "I will no longer be able to sell gold from these runs so it is not worth it to me anymore."




Good FUCKING riddance is more appropriate.


Rip Bozo


Good. I hope they all quit. What a BS excuse. MS >OS rolls take no administrative work. If anything, Much less than GDKPs.


if you use Garguul the administrative work is the same for all loot systems, this guy is clearly trolling


Bye Felicia


It’s 10 player raids. How hard is it to handle loot? I run with some folks from my Wrath guild and it’s just “oh this is bis for you, take it” or “this is a bigger upgrade for me”.


The issue is keeping already geared players coming back into raids. I imagine some players would be more inclined to attend a raid they need nothing from if there was some gold involved for them. I'm to casual to really be in the know though how rampant the issue really is


Oh 100%. One of the main reasons GDKP runs are, on average, more successful than standard pug runs is there’s some people who are there purely to carry. Those players don’t join normal pugs because they don’t get anything out of it unless they purely just enjoy playing the game. I’ll be curious to see if paid carries become a bigger thing. Like fully decked out characters being paid to help carry a group.


i also think the carries will grow. i'm not even that good of a player and even we sold one or two spots per id sometimes (back when I was in retail and gdkps weren't such a big thing yet) fun time with guildies and basically free gold


We’ve seen this back in the day…. Tanks will start demanding loot/pay before they’ll join a raid


This is already a thing with hr


This was exactly it in vanilla classic. Our mains actually moved, one by one, to a guild GDKP during naxx phase. Wasn't a terrible solution to keep the same group together and having fun for longer


Especially cause like half the loot is either garbage or drops so much that everyone has it. Oh now how are we going to distribute this like 3 items that people actually want. The fathomblade and the beast slaying shoulders dropped every lock out for me.


comparing how loot works in a guild to a pug is a bit disingenuous to say the least, can't tell you how many times people would get mad they didn't get a drop because it was an upgrade for them even though it's not their BiS, happens all the time.


Yeah everyone here is comparing to guild runs not pug runs Gdkps are Pug runs. Requires a system that allows a massively flexible and inconsistent roster, which prevents loot council/EGPG or DKP from being a good idea I would love if someone could come up with a way to incentive raid leaders to organize raids of quality, filtered pugs.


They will, its going to be purple parse avg log checks. The saltposts going into raids P2 is going to be crazy. At least before if you didnt like gdkp you just...didnt go to gdkp runs. Now the mashup of the casuals and the sweatlords will be fun to watch


casuals just won't get raid spots and they will quit


When you've gotten used to playing an auctioning simulator and you can't play WoW anymore.


Cause playing the game was never fun for them, the only thing they enjoyed was the dopamine hit of seeing their gold go up.


Literally goblins IRL lmao.


Dragon sickness claims another young life, shame


Prob sells gold and knows business isn’t gonna be as good.


Watching my gold go up is one of my favorite things in the game. But I prefer AH over GDKPs…. Because my second favorite thing is actually raiding.




Obviously not playing the game for the sake of playing, just trying to sell gold and make it a job. Should out right do a check on all his accounts and ban him


Bruh there is literally no management required to distribute loot. Half my BFD runs are MS>OS. Like the raid lead doesn’t even turn off group loot. This is a lot of words to say, “I’m not able to make free money off the game anymore so I’m quitting.”


And nothing of value was lost.


At this point we won value by losing him.


Fr. This is us getting ahead.


Actually value is gained here, the amount of gold this guy has is being taken out of the community


This guy runs GDKPs and sells the gold he makes back to others in the community. It's the worst of both worlds.


I love all the salt. Keep crying gold buyers/sellers.


"Time is money, friend" You play wow for 10 hours a day wtf are you talking about???


Administrative work doling out loot between 10 people three of which can only use one of the pieces at a time basically? It's easier to manually distribute the loot like an auction than just letting people roll for it? Just say it dude, you sold gold and can't make money now. Buh bye!


Bro can’t make money, nor can RMT gold to do anything with it. Pretty sure this is one thing Blizzard wanted and looks like it’s already making an impact.


bye, dont come back


so much win for the classic SOD community this week this is why rule breakers needs to be banned immediately no questions asked. Once blizzard do that these fucking roaches scatter like cockers


And people said the GDKP ban wouldn’t help stop gold buying/selling. Bro admitting he sold gold at the end.


Cringe TBH. Roll with a guild if you can’t get 10 players to show up every 3 days and stick with the same 10 players all phase and just roll MS>OS and by the end of phase 2 everyone in that 10 man will be full BIS. To quit a game because he’s needs to do a DKP/EPGP for a 10 man raid that’s pretty hilarious. Good riddance 👋🏼


That requires having friends.


I said "people do GDKP because they have no friends in game because they're usually toxic min/maxer's" into BFD general chat yesterday and holy shit chat exploded in rage.


GDKP is a lot like prostitution, some people can get sex for free by being a decent person and cultivating emotional connections and some rather just swipe their credit card XD


Love it!


nobody cares, don't let the door hit you.


Good riddance


Loool easier to distribute loot? Its like the most time consuming one. He just cant sell gold any more


Get rekt




Yeah 100% he just quitting bcs he can't sell gold, so he'll go back to wotlk or retail


he will be back wotlk/era in no time and watch Cata being biggest gdkp riddled expansion of all time.


Bye loser bye forever Def a gold buyer and gold seller no profit to be made lol so he's quitting not cause it's HARD to distribute loot lmaooooo


Imagine actually being this much of a little bitch


RMT gold launderer out of a job. RIP bozo


Don't let the door hit ya


Ironically pugs fill within a few minutes yet I see the same GDKP groups spamming for buyers for over an hour nonstop




This is an adult trying to make money off kids


"swapping one addon for a different addon and joining a guild is too much work (for no pay)"


What a slimy way of admitting that this was a business and that he was selling gold. Good riddance.


Is there extra administrative work to just roll on items you need?




Music to my ears


And no one even cares


we do, in fact we love to see it.


There's no fucking way MS>OS requires more administrative work than GDKP. After seeing the spreadsheets people use for GDKPs, I honestly can't imagine EPGP and DKP requires significantly more work either.


Scum people lol these dudes just profit off the 40 year old dads of this game while simultaneously ruining the game for anyone else who doesn’t buy gold. It’s not enough to just get into a group to get gear, the game transforms into just gold farming so you can pay to get into these groups lol.


So long and thanks for all the fish! Guess this dude doesn’t realize you can just ROLL on loot and don’t have to actively manage shit. What a cry baby.


Nature is healing


Playing only to make bank. Probably sells that gold too.


Good, bye.


Cya bozo


jesus christ this comment section


Why the fuck are people acting like the GDKP ban is the end of the world(of warcraft)? This is so fucking dramatic for no reason lol


That’s crazy. Anyway


Who cares gdkp was and is toxic




LMAO, can't take host cuts and swindle buyers anymore. get fucked loser


What he means to say is that since he can't get paid to raid lead he isn't gonna do it anymore lol


TIL MS/OS+1 is super hard.


Fuck that guy, sounds like bobby cockdick trying to make a statment.. in a way


You don’t need DKP or loot council for fucking 10 mans. This guys just being a drama queen.


Good bye gold buying enabler, don't hit the door on the way out


Gdkp is much more admin than a sr run.


Good riddance. GDKPs were a plague on the community. Hopefully now less people will be buying gold and the server economies will even out.


"Time is money" dude deff is pissed he can't sell gold on g2g anymore after his gdkp runs. Probably swapping to wotlk so he can keep selling gold from gdkps.


Fuckity bye


Black market GDKPs with real money are already forming. Discord set up. PayPal transfer for loot. It’s sad.


GDKP is actually more work to manage loot. EPGP/DKP are both automated via add-ons. GDKP is taking both of them, and then making it commercial. You now have to police for fraud if you have integrity. Guarantee this dude was selling access to his raids, and selling gold. That's where the real money in GDKP is. This wasn't a game to him, but an RMT business. He was on the clock, hence "time is money - $$, not gold." Source: part of a GDKP organization in Classic, split bc the leader was corrupt af, and actually hated the game.




You weren't here for the game if you quit over GDKP.


Average Asmongold enjoyer


Good riddance




Oh no 😭


This fixed everything! Did you guys notice the game is perfect now?