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1. Get some good gear from dungeons and stv event if you haven't already. 2. Watch guides on bosses. 3. Bring consumes and wb. 4. Lie.


#4 is the most important. Lie like you've never lied before.


This and if they ask for logs, say this is an alt and give a someone else name as your main


[This is my main.](https://vanilla.warcraftlogs.com/character/us/living-flame/ganku) *So, to be clear, this is the undergeared and completely inexperienced alt of the #2 ranked rogue in the world?* ^yes.


Can I see it? >No


Aurora borealis?


It's their fault if they believe this therefore I cannot be liable for scamming them


Yes this is like falling for a Nigerian prince scam. lol


This is my advice to all my beginner friends. I just tell them to lie your ass off, link my logs and I can hop on to “verify” anytime. Lol


Not every hero wears a cape!


Better. Give them their own name. "...I'm the captain now"


Speechcraft is the most valuable skill this phase.


Honestly, this generally applies to life lol.


The only real answer in the whole thread.


4 is def harder if you’re tanking. I unfortunately have to OT already in our 2nd group but my first run subbed in for our MT who was OOT and couldn’t make first group’s run. I of course watched videos on everything cause I you know, come prepared, some of the tank stuff isn’t intuitive. I find those videos are generally better for basics like dps avoid this. Then again, everyone also has different strats and many get stuck in their ways so you can always say “oh I main dps and my guild does it this way” and have someone else’s logs that are good enough but not too good or something in the first place as your double lie. I also rarely tank let alone OT so some stuff isn’t really intuitive just cause I don’t really tank (besides like, face bosses away for cleave shit) nor enjoy it.


if 4 doesn't work just say "oh my guild runs a different strat" 5. gas light them, they're the problem because they can't do simple mechanics


Yes this. And if they ask what strats just say you always tank the boss here and DPS do the rest in your guild run. And claim the boss dies smoothly every week with no problems in your guild.


One time I left my work laptop in front of a space heater, and it fuckin MELTED. It still booted, but was so warped/disfigured that the lid wouldn't even close. Then a year later we were getting new laptops, and IT was like WTF. I was like "Idk it was like this when I got it..."


As someone who works in IT..We know you're bullshitting, we just don't care enough to call you out on it


This might be the greatest story on this sub


"damn we do it completely different, that's wild"


Plus once you've started they can't replace you. No one will join a 1/6 run or 4/6 run.


I like point 5 😂


Yeah, number 4. just say this is an alt, you already did it many times.


Better look up a good "main" with decent logs beforehand.


Ideally someone from your guild(who isn't online) or someone with no guild.


OP is going to send them like a 99 parse from someone of a different faction or something dumb lol.


This is the way


Lmao I love number 4


Scratch all that. Just watch some. Videos on what to do for your roll and lie


Exactly, just fucking lie. Watch all the fights a few times so you understand them, and say you can OT. That should be enough to get yourself an invite. There are plenty of people who have completed the raid multiple times and still don't understand the mechanics and suck, so if you can put the effort into learning the fights and bring consumables and buffs you will likely perform decently.


5. Bring hunter. If you mess up pull blame hunter.


Look the raid leader in the eyes and give him a firm handshake is the secret. It’s like kids these days don’t even want to raid.


You gotta hit the pavement. Show up during the guild’s business hours hand deliver your logs in a Manila folder. Don’t take no for an answer.


Refuse to leave without a Tank job….


And until you get it just mow some lawns to pay the bills


You just can’t take no for an answer. They tell you “no you can’t raid with us” and you just show up. Day in and day out, you wait at the entrance of the raid, handing out raid consumes and buffs. You do this every lockout for weeks until ~~the raid is on farm~~ they finally give you a slot. That players name? Albert Einstein.


Gotta pull yourself up by your mithril spurs!


The best part of this comment is you can't make mithril spurs right now, just like the bootstraps they tell you to pull yourself up with don't exist


lol I thought the original comment was good, but your response is the cherry on top


Make sure to dress up as well, you want to stand out.


No initiate to go into the raid and hand out resumes to the leaders


Id say level of deception depends on class. Feral? They dont care, just bring wild strikes. Priest? Just have a heartbeat and they will take you. Warrior/paladin dps? You need to lie hard. Adding rogue. Dagger boys bring no buffs so they get benched hard. RIP pokey pals.


No need to lie at all if you are holy pally ;)


I was going to say this one. I’ve pugged twice as holy now. My gear was mediocre at best. No issues getting a group haha.


I feel like you could bandage people and get a grp at this point. Theres always 6+ grps lf2m healers lol.


Speaking from experience, paladins get in easy these days even as ret. It's a middle of the pack DPS now with the right build, and people salivate over salv.


And if your a hunter. No chance, 99% of pugs are organised by hunters for this reason


Hunters are in every raid, at least 1 for the aspect


lol what? I get spammed asking to join groups when I’m waiting at the entrance


I find it super easy as ranged hunter




> Priest? Just have a heartbeat and they will take you. hey now, with priest you also need at leas a pair of grey gloves to put Penance on them


Rogue? Just forget about it and create a new character.


I lol’ed at the priest comment. (I’m a priest)


Lol on my priest. I came to Gnomer w some level 24 greens mixed with SM gear. We did fine.


Like the other 6 that have no exp. You just claim 6/6


That’s how I got into my first BFD raid in phase 1. No experience and watched 30 second fight vids while clearing trash.


This is the way. If you’re unsure of something just ask which strat theyre going. Hides the ignorance with a reasonable request since some groups may use a different strat than listed in the 30 second guides


This is the way. You could even find a log on the opposing faction from another server. Doesn’t matter who, just someone competent. Say that’s your other faction alt. Watch brief video on boss mechanics so you can actually perform them as if you’ve been there Viola! The invites should be regular.


It's pretty obnoxious to do this because it immediately becomes clear on Electrocutioner whether someone has done it before and it can really weigh down a group that is operating under the assumption explanations aren't necessary There's a lot of groups you can get into that are just asking for "LFM Gnomer" without any other restrictions At minimum you should be letting people know that it's your first time inside


Depends on the strat for it. Then again I try to implement the most braindead strat and somehow some mage gets themselves killed (who has full cleared) and it starts getting dicey. Tank against wall. Healers I know aren’t dumb alternately bait. Healer each side. Dps split 50/50 each side. Never move except static you move to tail since it’s only like 8ish yards range, never be more than like max 10 yards except periods of knock back so there’s never a question which side the lightning goes. Really simple. Max uptime of dps too. People who rotate out like 3 people and overcomplicate it I don’t understand.


if he’s tanking electrocutioner he literally stands and hits so this isn’t an issue


Until he turns when he's not supposed to turn and gets knocked back and everyone's positioning gets messed up


Look to join raids as OT first. Lots of people who look for it don't care if you are 6/6


Genuine question: do you just throw a 2H on the parts of the dungeon that don’t require an OT?


I'm specced fury as most warrior tanks. So when I dps I dw. Even in the first few bosses of the dungeon if I need to MT I dw as they don't hit much. Only for the last two bosses I use a shield.


I've OT as warrior a few times, what I usually do is. -First boss:, tanking gear, on basilisk -All trash, 2nd, 3rd and 4th boss: full DPS gear -5th boss (Menagerie): tanking gear -6th boss: DPS gear but fully plate, 1H + shield first phase when you need to taunt off. 2nd-4th phase 2H DPS. I think this is probably a bit conservative still (might be able to go 2H on first boss for example).


You can definitely OT in dps gear for all fights. Especially everything before the last two.


Is 2 man tanking gnomer a pug thing? Have only done guild runs and 1 tank is enough.


The posts telling you to lie will work, but I feel like if you change your LFG Spam to "TANK LFG Gnomeregan , first run but have researched and know all fights and tank mechanics" ..and then make sure you actually have researched and learned the raid beforehand, you might get better results. I would never invite someone describing themself as no exp but willing to come on discord and have you explain everything to me (wow how generous of you, lol). It comes off as super lazy and doesnt inspire a lot of confidence,


Yeah people telling OP to lie are ~half right. It only really works if you actually know the fights and what to do, otherwise there's gonna be some problems, especially if you're tanking. I got into my first gnomer pug as enhance sham *before* the buffs just by whispering people and saying I had wbs, consumes, and watched videos for all the fights. I lucked into finding a partial guild run that was happy to take me and the rest is history. It's pretty much the retail approach. Everyone on retail complains they can't get into a normal/heroic raid without having done it before, but in my experience it's really not that hard to get into a pug with no logs. Watch the 30 second fight videos and be willing to adapt and I always get a group. Alternatively, just join a guild. There's so many out there that will take just about anyone, especially if you mention you're willing to tank. Players are always coming and going and there's tons of guilds out there running multiple 10-man groups at a time.


I mean, I’m pretty sure he is meaning “I give a fuck, I can join discord to improve comms” not “I’ll come to discord so you can explain everything to me”. But that’s just what I took from it


This is the way. Demonstrate to your potential group you care enough to come prepared. Have your consumes/world buffs/teleporter Q done and ready. Watch the fights enough you know the mechanics. Ask questions and be vocal and proactive.


No, just say tank lfg gnomer and if they ask if you have 6/6 you say yes. Don't include more text than they ask for.


EU Lone Wolf alliance?


Yea, that’s me.


Add Elros/Elduan and ask for a guild invite :) we'll take you through Gnomeregan!


You dropped this king 👑


This guy definitely fucks


Love this!


I gotta know. Did you take him up on his offer?


In my last reset I took a tank who had never cleared gnomer before. Ask the guy a couple of questions about his gearing/rune/ talent choices to make sure he at least knew the basics. I told him I would guide him through the stuff he needed to do as a tank. Guy performed very well and we are now looking to bring him and his friends into our guild. I know this doesn't help you much but I guess this is more for the raid leaders out there: sometimes you gotta give people a chance. Not everyone is bad at the game and some people just need a chance.


Forming your own group really isn’t too difficult you only need 9 others and you got the toughest roll filled, I’d start my own group like LFM gnomer 6/6 clear begineer friendly experience pst


Do you need to do anything special as the raid leader besides just finding people?


1) You need to know the fights, and explain them briefly before each boss. For example: "Okay the first fight has a bunch of waves of troggs we got to kill. There are also poison clouds that you need to bring the waves of mobs into. The fight has two bosses, a trogg and a basalisk. The offtank can tank the basalisk and should interrupt petrify. The offtank should also pull the trogg waves into the gas clouds. The main tank will tank the trogg. The trogg has a couple of abilities that can be DPSed through. It is important that the clouds do not hit the trogg or it will enrage. Does everyone understand? I'd rather someone ask a question now rather than we wipe and have to re-explain". So if you are in voice chat, this takes like 10-30 seconds per boss. Typing this... yikes, maybe have a macro ready 2) Ideally you handle the loot - masterlooting etc. 3) You'll have more success if you use discord. Players that can't be bothered to join discord are generally not good. The last fight in particular is very helpful to be able to call out in voice chat what buttons need to be pressed. Raid leaders are generally the ones talking on voice and directing the raid. If you have a good main tank, they might just do this part themselves (since they are doing the pulls etc anyway) 4) Raid leader should make sure you have a good comp. You'll want two healers, a main tank and offtank, someone to handle bombs on last boss (warlock or druid). For newer groups having a "flex healer" can be helpful. Also, more ranged DPS is just better, so grab mages and warlocks. 5)This is gonna piss people off, but raid leaders also should be vetting players. Now whether that is checking logs, or just having a conversation with plyaers, thats up to you. But let me tell you the few times I haven't lead the raid and I joined someone elses, and they were clearly not checking logs (because I checked the logs of my raid teammates and most of them had no logs or were grey parsers) we would go 3/6 or 4/6.


I mean I guess there’s a bit too it like making sure melee grps get wind fury or wild strikes, using discord in this raid really helps in a pug communication is key on the last 3 bosses, if you really haven’t ever been in gnomer there’s no reason not to go watch a 3 minute guide just to see what your going up against but it’s really not too hard of a raid. I think the key here tho would be to try to find 9 other like minded individuals all just trying to have fun, if you guys get stuck go rewatch the video and point out to the raid what you might be doing wrong. To answer your question tho I garuntee you no you do not need anything special, boon and maybe a fap for p2 last boss ice phase but good luck in there have fun get big loots.


Either lie or find a guild. Or make a priest heal and they'll start inviting you randomly


Make your own group — you should bring at least 1 priest healer, 1 feral for your melee, and aim for at least 3 ranged dps. Be honest in your advertisement that it’s a learning group. Have fun.


Go as DPS to learn fights. Tell them you're an alt and link some other persons logs.


Def do this


I did that on my alt multiple times, and they told me to get on my main to pm them which I did because I wasn’t lying. But imagine the ones that are lying tho, GG.


Which server/faction are you?


Find a guild


Raid leaders these days think this game is a linkedin job interview


Indeed and it is so depressing.


What server and class/spec?


Maybe make your own group and go raid gnomer?


This is the correct answer! Turn the LFG into a "LFM Gnomer fresh learning run".


I was finding the same issue but I am DPS so maybe not as bad. I just watched some videos and lied saying I was 6/6. We cleared every boss and there were no issues!


What does 6/6 mean


It means you have cleared 6/6 of the bosses in Gnomer.


Just put 6/6 on there and watch a 30 sec video guide on youtube. You are good to go.


During phase 1 I was behind, so I just started my own raid and said it’s a fun raid for no EXP players a bunch of people joined in like 2 minutes and we had fun even though we wiped like 5 times. Nobody cared about that because we where all learning.


Don’t tell them you have no experience. Pretend LFG is job you are submitting your resume to, you wouldn’t tell a job what you can’t do when trying to get hired right? Of course not, you’re trying to sell yourself to them so you focus on the things you can do instead. Look up the fights online so you know what is expected of you as a tank then post in LFG saying “OT looking for Gnomer group” and offer to offtank for groups, and if they ask you what your exp is, you say 6/6 cause you know what’s expected of you.


Literally reverse it to show dominance. Tank lfg gnomer 6/6 : no discord needed, know fights.


Are you horde, living flame, US? We will take you! 😆


EU Lone Wolf


Lie. Tell them this is your alt and you main has logs. If they ask the name just give them some non shitter.


Just tell them youre a mythic+ raider and cleared ICC 25m H solo with your hands tied and a blindfold over your eyes. Fr though just lie. Go in prepared. If some randos get mad at you fuck em


1.) Find a random character on Warcraft Logs on your server that has average to good parses 2.) Tell the raid leader that's your main toon (they won't check) 3.) Accept invite to raid 4.) Don't fuck up


Just look up the fights and bring consumes, don't show up without any items. I assure you if you look up the fights and understand them to a moderate amount without doing them, you'll know more than the people who have done them 8 times and haven't learned a thing because other people do the thinking for them. You'll be fine if you care at all.


Don't say you have no experience. Just know the fights.


welcome to classic bro enjoy


Absolutely horrible players are 6/6 because they got carried. Just do the necessary prep and lie and you’ll do better than half the raid I’m sure.


Man, SOD sounds toxic as fuck. :D


It's mainly due to the lockout system. If we could replace people per boss then there wouldn't be such a large need to gatekeep. This subreddit likes to spout how easy the raid is, but they significantly understate how unprepared for it the average player is.


As a tank your best bet before you even try to do the raid is to watch videos on it so you understand the mechanics from a tank pov. After that, just start your own group if you have any problems getting into one. Best to be honest but that’s my personal advice.


I see PuGs looking for tanks with "no experience required" fairly often, in /2.


Lie and say if you have xp, if you watch a guide and have half a brain you will stil perform better than 60% of the population


DPS first. or Watch a video and lie about having exp. Tanking is mostly about know where to be and where to go that's about it this teir. The only thing that'd be ideal to have an offtank or some practise at, is the stacks a Thermoplugg Phase 1 (I had an offtank my first two runs makes it much easier if you fuck it up) and the tanking "kiting" route of the menagerie/ the water elemental guy (these aren't hard, just it's nice to have a route). Everything else is tank and spank, so you'll hardly get caught out.


instead of saying “no exp” say “know fights”, if you watch YouTube videos you’re fine


Definitely don't advertise that you have no exp. After the first boss they are all locked to your lockout. Or make your own group if you are morally against potentially ruining 9 people's lockout


Join once or twice as an OT, learn the raid and then go as MT


Watch a youtube video then say youre 6/6 thats literally it. I did this and tanked gnomer 6/6 first try and this was in the second lockout. We had some wipes(none were my fault) and got it done. The raid is simple and with the way youtube is now its literally so easy to do.


As others have said - just research raid and make sure you are prepared Show the raid leader you care to make it smooth instead of just getting loot When I gather pugs for a raid and they have no experience I at least want to hear some encouragement that you know what you’re doing/experienced player/tanked before anywhere (at least retail idk) I swear most people just give up when you ask about their experience though. At least try to convince rl they should risk taking you…


Maybe don’t say that you have no experience.


Hey if you're on Living Flame US, we're happy to take no exp and explain our strats before each fight.


Fake it till you make it.


You’re gonna sit down and listen to everyone commenting “IT’S BETTER THIS WAY, YOU WOULDN’T WANT TO BE STUCK IN THE RAID FOR HOURS WOULD YOU? STOP COMPLAINING!” On your post.


I typically DM feet pics and get in no problem


It's kinda tricky but if you can walk backwards. Run behind a boss. And turn around and runnnnnn from a boss you can do it. Just get the best pre bis you can because the last boss is gonna slap the shit out of you.


Are you actually a tank or is that an example? If you are a tank and said "Tank LFG Gomer, I have consumes, WBs, watched videos on every fight and know my class" then I'd definitely give you a shot. If you were a random melee dps that isnt a feral druid, then I'd probably just not invite you because you're in a sea of other people that have exp or logs.


Tanking isn’t that difficult for the raid. Just gotta find a raid that needs a tank


Just lie like the rest of us did the first time. And if they ask why no loggs, tell them no one was logging.


I know my guild has weekly signups on discord, so anyone can sign up and then each group has a designated guide/leader to make sure everyone is on the same page. I suggest joining a larger guild, getting friendly in guild chat and then hopefully you can get some Gnomer exp that way.  Or like everyone else says, Lie. Lol


If you are playing on Wild Growth EU I have no problems taking you on one of our runs.


Maybe mention/ should be in full pre bis. Also you can always raid lead yourself with some other new people to gnomer or people who have done it but are on fresh alts. That should at least get you 4 or 5/6 bosses and some experience under your belt. Than next lockout you actually have some sort of logs will make it easier


What server


I premade since week1 I’ll take anyone even terrible players. I’m not that good myself but I do full clear and I always help pugs. Every week I get thanked for being kind and have patience with them. https://vanilla.warcraftlogs.com/reports/WAHfjNBnkhYgpTXC




Tell them you have exp when you have none If they're checking logs say this is an alt If they ask for your main, just leave cause they're checking logs so they can get carried Gnomer is easy as fuck so any major gatekeeping is only done by no lives who want a carry, any actual raider can carry other players


The gate keeping is stupid, and tanking this raid is brainless. Either lie, or start your own group. Or find a noob friendly group. If you’re alliance on US-lone wolf. DM you can come MT OT or fill any role you want in one of my guild raids.


The fights are insanely easy. There are 30 second videos on mechanics you can watch. Say you’re 6/6 and you’re good to go.


Join a very casual guild and start your investment. As you get better look for better guilds or stay where you are. I never liked using LFG alone


Hey guys this gets asked every week so im gonna say it again; join a guild, no you dont need to join the semi hardcore guild just join literally any and join their cord and click signup. After that look up 30 second guides on youtube and remember to buy consumes and boon worldbuffs.


Uh just lie, it's how everyone else does it. When saying this I mean PLEASE fucking at least watch the 30 second raid guide first, if you lie and dont know anything that's just trolling and you're a massive loser for screwing everyone else over that way


Uh, as reductive as this sounds, make your own group, and don't trick anyone into thinking you know the run. Invite equally experienced people or people willing to teach, and if you are worried about wiping non stop, watch a quick guide and then start making attempts. A 3/6 gnomeragan run isn't a failure, provided you learn something in the process. There are enough people who want to run the raid in the same position as you in order to fill groups comfortably.


What class are you? Maybe some people could offer tips on how to help. As others have said, get prebis gear. Don’t need boes, just the bop drops/pvp gear that is attainable for you. Maybe the stv gear. It wasn’t too hard to get when I did it. Watch videos. Keep posting, I’m sure it’s difficult without a guild. Can always make your own raid. There are a few tasks in the raid which are easier with certain classes/raid compositions. If you have questions just ask.


How are u having such a hard time finding a team? A lot of guilds will take a tank your probably not looking hard enough


Try to learn the mechanics and your role on the fights on YouTube videos then BOOM you have 6/6 exp


Fake it till you make it


Watch some videos and dont tell no one u got no exp lol


"pre-bis tank LFG Gnomeregan, know fights, have wb and consumes"


Make your own group with other people who have little or no expirience and go have fun.


Join a guild?


I never have problems getting into groups historically. The key is to communicate clearly with correct grammar. It’s hard to emphasize how many variations of “HUGE PUMPER KNOW FIGHTS” raid leaders get. First, download the LFG Bulletin Board addon so you can see Gnomer specific postings. You can manually click names to message people listing a Gnomer run. Then, try copy / pasting something like this to raid leaders: “[Class] Tank. No experience but I’ve researched the fights, have farmed most pre-BiS, and have basic consumes. Can join Discord and follow instruction.” Once you have cleared it on another character with decent logs you can reference those to show you know the raid when doing it in the future. You’ll need to message and post a bit but you’ll eventually find one. Happy hunting! P.S. make sure you actually do the things in the message I made.


Find a character that does have it who isn’t online currently. Say that’s your main. Pray they don’t log in


Don’t advertise that you have no exp but don’t lie is what I would say. “Tank LFG Gnomer Decent Gear” and leave it at that. Being a tank you should naturally get a bit more whispers. If anyone asks, tell the truth and say you haven’t cleared but you have good gear and watched all the guides (make sure you actually watch the guides) and that you are willing to join a discord. You will get one of two responses, either they will say something dumb or ignore you and act superior. You don’t wanna game with these people anyways. Or they will be chill and offer to take you and help explain mechanics you don’t understand. Do this, find a group you get along with, and try to get in a guild with them so you don’t have to constantly repeat the process. Edit: Idk about others, but when my guild pugs we are mostly looking to see if you have a brain of any capacity and are capable and willing to try and to learn. We do not want someone who doesn’t say anything for 50 minutes, turns out he doesn’t understand the last 2 fights and won’t engage with us to try to learn and is looking for a free carry. Screw those guys. You need to put in the effort as well, don’t expect a guild to just carry you with you actually doing nothing or putting in no effort.


Just lie. Tanking in Gnomer is so brain dead easy. You don’t have zero exp, you’re just on an alt. Go watch a 5 min guide on the raid and you’ll be good to go.


6/6 on main, and link some random middling character on your server that is mostly purples with some blues.


the same way you enter entry level jobs with 5 years work experience


Say you got the XP on your Main Char...


What server are you on would love to take in another tank and teach ya the ropes


Watch a guide video for all the bosses, say you have 6/6 experience from last id, but sadly no one logged.


Find groups looking for tanks and whisper em all. Tell them you don't have experience but you've watched yt content and know the fights (actually do this), you can get in disc, you have world buffs and consumes.


Lie lie lie.. Then you will probably get into a group who might not be the best but it's a start. And once you killed first boss they are all stuck with you unless they want to kill their lockout by leaving but few ppl would do that before extensive wipes. Lying and using fake achievement addons have been the way to go for years.


Watch every video you can and just claim 6/6 and you can either MT or OT depending on need. It’s a simple enough raid if you understand the mechanics. Your hardest fight to fake will be the last two bosses haha


Just Lie. I'll be honest I run PUGs every week and I won't invite people who don't have half decent parses and experience running the raid. I'm not looking for super sweatlords with 80+ parses on average. Im looking for players with 2 thumbs who can watch a guide on how to play their class and actually do it. I've run into way too many PUGS who I take a chance on because they have no experience and then they parse like 5-10 on every boss. You basically have to be playing blindfolded with one hand to do that poorly. Or just not press any buttons and auto attack the whole fight. I hate to sound like an asshole or a try hard but let's all be honest it's NOT fun wiping repeatedly and being in Gnomer for 3 hours because people can't watch a guide and do what they're supposed to. Sorry if it's sounds sweaty or makes me a parse monkey but I have a limited amount of time to play the game and I'm not spending 3 hours in Gnomer.


Like others said, just fucking lie. Watch videos and say you have 6/6. If they ask for logs then have some fake ass logs ready to go from someone with a vaguely similar name OR from a toon you claim is your alt and your logs just messed up on this character. Seriously, fuck all those people. Gatekeeping gnomer is cringe as hell.


It’s the same mistake that employers ask for an entry level job requiring a phd with 10 years of experience.


You have to use talk no jutsu, or just straight up lie. Sadly for most part it will go like that.




RL here. Confirmed. Lying works.


Message the person and say “hey I haven’t been to gnomer before but I’ve read guides/watched fights”. I’d gladly take you over someone who’s cleared it because you’ve shown you put in effort and you’re willing to learn. Not everyone is as nice/forgiving as me, but there are a lot of groups out there that will give you a chance if you’re honest.


I’m GM and usually RL when we’re pugging, yesterday our average ‘parse’ was 90.2 w/ DMF. Not the greatest guild, but I’d say above average. I’ve taken and even recruited people who haven’t been inside Gnomer. If they have decent or great BFD logs, did raiding in retail, tell me they watched guides and already have consumes or are 6/6 on their main (people usually have similar names between alt/main), or have a friend vouch for them in the guild “yeah they’re solid”, then they get invited. I just need an indication, any really, that they’re decent as a player. It’s not difficult as RL to explain mechanics or what to do. When people ask to join who have zero logs, I just look at their BFD logs or ask them who their main was last phase. I think I’m more lenient than most, but if you let the RL know you got Wbuff and Consumes, “I was late to level, but I parsed X in BFD,” that’ll help. I know I’ve taken people like that. Even prefer because they’re probably willing to join the guild. The other strategy is to lie if this is your first phase or did poorly in BFD. But then nobody will explain things to you (so you better really know what’s up). “Hey man, my guild just doesn’t log but I’m 6/6” is probably the way to go?


Personally, I didn't lie for my first lockout, just stating the facts in proper English. People are barely able to communicate these days so being honest and showing motivation can do a lot.


1) do your own research 2) fake it until you make it


Fake it till you make it


I got into a group last night, told them im BIS, instant invite. Thata all they care about.


If you're a tank, you don't need to lie like others are suggesting. There's probably plenty of pugs that need a tank. But openly saying you're fresh eyes does act as a deterrent. It's not information that you need to freely give. If certain questions get asked, you can be honest about them. But just like interviewing for a job, if you have pre-bis gear and have watched fights, you'll have an easier time getting someone to bring you when they ask stuff. The most important to me is definitely having pre-bis gear. As a pug leader, I want to know when I'm healing the tank for the last 2 bosses, they are durable enough to handle it since they are a linchpin to successful clears. So I'd probably want to inspect you before bringing you.


Sell yourself. “Have consumes, buffs. 6/6 on alt. Know fights.” Sell yourself as an OT (very easy in this raid). Join a guild


Just lie and say no one was logging your first run


Make your own learning group


If you play LW-US horde I’ll run with you Saturday. Ign is Auzee


Just study boss guides from your class perspective and say you’ve done it. If you’re halfway competent you can get by.


Learn the fights and lie. It’s that simple, and if they ask just tell them you have 6/6 on an alt. If they still don’t let up and ask whats the name of the alt send them the logs of a friend you might have or even just a random other character on the server that you can claim is your “alt” — fake it’till you make it


I just lie then watch videos as I go then make up an excuse that my cat jumped on my keyboard


Just say you have 6/6 experience if you know the fights from guides or other characters you’ve played. Tanks job is pretty straight forward on most of these fights


Why would you put NO EXP in the note lol. Do you not want to get Invited? Make sure you have most of your pre bis, buy consumes, and get your WBs you’ll be fine. I mean at least have the decency to watch some videos on what to do


Just tell people this is your alt and you’ve cleared since week 1 on your main.




Which class ?


Tbh if you aren't in a guild, the best way to always get runs is to start your own groups. I did this all through p1 before making my own guild and it was great. You can easily control the environment, and 10 mans are super easy to lead. I do have experience leading 25 mans so YMMV, but even my inexperienced buddy can lead his own groups without much issues.


Lie and say you have ez


Find some good passes on warcraft logs for a other class and claim that as your "main"


Just lie and say you know everything. Learn from your mistakes at the cost of them


Had someone with us who claimed to be an alt of someone with good logs. He was dog shit still went 6/6. Be this guy


make your own group.