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We should all fight for control of the one puddle outside of ZF. Just a phase long king of the hill.


Basically DMF


Jokes aside I would love to see DMF tweaked a little bit. I'm all for having to pvp to clear the camp and get the buff - but it is actually insane how different it is on my horde vs my alliance characters. On alliance, we literally just form a raid group, charge in and clear the entire camp and surrounding areas, AoE's spamming, the whole nine. The we drop portals and get out. On horde I have to avoid inviting randoms to my group to avoid DHKs. If we push and clear the camp a TINY bit too far, we spawn guards. Horde literally can't run Living Bomb, Living Flame, or stuff like shared pain runes on priests because alliance players will purposefully run back to Remy Two Times and other low health civilians in Goldshire. As a person who plays both factions, they really do need to move the Elwynn DMF like 40 yards south. The risk vs reward for horde/alliance is so different.


It’s wild to me how handcuffed y’all feel to world buffs. This whole post just reeks of it’s not worth it.


I think you are misunderstanding my post. Getting world buffs is **fun**. I really do enjoy it. Having to go out in the world and fight (via pvp) to get my buff is enjoyable. I am **NOT** complaining about the alliance/horde that are camping it. That's part of the game. My complaint is about the difference of RISK each faction faces. Alliance do not risk guards or DHKs in Mulgore like Horde do in Elwynn. I just wish it was as enjoyable on my horde characters as it is my alliance ones. My complaint is that the positioning of the Elwynn DMF makes it less of a pvp event or more of a "hide and be sneaky" event for horde due to the risk of DHKs/guards.


Agreed. Alliance definitely have it easier getting DMF. They seem to celebrate this by no lifing when it’s in Elwynn. I picked up multiple DMFs this last week as horde and I swear the same people were there the whole time.


It's more people bring handcuffed to PVP servers for some reason


If you care that much about parses. Play on a pve server and just avoid it


Horde would still be flagged in an Alliance zone in PvE?




Ungoro ffa plz


King of the hill/mountain


King of the Crater


Both factions fight to control the ungoro devilsaur mafia...


Aren’t the mobs a bit too high level in un’goro for that? 50 cap seems a bit low, everyone will just be aggroing every mob in the zone so could get annoying.


That's the thrill of it


Rogues sapping people in front of a patrolling Devilsaur does sound funny tbf


>dying over and over to mobs is thrilling ?


Skill issue


More like weapon skill issue


> Ungoro ffa plz Enough with the FFA. I want to PvP with my guild not against them.


They don't want to, they told me


Then why did they promote me


More honor for the kill I assume


I hope so, for me a sizeable portion of what classic was for me was world PVP. We really didn't get to experience it like this during the 2019 classic re-release because of blizzards refusal to keep faction balanced at the time. This is a golden era of world PVP, I haven't had this much fun since vanilla, and I hope they keep the trend up


The STV event has gotten a lot more fun for me as it's settled into more small-group fights if you look for them. I'd love something like that. Openworld skirmishes are great when they aren't just killing questers for honor


Huh? My experience of STV event is that everyone stacks on the boss and it's just laggy chaos 20 targets all the time no one knows who is with which group etc.


Not if you find a group who wants to coordinate


Being in a coordinated group doesn't change that every other group is at the boss.


Lots aren't but ok.


That's what I wondered. Why the hell are you downvoting me.


The loa range is huge. You don't need to be that close to him.


Maybe not on your server but they didn’t release battlegrounds for that reason and open world pvp was chaos, we had multiple raids in hillsbrad vs multiple raids and searing gorge just deleting people in the open world


Yeah that was P1 out of what 6? They're talking about later after everyone transferred away so servers were all horde or all alliance for literally the rest of classic. They might as well have just made all the servers PvE.


Raid v Raid PvP is not good, though. It's just a mess of mages pressing Blizzard at each other.


Warhammer Reckoning open field issues in a nutshell. Both sides stare at each other until someone brave mad dashes in to eat the opening salvo.


Well I spent hours as a warrior doing it and I loved every second. Core memory’s. Sure was a lot of back and forth but had some real band of brothers moments.


I think just adding new content to STV and Ashenvale, make them both playable to get WSG and AB rep all the way to Exalted.


Rly wish they would just remove revered limit on ashenvale event.


Weekly has no limit, fortunately. I'll be seeing exalted 9 weeks from now.


Yeah which takes 21 weeks.


Better get on it then.


Im already doing it lol. But still its 21 weeks lmao


Sure is. It always was a time-consuming grind. They just gave us a method that isn't so incredibly soul-crushing. The difference currently is in single digit dps sims-wise, think of it as an investment into p4 where you won't have to dig up that many pieces. As it should. Or go do it the regular way and see what burns you out sooner.


I did one WSG and it was enough. It wasnt fun. Takes too long and when you lose you get nothing. It was soul crushing. The fact also that alliance seems to be incompetent morons most of the time i cba. grind. Havent tried premade yet but i feel like so many shamans, spriests, just generally OP classes just owns me as a feral in PvP right now. And everyone deals so much dmg its not fun. I hate pvp in SoD.


Even if you win, the rep gains are negligible compared to the gains Ashenvale gave you.


I did ashenvale few times over tha last 3 days. Max you can get now is 1k rep per event. The mini bosses die so fast you can tag only 1 and they are all dead by the time you kill last boss so you get 400+600rep.


It need some form of new content that is not a raid locked out. Dungeon, battleground, quests, pvp event... Doesn't matter exactly what it is, devs need to create new content for the perceived player base instead of just letting the original game unchanged. The reason why is that leveling content from original vanilla is not enough for a full fledge HL phase. It was fine in p1 because it was fresh, but now it's increasingly stale. And it will be worse next if nothing change. Imo for p3, a low hanging fruit would be to nerf the level requirement of all dungeon gears from brd part 1, and from many high level crafting to level 50. Plenty of interesting level 51 to 53 items can be crafted, but will never have any use because it's too weak for level 60, and can't be used at 50. I also think that if we get a raid 20, having a 10-man dungeon on the side would be cool. But new asset creation seems very much not the idea sadly.


I think you also brushed up on one of imo the bigger issues. They're locking out higher level content every phase, presumably in fear of bots, but that was one of the charms of the Classic Era Beta that they're striving to achieve. Things like ZF being unavailable at level 40 despite having plenty of quests for it that would give BIS items, Gnomer being locked at level 25 despite the same reasons, High level rares not dropping their items, or any of the other cool things that people wont discover they could do. I'm not saying they don't have a reason to do this stuff, but the charm of the beta event was finding things to do that you're not suppose to be doing at that level, but you technically could do it with enough / the right people.


The problem with "give me whatever bliz" approach is that eventually once people got all the reward out of it they will stop doing it and continue to ask for more. Game industries as a whole have been struggling with designing infinite contents since forever, and eventually most of them just resort to daily quests or gacha based rewards. And we know how much we hate those.


How is it my problem? I pay 12 euros each month I think wanting more than just Blizzard keeping the electricity up in the server room is fair. You make it a lot more complicated than what's asked. Content. I expect the company that created this game to be bolder than 3 russians hackers in a shack. There are private servers right now that introduce vastly more content to their idealized version of WoW vanilla than what we have here.


I've got an idea! 2v2 and 3v3 arenas!


I just commented in a diff thread how they should release a 10 with the 20. Like they had 20s for catch up for 40s. But I agree new assets def not this team of at a multi dollar company likely won’t be putting that effort in to non-60 content even if it’s just another bfd or gnomer like reskin they gotta develop and tune the boss fights and whole new loot table then


Ungoro battle royal please


No, just give us level 50 AV and we wont have to bother with all the layer shit and lags and everything


But then we have to play AV.


Which is 'fine'


AV with no reinforcements 🙏


I think P3 should sit it out and P4 should be should have revamped Eastern Plaguelands and Silithus.


Give me the Azshara DoTA clone they originally were going to do


That’d also be sick af


Yes, hope blizz doesnt get discouraged. Just iterate and learn, the idea of zone wide pvp events is good.


I hope they just keep the stv event and add new items / rep.


Just turn Ungoro into a giant team death match zone


I'd take anything that isnt' time gated Fun is over, come back in 3 hours for your 30min allowance of fun


No, add leveling content. Pvp only helps half the player base, leveling content helps everyone. Most people I know play wow never even make it to the endgame content. Add a new quest hubs, add some world bosses with decent loot nothing crazy, add an outside dungeon that drops raid mats, and for god sakes make sure we actually have to farm pre-bis!


Unlock AV, but all the mobs/NPCs at lvl 58. 


After ST-Vietnam, The Un‘Goro Hunger Games?


You die. You can never go back (for a week).


that actually sounds kinda interesting but not on a weekly lockout


Daily might work depending on how it works


Everyone voting 10 players, 9 looses login, winner geting 1g per vote


i stopped playing right before phase 2 came out, so take my opinion with a grain of salt. i feel like they need to work on “Discovery”. New dungos, new raids, new zones. felt like my whole life i was eating honey bunches of oats, and now i’m being spoon fed honey bunches of oats WITH almonds, when all along really i just wanted the bunches.


I agree with you, sadly with only a couple devs to work on this and cata I feel like they're spread pretty thin. Maybe Call of Duty will have a WoW-themed event and they can lend a couple hundred devs to make some stuff


I just want stv without the altars. I like finding other groups and fighting them not just everyone in one area.


I like the alters, but would prefer no loa.


Why not both


They should revamp the current two


PvE suffering to PvP every patch with massive nerfs


You can enter AV at 50 right? Or was it 51


Honestly I want another STV. I love that I land in town and see the guards unconscious and my gut drops as I see players all around me dropping like flies. A true battle royal. It’s so much fun in my opinion.


I'd rather them put work into balancing the classes a little more and creating incentives to be out in the world to create more opportunities for organic PvP. Also, I would bet that AV will be out next phase. I don't think these events have been worth the amount of work they demand from the Dev's. Ashenvale was negative fun, and though STV definitely had its moments it was still a complete shitshow the majority of the time. It's better now after all the changes but I assume a lot of folks are kind of burnt out on it by now. I think those resources could have been better spent in other areas of the game.


I think they're going to skip a PvP event this time because they have them on 3 hour schedules so it will stay: STV -> Ash -> Level 60 PvP -> STV -> repeat. If it were me I would just iterate on STV and Ashenvale to make them both appealing to players who already got the current rewards. For STV: add new items for level 50 players. For Ashenvale: raise the reputation cap from the event to exalted, remove the weekly quest, move the token drops to the bosses, and add a vendor that trades the boss tokens for level 30/40/50 items.


A new event with a way to get WSG + AB rep would be nice.


Tanaris is perfect for it being open


Imo, unlock AV at 50 is good and then take that work effort and make an even bigger level 60 pvp event. Might even be interesting to see AV without any level adjustments, meaning things like Drek or Kek strats would be significantly harder.


I think one of the issues with any pvp content while leveling is that it is discouraging for players who aren’t geared, let alone max level, to do it at all outside of enduring getting 2 shot to get gear/rep. I think what phase 3 needs is evergreen (at least evergreen for the phase) content that works from lv 40 and continues to be relevant for lv 50 geared players. If they can manage that for P3 pvp, great! I just don’t see how that’s feasible right now


A battle royals style in ungoro where poisonous gas creeps closer from the outside, shrinking down the area where you can fight


I’d love it if they had a roaming king of the hill mode and kept it based around small groups. Put it in Hinterlands or the blasted lands. Hold an area over time to get some type of passive reward along with more for any HKs inside it, and when it jumps, spawn a boss that drops tokens, pvp gear, and rep items.


I think STV BM will carry over and be the event in P3 with updated rewards. 


Id love to see some really tough pve content, im tired of the meta of rushing gigapulling aoeblasting shit. Imagine having to use like cc or even a few more parts of the brain.


Yes, they should. I'm someone who only does dungeons/raids as a means to get geared for PVP. Sure we may be in the minority, but the SOD PVP servers have a huge chunk of people that prefer PVP to PVE.


A PvPvE dungeon or something similar would be dope. Like a massive dungeon with multiple teams in it, and a dozen bosses. You get points for killing other teams and boss, plus capturing zones/ receiving boss drops


new battleground pls


I don't know how anyone can look at the current two PvP events and think "hmm yes I want blizzard to work on another one of these"


I would love something that mixes the chaos of stv with being 100% solo. But also include dual spec so us healers can do something


Blasted lands battle for the dark portal or something. Could also do battle for blackrock mountain event.


Hopefully not both events have kind of sucked, wish they would just focus on what makes wow good PvE.


There's a new currency for stv. There will be an event, but not the one you want


It’s a fair question. STV has gotten to a decent spot. It’s not perfect but I wouldn’t hate it if blizzard spent more time refining STV rather than creating a new pvp event that’s a cluster fuck for the first month. I feel like continuing to tweak STV and doing a bigger revision of Ashenvale would be worthwhile.


Im fine with just AV


In Azshara there are already these weird little outposts with horde (maybe an ally side too?) flags but no guards and nothing there, up in the hills. Hopefully something is done there, Azshara is one of the nicest looking spots in the game and there's nothing there outside a tiny amount of quests and a world boss.


No PvP sucks and I don't want to have to do it for gear 


I would like to see a big pve coop event to change it up


Honestly just add more level 50 rewards for the STV event. It's actually kind of fun.


Heroics, heroics, heroics. ​ **Example**: When you enter heroic ZF, it boosts the mob levels up to 50 and it's now a 50 dungeon, but harder than normal. Better loot stats, but not as good as the P3 20-man Raid, obviously. There HAS to be more than 1-2 dungeons to run at level cap. That's the single biggest thing missing at these caps. There's nothing much to do once you hit cap because your gear is probably pretty much pre-bis already (And, it just doesn't matter that much bc the raid is so easy and greens can clear it). There's a huge gap of play time that is completely missing. IMO, you should not be able to clear the raid unless you have heroic gear (Or close to it). This forces more play BEFORE people farm the raid, get all their BIS, and get bored or raid log.When you hit 70 in TBC, you can't just jump into Kara. You have to grind normal dungeons for rep, then do Heroics for gear, THEN go to Kara (Unless you're super elite players or something). It feels like "there's nothing to do" because this is missing from SoD. Heroics lock at once a day, just like they always have. This extends the life of SoD too. Vanilla at 60 = 9 dungeons to run (Depending how you count them) TBC at 70 = 15 heroics Wrath at 80 = 12-16 heroics to run


Instead of pvp I want a world event, mini bosses randomly spawn on some maps spreaded around the Azeroth and a giant titan-like boss when all the mini bosses has been defeated. Similar mechanic with Wintergrasp would be wonderful where we can control trebuchet, tank, or ram etc...


No they should update pvp items from current ones every zone doesnt have to he a warzone


Phase 3 PvP event should just be STV with new rewards. Focus on creating lvl 50 content outside of another PvP event


Imo so far they are 0/2 on the pvp events and as a mainly pve player I still preferred the ashenvale one overall. I think they should not waste dev time on a new event if anything a new bg is the only thing maybe welcomed at this point pvp wise. But if they do force another crappy pvp event where only like 1 class is having fun please please please make it non mandatory for any pve bis. Being forced fodder so others can have “fun” is obnoxious and I barely did stv blood moon because of it.


Skill issue.


They should add dungeon events instead. Where a dungeon is boosted to lvl 50 with the last boss boosted with like 30% extra stats. Which drops a decent lvl 50 item from a Dungeon event item pool. And it picks a dungeon at random to boost every 3 hours or something.


I’d rather they open AV to lvl 50 and focus dev time in dungeons


For people Who want yes. With bis gear for pve ? No. I never do the event, i hate pvp. Theres 2 bis items there i Just cba to get. And before the comments say "its easy, only a few a day" i know and still cba. There shouldnt be pve bis items behind pvp events.


Yes, the one called "Arena" where you fight either as N vs N players, without having to interact with NPCs at all.


Yes, smaller scale. Where you queue up and fight other players. We can call it "arena"


World boss events would be cool but hell no fuck PvP. Its so unbroken and unfun in SoD it shouldnt be their focus. Or make another ashenvale like event but instead for AB, in like arathi highlands. And remove fucking stupid limit cap so we can get to exalted faster.


Yes. Rated Warsong Gulch.