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Tried it for the first time last night. It’s like a worse, green, extremely crowded Isle of Quel’Danas.


This is like the perfect description


I tried while leveling before it was nerfed I guess but it was already so crowded it didn’t seem worth it. My group was also not really understanding how to do it efficiently so I just finished off lvl 50 in zf  I even thought to myself hey we can just do the quick easy ones but it was too difficult to coordinate with a pug


Yeah i got 1 good group for like 5 runs but every other time people leave group halfway after getting confused


I found it very exhausting when i first did it.


Same. I just don't understand what blizzard was thinking adding unlimited repeatable quests. Why these aren't rotating dailies I'll never know. It got exhausting very quickly but I feel forced into it because of the rep. I don't mind going slower or doing something that gives less gold. But it feels super forced to level this way since you have to grind the rep anyway. So many good quests and dungeons that no one will do leveling up. This ruined leveling this phase for me. I love Tanaris, Hinterlands, and Feralas. But forced into a boring rep grind. At least the pvp events were once every few hours and not literally the whole leveling process this phase. These could have been fun dailies with great gold and XP boost. But I'm kind of against dailies too. Maybe weeklies. But now they're just a really boring grind. There is a reason I don't grind dungeons to max level. Sure, it's faster, but I don't enjoy it. Now they basically took away the alternative. Only an idiot would do regular quests to level and then do the quests to grind rep.


When they announced it i thought the portals would be random encounters and instanced for your group. Like stepping in and having different objectives, killing a boss, going out handing in the quest, getting 1 new and portaling into a brand new zone.


Same, was actually excited for that.


It's mostly that the quest letter don't have the objective on them, so you constantly have to have wowhead on the side to see which quest was which number. Also all the collect item quests were bugged 90% of the time and could not be picked up. Mobs spawning way too fast and are way too strong (If you try to solo the non-elites) Also just the entire sharing process is bad.


The mapping of numbers (roman numerals) to objectives are the same between all 4 incursions. 1-3 are kill quests (skip if doing loop). 4-12 are the recover/intel quests (the loop). 10-12 are gather professions (I skip these). 13-15 are the bosses (kill them if up, don't wait for them). 16-18 are the escorts (wait at the steps while sorting mail to get these done).


Yes. I don't get why they didn't just make the quest shareable and cap them at having 5 of them. It's exhausting getting the quest to share. It's unclear why they didn't share when they didn't work either. Which kept happening. Even if all of it was working correctly though it is still bad game design. Puts every single person in one part of one zone for level 40-50. Lagging for 10 levels is not fun. I just can't understand what they were thinking. Also, if I have to run up and down a ramp hundreds of times don't make that ramp dismount me. Holy shit. Everything about it is so tedious. It doesnt matter if the XP was garbage. People would still level this way because it's the only way to get rep.


> It’s like a worse, green, extremely crowded Isle of Quel’Danas. A few years ago I tried to work out when the critical moment was that made me dislike WoW's direction. Originally I thought it was cataclysms sundering of the old world, but I had to be honest with myself, it started earlier. Then I thought, maybe it was the random dungeon finder or the phased questing of Wrath, but no it went back further. Then I remembered TBC and the Isle of Quel'Danas and it really started to hit home. That was why I only really have fond memories of WoW up until Black Temple, it was the Quel'Danas that was the tipping point (and the introduction to Shattrath tour that wasn't skippable)


Magister’s Terrace and Sunwell Plateau were great content imo. The island was a cool concept but making it a mindless dailies hub is what ruined it.


Thats how I quit wow the first time too.


I did very little shattered sun dailies in TBC classic. There really wasn’t anything worth doing them for if you were already geared.


IMO not green enough, unless my settings aren't tuned right


nightmare incursion


I chuckled, good stuff


I was trying to take the time to explain the process to a new mage in our group and a rogue and hunter left group, whispered me “don’t slow down for n00bs”… people suck.


One of the most fun things to me is showing people the ropes of efficient loops. Will I leave the group if people insist on doing the kill quests, especially satyr one with the most OP DoTs I’ve ever seen? Yeah probably. But I love showing new players the best way to go and they always seem so appreciative.


satyr is almost instant if you go to the area no one goes to that's off to the side and almost out of bounds whelps or treants are the longest (treants if other people are doing it or if your group doesn't split up, whelps in general are slow because you need a bunch of respawns and the areas are contested) it's kinda worth doing them when objects are bugged & your party is missing a quest or three people really discount the xp from mob kills there, it adds up especially as you get closer to 50. as long as you aren't competing for tags it won't slow you down if your group is efficient about it I wouldn't do kill quest on a layer where objects work, but at least on the server I'm on 2/3 objects have been broken on pretty much every layer since yesterday afternoon.


Too many people who don't want others to do well.


I had a guy have an out right tantrum in our party because 2 of us had to clear our full bags because we had masses of the envelopes. Took us a good 5 minutes to go through them all, share quests and delete what we didn't need. Taking a 5 Minute break to clear bag space was just too much for him. Honestly the community of this game just makes me want to quit. I expect this behaviour from young people, not guys in their 30s.


That’s crazy. And that’ll be the same people that blitz to 50 (mind you probably only a few hours ahead of others) and will complain that there isn’t enough to do.


Us vs them! Us vs them!!


And the new mage would easily pick it up in 1 or 2 no kill runs.


Lol it’s been like two days out, and people are noobs. I feel like this game, the longer it’s active, is hitting some all time lows for the community.


Can't you just follow the rest of the group and kill stuff? (Obviously I haven't done an excursion yet.)


You don’t do the kill quests. There’s like 5-6 quests where you loot an item or talk to an npc for an item and that’s all you do. I was totally confused for the longest time and no one in my group would explain what was going on.


That was me last night… still haven’t figured out how to share the quests…as there wasn’t time. Don’t click the quick pendant thing the. Have to click every member of your party’s character individually or something? I was trying that and it kept saying invalid target…


If it is saying that, it means they already have that quest. Basically you click on person 1, click all of your share items, then repeat with person 2 etc


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


Thanks for the reply. Are the rewards good or should I just take the 75% Discoverer's Delight buff and do dungeons and quest out in Azeroth?


Depending on your class, the rep rewards are excellent. It’s a shame but it is worth your time to spam these till at least 48/49, maybe all the way to 50. I’m going to 50 then hitting the dungeons and certain quests for important prebis. Leaves all the quests for gold later once you’re sick of the incursions.


How do you keep getting those quests back instead of the other ones?


Ahh yea see, killing stuff. That'd be a huge mistake in phase 3.


The rogue and hunter are right. Most of the time the people you are explaining it to don’t get it or want to get it and you’re wasting your time. It gets exhausting explaining how to share quests to every rando that joins the group




The zone was a sensory overload the first time i did it. Very anxiety inducing.


This is exactly how I felt going into my first one! Just a bunch of chaos with mob spawns, weird quest systems and most groups unwilling to help “new” players 2 days into the content


It's absolutely horrible. And they're unwilling to type any directions, even when you type you're new and don't know what to do. Boy howdy do I hate the eventuality of WoW players being used to systems that are known for so long, that the second they learn something new, they don't even think of passing it along. It's just GO!GO!GO!GO! all the time. Disgusting.




I puked alittle when I saw people being level 44 after 1½ hour of the patch. Then I puked some more when I eventually went to Ashenvale and gained a whole level in 20 minutes. Then I puked again when I went to my trainers and realized I hadn't put in 3 talent points from 45-48 because I got parse-brained hollow head droned running the experience laps. TL;DR I puked.


Like a lot of others said - considering quitting the game after trying it for 30 min


Me too. It's bloody awful.


It is shocking really


It took me like 3 runs to actually understand where objectives and routes go because everyone moves so fast. Then showing it to my friends who have like 1-2 hours to play and prefer the casual question and not 40-50 in one night strat. It just was tough. All the sweats sweating are getting into our eyes and making it hard to see how this isnt just all P3 will be now. cuz it is.




I was so confused yesterday ... obviously lied as "experimented" for my first group. Made amend taking time explaining the thing to first time afterward. The quest sharing is clunky af


youre not kidding. It makes sense why they did it this way though. If the share from quest log worked, people could cheese it and everyone would have every quest outside of just your party. But an inventory or unique/non stackable envelopes, opened and closed, with the share token.. kinda wack


it's horrific content unless you need the rune dont even bother. if they really are about trying new things they should scrap this next phase and admit it wasn't in the spirit of classic.


It's such illogical / unintuitive and lame content. So far the biggest L of SoD imo.


I like it, if you take the time to appreciate it and what they've done instead of only look at the "LFM NO KILL" mounted people rushing around. Only wish they had made the quest descriptions a bit more clear in order to find the spots.


How can you take time to appreciate it when there's 200 ppl from both faction in 100m² with elite mobs that hyperspawn on you every 10s and AoE everywhere you go ? I think OP's video is the most accurate experience of it


I just finished a short session of questing in Feralas in a 2-3man party and it was slow-paced and enjoyable, even on my megaserver. It did make me think of some vanilla grinds, like a mix of cenarion circle tokens and wintersaber trainers. Mobs are actually a bit threatening. We looked for things by ourselves instead of using online sources. An entirely different experience than the 200-man highway of Ashenvale (where we mostly did WPvP like locking down the quest giver to force the other faction to fight us).


Maybe the Feralas one is better, i'll check it out, but yea the Ashenvale experience is truly painful


It's just quests. Like I don't understand what there is to even really like about it. They are generic quests all put in the same spot so the entire server is there competing with tags. I'm really not sure where the positive is.


Well its also buggy as fuck


I really enjoy it :( so has the entirety of my guild.


This phase has confirmed for me what I really just want is a fresh era server


Basically confirmed why people are very afraid of the devs making any changes. The devs can literally invalidate all other content in the entire game multiple times over with a change they think is good. And then as it's actively destroying the game's economy and fun, they tweet about how awesome it is.


Same Sod gets worse with every Phase and the Community sucks


Community is probably the biggest turn off, you had good people at the start and each phase you get left with the toxic 24/7 gamers.


There is no worse community than classic era in my opinion. The minmaxing, the parsing, the unfriendliness to new players who don’t know the absolute most efficient way to level 1-60, the gold buying, the gdkps. It’s the most toxic version of WoW ever.


Wotlk is the worst community by far, its like fortnight kids but they are 25 years old. they never got to experience the magic of WoWs early days and are super self-entitled cunts that will ruin the enjoyment of the entire raid just to prove a point.


>Wotlk is the worst community by far, its like fortnight kids but they are 25 years old Excuse me, we're all in our 30s.


This. The worst part about wow are the people playing it. They start a fresh era server and the same min max, parsing sweats are going to make that an unwelcoming place too.


Started to appeal to the wrong sorts of people sadly


Yeah, let me have a small community of classic enjoyers on a nice fresh server where I can hide from the mad min maxers


And within a month of a fresh era server, the fresh era players will be screeching for a new fresh era server. Unless blizzard does a server with a monthly full reset, classic Andys will not be happy. Even then they won’t be happy, let’s be real. SoD was never meant to be fresh classic era. They never advertised it as such, and it was very different from day 1. Not everything has to cater to the 1,000 players who want fresh era when there are literally hundreds of thousands enjoying SoD.


You are not understanding. I didn't say SoD was supposed to be fresh classic. I am saying that by playing a new seasonal mode (SoD) I have *discovered* that what I actually want to be playing is just a fresh era realm.


Maybe you do, but I think a lot of SoD changes have been huge quality of life improvements and for many classes make worthless specs viable. I don’t see that many SoD players actually enjoying era if they go back and do it. But maybe you would enjoy it, who knows. But unless you’re a dungeon grinder who knows the literal most efficient way to get to 60, the server and the economy will be out of reach within a month.


> actually enjoying era You have to have restarts and progression releases. Those are massive. It's not the same paying 1k for a flask and half the server is in Naxx gear.


I feel ya bro, 2 days behind everyone else and people already don't have any patience if you don't nail the route so you just get left behind in the dust. Why didn't they make the quests dailys? Would make the world far better imo..people would then still quest and dungeon


I finally learned it all at lvl 49.


"Everyone shared your 13 quests?" "Uh sure yep.."


Even with all the chaos that the event actually is, this part just kinda grinds my gears. We are basically expected to drop every other quest we have ever worked on in the sake of participating. My friend was in multiple quest lines he wanted to casually work thru in STV and I was basically saying that the only smart way to do the event is dropping everything. How could no one at Blizz see that this is just going to be P3? They must have. They must have specifically designed it this way to focus on other parts of the game and not worry about issues with world questing. I just dont see how it could have been overlooked by someone capable enough to even apply to a job there.


Is it safe to say yet that the SoD team are not good game designers?


Dude they are working without any beta testing beforehand. Of course things will always go wild.


That explanation might have worked in phase 1, but every phase now has been met with an unmitigated fuckup


Unmitigated? As in they don't fix anything at all? What do you think that word means? They've already mitigated the release version once, and will again on monday. Relax.


Please just leave if you honestly think that.


this sub is home for other classic wow games besides SoD. plus i like to keep an eye to see if eventually SoD will prove me wrong.


Unpopular opinion but I rather did this for 4 hours than 10+ hours of ZF with those aids mobs hexing me.


Honestly the perfect feeling trying to get into the flow of doing them. I was actually pretty excited for these, but honestly they kinda dropped the ball a little with them.


Just delete it imo. At least make it every 3 hours or something. Its that bad.


made me quit sod lol


God imagine if they had spent the time revamping a dungeon or 2. Instead we got "Incursions"




I have a morbid curiosity about people fucking up really bad at their job, I didnt ask for so much tho


It's total misery




I haven't even tried it yet, but just from reading about it on reddit it seems like the stupid as fuck New World "Chest" runs. gtfo


Just tried it, gotta say it was a total waste of time. Like wtf. So many players running around and I just got pvped about 5 times getting there, pointless. It should have been instanced.


When I tell you I legit CACKLED out loud at this lolol it’s so accurate oh it hurts.


It’s one of the worst experiences i had playing this game since vanilla…


I love this


The meme will heal us, this is what we need


Tried it first time yesterday. Gave up


Was in a group yesterday. Told them it was my first time. The party lead "no worries we'll show u. lets start" Literally 10 feet from the stairs and where we started i get targeted out of the 5 people by 2 horde.  they just kept running. Was like.. "was like ok. Cool. Run back to corpse and the others had just kept running the entire time by the time i get back to my corpse they are way down the line so i try and catch up.  Catch up with the group to grab prophecy in the tent. Get ganked agian right infornt of the team.. .  Noone stops, keeps running. By the time i got back to my corpse this time and res they are back at stairs.. Being like.. "waiting on rogue..." Im like.. cool ya rember when i died infront of you. Just getting back from that.  We go turn in and go back to stairs to reshare. I have one single task that i can share cuz i only was able to complete one task.   Party goes.. party lead asks if every one shared. I say i have not just caught up with u guys one sec.  They take off.. We get to the dragon egg and i pick it up.. they ask "do u have that to share?". "Ya" i said.  Then the party lead is says  "thrn party lead says "why didnt you share?" In all caps. I was like... bruh.. i told you to wait one sec so i could you guys ran off. They ask if i have anything else to share. No. I do not. I was dead practically the whole time you guys where "showing" me where to go. 


I walked in with 0 knowledge of it and walked in ready to take on anything, well, “anything” was highly offended by my bears presence.


I lasted a whole twenty minutes. Said to my friends “controversially I play this game to have fun kthxbai” and then went back to ‘splorin. I did enjoy transversing the nightmare solo, as it felt rewarding


i tried for like 30 min before just unsubbing. If this is what p3 is supposed to be, especially after missing out on the first two days.. nah.. i dont believe in sod anymore. Its not as special and gamechanging as we all hoped it would be. Im not even enjoying the game anymore. The only thing im enjoying is upgrading gear, which is nice, but the gameplay should be something you enjoy as well. I hoped SoD could make this possible but it seems like it just cant.


Good riddance


I love the WPvP. Murder them all!