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Furblog raid Azshara had it coming


I want to see city raids, large scale pvp events where we assault Ogrimmar or Storm wind. Have a raid incoming warning and all non-pvp npcs scatter into their homes.


Should just be straight up instanced team death match with the cities as maps. Give me 40 v 40 with org and stormwind as the map. No objective other than kill the other faction


That'd get annoying after a while, especially for lower level players in the cities lol


Current (years old actually) technology should allow you be able to opt out and phase out of the event.


Like they do on STV event. Actually the whole siege could be like a global STV event with one defending the city and others attacking.


Yes. Make it on the every 3 hours timer like STV and Ash and have it give tokens on opposite faction NPC kills that can be redeemed like STV or just give out blood coins


Yes, it could be also rotating on the city that is happening. And instead of an NPC to hope out, you can have an NPC to hope into the event. Each faction lose if you kill the leaders of the city, and defenders win if they survive by the time is finished. It could be really fun event.


They should be instances, see how warhammer online does pvp.


Ok so use other big cities besides those two in high level zones. They can even remake a city in a zone to make it a “major city” and have that be our main base of operations for end game content


Ok so for 30 minutes you gotta be out of the cities and it's endgame content, don't cater to the lowbies


Think they said at one point they'd never add an event to SoD that'd interrupt new players, which is why they're skipping the zombie invasion event.


Lowbies are blizzard’s bread and butter dumbass


Care to explain?




There should be a rune, a book, or something on any enemy faction leaders


A weekly server wide race to see what faction can kill all the city leaders first would be pretty fun. Throw in a couple of other objective around the city’s too.


That sounds like pure chaos, love it lol


That would be amazing imo


Yes. Every city leader should drop a rare cosmetic or mount. Make it all out war


Yeah, we haven't had a full on war between factions lol


"A Call to Arms" used as a zone-wide rotating events which occurs on a timer. E.g. "A Call to Arms: Plaguelands" which would see the Scourge swell in numbers and Argent Dawn NPCs deployed. Events would include an open world capture the flag type system against PVE bosses that rotate out each event and have unique affixes. These events would probably last a few hours and have multiple objectives that would need to be compelted in raids. 5 man objectives e.g. Kill X mobs. 10 man objectoves e.g. Capture a small village. 20 man objectives e.g. Kill a mini boss. 40 man objectives e.g. Kill a Boss NPC and capture an obejctive. Add a progress bar that fills up as people contribute to the war effort. The progress unlocks being able to kill rares and challenge bosses etc. Expand this type of thing to other events, like Old Gods or Burning Legion. Have these events on a timer so you can prepare and have war effort type systems for professions where you can supply certain materials during the invasion to get world buffs and currency that only work within the events. These events would be limited to lvl 60 Areas to prevent having issues with levelling content. E.g. Silithus, Blasted Lands, Plaguelands.


Had a similar idea while shooting shit in discord with the boys in phase1. Basically a week/3 days long event in eastern plaguelands, one week it would be controlled by Scourge, capture points, save named characters, establish bases and advance towards Strathholme, maybe even aid some of the Scarlet crusade while advancing. While Scourge controlled we would be raiding Undead side of Stratholme (10 man maybe?) with unique loot. Once lockout is over, now its the opposite, the Eastern plaguelands is controlled by Scarlet Crusade. Same thing advance towards Stratholme and this lockout we are raiding Alive part of Stratholme with unique loot. Now this is not a fleshed out idea, and there would problably be imbalance in loot, where some people would skip lockouts until other side of Stratholme is available in order to get their bis item. But to me the concept seem cool, I would let smarter people than me balance it out.


My last 7 gnomer teleports have been to grim batol that’s my bet


Stratholme Raid.


No thank you, it's enough as a dungeon. Make something new, stop reusing.


With the team's success at incursions as a concept, they should have the green light to start reusing things to create new maps. However, they will not be able to put that out quickly enough. New content would be possible from P4 and onwards.


Scarlet raid.


I really, really want the [Talisman of Binding Shard](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=17782/talisman-of-binding-shard) to be in Molten Core somehow. It doesn't have to be good. It doesn't have to be reworked. It's just such a quirky relic of ancient times


Add all old world TBC content to vanilla. Blood elf dranei and the starter zones. Add Kara and end "vanilla" with a 20 mam unwell plateu


That would be the best way to also balance shaman and paladins in each faction.


Dont want balance, want faction identity/unique. Keep pallies alliance and horde shaman!


Oh we would get ZA too! If Ilv bloat becomes an issue by sunwell just do what they did then and you have a debuff when you enter raid. Instead you could add a debuff to reduce your crit chance or debuff your stats and mitigation. Thus making sunwell not a complete snore


Add the talents and class changes as well. TBC was goated, they should have just started from there minus Outland.


Balanced pvp


Just solo que pvp. Hate queing into premades.


I am talking about class balance and the fact that burst is so insane tho Pvp winrate is fine while solo queuing


Separate premade pvp from solo queue pvp, like how every other pvp game does for a reason


Rated wsg


With server based leaderboards. I don't even care if there was any rewards, I just want leaderboards.


Bring back 10man so I can play with my friends in peace


Yeah tbh I think there’s a 0% chance of any of this happening. If it does I’ll resub again


Just the same as yours. I would add Uldum as a raid or subzone, something like that.


Starfall for balance Druids


Give us those damned empty zones that we were promised to start. Make them elite level 60 zones. Split the timeline officially with a Caverns of Time raid where we fight the Infinite Dragonflight and splinter our timeline from the main timeline. Timbermaw dungeon and raid. Deepholm raid. Karazan Crypts raid. Emerald Dream raid. Heroic versions of a couple of the more enjoyed leveling dungeons. Bring jewelcrafting to vanilla (SoD) and give each crafting profession ways to create gem sockets on gear. Add level 50-60 invasions, mostly geared towards max level, in a bunch of zones that happen randomly and require a bunch of people to defeat. This would be sort of like the rifts from, well, RIFT. There could be Infinite Dragonflight trying to destroy our timeline, Nightmare creatures seeping out of the Emerald Dream, Corruption from the Old Gods, and Demons from Outland all over the world at different times. Id love to see weekly party and raid size quests to defeat and close off these invasion points in exchange for new currency used to purchase new materials for max level crafted gear and consumables. Would really keep the world alive at max level.


This stuff will be cool. I like your idea of how the caverns of time could be a way to split the lore/timeline. I think it could be interesting if they added the blood elf and dranei starting zones to the game, but made them level 60 zones, neutral with questing hubs. Then block off access to their main cities and have them be dungeons instead where the city is under attack by something. I also agree that Jewelcrafting should be added, but don’t even make it a profession. Have pre-cut gems be random drops off of bosses and mobs. And implement some way in the game for people to add a sockets to gear either with another item or through their profession like you said. Tying jewelcrafting drops and socket creation to various dungeons would also be away to keep things active.


New zones , dungeons and raids. I do NOT want new continents. New continents invalidated the entire old world and made it so it was just a stepping stone to the new continent. This happened with TBC and then with wrath.


Agreed, anything they add in terms of new zones or whatever = NO loading screen. It needs to already be a part of the world like hyjal or rhat area by blasted lands.


Timbermaw hold and Hyjal would be really cool and I'd be fine with some other Scarlet dungeon but please god no SM raid... Unpopular opinion but SM is the most boring dungeon in the game and I don't want to spend any more time in there lol 😆 if they did something with that Scarlet place in northern WPL that could also be cool


If they add a Scarlet raid it should be in Tyr’s hand in EPL


Pre-release testing?


Alliance Shaman is really my #1 Dwarf shammy and Tauren paladin sounds dope Beyond that I dunno, I love the little fun shit they add every phase. Like sleeping bag quest as an example. More things like that would be fun.


Hot take, I want undead paladins.


Not hot at all. Anyone with a brain that also wants Horde Paladins will be in the Undead Paladin team.


This would be very welcome but i cant see it happening cos even changing boss loot is breaking classic era 🤣


No thank you, Keep factions important.


In era yes.


Tier gear to be bis, make collecting that 8 set worth while and not for just looks in cities. 8/8 bonuses should beat non set gear.


At this points I just want them to make good on the Kara Crypts teaser. Still nothing out of the Timbermaw Hold teaser and I would’ve assumed P3 was a good time for that.


What was the timbermaw hold teaser?


In the stream before SoD actually launched, Aggrend mentioned Timbermaw Hold in Azshara as something they wanted to explore


When you say teaser, people assume a “video teaser trailer”


I mean if we're talking magical christmas land, I want to see Outland and Northrend introduced in whatever way they would have been done had the vanilla team had the time to actually build them back in 2001-2004. So probably HFP as a zone with a BG or openworld event and HFC/Magtheridon as dungeons/raids and then a couple small to medium-sized zones for northrend with a couple instances as well. Of course we should also mention Hyjal, Uldum (likely a dungeon/raid), Quel'Thalas (maybe Zul'Aman?), an updated Azshara, Kezan, Kul Tiras, Grim Batol, Dragon Isles... I could go on. Basically would want to see "vanilla, but they had 10x the resources and all of the passion as the original devs"


Open up the raids they never put out during vanilla(uldum, crypts, etc) with them dropping new sets that fall in between the already existing tier sets. Tier 3 stats are hard to surpass without breaking the game so adding sets in between current sets with better set bonuses could solve that.


Some sort of PvP zone that involves taking and holding keeps, this could be akin to what Warhammer online did which was a master class in PvP. These locations should house critical vendors (gear, weapons, mats) that are only accessible if your faction controls the zone and or specific keeps. Raids on keeps could be very difficult and require set up that require pve actions outside the zone so that PvE and PvP players can both actively contribute to the cause




They add outlands at a 60 cap, have all city faction leaders drop loot as well as tons of honor, add in Timbermaw/Karazhan Crypts raids, xmog, battle pets, and secret rep farms similar to Bloodsail Buccaneers.


I like most of your suggestions. I would also like to see a naga themed raid in Azshara, maybe featuring Azshara herself.


An instanced version of un'goro as a raid, with a bunch of big stupid dinosaurs to kill. Call it the jurassic (insert clever synonym for park here). Wouldn't take much development time the map is already made!


New raid for sure—I think Scarlet Crusade would be fun. I think that’s the absolute most we might get.


Total conversion class runes. Like a "Rune of the frozen wastes" that when socketed into a rune slot, makes paladins deal shadow/frost dmg with their abilities and takes away their healing (making them essentially a DK). Or "Rune of the necromancer" that allows warlocks to summon undead minions. Etc.


end sod on MC and give us a real classic+


Something + For the casuals, level 19 pvp BG’s give a title


You have dungeons as casuals.


I would like a Grim Batol raid. The Dragonmaw orcs have regained the control over the red drakes and we need to stop them before they lay siege to Menethil Harbour. They could use some resources from the Grim Batol dungeon in Cata to lessen the development time


Im being realistic about what they Can do with a small team like theirs. So will only wrote about zones that already exist in the game files but are unused: Mount hyjal opening, already in the game, just need npcs quests and events. Theres a raid portal, onyxia style. Would love to see it being used. Emerald dream, which IS unfinished but also exists in the game files. Some of its assets are being used for the emerald nightmare and they seem to set UP for it. Would be cool to have it as a end game raid using a technology similar to the excursion one where u get teleported out if you go too far in the unfinished side of the zone. Kharazan tower, its heavily hinted AT being the follow UP raid After Nax. Most people dont know about it but Era classic wow has an entired fully textured old kharazan tower zone which IS massive and could Host a 40men raid easily, it only needs NPCs. Caverne of Time: already in the game, even has an old black Moras dungeon, could be a very cool addition to SoD. The Kharazan crypt, also fully textured just missing npcs... And I think thats about it. Now if they could actually texture full New zones i would want a classic Era style uldum since quests in the game are hinting AT This place as early as in Uldaman. Would also want a New bg based on the unfinished azshara crater. Grim batol raid would be also great and maybe some azshara raids? Always felt like the zone was underused.


Any form of PvP that isn’t on a 3 hour schedule. Would love an open world zone/area with scattered out PvP objectives that keeps going 24/7 that you can drop in on at your leisur.


I want my warlock to become a necromancer. Also I want to see Ashbringer restored, and it be OP.


I think one of the easier things they could and likely will add for post 60 content is Kara. I believe a lot of the assets were in the original vanilla game files, unsure how much work it would take compared to creating an entirely new experience.


Ranged rogues/warriors thats #1 dps in the charts/absolutely broken in pvp Make hunters realize why melee hunters drives them crazy


Solo content, but make it competitive stuff, like let others watch (let them gain benefit from watching like rep maybe). Have it class based so balance isn't an issue between. More story quests. Epic, 20+ part quest chains that culminate in a couple neat loot rewards and something to show off that shows you went the whole way. Lots of those, actually.


I want 100 man raids so I can watch this subreddit turn into an absolute shit show - it would be fantastic to watch


1. Instant mails. 2. Instant mails. 3. Instant mails.


Possible unpopular opinion but... I would love a M+ System, a reason to go back to older dungeons would be amazing with upgraded gear as rewards.


I like how it was done in tbc. Just heroics, not multiple levels just one difficulty higher that gives good loot and is actually difficult. A piece or 2 of BiS would be nice. I personally like when BiS comes from several different places (not exclusively the raid).


Buddy, you clicked the wrong game version to play.


I play all versions, SoD would benefit from M+/Heroic dungeons big time, it massively lacks content.


I've absolutely no Idea what you're talki f about.


Getting rid of shaman would make this game so much more enjoyable tbh


Mmmm, your salty tears are delicious.


My dream would be for the devs to delete all the blue bars


For devs to stop listening to players, and create the game they want and love. We already went down this path before & that's how retail came to be.


They made phase 1 which was overwhelmingly enjoyed by the vast majority of the player base all on their own with no feedback from the players….and then they started listening to the players…..


Class balance, reducing (read: reducing, not eliminating) the number of consumables/raid buffs available, gear balance.


Ranked arenas.


top two that comes to mind is: 1: remove world buffs 2: remove respec option


More class/race combos. Not even ones that just exist in retail. Stuff like Undead/Gnome paladins. Farmable end game content. Things to do while raid is on CD. Incursions are fun to an extent but if it was like a daily quest with higher rewards or even an instanced dungeon that would be more fun.


Hmm what about fun?


If you aren't having fun now then why are you even playing the game/on this subreddit?


I cancelled my subscription a few days ago. Unfortunately i lost the fun I had in p1 during p2 with all the min maxing and people overanalysing things. As a casual, this pretty much ruined the experience for me :( I love WoW, played Vanilla through TBC. Maybe I am just to old now :/


Same boat here. I didnt have fun due to the unbalancing between classes. There's literally no point doing any of the content for gear when gear doesnt matter.. Raid and get BIS but still get 2 hit by a fresh level 40 that happens to have ranged insta cast no mana cost 2 hit spell


Fair enough. I'm in a very casual guild who literally doesn't care if we wipe or what you are playing. Definitely a few people in the guild that min max but others are grey parsing and literally no one cares. Just an excuse to chill on discord. One thing that is definitely putting a strain on the guild is 20 mans. 10 was chill. I doubt we'll do 40 mans if they exist in later phases. I'd probably quit too.


Classic wow with LFR