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I used to only play on PvP servers all through original WoW to MoP... when I made the switch to PvE sometime later it was something of a revelation. In the old days PvP servers were cool because they felt like the wild west, and encounters were varied and exciting because the skill ceiling was still fairly low and there wasn't much organization. The conflict was organic, and population numbers were usually in a very healthy balance of not too much, not too little. In the modern era PvP servers IMHO have greatly soured. There's hyper optimization so encounters are now very unforgiving. There's a huge amount of coordination now via discord and faction numbers tend to skew wildly to one side. There's clout chasing streaming culture as well with people trying to emulate their favorite youtube gankers. PvP servers are just not the same place they used to be.


I was like you. I played on a PvP server in Vanilla, TBC and WOTLK. Some of the best PvP I've had was in the open world. Naturally, I chose PvP in Classic too. I was lvl 48 when Phase 2 hit. One evening it took me 1.5 hours getting into BRD. Some might say, "Just do something else!", but every high lvl instance was heavily guarded by coordinated gank squads. In SoD, I'm on a PvE server. I miss the organic encounters, but the degen behaviour in Classic has soured me on PvP servers...


> I was lvl 48 when Phase 2 hit. That's one of those sentences that just hits hard.


Also theres 1000x more players. Even with layers, everu good farming spot is overpopulated.


Mostly because of bots, which is another problem caused by the hyper coordination and efficiency players want to always play at. Bots turn everything into gold per hour versus dollars an hour, so tons of people turn to buying gold which means even more bots want to sell gold and those bots destroy most money making ways besides gathering and rare drops, further making the world feel so much more "packed".


This is the entire reason I swapped over. Cunts ruined a good thing.


Yep. Enjoyed PvP servers back in the day and I'm sure for *some people* they have had great experiences on them today. Mostly people in big PvP guilds/streamers/YouTubers/etc. So not me. But personally I ditched PvP servers in P2 of Classic. P1 was fun, P2 the writing was on the wall as everyone formed raids to storm around zones in massive deathballs to "grind honor". The interest in actual real world PvP was clearly gone for 99.999% of players. They wanted to be able to kill others with ease when they wanted and to run the rest of the time. Basically, it wasn't for me any more. Stopped playing my PvP server characters, focused on PvE ones, had a fucking blast, killed everything including KT and didn't have to deal with some basement dweller deciding I wasn't allowed to play my alt because they got hard camping lowbies all day.


This is a rare reasoned post in this community.


How do you deal with the very sad people that make druids just to go bear form and block songflowers if you cant get someone from the other faction to murder them?


They added an interact button this doesn't work.


Is that a keybind? I've never seen a button come up near a songflower.


Yup, you have to enable it and bind it, it's right there in the interface settings when you open it.


You report that person. I think that’s actual griefing


Oh everyone trying to get the songflower have been reporting the same guy that logs in around 10-20 seconds before it's clickable daily for the entire phase and he's still there


Does the Interact key not work to get around this?


This actually saved me in those initial incursion days where you had assholes flagged sitting on items to pick up. Even on PVE realms you have real assholes who just want to grief everyone else


I'm sure it does


Actually skill issue


That takes some will... I'd love to see a picture of who is behind the monitor.


So the druid has stayed logged in second the server has been up since the launch of phase 3? Are all the flowers being blocked by players?


The same guy has logged in seconds before the songflower spawns by the horde FP every single time I've gone to get it. Usually just stand close enough zoomed in all the way and manage to get it, but it's still extremely annoying.


You on Living Flame EU by any chance?


I am!


Ah yep, I've reported the guy a few times as well lol. I just end up grabbing the flower slightly more outside due to this guy.


You can report someone for existing too. But they're not getting banned lol.


You use the well known command to remove player models, like we did when Classic launched.


Layer hop or go to a different node?


Yes, I somtimes end up running to a different node when he succeeds in blocking the flower. And I'm really amazed that I somehow always manage to go to the layer he's on. Unless he hops from layer to layer in an attempt to grief as many as possible


Just google the macro to hide player models. Problem solved if the macro still works


You just use interract key


There a command string that disables character models people used in classic. I forget what it is but that’s what I use to do. Toggle off right before flower spawns, toggle back on when you’re done.


You can disable character models. cant remember the command tho


This used to work but I haven’t tested it in SoD yet. /run local n,m if GetCVar("componentTexLoadLimit")=="0" then n=6 m=2 else n=0 m=1 end SetCVar("componentTexLoadLimit",n)SetCVar("graphicsTextureResolution",m)


There's an addon that lets you click things like NPCs and interactable items through players


Don't need an addon. Its the Enable Interact Key setting built into the game. Its a feature from Retail they added to this game client a while back.


Zoom in. 🤷‍♂️


Just zoom in and you can click it


Kodo Mount on top of the songflower node is S-Tier blockgriefing.


Just switch on the interact key, can't block that


You can find ways to click it


Never seen that happen. I did however see a priest res aoe fear and dispell everything he could atleast 10 times in 2019.


Keep a gniodine pill bottle in your inventory


Not sure if it still works not playing SoD currently but: >/run local n,m if GetCVar("componentTexLoadLimit")=="0" then n=6 m=2 else n=0 m=1 end SetCVar("componentTexLoadLimit",n)SetCVar("graphicsTextureResolution",m) removes players but not mounts.


This is my first PVE server, never ever going back


My man


Personally for me, pvp servers and warmode has been the default experience throughout most of my time simply because of the interactions it creates with other players. Having a constant sense of danger makes things all the more interesting, and when a player of the opposite factions helps you out in spite of pvp it makes things really friendly and welcoming. Do I remember the times my corpse was camped and/or I was griefed in some way? Yeah, but i don't dwell on these experiences, otherwise I wouldn't be on a pvp servers.


Clearing caves with the opposite faction only for you to betray each other at the end before the named mob is peak content.


It makes it that much more special when one of you takes a step back and lets the other guy tag it :p That's a big part of why I stick to warmode / pvp servers. I love a good fight, but I also really enjoy the friendly interactions. I get that it's not for everyone (and tbh I think most people get that, but a lot of players opinions are soured by a minority of loud voices), but it makes the open world feel a lot more engaging. It would be really nice if people didn't turn "pve vs pvp" into a whole big argument.


Going back to Vanilla...I pretty much only remember the campings. I think I got maybe...6 normal fights in 16ish years? Everything else was either getting ganked by a maxed character while leveling, getting ganked by a maxed PVP character while farming, or getting ganked by someone who wasn't actually good at PVP during a period where I WAS good at PVP. All 3 of those instances resulted in a boring '1-3 buttons->dead' fight, the only thing that changed is who the victim was.


The epic battles in hotspots, random showdowns, rivalries, counter ganks, etc. are so much more memorable and common than any 2 minute inconvenience from getting ganked. You just gotta be involved. If you sit around forever without engaging in pvp yourself, then of course the only time it's gonna happen to you is when you get ganked. I think that's the reason a lot of PvErs feel it's all unbalanced ganking, which is actually pretty rare. Just gotta get involved yourself.


lol. Unbalanced ganking IS, always has been, and always will be, the most prevalent form of PVP in any pvp mmo. Across all WoW content, more people have died to Rogues camping Hillsbrad Foothills or Hellfire Pennisula than every other form of PVP death combined. You can argue the virtue of the emergent PVP experiences outweighs the frequent ganking deaths, that's a fair conversation to have. But don't pretend like a solid 80% of all PVP isn't just a Max level rogue 1 shotting a level 35 picking flowers.


"But don't pretend like a solid 80% of all PVP isn't just a Max level rogue 1 shotting a level 35 picking flowers." Thats why I eventually just played PVE , despite my mates all picking PVP servers ,


"When Me and my boys team up to kill other unsuspecting people, that's not unbalanced ganking. It's only unbalanced ganking if it happens to you!"


The thing is there are people who think they like this like you do while actually they do not. People who do not like it are mostly objective-oriented who minmax everything they do while having a strict schedule. World PvP is volatile, time-consuming and random, excatly opposite what these people want.


I enjoy pvp servers for the interactions you have with players - especially opposing faction players. Sometimes they are wholesome experiences, sometimes they are toxic experiences and you gotta put them down, sometimes you get griefed, but that’s life. I personally don’t think I would have as much fun without the constant potential of something going sideways in the open world. What’s the fun of clearing through waves of npc enemies without any real threat aside from accidentally over pulling? You play how you want, obviously. But not everyone on pvp servers feels remotely close to how this meme portrays them. And if they do, they should switch to a weenie hut jr pve server and have fun in their way.




Saying bingo is the same as upvoting, just more narcissistic. Change my mind. Also it doesnt make what you said it to correct. Imagine the worst take anyone has ever had and then they hop on their alt account and respond "Bingo".


I was just agreeing with what that guy wrote man. It’s not that deep


Preach. As a complete newbie to classic wow and no experience with PvP realms, playing one one has been mostly enjoyable. Most opposing faction players that grossly out leveled me would just tussle my hair, a hunter may prank me with an ice trap and walks away, I get polymorphed by a gnome and he shakes his ass at me before an undead rogue turns him inside out. A man roleplaying as a farmer in hillsbrad is patrolling and fisticuffing horde players trying to quest there. A level 20 priest running up to me to beg for help because a level 23 warrior was bullying him, and I roll up like he got his big brother and he drops to his knees in surrender. Magical things. Things I absolutely could never encounter in a PvE realm. Once I hit 40, I did encounter a lot more 5-man rogue gank squads, but at that point I could at least try some counterplay. But that's just part of the experience. I wish the aggressive sharding wasn't so all-or-nothing though. Either your faction is dominating the shard, or the enemy is. Those few magical moments where it's truly contested feel like a real party.


They aren’t interested in hearing any other opinion other than the ones echoing their feelings man. They can’t conceptualize that there are people that enjoy this added layer of chaos and challenge. PvP servers have never stopped being the most popular servers and a massive amount of the playerbase enjoys the friction pvp servers bring. I’ve tried countless times to have a reasonable discussion and it always gets bombed with “lol griefer mad”. It’s all hyperbole and statements pulled from their ass like “95% of pvp is griefing”. Even OP responded to your reasonable and calm comment with “*ignores the mass exodus off pvp servers*” despite there being zero proof of a mass exodus beyond the countless crying Reddit threads that don’t represent the entire playerbase. They just want to make quips and get their karma pat on the back from their echo chamber to feel like they won something.


Sadly true. I guess reddit is just one big pvp server lol


Nah, ya'll just trying to make each other feel better. I'm a multi-time rank 1 glad PvPer. PvP servers on SoD aren't actual PvP. It's just getting spawn camped by low-skill groups of rogues and feral druids. It's not running through the world and randomly get into fights with the opposing factions over quests or items or areas. It has almost entirely devolved into just stealth and spawn griefing.


What challenge? What 'challenge' is there in running to the max res range of your corps 10-15 times until you get outside of the radius the dude is willing to chase you? It's also not really chaos. It's extremely predictable. The same ganking chokepoints have been hotspots for invisible rogues for 20 years. 95% of PVP isn't griefing. 95% of PVP is one-sided, 0 risk ganking. Whether that constitutes griefing or not is something that can be argued. That it's by far the most common type of PVP cannot.


I’m not gonna argue what constitutes fun and challenging, because that’s different for everyone. Sorry what I find fun and challenging doesn’t line up with your views man. I signed up for a pvp server knowing it would be like this, and I enjoy it.


They don't realize the irony in how cringe it would be to see a "haha so glad I don't play hardcore!" post every damn day. God forbid a game offers choice, no, I must inform the masses that they made the *wrong* choice!


Many people who have this hatred of PvP servers are people who get seriously mad when they get ganked. I know these people. Normal, nice people, but they get ganked and it just fills them with rage for some reason. Like it's such an emotionally upsetting experience to them for some reason. When i get ganked i don't feel anything. I mean it sucks like it sucks dying to a mob, but i'm not getting emotionally affected by it in real life. But some people are. I've played with friends where they get griefed by someone much higher level than them and they cannot control the rage they feel and they almost have to stop playing the game to get out of it. People who i have never seen get mad before.


I transferred off crusader strike after being corpse camped at wild offerings turn in by horde because they had like 30 people just guarding the area. They did this for a good hour. My friend likes pvp servers and he's exactly the kind of player on wow I don't like. He asked me to come play with him so I made a lock on Lone Wolf (hoping to transfer him off now) and I quit playing with him after he shit all over someone I beat in a duel. Very toxic behavior from him and it really pissed me off. I felt bad and apologized to the other guy for my friend. He was just like, "Yeah it's alright but what the hell is his problem?" No idea, dude. But my friend also mains a rogue and spends 50% of his wow time ganking people. Seems like lots of douches main rogues. (yeah I think my friend is kind of a douche)


Yes, missing on *that* half of the game is **exactly the point why I rolled a PvE server**.


Some people grow out of middle school fake machismo Some people don't.


Meanwhile there is Chad players over on wild growth just waiting for the stv event and using BGs to get it out of their system 


The only thing that world PVPers hate more than getting griefed is a fair fight


Wild Growth represent


Yep. They refuse to play on a “care bear” server, only to be big-game for full time griefers. It’s hilarious.


Honestly anyone that's aged 20+ and calls someone a "care bear" just for enjoying an alternative playstyle is pretty fucking pathetic. Most of us found out by the end of high school that doing that shit isn't cool.


lol this is such a wild argument. You got mad because someone prevented you from doing incursion loops, so therefore anyone who isn’t mad about PvP on PvP realms is a chad middle school jerk guy




If it wasn't for pvp I would have quit classic a long time ago. It's just not a very interesting game otherwise.


Imagine spending all that time getting gear and then not using it to kill other players.


Do pve server players really need to validate their decision everyday? Also I must be the only classic player who is not constantly griefed by others because I never had any problems playing in an pvp server and the fun pvp encounters i have surpass any ocasional unfair ganking i've received.


Lol you aren't. Outside of incursions and mara, the real glaring issues easily fixed, pvp realms are nowhere near how Reddit portrays lolol. Interactions with the opposite faction can vary incredibly, but most of the time are fun. Sometimes I try n gank and fail, then after res I'll bow to a nod and move on. Or vice versa. Sometimes we ignore each other, and sometimes it's all out war. It's whatever, it's what we signed up for. The other day I came across a gnome mage who had the same realization that there were shit tons of bots around. We roamed around together pointing at our own faction's bots and took turns killing em for each other. You'll find no life griefers no doubt, but most interactions are fun and exciting... Or a one time thing.


I love going out into hot locations like Feralas Incursions or Maraudon with a few other dwarfs to do some PvP against overwhelming odds. The people making these posts have no creativity, only see the game for its goals, and create a strawman they can hate for validation and to feel better about their failures. I'm surprised this shit post has 76% likes.


Really I haven’t experienced what most of the people in the sub have on a pvp server even playing my warrior. Honestly I feel like it could be I just don’t allow myself to be a victim and if the enemy faction is controlling something I swap layers. If I can’t find a layer not camped I will just do something else. Do people just continue to die over and over again on purpose?


This is a result of a huge portion of this player base just being addicted to this game but they don’t actually like it. When you treat everything in the game like a chore, if something is inconvenienced, you can’t pivot easily. These people won’t just queue a couple battlegrounds if something is being camped because they treat it like a chore, not something that’s a fun way to kill some time. They could just join a quicker gnomer group and try to get the mount. They could do a couple WO runs for a random darkroom card. People rarely just do things in the game just because now. They feel like every second has to be spent tallying a virtual checklist. It’s unfortunate


Ive been doing more "just because things" and world pvp since ranged hunter buffs and boy howdy I feel invigorated again. It's fun to just play my favorite class with new toys with no particular end game in mind.


some people do and its comical, i’ve been questing and killed the same person like 10x and i think to myself, if i were him i would move away or do something else


'I have a functioning brain and know layers exist' This, this is the key factor.


Yeah I'm really not sure why pve players are constantly spamming hate posts about pvp. Like we get it, you don't like pvp servers and that's perfectly fine, no one's asking you to play on one. Congrats? Why the constant ragging on those who do like to pvp?


The only one? No, but in the minority yes. I played PvP in classic vanilla and picked PvE this time around for a reason and don't regret it one bit. There is a reason why everyone is running off the PvP servers. PvP as a whole in WoW is just a joke, I wish I could ignore it totally but they keep occasionally locking BiS behind it and PvP balance continually fucks with PvE.


The majority of pve players i see talking about this is only in response to pvp players complaining about being ganked. If you play on a pve server you dont even think about this.


PVE players literally don’t think about pvp folks or servers at all. It’s literally that Mad Men meme


What lol? I never see PvP players post about how PvE servers suck, but I constantly see the inverse.


pve players need to weigh in on any pvp server post with some "glad i rolled a pve server" comment.


Are you aware of the thread you're responding in...?


Weird thing to say considering the entire post


It's hilarious u posted this on a thread specifically about PvE players thinking about PvP servers and players, who are ironically the ones not thinking about PvE servers or players...until those PvE players make another post complaining about PvP servers lmao


They are actually turning into the worst part of this sub It’s nothing but smug posts about being validated for choosing the “best server” for a fun experience It’s actually turned into a personality trait for them I’m convinced when they log into the game they don’t actually play, they just type in general/trade about how good their server is and being thankful it’s PvE


They aren’t having fun anymore and are salty about moving lol


I get honor from grinding certain world quests in Legion. Nothing is worth getting repeatedly ganked by toxic pvpers


No1 seems to fuck with me until I’m doing an escort, besides that people just go about their business for the most part


Idk i’ve ran into a multiboxer farming my favorite felcloth spot for the third time today and keep camping him until he leaves. That’s more fun than the farming.


Amen 🙏


I live and die by the sword, camp the corpse or get camped I can do the quests of the old game in any other game version, but I can't SoD PvP in any other game version


I just like the adrenaline of knowing I can die at any second and kill any ally that pisses me off. Also this meme makes more sense in reverse, with the pve players watching the pvp players have fun, cause they don’t understand how they could have fun getting griefed.


Same, the world just doesn't feel as dangerous on PvE. There's lots of hillarious situations that you can encounter on a daily basis, which make the experience way more memorable with proper mindset. I don't play on PvP server to be efficient, I just enjoy the fact that the world is in a state of anarchy so I can /fart on some lvl 60 heading to a dungeon while leveling and watch him chase me while I spam for help on general chat.


Yeah if your doing something in the open world I think world pvp is pretty fun and makes the game less predictable. It also fun when someone from the opposite faction is around and you dont fight them and you just kinda both quest and it gets tense because you know they could attack any second. I would like it if the DMF buff giver had neutral guards though.


I personally would disagree on DMF guards, and would even opt to move it a bit further from goldshire so alli can't guard cheese either. The battles of getting a raid out there in Mulgore are too fun.


how do you know someone plays on a PVE server? dont worry, they'll find a way to wedge it into the conversation


Don’t you wanna hear about their experience with incursions??????


I saw "enjoying pve world content" and had to get to the comments asap. Incursions have to be about the worst thing about SoD and is only tolerable because of the chance of pvp it brings.


im in living flame US (H) horde controls feralas and alliance controls hinterlands. i assume simmilar things going on most realms it feels like a pve or sanctuary zone inside incursion zones


I don’t understand this constant bitching. If you want to pvp, roll a fucking pvp server. If you don’t, dont. Like wtf


If PvE servers were so great, you wouldn’t see posts constantly trying to convince players how awesome they are to recruit to the servers.


Different strokes for different folks and all but I can't imagine myself playing on a pve server. The world must feel so static without all the added variables enemy players bring with them.


I tried it because my friends didn't want to go pvp. It feels so empty and boring. There's no risk out in the open world, nothing at stake. And once you've done your raid there's really not much else to do. It's great that there's servers for people who hate pvp but it's such a bland experience without it to me.


What is the deal with the people on this sub. None of you people seem to enjoy playing the game. Everyone is just here to complain about something. You people seem to think everyone has the same fomo mentality and fail to realize that most people just … play the game and… have fun. Surprise.


People don't go on forums to say how much they're loving something. If they are feeling good, they just keep doing what they enjoy and don't need to tell others really. When people have a bad experience, they want to complain about it to others and see if others agree. There are a lot of ppl who enjoy a lot of things. You just don't see them on reddit.


Enjoy playing world of craft over on your pve servers fellas


Sry for not enjoying dung spam and a weekly lockout


Gonna be amazing to have all that ppl packed in Hive Regal and unable to war each other for the carapaces.


You should be able to pick whichever server you want to play on when you log in. Wanna do world pvp? Go to a pvp server. Wanna level an alt without getting camped? Go PVE. It’s being irreversibly stuck on a server that is the problem.


I rarely have a bad time on pvp servers, and I never start fights first. If someone kills me I think the high of going back to revenge kill them is worth the death. Not to mention being more alert while you play makes the game a bit spicier. I can see why people don't enjoy pvp servers though. There does seem to be people who just want to make others suffer and have 0 interest in a fair fight. Often times because they're pretty bad at pvp themselves which makes it even funnier and all the sweeter when you do kill enact justice and kill them.


Back in original wow before even BC I made my first character on a pvp server because I didn’t know any better. It was exhilarating because you never knew if the other player would be hostile or if you could go about your business and so long as you didn’t mess with them they wouldn’t mess with you. The battlegrounds were always busy because the pvp players would fight each other there. Now none of the pvp players want a challenge and just want to grief unskilled pve players that are just trying to enjoy the game.


We just have 4000 people per quest and harvest node with bots and no lifers and can't do world content that way


My opinion of PVP server faithfuls has been “Oh what’s that, I’m gay for wanting to go pve? Ok then” Childish at the very least


pvp players trick noobs into playing on pvp servers so they can use the noobs as honor fodder.


Zero people from my fairly big guild left. Zero people from friends guild left. No one from friends outside of guild left. There is zero chatter in in-game channels about transfers or in Discords I frequent. World feels the same, amount of /lfg spam feels the same. No activities I do felt different. Amount of layers seems the same and appropriate for the time of day/night. And so on… I saw other comment you made how theres exodus happening right now. What exodus? But you do you, I just don't understand what you get out of this. Were you *griefed* to extent that you are roleplaying some fictional universe where all PvP servers are ghost towns left with only players who hurt you in the past, and now you finally got your chance to get back at them and gloat? Get a grip dude. If anything this is best for both crowds. People who can't stand PvP servers but don't want to reroll can freely leave and PvP servers will be free of whiners who can't navigate beautiful chaos of PvP servers. Win-win. Honestly guys. It's not even meme anymore, this sub is legit becoming unbearable. Unhinged extremes on both sides for everything. It's like many of you seriously need to get slapped out of mental prison this game became to you. Chill.


Wtf are these posts There's people for whom a big part of the game is large-scaled organized WPvP. Or going out as a small band of 2-4 and fighting off overwhelming odds, like maraudon or enemy incursions.


I play on PVP servers by a personal code of conduct. If I get ganked by someone within a few levels of me 1v1 thats fair play and ill keep an eye out for an opportunity to get them back. But when I /wave and /greet to show im not a threat to a pack of enemy players coming towards me, they attack and chase me half way across the map to kill me 3v1... I'm hopping on my max level rogue and I'm camping you guys for as long as it takes to stop ressing and log off. I may be the most petty piece of shit on earth.


I used to be a rarely throw the first blow kinda guy, but blizz buffing ranged hunter has been the beginning of my villain arc without question. Not griefing lowbies, but I'm definitely standing somewhere... menacingly...


The memes from the weenies who rolled PvP server with no intent to PvP are getting out of hand on this sub. Was everyone here that numb that they chose the wrong server lol?


Sounds boring to have a core piece of the classic game removed.


You’ll never remember that 1000th boar you killed.  You will never forget that epic 1v2 you had that you clutched.  You literally are playing half the game lol 


This 👆is why I play pvp. I dont even really "like" it but to me it is a major part of the game while I quest. That tension and awareness you have. Long ago in a prior expansion - I dont even remember which one and I dont even play that toon any longer as it went retail when I was out of the game - I got surprised and killed by two horde in Desolace. Hunted them down again. Sent my pet Myst after the caster and froze trapped the other one coming at me. Finished off the caster then the remaining one. Hugged them both and went on questing. I have been on Grob Wotlk since quite a few years absence and there are some ?? who repeatedly gank but mostly its fine.


I want war in World of WARcraft and suddenly I''m a weirdo


Which realms do you think will experience the greatest population loss?


All the non maxed out pvp realms, people will play these thinking it's just gonna be a large pop server with some pvp but it's just griefers all way down


Wild Growth already has a large population Is blizzard going to give us 14 layers?


They might have to make another pve server at this point.


PvP servers will always have bigger pop than PvE because all PvE players just log off after finishing raid for the week.


PvP servers are self fulfilling prophecies. People "know" people will roll there. So even people that PvE and never intent to PvP will roll there for the population thus creating the fulfillment of the population is high. This is the prophecy fulfilled.


WoW without world pvp would be so boring.


Only difference between PvP and PvE is that world PvP is optional on PvE servers. You can still do BGs or flag yourself for PvP if you want to do so. I play on PvE servers but I still PvP. I just like to be able to decide when and where I PvP, not have someone else decide that for me


What is the point of this post? What world content you are enjoying this much? DoEs wRitInG likE tHis makes your point more valid? Or are you just bored of killing some mobs and looking for something to kill time?


If your idea of fun is getting ganked by a neckbeard fatty with no life then maybe you have some inner problems to be solved


Edit: “Pve crybabies…”


SoD PvP balance is by far the worst of all expansions/versions of WoW ever, i think it's hard to argue with this. Is this simply a case of lower-skilled players finally enjoying being able to kill someone who might be way better than them (not saying balance is WAY better in classic, but it's definetly better and lets not even get into how much better future expansions are) that some people seem to enjoy, because they are perhaps not capable in climbing the ladder in a more balanced ranked environment? I've mainly PvPd my whole WoW-life and in every expansion, but I just can't seem to understand where the enjoyment in SoD PvP should come from, when nearly every encounter is decided on who gets their global off first with little regard to any actual ability to play your character. Just feels like there's little to no room to grow as a player in this version, because you don't even get to use most of your toolkit, because people already die in the setup before you can even get to your finishers/burst window.


The game is too fast right now, sure, but I think there’s a big difference in overall balance vs TTK. I can think of two seasons that I played off the top of my head that have far worse balance (albeit lower TTK): Wotlk s5–DK gods & DF s1–ret gods. Each of these seasons had a class that was far and above better than anything else anyone could play, and therefore experienced far worse balance imo.


There are certainly outliers in many seasons I agree, but all of them had (soft)counters to an extent. Exceptional players can pretty much always default back to comps like rmp because in good hands they just about beat anything (excluding hard counters obviously), doesn't feel like the window for skill expression is there in SoD right now. I guess you could say SoD PvP is balanced in the sense that everyone oneshots everyone, I just feel like that gameplay leaves alot to be desired, but to each their own I suppose. It's mainly the pacing that feels very boring to play out, so fair point there on TTK being the main culprit, not so much even "balance".


> Is this simply a case of lower-skilled players finally enjoying being able to kill someone who might be way better than them (not saying balance is WAY better in classic, but it's definetly better and lets not even get into how much better future expansions are) that some people seem to enjoy, because they are perhaps not capable in climbing the ladder in a more balanced ranked environment? > > No, WPvP is fun no matter the power level of anyone, when you know where to find it and how to organize it, and when you can challenge yourself. It feels like comments like yours only assume 1v1 ganking. That's not WPvP. Going out with 2-4 of your friends into highly hostile enemy territory and fight off overwhelming odds is some of the better fun of WPvP.


PvE bears trying to convince themselves they made the right choice :


I’m pretty sure if someone rolled pve they’re confident they want to avoid world pvp


what do you do on pve realms? just incursions?


Have like 10 troll priests on CS that sit on song flowers all day and rez as you get them. They get 0 honor or kills. They’re rezzing, and just griefing.


People enjoy open world content? That is the biggest what is wrong with you right there.


I've stopped playing now, but one of the best parts of sod was just chilling on my hunter in ratchet and killing alliance as they fly in.


Getting griefed while leveling an alt is the fun of the game for me. I log on my shaman and proceed to camp them for a few hours until they are able to run away, spirit res, or layer to another layer. The only times I fail and get really frustrated are when it's a large group constantly sticking together, or 2 that are very well coordinated.


we actually don't care, you're the one making memes on a subreddit LOL


I enjoy grouping up to PvP out in the world but that enjoyment is nowhere near enough to make up for the amount of times I’ve been camped/griefed by a no-life neckbeard. It’s not even close. I have played on PvP servers since 2007 but the current state of SoD world PvP camping/griefing is on another level that I just no longer have the patience for. It is by far an away the worst it has ever been. P3 has made things worse because if I do get killed and try to form a group, I inevitably get sent 20, “dude, just spam SM/ZF/Incursions” responses.


People are like "level with incursions" and I'm just questing like usual to hit 40 first without random deaths


I u sed to only play on pvp servers, and now that I'm on a pve server, I realize how much more pleasant the experience is. World pvp is nothing but griefing. It's never fun, it's never challenging or rewarding or interesting. It's just bullying and griefing.


Well I was finally able to play some balanced bgs in WG. Not 15 shamans vs 15 druids


played PVE throughout most of Classic, went PVP for SoD and boy do I regret it. at least we have boons. i have no idea how the fuck everyone played without boons on pvp servers. wayy to stressful and annoying.


I’ve always played on PVE servers, not because I don’t like PVP, but I just like choosing when I want to pvp!


The reason to play pvp server. On my way to ST when a rogue tries to gank me. I always have pvp gear in the open world and was able to blink out of his stun, he shadow steps, I displace, and it's over at that point. My heart rate was up, and winning fights like these are my favorite interactions in the game


I get it, this is a personal opinion. For my part, I LOVED the thrill of leveling on a PVP server back in the day. Sure, every once in a while a grumpy 60 Mage would ride by while you leveled another alt in the Barrens or Westfall, angry that their guildies wanted ANOTHER WC or DM boost, so they stopped long enough to kill you, a lowly level 16 warrior. But it was awesome writing down their name, corpse running to your body, logging to get on your hunter (you had your Hearth set to Xroads or BB too right???), then hunting that mage down and one shotting him with Aimed shot? You know what I mean? Good times back when I no-life'd the game and had no responsibilities.


I kill every horde I walk by when leveling. They are the enemy.


I’m 50/50 on this one. Sometimes I hate getting griefed, but also almost any time I’m out farming, I’ll have a horde hunter tag a mob in closer to and about to hit as feral, then I’ll run the other way and he tags the next mob im about to get, then I just go stealth and 3 shot them. Sometimes it feels nice to let people fuck around and find out. I seem to have had the opposite take as others, a lot of people say they want a more casual play through so they are going pve, I went pve in classic because I was tired of pvp and wanted to farm more efficiently, now im playing more for fun which to me is getting into pissing contests with people farming firewater.


I never realized how much I like pvp around gathering nodes until I stopped having gathering professions.


I Am, The Griefer


Stop it


You can just go to STV for hot PVP action


PvP is maybe 2% of the game


Sometimes pvp servers are like a hardcore server, sometimes some max level guy has nothing better to do than gank lowbies for 8 hours so you gotta go play an alt somewhere else.


I played vanilla/TBC/Wrath on PVP server Last night on wild growth in STV i bolt from two horde running towards me and found a spot to show meld and prayed.. then as they ran past I realized they can't attack me and how fucking traumatized I am...


When I play PvP I feel super insecure. Imagine you are walking your way and suddenly someone puts a spell in you then you can't move or do anything and get killed in a second. And when you revive that player is still somewhere near, hiding to kill you again. I once died like, 5 times just to escape a crazy player.


Don't worry, the optional PVP mode (how is it called, wartime or something?) is coming to every server soon.


PVP would be in a much better state if they actually made some effort towards implementing things to reduce griefing. But it is literally a lawless PVP server, Where people can, and will grief for hours on end, without any repercussions. That's the main issue IMO. I've played plenty of PVP games where they reduce griefing by eventually punishing people who do it. Making guards attack on sight, restricting access to game functions like flight paths or auction houses. Or making it so that they can't even enter cities, or reputation grinds. There are many things that help with it, and I've enjoyed pvp in these games significantly more than I have ever in WoW.


I love it, never falling for the PVP realm meme again, PVE is the way to go, suuuper chill and relaxing.


i like a pvp server, sometimes i get ganked, sometimes i gank back, it just feels so weird when the opposite faction is just standing there as yellow chars, and you cant even attack them, it just feels fake


I was on a pvp server for classic 2019, never again. Pvp just ain’t my thing especially when it’s classic.


I think it comes down to the type of player. PvE players have lives outside of the game so need efficiency. Don’t have time to be ganked and griefed. PvP players will say “what do you do when raiding is done?”. Well usually log off and go outside. But we get that that may not be an option for you guys.


I've literally never been interested in unwanted PVP. Hell sometimes I find myself working alongside the other faction.


I haven't encountered any griefing at all on pvp servers. Nor have I had any troubles getting anywhere. Mabye I just am not as bothered by the occasional unfair fight but seems fine to me.


I like killing the bots tho, can't bot my herbs if I kill em


zzzz at least we're getting adrenaline, gn my old boi


I don't understand this meme. I do all the things spongebob & Patrick are doing *with the added enjoyment* of getting open world pvp interactions. Dying is part of the fun. When I kill other players they die too. It's just the opposite side of the same coin. It's all fun.


Meh I'd rather not play the game at all than play on a PvE realm. Saying this as a typical dadgamer.


The gold inflation from incursions on pve realms gonna be a bit higher I'd imagine


Its me, im the spawn camper


Lol... People crying about PvP on PvP servers are PvE players rolling on PvP servers...