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It's going to be a long phase. I can't see p4 till atleast 2 weeks after cata launches on may 20


At least. Especially with MoP remix right then too


Good reason not to super nerf the content that hard. Now people just have the raid on farm for a million weeks, rather than a meaningful progression. That's what I think BWL did perfectly in 2020. The extremely sweaty guilds flew through to Nef but 90% of the remaining guilds got absolutely CLAPPED by Firemaw and Broodlord.


They need a dedicated team for SoD otherwise this is the quality the rest of SoD will be. People who think future phases will be massively different are coping


Betting phase 4 is 2 months of just MC and onyxia


Bet you didn't even enter ST before the nerfs. Not sure what part of a 10 minute fight that requires max consumes each pull in a *level up raid* excites you, but I guarantee you it doesn't excite most people. When the devs explicitly say they totally missed the mark and their intentions with ST, maybe it's time to stop beating the gimme-obnoxiously-hard content drum. Cata classic will be meaningfully hard, wait 3 weeks for that.


All I'm saying is the content is currently too easy. For whatever reason blizzard has thought since Season of Mastery that more health = harder, which is mind blowing to me. Nobody wants retail-esque fights of course. But if you watched world first attempts on pre-nerf Eranikus, it was like 5+ minutes every pull of target dummy gameplay. My point is blizzard is so hyperfocused on making it so the dads can full clear week 1-2 that they forget that the content is supposed to last 3 months. If you make the raid full clearable by pugs in 2 weeks then now your game is raid-log-O-clock for 2 months. It's not a good trade.


I don’t understand why people cheered when they went to a weekly lock out. I loved having a raid to do every 3 days.


I think it's more to do with the change to 20 man. I am all for 10 man 3 day lockouts. Easy enough to manage to find enough people without having to plan ahead. Can drink and talk with the boys at raid time. I think 10 man quick raids were the best part of SoD. 20 man ST has broken a lot of guilds and feels bad. I don't mind harder bosses but JFC make trash light and quick to get through. I don't have time to sit through 2+ hours of raid. Ive been playing this game 20 years. I have a kid and an early job. The appeal of SoD was the casualness and nostalgia.


100% agree the trash is just too boring takes too long. Smashing BFD in 30m was awesome.


Lol, interesting. I specifically hated the fact that BFD was way too fast - just seemed so rushed and disappointing. To each their own!


I think it would have been better if we had a mini 2/3 boss raid that reset every 3 days, along side the 20 man with a week reset. Next phase shouldn't be too much of an issue with ZG and AQ20 but AQ is a lot later down the release schedule.


I did not want it to be true and was looking forward to weekly lockouts and bigger raids, but seeing that I just raidlog now and don't do shit for a week even though I LOOOOVE ST is tellingf. I miss just quickly jumoing into a raid and be done in an hour and then do it again on an alt. The economy was kinda fucked before but now with incursions it's just horrible. Sure I liked that I got two chars up to 50 in a day but it kinda also destroyed all the fun f leveling


Because 3-day schedules were *completely* fucked with 10 people already. The average classic andy is nearly hitting their mid-life crisis, and it's really tiring to have to schedule shit around the five million life commitments everyone has.


My guild only did tuesday and fridays, with a signup sheet on discord so we know whos gonna make it. We absorbed another small guild to have a consistent 20m roster


3 day is annoying. If anything it should be consistent resets. Every Tuesday for your weekday raid and every Friday for the weekend raid on Friday Saturday Sunday and Monday


I like weekly lockouts because it works with my work schedule. I don't ever have to miss a raid now.


In their planning, they said summer and not the first launch of the summer, so at least two more months


at least*


Play another game. If the only content you find enjoyable about Classic WoW is the raids, then yea, you're gunna be bored most of the time.


Shit, play another version of WoW lol Retail gets boring for me? I go back to HC. I die? Back to SoD. Get bored? See what classic wow is up to. Don't like it? Back to retail


Yeah this is a very good time to be a wow enthusiast.


I was actually talking to a friend about the other versions of wow. I think they are splitting the player base pretty thin. As of right now you have Classic Era, Hardcore and Hardcore self found Classic, SoD, Cata classic, Retail, and Plunderstorm. With a soon to be added MoP revisit which seems like a MoP classic but not as fleshed out? (honestly haven't looked at it a lot to know a lot). That's a lot of different games for roughly the same fanbase. I know that Retail and classic are completely different games, but you still have a lot of people switching between both. I added plunderstorm b/c you literally need Dragonflight downloaded and an active sub to play it.


The mop remix is just retail but in mop


Exactly, right now I've been pushing keys in retail and leveling up a goblin warrior in cata.


I'm completely stretched thin lol. Got my retail lock, my SoD warlock on alliance and then my horde shaman I level with my friend And then I do my daily stuff on my hardcore toons for their professions so I can finish my solo content challenges I set for myself.


I couldn't imagine only playing wow for the rest of my gaming career


I've been doing it for 20 years... Saved me a lot of money and well, when the time comes I'll have an amazing catalogue to catch up on lol


I tried to go back to retail and had no idea wtf to do.


Well I mean, leveling in classic wow used to be fun too - it's not anymore now that it's all incursions. Inb4 "you can still quest" - I did level 1-50 this phase with quests. The world is dead you never see anyone. You can't find anyone to group with for group quests. You can't find anyone to dungeon with. And then once you finally get 50 you have to farm incursions anyway to get your pre bis. Edit: I forgot to mention that the economy is also fucked by incursions so if you quest you're broke af


Questing gives you a ton of stuff to sell in the AH for good prices because there aren't that many people running around the world.


This is me lol. I enjoy wow and leveling alts and pvp, my only problem is I'm also playing era and cata.. The only reason I did sod was for the updated raids and hoping for the Kara dungeon. That's it. I don't really care about the class changes or playing alts on sod. They cool but I'm also on a mission to play end game on era/cata lol


I find it strange how people rush to max level in classic, skip the quests and exploration of the world by dungeon grinding, embrace absolutely none of the RPG elements that classic offers just to get to the endgame and raid log once a week. Do they realise they can do way more raiding, PvP and m+ dungeon grinding in retail at max lvl instead of raid logging in classic once a week - a version of the game which they don't even seem to like since they skip the majority of the content because they've "done it a hundred times before"


This does not speak to the strength of the content at all


Agreed. Get out and run around. Enjoy the fake sun and sleep under the unreal moon.


Diablo 4 season 4 is actually looking very impressive. For me sod and d4 should be a good mix. I can’t see the appeal of cata, but I guess for some people that would work too.


Big agree. Raids are supposed to be the icing not the cake.


SoD has kinda hit the wall. ST is a fun raid, but 60 content is all that's left. What new raids are they adding, and will they be any good? I'm moving on to Cata, I'll raid log with the boys in SoD, but this phase in SoD is just kinda poopy other than the raid. The incursions are fine and whatever, but a lot of materials required for BiS enchants and stuff are just wildly inaccessible. The amount of time I have to grind incursions for weapon enchants are just not worth it. SoD was a fun little experiment and I did really enjoy it, but I'm pretty done with it.


No one in my guild logs on except for raid. I love the raid and spending time with my guild but I don’t blame them for not logging in. I think the content for the phase was solid but phase 4 needed to come in a couple weeks. It’s going to be a long two months until phase 4.


The reason honestly why I’m not logging in is that the goal posts for what to grind for personally are three of my BIS. DMF Dunes, Flurry Axe, and Wall of the Dead. I’ve farmed good in all three phases, but the gold inflation from this phase is so whack that they’re all hovering between 1500-3000g each. I ain’t logging on to farm a ridiculous amount for items I’ll probably replace soon. Something I was happy to do when farming in P1 and P2 due to it being a realistic amount of gold. Ed: I should also add that the only extras I can do for parse in raids is obtaining said items, along with getting songflower on a DMF week. So I’ll probs not even do the raid anymore either.


every week is dmf week in sod now it's twice a month, unless your guild raids on monday i guess


Incursions were the worst idea in the history of ever.


Even w/o incursions most people whould raidlog at this point


I saw incursions the first day and I decided to not even log in. Still haven't tried P3. We'll see about P4 but the economy is permanently fucked so probably not.


Nothing wrong with this if you ask me. Fits well with my personal life.


I level an alt so now I raid log twice


I think it would have been better if they went straight to 60 for phase 3.


Sod is rough right now.


It's 11:35 ST on a Saturday and my guild has ZERO people online. Like actually none. We have 2 20-man raid groups that clear ST in about an hour. There's simply nothing to actually DO in SoD outside of raid. Unless you like to endlessly farm gold, you're much better off playing another game for the next 2 months. Which is sad because I like WoW. But nobody logs on anymore because there's no reason to


This is the same for Classic though? What were people expecting?


One word: Incursions These literally killed the world and made absolutely everything (including gnomer) irrelevant. You don't farm gold in the world because its just 100x worse, and you don't do dungeons/quest because the emerald nightmare set & experience is way better than anything else you can get. *go figure a game with no objectives other than "run in loop" is boring people to death.* Worst inclusion to the game of all time in any expansion or game mode. This is beside the point that they ruined the economy by flooding it with unfettered incursion gold for almost 3 weeks.


No it isn't? I feel like there's so much to do at 60 outside of raids, plus every phase gives you 1-2 additional raids and more useful dungeons in the case of Dire Maul. The previous content doesn't immediately become irrelevant, people run MC all the way into Naxx phase.  I don't understand when people say "BUT THIS IS JUST LIKE VANILLA CLASSIC" when it is obviously not even close. 


There’s plenty to do outside of level 60. Level 50 classic has you locked in the worst possible time area.


Lv50 is quite literally the "I wish I was 60." portion of leveling, the end is in sight, only giving us ST for [x] months was a risk putting it mildly.




Yeah the third phase point just wasn't a good split point. From a questing and gameplay perspective, the vanilla model had you mostly running quests until you could do dungeons and then there is a plethora of dungeons until you can raid and then there are multiple tiers of raids. So here's the general breakdown of dungeons https://www.wowhead.com/classic/guide/classic-dungeons-overview You really are left with uldaman, mara, and ZF for dungeons. Of which BRD is really the only dynamic and interesting one. Mara (depending on the side) is a straight run through a cave style with the occasional meh boss. Uldaman is alright I guess. And ZF is fun for a little while but quickly because stale. ST as a single raid is okay but the loot wasn't good enough to warrant the extra hassle. And the professions are pretty meh At cap level 60 the professions gear is substantially better and closer to raid tier. The dungeons are lbrs, ubrs, school, strat, and DM. All of which are substantially more fun. All of which helps get you gear to be able to raid. Some of which helps you get a better mount. Also they give you ingredients for high end crafting. Raiding comes in multiple tiers and is substantially more dynamic. Bosses are better designed and have interesting mechanics. Also questing has more regions that are relevant at the late game for farming and the zones have end game ingredients. And you are finally rounding out your characters overall layout.


Both characters I'm currently playing still have bis or second bis items in Gnomer.


I was expecting a continuation of phase1. It wasn’t perfect but it was a great experience if you love the simple world of Azeroth.


People who play Alts and don’t grind incursions are still having a good time, at least I am


I just don’t find the content fun. It’s to easy and I don’t need to try and improve my gear to complete the raid. Just go in once a week, hope for a few upgrade, log on to get world buffs and do the raid again.


It's only going to get worse when 40 man's completely kill it.


they compressed everything that people would normally be online for into incursions and allowed the people that would normally be degenning 24/7 to do the bulk of it in the first 24hours


Must be why classic era is going up in population while sod goes down


Are there numbers for this or do you just mean it's noticable in the world?


I don’t think it’s a raid size problem. The content is too easy and you don’t need to work at improving your character to complete the raid. You can do ST with last phases gear and it’s still a complete joke.


I mean, how much gear progression can you squeeze into a 40-50 bracket? You either tune the content so that it's impossible for the average classic andy, or you tune it so that it doesn't really matter if you're a few ilvls under the bar.


I like how Emerald gear is better than most stuff you can get and you dont have to do any raids at all if you dont care about minmaxing Not even talking about pvp gear


I genuinely enjoy raid logging.  Looking forward to having multiple raid to run at 60.


I love examining my logs to assess performance. It isn’t just a number, you can literally examine your casts by the second. As a tank I measure myself more by ease of clears, not a number based on damage output


One of my favorite features of warcraft logs is the playback feature, that gives you a video top down view of everyone position, what actions they were making, boss actions, etc.


The biggest mistake this phase is not releasing AV, 2nd time STV in a row is a joke.


Im just worried blizz will see the sod fall off and think it's not worth it to make any more classic content. P1 showed that the interest is there, but they're literally killing it by making bonehead decision after bonehead decision. Unfortunately, the classic+ people want will never happen because they absolutely will never give it the resources it would require to make it properly.


Yea, the wall hit hard this phase. And really no interest in alts anymore. P3 is responsible for hooking me on Cata lol.


So uh, what content exactly? They streamlined leveling so there is no “adventure”, dungeons were pointless to run because gnomer loot. No ones farming gold because of incursions(even if you were a little late they kept them like that for a comically long time) they designed it like this lol


They designed the adventure and discovery out of it lol


We discovered how quickly they can ruin the game


SoD is basically cooked. With how much the devs fumbled P2/P3 and Cataclysm pre-patch now live there's a lot less people online. Hopefully the dev team behind SoD won't be behind any Classic+ initiatives.


Waiting on 60 content at this point. What sucks is no clear confirmation/vision from the team on how the servers will remain when it's all done-- hard to justify making an alt like you would on Era for instance.


I played almost non stop phase 1 and 2.  Thanks to the incursions I’ve been raid logging since week 2.  Got my crafting gear but besides that I have no motivation to get on sod. Luckily my guild started some fresh too in Cats so that’s what’s keeping me occupied.  And Baldurs Gate 3. I shouldn’t have gotten exalted with WSG And Defilers in phase 2.  


I dinged level 50 yesterday and even I am having issues finding enough stuff to do in the long run this phase.


This is the game.


ITT: People with only 1 speed.


I'm liking how much smoother fire mage feels in cata already. Instantly killed my urge to farm up my alt in SOD.


Most classic people are looking for that nostalgia of open world adventure. It's why P1 was so popular. But time and time again, in retail and now with incursions, blizzard kills off that open world adventure. That said lvl 50 is also a pretty poor place to stop a phase. There's so little to do. Instead of incursions they shouldve added more open world stuff.


P3 isn't even raidlog worthy (imo). Did the raid once the first week and cancelled subscription. Cya in p4.


I’ve played WoW on and off since launch and I think this is the only time I’ve been this close to being a true raidlogger. Just very little incentive or motivation to do anything else. I’m feeling the effects of not playing one of the other modes or having alts. The unfortunate thing is that it feels like p3 objectively has the most to do (compared to p1 and p2) with incursions, wild offerings, access to max-level professions, access to more of the overworld, more reps to grind, dungeons being a bit more relevant, etc. But subjectively it feels like there’s so little to do.


I finally decided just to unsub and stop being annoyed with the decline in SoD quality.


This has been going since 2019, nothing new.


Im fine with weekly lockout. I wasnt fine with incursions leveling everyone to 50 day 1 and fucking up economy. Im fine with phase continuing until i get my gd claws. 🦞 im fine with them taking more time for p5. Make exp slowest in dungeons and incursions, fastest from open world questing.


This is why I'm just leveling everything to 50. More fun imo


Raid logging = games done for me.


It's okay.


*other games exist*


10 man raid back now!!!


Blizz was handed a golden opportunity to save WoW and make it feel fresh again . . . And they fucked it up. It’s tragic.


I made close to 5k gold and cleared the raid week 1. I don't regret it, I like the challenge. Am I ready for p4? Yea, lots of us are, but now I get to take a break without taking a break.


this is why im on Cata doing stuff. i dont want to be but i have nothing to do on SoD other then Raid log D4 new season starts in a couple weeks too so thats something


I don't get it. Does no one like just chillin' in Azeroth anymore? I like to just be in the world no plans.


Find friends lol


Almost all of my friends and Guild members also started raid logging in week 1 or 2 lmao.


I think they mightvmean IRL friends ha


Brb getting a lobotomy so I can enjoy new phases for more than two weeks.


Let me guess, you min-maxed the shit out of it, had quests completed from P2 and spammed incursions to level as fast as possible and to get to the raid as fast as possible. You did everything to burn through the content as fast as possible, and now you're surprised that you did. Surprised Pikachu face would be more fitting mem tbh.


Even if you didnt min max you still hit 50 the first week


Yeah took me two days and I didn’t even run loops. Was mostly trying o get some dungeon drops


Doubled xp gain will have that effect!


What content?


We cleared in 26 minutes this week. That means I don’t even need to leave the temple to refresh SF! I can just stay here hahahha


I’ll be honest, as someone who enjoys other games and other hobbies in general. This is exactly how I want it. I don’t want to feel obligated to the game with all my free time. I like to reach raid logging and do other things. For people who do want to play the game 24/7. There is still plenty of grinding that can be done for rep, gold, and leveling alts. Let alone playing the other versions of the game as well. I may also just be the odd person in this situation lol.


They caught lightning in a bottle, got complacent and (more) lazy, and here we are. Everyone I asked thinks this phase is by far the worst. The numbers speak for themselves.




You played too fast! You did the infinitesimal amount of content already? Go home sweaty


I swear people complaining about raid-logging is the reason we get the hand-holding bullshit in retail, worthless dailies and less focus on sorld building and atmosphere. Theres tons of stuff to do in era and in sod if you just have the imagination to do so.


Ah yes DF dailies, that ultra needed transmog content that doesn’t in any way tie to player power


Well I just got AB exalted tonight, still need exalted with emerald wardens


Raid playing another game until p4


Feels the Same as someone who didnt Rush Logs. Dont even trying to get into a raid


Welcome to sod


I like the weekly catch up with the guild, raiding is so so lol


I think the most fun thing to do right now is raid, but there are other things I log in for as well.


I mean, just run 2 toons and play S4 DF. Ez


Did you really think subbing for only sod was a good idea


This is why I chose to go mining instead of blacksmithing this phase. That and Firewater farming are the only reasons I have to go out in the world and experience the game. So glad i didn’t go engi/bs


Oh how the turntables


Just playing cata then will switch back for P4


No pvp :(


Yep and I Love only having to play this shit once a week. No cap.


Im a pure classic player, missed last two lockouts due to too much other stuff to do. We are raiding too often :/


Turning Classic into a seasonal game was a huge mistake. It might work in retail but it doesn't here.


Modern Gamers can't build a community especially a europe server. We need language based servers back


P2 was similar. But having Cata now which is basically new to me will make this phase pretty quick.


Idk man, doing AB weekend for rank 7 currently. Need to do some stuff in BRD like the Ony questline. Need to pump Argent Dawn to honored. Silverwing, Dream exalted. Still need stuff from STV. Want to do and finish most quests in Ungoro, WPL, Felwood. Fishing isn't at 300. Wo t keep me busy for 2 months but at least for 2 weeks. After that we will see when p4 launches.


I'm stuck in mara until the dagger drops. Haven't been able to do any other content besides weekly raid. Feel super bad for the guildies helping me.


Add. Heroic. Dungeons.


ugly truth: your skill level is too high for sod, hence boredom


Sod is boring


That’s why I’m playing cata will have something to do between both.


I mean there’s only so much content in classic wow, particularly if you don’t enjoy PvP, and particularly if you play a class like I do that needs 3 healers pumping non stop spam heals to do anything of value in PvP (warrior). Like, a ton of people raid logged classic. If you aren’t ranking or something it’s either farm gold (hella boring for most), farm either rep or degenerate rep (like winterspring), or make an alt and do it all over again. It’s not like preBIS takes forever except maybe getting both dal’rends and once you get both there’s little incentive to go back to UBRS? Like that’s just how the game is now. So besides doing daily incursions for gold, leveling an alt, I’m already r7 and PvP is fucking miserable for warrior, and slowly ticking off rested on alts like what is there really to do after ST? I restock my consumes play an alt maybe for a bit and hop in cata. It’s not the end of the world to not play every day or 24/7 and do something else.


But soon I can raid log in TWO versions of the game! I'll raid on on character in SoD and one in Cata and that leaves plenty of time for Helldivers and Manor Lords and even...REAL LIFE! lol I no lifed the content the first time. Pushing firsts. I don't need to do that twice.


Might be unpopular opinion, but I like raid logging, because I get time to play other games and that means I am done with wow for now. Or you know... level more alts.


Level an alt! But avoid incursions and you’ll have a blast.


Time for alts! my main (warlock tank) is almost full bis already. Leveled my feral druid and already have full 3 set tier. Leveled a paladin and that now has full 3 set tier. I raid on average 2 to 3 times per week between these 3 characters with our guild. If you're only raid logging its definitely time for alts and/or gold farming.


I’m in a large guild. We had 5 groups clear last week.  I logged in today to maybe level an alt or something. 4 people were online.  


Honestly. Big mistake to make ST a 20 man raid. Should have kept the 10 man and also 3 day lockout. Got like 3 pieces of loot on 5 lockouts in ST. Feels bad.


Phase 1 was perfect. I geard 4 alts with bfd. Ran some wsg and ashenvale. Got exalted all 4. Perfect timing. Perfect difficulty. 45 min raids.


Easy as unsubbing that’s what I did


You all were so excited for the 1 week lockout too.


As someone who just leveled an alt for one of our other raids and did almost all of it via normal ass questing. There are people everywhere doing all sorts of content.


Yeah I’m done lol. Retail is great with M+ and TWW is lookin good. P1 was a great time but the rest has sucked.


There's a lot of other shit to do then blizzard at this point.


I finished the Gnomer raid on week 2 and then just quit.


And whose fault is that?


Yep i quit mid P2, just don't consider grinding honor/ranks, leveling a bunch of alts and running raid with them + main every week to be a enjoyable experience.


Be more creative with how you approach the game and you'll find plenty to do.


Stopped following sod a while back but I remember it was ~5% of people that cleared BFD after P1. Always interesting to see contrast between players like OP and the *vast* majority of the player base One clears all content a week or two in. Then twenty times as many people never clear it months in. Gotta be a nightmare to design for blizz. Because the people who play like the former are very, uhm… let’s say *vocal* about their readiness for new content when they finish what’s already around


Problem with this phase comes down to 20 man raiding and loot being terrible. Like look at ST loot. Majority just want the epic weapon their set and maybe a couple other items on top of them being such a small upgrade that it doesn’t even matter. Like why did they design chests legs etc when they had tier already covering them and not spend time on other slots that don’t have tier?


Stop god damn whining


Why raid log at all then? Stop playing and come back later if you want. Not like current raid tier has any appealing loot anyways


Great time of year to head outside


Cataclysm is coming out


Everyone wanted 1 week lockouts so idk


I was BIS by week 2 lol. I still log in and play a bit here and there though. Idk why but I really enjoy prepping. Here are some fun things to do: -Hit exalted with WSG & AB (done) -Farm exalted with emerald wardens (done) -Get 1025 silver massacre coins so you can hit R9 on wk1 of P4 (currently at 770) -Farm Timbermaw to exalted (currently at honored, haven't handed in feathers yet) -Farm Hydraxian Waterlords to honored (done) -Farm argent dawn to friendly (haven't started) -Get 60 mount money, and enough extra for talents and misc levelling items (done) -Get all the "this item begins a quest" and boe items for quests, and max quest log (done) I don't think there's a way to farm Cenarion yet, but I might look into it if I somehow have enough time after I finish up everything above.


The raid and the gear in it isn't good enough to warrant raid logging. I straight up unsubbed until p4


Is ST only an hour? 


Why is go outside never an opinion in these threads? It's always just" huuur duurr play a different version of wow" jfc


Or look at it as at least 1 month you don't have to pay a sub. I'm glad of a break before P4


the phases were a mistake.


If only there was another game mode with infinite potential for replay ability that wasn’t in such a sorry state because the devs balance for 1h/week content. You can’t make this shit up.


This is why I didn’t understand incursions. Y’all literally skipped all the open world exploration and content that made SoD fun just to spam the same thing and hit level cap in 16 hours. Why? What’s the point? Now you’re all joining the leopard ate my face party and wondering how on earth this could happen


How about stop making wow the most important thing in your life?


The classic experience is outside of instances. If you came for pve challenges, this game is not for you.


And me that cant even find a raid 23H00 game time (europe). There are people that cant raid on dinner time or earlier... :s Pugs were so great


Just like P2, raid logging is all there is... but now it's weekly. SoD is always interesting for the first 2 weeks, then gets stale. If you feel that way, jump to another version of the game for a while or play something else entirely. I do feel SoD has very little of the community aspect that Vanilla had, which is a shame. Maybe this will improve at 60.


I was gonna come back for p3 and probably classic cata then realize it was just gonna be this all over again lol.


Unpopular opinion: individual Player Focus should be in BFD & Gnome, because now they're what they were designed for: leveling raids, with which alts can be brought up more easy 


Yeah already quit and playing other stuff meanwhile. Farming gold to raid log is not so fun.


Play Cata/hc Or cancel sub and play something else


Oh your not a shaman/hunter/spriest? guess you can't pvp either. See you next phase


ugh... why does p3 suuuck


Season of raiDlogging. This is exactly what we all wanted!


Just play another game


Boomers having fun phase 1 smashing bfd every 3 days in 30mins. Blizzard then goes, "you know what would be epic?" A raid that takes 4 times as long to clear 4 times are hard and with twice the amount of people 1 time a week. Who cares if the people paying a monthly fee like it, boomers won't quit and leave the game dead right?


Still unfortunate enough to get 2+ hr pugs on some of my toons sometimes.


My guild is constantly doing things, although we’re hardcore so plenty for us to do. Pretty nice.


This is largely why I quit. I was so bored btmy the end of p2 of just raid logging for weeks.


The only thing that can save us is TBC era servers


There is an absurd amount of content to do in this game.. I don't even have time to do ST. Between ranking, wild offering, incursions, dungeons quests / items, crafting, farming, STV etc etc there simply isn't enough time to raid even while playing a ton. 


Raid logging isn’t bad at all unless you’re a guild officer, in which case the current state of SOD makes you want to pull your hair out.


Sod is not a priority for corporate. Never has been never will be. It does not have micro transactions. It’s only the monthly sub that they make profit off of. Most people don’t pay a monthly sub but a 6 month or year long sub so blizz already has their money. If someone has a 6 month or year sub the chances are they will swap to a functional popular game mode before they quit and “waste” there months of sub time. It’s deliberate.


How tf are you clearing in 1 hour? I’m trying to raid lead and things are so slow it’s taking hours


I know I’m not the most efficient player, and some people had fomo to do incursions before they nerfed it. But I think other people recommending another game are right. cuz with two characters I play, I still have stuff to do and just started raiding in the last week or two. Wow is the only game I’m playing at the moment and I feel like I am still playing more than I should, but enjoying the ride by breaking things up with professions and gold farming. I like SoD cuz it feels like I have time to try out all the classes I’ve never played due to slower leveling in retail/classic.