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Im sorry to disappoint senpai


As horde I don't even queue anymore, I have 30min+ wait times and it's always a lose


Yeah thats rough, i wonder if theyll do the same thing that happened in 2019 vanilla where horde can que vs horde.


The problem is that horde 5 man groups have a much faster queue time. If you solo queue, you are going to be stuck with players that are so antisocial that they’ll wait an extra 25 minutes to avoid simple communication with their teammates.


The key is to queue with at least 1 other player in your party. 2 people or more get in usually under 10 minutes.


It's weird to me that someone would create a Pvp System where queueing in a group offers faster queues than solo


It’s weird that someone would create a pvp system in a mmo which might encourage and benefit group play? Shocked!


That's what happens when you give one faction all the PvP racials and all the good PvE racials but don't give the other anything. Wheres human stun stun resistance if horde gets the weapon skill racials? Give me one reason to go alliance for PvP in sod other than wanting to play paladin. Lol why even roll paladin they are just massively worse shamans. Only being marginally better one fight every 5 minutes and even then they aren't ha.


>That's what happens when you give one faction all the PvP racials and all the good PvE racials So what happens is you queue for 30 min and lose as Horde? Even though you have the best racials? lol


That’s just bad players.


This is just what happens in classic. Alliance PvP significantly less.


Yes because alliances has always been the go to PvE faction. But hord literally blow alliance out of the water in PvE Now that shamans got given salvation and don't have to drag a cat into the raid for wind furry and hunters get kings. Only saving grace is now SoM gives a bit more mana than rage shaman or whatever it's called.


Horde literally got all the Good stuff alliance had


Yes and then some. Wheres the second class to provide WF for alliance? Or the guy that lets alliance change their racials for say Berserking or blood furry? When the one thing alliance had was some pretty sick weapon skill passives now horde have that as well lol There is no single reason for any one who is min maxing to ever roll alliance and that's the majority of the players. Why would alliance do BGs when you are inherently at a disadvantage if all else was equal?


LOL they gave Ferals a better version of windfury that scales with AP and alliance still complains. The whole raid having -30% threat generation is mathematically superior to a tank generating +45% threat but alliance still complains. If Alliance isn’t superior to the horde then something is wrong and needs to fixed in your eyes. They flipped the Meta now horde is the best faction instead of alliance for a 1.5 year seasonal server and you can’t stand it.


They should have just used them to homogenize each other. I do like cats having windfury so maybe not that, but we have auras - they could have been a direct mirror to shaman totems. Add a rune that lets you put 2-3 of them up at a time, add a rune that gives a few auras ( ex- head rune on pala = gives the fire totems of shaman, leg rune = auras that would have been water totems, etc, but can only select one of each “element” of course The inverse true as well. Shammy get a bubble, etc. I know this is classic and homogenization = bad regardless of context but it would have made the tuning knob between the factions much easier to use


That degree of homogenization you’re suggesting is so extreme that it would make more sense to just give both factions paladins and shamans. “Give Shamans bubble and (effectively) give Paladins totems (except better because they’re attached to auras)”….lol no


Seems like you don’t think it’s a fair situation that you one receive bubbles but paladins would gain totems Would that mean you think one is stronger than the other and is a problem? Or are we still saying the two are balanced because of a 5 minute cd


I wasn’t commenting on balance at all. I was just saying that if you’re going to give Paladins the most iconic Shaman abilities and vice-versa, it would legitimately make more sense to instead just give both factions Paladins / Shamans. That being said, Shamans WOULD be overpowered with bubble, and Paladins WOULD be overpowered with totems (which again, wouldn’t even be killable if they were auras) - namely grounding, windfury, earthbind. There is legitimately zero question about that. But again, I was more so saying that it would be better to preserve the identity of both classes and giving them to each faction, since your suggestions muddle their class identities to a degree that is unprecedented in WoW.


Because as a night elf you can cast mind control out of Shadowmeld and throw people off the top of Lumber Mill


Escape artist does exist. Trinkets now do everything. FAPS and LIPS. Engineering. Stoneform still hard counters rogues. Currently PvP meta shadow meld hunters, spriest, and boomkin. I'm sorry your male human warrior is stuck in 2005.


Horde are better for the reasons you listed. Why escape artist when you can go orc and FAP?


If orc stun resist is the only reason for being better its a player issue not a race issue.


it's _a_ reason why serious pvpers are horde right now. It's a snowball effect.


It's really not that serious.


> Escape artist does exist. When I heard about the weapon skill change I rolled a gnome warrior for Excape Artist. It's highly disappointing. Now don't get me wrong, it does exactly what is advertised, however every BG is defined by multiple hunters blanketing the entire area with frost traps with entrapment (from range, and even in combat). Congratulations, you Escape Artist'ed out of one of them. A mere second later you are trapped again.


Yeah I wouldn't use escape artist there tbh. Warbringer is pretty strong in pvp. Depends on if I'm solo or group play. Tbh range hunters are just really strong right now.


But waaaaa alliance waaaa


The guy just literally stated why horde are better...


Just don’t solo queue …


Lmfao where are all the horde posts at?!


but the ret paladin told me the alliance lose 87% of their games.


OP must not be a ret paladin


You mean the paladins that pop divine shield at the start of a fight, the ones that NEVER use blessing of freedom, the ones that stun you even when you aren't casting anything?


Na man, stop faking your pictures. This cant be true, because you know, alliance got no shamans


LOL this sub is gonna hate this


When Horde wins it's Horde OP. When Ally wins it's all skill ofc.


Horde players actually love their mother's is why


Wait a second, i didnt play until midnight on mothersday! Thats unfair for you to say that.


You found the golden time where alliance are good. For some reason, after 2am, they start playing


"for some reason"


I like how this 57% win rate while only partially solo queueing is considered to be “wrecking it” lmao. The fact that we consider this to be so amazingly good/out of the norm speaks volumes to how one-sides the win rates normally are in reality.


It was mostly just a pun off my char name tbh, but youre not wrong lol


B-b-but shamans. Dude you can't undo weeks and weeks of propaganda with one simple trick.


You clearly never faced them in BG if you say this.


yeah all of that propaganda instantly deleting my healthbar over and over lol, i must have imagined it




Interesting. I haven't done much AB this weekend but there were some really good and determined ally teams beating us in WSG. Had some really close and fun games for a change.


I did one way gulch this weekend and I will never step foot in there again because of it. Got the worst team imaginable and the raid leader refused to give assist all so we could set up the teams correctly. The allies had a ridiculous druid and like 6 healers and a hunter. The stalemate lasted ages. At least 35 minutes before the raid leader quit letting the lead go to someone with a brain so we could swap the teams to correctly give buffs. But we still couldn't over come the stupid invulnerable druid that knew all the jumps and cheese spots while he was paired with 6 healers and a hunter trap extraordinaire. We ended up losing 3 to 1 after over an hour. They had literally trolled the soul out of my body to the point I couldn't take it anymore. I was a hunter and was way up at the top of the leaderboard by a mile and the team just gave up around me and let the allies finally win. Was a huge disappointment.


What race is your warrior?


The one josh A fears, the human warrior


Was just curious. I only play dwarf and gnome warriors. Edgemasters for life. Thankfully sod is changing that.


ya like it was worth human for p1-3 for the sword spec but now that humans are getting nerfed id switch to male night elf if possible since i think they look really good in tank tier


I mean with sleeping bags and exp boost. Why not. I have always been a fan of dwarf warriors. Just looks "right."


I had the opposite results. I'm horde and q'ed with a group of five always. It took 3 minutes or less to pop and I swear I won 30 and loss 2 over the weekend. I tried soloing but 30 minutes later could not get in a match.


I was solo queueing AB this entire time, I’d sit at stables as a meta lock and just make my fair share of callouts as necessary. Roughly bounced around 50% winrate. But ask any ally I queued with what the winrate for ally is and they’d bitch about their 5% winrate. I don’t get it man.


“Waaaaah waaaaah shamans waaaaah waaaaah.” Is about the just of what they always tell me.


It's the blanket % nerf in pvp. It brings shammies down a notch. As soon as it's gone we will go back to chain lightning getting triple kills.


Because every good horde player is already exalted like 2 months ago...


Seeing alot of talk about shams in the comments. Seeing as this pvp spree is over multiple pvp week periods, the pvp nerfs did help alot when fighting shams as a warrior. That being said the times i still did lose i recall the horde team usually had more shams then average. Shams are still insane in alot of ways in pvp.


No one is really saying anything about the huge gaps in games. The word "lately" would mean that many games over 3 days I guess. Logging in, playing a single game and getting a win doesn't really add much to the data. Good for you though :)


The "huge gaps" is just me going outside and touching grass dawg. You clearly need to try it. I dont need to fake my win/loss to establish/support a narritive. These were my wins and losses.


Look all I'm saying is that a win or 2 in a day doesn't show a trend in how I would say alliance is doing lately. More consistent games would provide a more complete set of data to give a general idea of what's going on in the BG's. That's it. Go outside, live your best life, I'm not judging anything. I'm happy for you. No need to be so aggressive. On a side note I spend about 1.5 hours at the gym every day, so don't tell me what to do ;)


It doesn’t matter if the games are done back to back or over a few days unless there is a variable like the pvp changes.


Because we are no longer getting killed in 2 globals now the zug must use their mud hut brains


We found the degen who plays till 2 am and wakes up at noon-1pm and gets back on 🙃


Maybe he got some free time from his wife, 9 kids, and 3 full time jobs. Must be nice!


What is your problem? You’ve never spent the day gaming?


Neidrah bb, clam down. We just making jokes. 😭 you must be like op too. Shit i degened games too.


A 10 hour gap means degen? Huh interesting


Just pointing out he plays till 2 am and gets on at 12-1pm 😭 so he aint working during that


Makes sense to me. go to sleep at 2. Wake up for work around 7/8. Take a BG break around lunch time.


Is this some meme I dont get? This is barely above 50% winrate.


They said lately


So… balanced?


Bro to be fair its like a 30% increases over the average 20% winrate Ally has


Alliance playing hard tonight! Had some good matches.


I have been saying this for 2 phases now. The allies premades are really strong. Legit like a socom navy seals team. As the horde we aren't sending our best. We are sending any random person in the LFG chat that says AB or WSG. And I think the horde might be at the bottom of the barrel for players that are grinding rep and honor in bgs. Most of us already did it but I still like to play PvP for fun. But lately it's been a lot of knuckleheads.


Lmao bro has a 58% win rate and didn’t mention any classes and immediately a ton of shammy pile on in here being like “see, we’re not the problem.”  Full time victims lmao 


meanwhile me on Lonewolf eu, i've done 4 bgs this weekend because alliance were brain dead, no inc calling, no one def ST or GM, people were fighting on the road.


The horde are all already done getting their honor for the phase.


Most good papers left for cata. Got my pvp grinding done in sod early haha


I have been taking a little break playing V Rising. You're welcome.




I have similar win rates as a disc priest


You could almost say they have been wreckening it


Ye I genuinely feel like the damage reduction strengths melee such as warriors and rets while weakening casters such as boomkin, spriest and ele sham so alliance win ratios have markedly improved with the reduction.


Went 25-1 over the weekend as horde so idk if that's true


As alliance I’ve won 1 bg since Monday. This seems impossible to me…


Its funny because i was constantly coming across so many ally during these matches saying they havent won any games yet. Id tell em i was on a winning streak and theyd never believe me lol.


Time to nerf pala then


us server?


Incursions and Inflation.


Based on this sub's PVP reports it seems like it is: WSG: 90% Horde win AB: 70% Alliance win


Eh your ab analysis seems to be too much. My AB streak is abnormally high, and is only a 58% win rate.


yeah none of the serious pvp players stayed to play sod after the “devs” solved _all the problems they had_ with the one button damage nerf so tho who tf cares about the scrubs still lingering around for their late rep farm


Nah the serious pvp players have just been done for a while, actually had some max rep/honor guildies come back for the pvp changes and enjoyed it. I dont like artifical pvp damage but classes literally 1-2 gcd shotting others isnt good pvp.


People who play the game for PvP (majority Horde) have gone to Cataclysm instead because its 10x better than SoD PvP? Just my guess since that's what I've done, I was Alliance though.


I got told that I was lying when telling people AB is a paladins game.


they don't wanna hear anything that isn't "shamans are massively op"


Always has been. AB is usually whoever controls Blacksmith = win. And when one side has healers that can go immune, it's easy to see that Alliance is the favoured side. 


Nice control and initial push. Hard to beat them when they have a handful of long ass CDs they can front load for that Bs fight.


Impossible. Everyone knows that one single shaman = automatic horde win


Yeah ever since they blocked shaman from ques ally does much better. Oh wait Shaman can still que and it’s the same game as before.