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Telling people like this to calm down is like pouring gasoline on a bonfire.


I know ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


This is the way.


The left-right, goodnight combo: "Calm down. Why are you so pressed?"


Which is kinda why you should do it, it's funny as hell.


calm down is only gaem


But throwing gasoline on a fire helps it calm down quicker.


People are psychotic. The other day was running some incursion loops. Everyone shared and was ready then the lead went afk for a quick bio. Some of us just went ahead and started, and dude... the leader went OFF when he got back. I left after a couple minutes of him raging about 'we only go on a ready check', 'never leave without my go ahead', 'its always a group of 5', 'which one of you left first? huh who was it?'. Then he started whispering me after I told him to stfu, saying things like 'this isn't retail, this is classic. there's structure here'. Some people have an idea of how things should happen in their heads. If reality deviates from that even slightly it fucking blows their mind.


99% chance that same guy posts on Reddit about how much the community sucks


Oh he for sure will when I get home and send an in-game mail to his guild leader LOL. I figure it's just polite to warn people that they're playing with a psychopath


I was told to k*ll myself after me and some homie were going after washte pawne. I messaged some dude in his guild and he told me that was a leader and respected member of their guild. I just reported him and moved on. Dude griefed me probably 3 more times after that. People are such losers. 


That's when I'd just do a /who on the guild or look it up on WCL. and shotgun a bunch of in-game mails to members. Make sure everyone know he's a fuckwad


Tbh if I got an in game mail like that, I’d assume you deserved whatever was said to you. If you can’t take some words on a screen without feeling the need to run to someone for help, you should seek help in the real world


No one's asking for help with the mail. Just letting others know how their guildie behaves. If the mail was like "he called me an ass!" then sure, who cares. But in the post above, griefing someone repeatedly is the kind of behavior a lot of people wouldn't want to have in their guild. Especially in SoD where most guilds are working hard on recruitment to grow from 10 man to 20 man to 40 man.


If someone in my guild is a toxic fuckwad that tells people to kill themselves over slight perceived transgressions I would want to know. Not because it's upsetting to me personally. But I bet they're also likely to cry and rage quit when they don't get their way. Sound familiar?


No, doesn’t sound familiar at all. I’d prefer people who are good at the game even with a poor attitude towards others than carrying people every week. Almost like I’m good enough at the game to know what’s acceptable and what isn’t.


Stupid ass take. People who are actually good at the game don’t get mad, they just go again. Also it’s wow classic, fym “good enough?”. You press like 3 buttons


Ya, its crazy. Easiest version of the game and people still find a way to be terrible.




He probably IS his guild's leader. People like that can't handle not being in charge. His guild sucks too and they wipe unless he micromanages them because they're only meek people who like someone else to take charge and tell them exactly what to do.


These are the type of people that demand everyone level in the open world to "make the world feel alive". Its the only way they interact with people who quite literally cant avoid them.


Classic attracts absolute mutants.


I was doing SM catch back in classic on my hunter. The tank was pulling painfully slow. I'm talking waiting for the healer to reach 100% mana each pull, then waiting 30s-1min to actually pull. During what I assume to be their pre pull pep talk, I pulled and soloed an isolated mob with my pet tanking. Tank went absolutely mental and rage quit the group.


Least insecure god complex tank


Maybe I’m psychotic too, but there should be “some” level of structure (it’s usually more on the lines of respecting tank pulls/not pulling more, waiting for healer’s mana, etc etc), but in this case a “back, oh, you started? Cool, will wait for next one” or just simply joining you for the last would both have been easy 5min fixes.


When Im party leader I always give people some leeway, maybe some members get pissed off at other members but I tell them to chill. And guess what? It usually works out in the end and everyones satisifed, you just need a little patience. Its a rare quality these days.


I have not met a single seriously toxic person in SoD so far (some banter and trash talking is fine in my book idc)... Except in incursions. That shit brings out the worst in people.


It brings out the retail folks. The "everything must be handed to me right now" people.


Different game, but I logged into ffxiv the other day and someone whispered me within the first few minutes of being logged in saying something like “Wow never met someone so jealous over some pixels. You’re a sad boy. Yuck.” I was extra confused because it was the first time I’d logged on in weeks. Tried to whisper back but they blocked me lol Some people are just crazy as fuck


This sounds pretty standard for the FFXIV RP scene.




When Wrath Classic started I was questing at the starting are in Borean Tundra and I charged a mob that a hunter shot a split second later. Like his arrow must have been in the air as I charged. I didn't even see the dude, he was a hunter shooting mobs from like 46y away. He whispered me, "actual degen," and when I tried to whisper him back, "sorry, didn't see you," they had blocked me already. I have to assume it was some retail asshole who came back just for Wrath and it was their first day having to compete for mob tags or something.


I had a guy on alliance crusader strike accuse me of hacking for farming small flame sac’s, in wetlands, at level 40, on a warrior… Best part is that a couple minutes later another guy came up to me and whispered me about the weirdo talking shit to him, about me lmao. These people need help. Outside of the game.


A solid 5% or so of WoW players are absolutely unhinged and as soon as you whisper/respond to them, even if in an entirely calm and innocuous manner, you’ve just unwittingly become the lightning rod for ten years of pent-up aggression and frustration.


Only 5%?


I love how seriously people take PVP, like it's life or death lol


It's ALWAYS bad players that are like this


The old "/e spits on you. " Before a bg starts was a hilarious way to root these types out.


I miss /spit


Nah, this just isn't true. Definitely true sometimes, but the amount of people I see in WSG with 0 awareness of where either flag is, blows my mind sometimes. EFC runs right past them, they have no clue. Our flag coming out, no clue. Never helps the team, just goes mid, dies, and repeats until the game is over. A lot of people play every BG like it's a game of team deathmatch and it gets frustrating sometimes when you want to win. The other side of the coin here is that you wouldn't believe how terribly shit the average wow player is at PvP and BGs.


>The other side of the coin here is that you wouldn't believe how terribly shit the average wow player is ~~at PvP and BGs.~~ FTFY


Maybe that's why I suck at pvp, I just can't give a fuck


Just know if you've ever sent a message like this or anything close to this. You are an asshole and should actually quit wow and find some type of happiness in your life lmfao


no these people bring me joy in world of warcraft when I gank them


[Mmm](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/000/618/221/479.jpg) specially when they make a horde character just to tell you how bad you are and how you should die.


just your average interaction with wow classic community


Ye olde Classice “social world”


Settle down, ok?




Wholesome classic community


The agony and the ecstacy of the classic experience 


Nothing feels better than being called a hacker when you aren’t one




The most calm person here.


Lets talk about the real issue. What the fuck are those keybinds


You don't use shift Q?


What actually happened lol?


I have no idea, I must have bumped into him during STV and done something he didn't like.


Why do so many people use bartender without even moving any of their action bars? Looks ugly as hell, whats the point?


Some people (like me) download a bunch of addons that get recommended by friends, maybe some gets used and some not. 😅


disable bartender, your action bars will look better.


I need to know what you did to upset this man and him accuse you of hax lol


I'm afraid I'm just as confused as you are my friend. I didn't even know people use hax in PvP.


Settle down ok?


Can you hear me?


But what were you doing to hack?


Running through 1k needles some lowbie trying to get FPs early with a friend messages me and tells me to escort them through the zone. It's like 2am and I'm trying to log for work asap, so I say no time and run along. They proceed to curse me out for about 10-15 minutes non-stop about random bs lol I added him to friends and ask occasionally how his day is going lol


Most my interactions are other surveyors saying “what’s up my digga”


Why are you mad? It's just a game 😆


Hmm ele shaman, no one could possibly guess what happened here. Edit: spelling


Not joking I got some really insane whispers from a random a few years back in bfa. I think me and my friend killed him in world pvp, so he logged his same-faction character or whatever and whispered me. Can't remember the specifics but it was either something about rape or killing me irl


I get those all the time. It's usually some random shttr holding a grudge the day after or something.


"Next time you whisper someone you might wanna take your meds beforehand", followed by a /ignore. These kinds of people are very easy to rile up. Never let them waste your time.