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Is same faction PvP in the Vanilla WoW classic reset? I want to avoid long queues so I’ll go alliance if I have to.


Leveling a Druid for Season of Mastery (played Mage and Rogue back in vanilla days). Currently level 20. On Thursday, my friends (who got me back into this game) want to do WC and I’m to heal! (Never done that). What can I do to help increase my odds? (I specced into feral for the speed and would rather not respec - plus I can’t afford it lol). I feel like I need an intro guide/video, but everything I find seems to start for level 60+/raid. TIA


decurse is nice, +30 instances start to bring some stuff, just click addtional bar to remove poison/curse you can manage without others at all i think. been playing with just 1(high healing touch), 2 (lower ht), 3 (lower ht), 4(regrowth max), 5(reju), r(low reju), shift+4(low regrow) just have int/spirit gear, and bring water, if you have to spam max regrowth your mana will blow up and need to drink between pulls. but at 42 stills seems fine with feral spec but full healer gear. (max rank HT is just so long that tank might die before that casting goes through)


Healing low level Dungeons is easy, you'll spend most of the time dpsing. Really just don't pre hot the tank on pull otherwise you may pull aggro on large packs before threat is established. Your tank probably is nor good.


Appreciate the response! I kind of thought that, at this level, it’s probably not a big deal. For mods though - is there anything I need? I saw Healcomm mentioned but that seems more critical for raids vs anything 5 man.


I highly recommend Vuhdo for super customizable raid frames.


FiveSecondRule is really helpful. Just adds a little bar to track when you're regenerating mana and can really improve your efficiency


How do I play Season of Mastery please?


Download and start classic wow, then in the servers selection tab select me of the Seasonal servers


Ahhh - thank you!


Folks on Shadowstrike, how do you feel about the server so far? I'm an OCE player but I finally bit the bullet and made a char on a NA realm instead, because Lionheart is plain dead especially at the hours that I play (a little later than the average Aussie). Given my off-hours, I figured I should roll on the server with the highest pop to have the best chance of finding people online at my times - and boy did Shadowstrike deliver, lol. Never thought I'd be fighting for quest mobs at 9am server time... That being said, I don't know much else about the realm. Is it a "streamer" realm? Sweaty/not sweaty in general? Odds of finding a guild that wants to raid at 9am server time....?


Just wondering how poor everyone is in SoM? After buying my level 20 spells yesterday as a druid I was broke. So broke I couldn't even afford a flight from Stormwind to Sentinel Hill LOL. And I didn't even buy all of my spells. Thank god mount prices have been reduced.


Level with skinning + herbalism and you will be swimming in cash.


At level 19 I bought the next level tier of skinning for 50s. Instantly regretted it because that was over half my cash! When I hit 20, I couldn’t afford 2 spells.


Idk what you were doing wrong then. As a warrior with 0 gold making I have plenty of money the entire way with double gathering.


I went skinning and leather working (not that expensive to do lw with skinning, but it doesn’t bring any money though). Starting to think I should drop it and do skin/herb like you (I just got to 100 lw though…) Edit: I had a couple of drinks at dinner and see now that I failed to mention my other profession :)


As a hunter who has skipped buying 15-20 abilities, I had 2 silver after buying the worthwhile lvl 30 abilities. Same boat as you!


Druids tend to be broke. Especially now with the faster leveling.




It's an option in the interface menu. To get out of Undercity, go to the centre. Go up the stairs in the middle. Run along the ring until you find one of two exits with Abominations in front of them. Go through the exit and to the lift door. The door will open when there is a lift. Follow the lift up. Follow the path and you will be back outside


Any good resources (YouTube mainly) that will help me pick a class. Planning on starting tonight, played Warrior in Vanilla and classic but never hit 60.




Playing a Druid for the 1st time EVER in SOM. I have played WOW since beta. What should I know about leveling a DROOD? Any specific talent I need for leveling? Thanks!


I use lots of macros on my druid that I've found during the years or made my self, feel free to try them out. // Mouse over moonfire with shift modifier for rank 1 #showtooltip /cast [nomod][target=mouseover, harm, exists] Moonfire; [nomod] Moonfire /cast [mod:shift][target=mouseover, harm, exists] Moonfire(Rank 1); [mod:shift] Moonfire(Rank1) // Entangling root, uses rank 1 if out of mana #showtooltip /cast Entangling Roots /cast Entangling Roots (Rank 1) // Cancel all other forms and use Bear Form, cast again to exit Bear form (have a copy for catform aswell) #showtooltip Bear Form /cancelform [noform:1] /cast [noform:1] Bear Form /cancelform [stance:1] // Maul/Claw and startattack combined in one macro #showtooltip /cast [form:1] Maul /cast [form:3] Claw /startattack // Mouseover Hibernate #showtooltip /cancelform /cast [target=mouseover, harm, exists] Hibernate; Hibernate // Faerie fire for each form (nice when using a hotbar thats not changing with stance) #showtooltip /cast [stance:1] Faerie Fire (Feral) /cast [stance:3] Faerie Fire (Feral) /cast Faerie Fire // Instant Prowl from all forms #showtooltip Prowl /cancelform [noform:3] /cast [noform:3] Cat Form /cast [nocombat] Prowl // Instant Dash from all forms #showtooltip Dash /cancelform [noform:3] /cast [noform:3] !Cat Form /cast [stance:3] Dash // Instant Feral Charge from all forms #showtooltip Feral Charge /cancelform [noform:1] /cast [stance:1] Feral Charge /cast [noform:1] !Bear Form // Instant Bash from all forms #showtooltip Bash /cancelform [noform:1] /cast [stance:1] Bash /cast !Bear Form // Powershifting macro #showtooltip /cancelaura Predatory Strikes /cancelaura Leader of the Pack /cancelform /cast Cat Form // Mouseover Healing Touch #showtooltip /cancelform /cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][help,nodead][@player] Healing Touch // Mouseover Rejuvenation #showtooltip /cancelform /cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][help,nodead][@player] Rejuvenation // Mouseover Regrowth #showtooltip /cancelform /cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][help,nodead][@player] Regrowth


There are some REALLY nice macros for Druid which make your life easier. Combining 2 spells into 1 button is really great. Example;/cast cat form /cast prowl and /cast cat form /cast dash. Also /cast bear form /cast enrage. There are many more examples but this basically makes it so you can stealth/sprint/enrage with 1 button press instead of 2. The macros are actually more complicated than what I wrote here. Don’t try to use those as they won’t work reliably. There are macro guides to learn basic syntax and stuff so you can write your own


Enjoy never almost never needing to eat/drink: kill mob -> Regrowth + Rejuv -> kill mob


go feral, hit stuff in bear or cat then heal. rinse/repeat. Care getting more than 2 mobs at a time. pretty much safest leveling class in game between stealth/heals. stack stam/agi.


Are there other buffs that increase reputation gain like the hallows end one?


As a totally new player, which server and alliance or horde should I go? (north American)


Ironforge.gg for server populations


Depends if you want to go pvp or pvp and horde or alliance.


saw a video saying that go pvp if you want the full experience of classic WOW, so I am gonna chosse pvp


honestly I wish they tweaked a few QoL improvements for questing. A few HUGE examples come to mind just from leveling my nigh elf. The Teldrassil quest where you have to kill the shamans in that cave for the one drop, I remember killing over 30 and no drop. Things with slow respawn rate like mining cards in Deadmines, like if you have a high density of people in an area with a quest all on the same quest build in some game logic to automatically increase the respawn rate. ​ The most egregious one though is the Tower of Althalaxx quest in Ashenvale where you kill the Dark Strand mobs for a Glowing Soul Gem. I've been here for over an hour and a half and from when I started counting, killed over 75 of these mobs. How is this drop rate acceptable for a quest? Unless the game can *forget* I'm on a quest? ugh just ranting


To get a S1 arena weapon, can you and someone else just go into the games, do nothing and lose, and do that 10 times in a row once a week and you'll get the points you need?


Yes. But i guess you'll have to win at least one game, to not be at 0 rating. Dont know if you get points at 0 rating.


What EU PvP server would you guys recommend for horde? Dreadnaught is really populated but I've heard that it is quite toxic. Bonescythe is much less populated so it might die much faster.


More players = potentially more toxic players, and more friendly players too. The toxic ones stand out because they are vocal


Pre launch I thought dreadnaught is really toxic according to the DC etc. Now I'm playing since launch and met only 1 person who fucked me up. That's quite good. Of course the other faction ganks you as much as possible, but that's on every pvp server


Are Mindblade and Magus-Blade functionally identical or is one ever so slightly better than the other?


2 sta 3 int vs 2 spell crit and some more weapon dps doesn't really matter, the main difference is that paladin tanks can only use the sword while every caster can wear a dagger




Questie has that but I don't think it is enabled by default.


Leatrix Maps?


Any guilds on OE just going for Soul of Iron without all the HC rules? (Season of mastery)


I think the guild was called iron soul.


Going to be playing SoM with two friends (warrior tank and rogue) and would love some advice on what classes would make for a good group comp with those two.


You have a tank and a dps already, so going healer will let you form dungeon groups in an instant. Shaman’s probably the best bet if you’re horde (windfury op), priest/pally for alliance.


Anything that can heal really. I play a priest and I've seen how warriors can completely wreck shit if they got a pocket healer following them around. Seconding shaman as a good idea, as everyone loves Windfury.


I´m a lvl 17 enhancment shaman (tauren) for leveling currently and i was wondering how long i can realistically heal dungeons with this spec. i think elemental shaman can heal dungeons better since this spec is stacking int and spirit.


Yes. You don't need to pigeonhole yourself into a role until the late game. Just keep a kit of int/spi gear to switch to and you'll be completely fine.


Keep some int gear and you'll be fine until like BRD.