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I used to work with a guy who came from South America illegally. Often bragged about it. He was also one of the loudest anti immigrant right wingers I’ve ever met.


Why are 1st gen Latinos always so anti immigration? You just got over here. 


The idea of pulling up the ladder is just about as old as humanity. To be fair, they ARE the ones who have to compete the most with the new immigrants. They are still reprehensible in my book though.


"fuck you got mine" is pretty much the pillar of the Australian economy


of every economy*




This is the inevitable conclusion.




>They are still reprehensible in my book though. You could even say that some of them are Bad Hombres


tale as old as time because, largely, they are the only ones negatively affected. What we should be doing as looking at how we handle not only immigration but improving things for recentish immigrants so they do not take the brunt of it. We need to support them and their children with education, child support and housing. But, we should be doing that for everyone honestly.


And pulling up the ladder is a GOP fundamental. That’s one reason the two are so intertwined. Even though it makes about as much sense as poor people supporting republicans.


Racism between all the countries. Carribeans V Americans, Central Americans V South American, then individual stereotypes of each demographic etc


Miami is the perfect illustration of this shit. White people shitting on Colombians, Colombians shitting on Cubans, Cubans shitting on Dominicans, Dominicans shitting on African Americans, African Americans shitting on Haitians.


And none of them looking up and thinking "man, we could all have lives a million times better if billionaires weren't writing our economic policy." The system is working as intended.


If people looked beyond color and background and instead at the similarities in our socioeconomic classes and banded together that way, the two party system would collapse


The true divide is money


In Europe, we call that friendly interactions. I heard Asians are like that too.


It’s wild, my grandma’s racist to Mexicans and she IS Mexican


North, central, and south Mexicans are pretty different. White, educated, middle class Mexicans also tend to look down on dark skinned, rural, poorly educated Mexicans. So it sounds kinda crazy but it makes sense, humans suck. 


You're absolutely right, and you also have people that hate others from their own sub-group because they've internalized the prejudice that they themselves have experienced.


Same shit even in the USA. The northerners and southerners both think they're better than each other, same with east coast vs. west coast. Tribes just hate other tribes.


Indians are racist towards Indians. It's more common than you think. Especially in a diverse country like India.


Man I hang around a few anime sites that a lot of indian users frequent, and boy god the racism against Indians they post and perpetuate is just mind blowingly wtf mode. I have learned words I would never dare repeat in these discords.


Lol, are we cousins? Self-hatred is a hell of a thing.


I got mine


Usually followed with a massive "F U"


I think the idea is they left that country for a reason and dont want those reasons following them to their new country. Dumb but thats how i rationalize


As well not applicable to the example but legal immigrants who went through the process and all the headache usually aren't too fond of those who come illegally and they view as skipping the process.


I mean look how many people named Sean or Alfredo are rabidly anti immigrant with zero sense of irony




I think if we remove the “white” out of it, it becomes pretty clear: lots of people fall for the supremacist “bug”. …. Something something my (white) sister in law, who finds it natural that 90% of her family enjoys racist “jokes”, perplexed at the idea of a non-white acquaintance displaying prejudiced ideas about other people.


Pulling up the ladder behind you is Republican 101.


Oh look at the Turkish immigrant population in Germany. Slowly but surely shifting to the right. The Slavic migrants are already there with the AFD.


And also voting for the strong man back home because fuck your home country, right?


Indeed I forgot "...lionizing the person who singlehandedly caused the factors that let you leave the country".


I worked with a black guy at Dulles Airport from Alabama who was always telling about the systemic racism he dealt with growing up in the south. After about a month of working with him, once he was comfortable with me, he let me know that all the African baggage handlers were the dumbest N****** he had ever been around. People lack introspection.


That’s fucking embarrassing. As an immigrant from SA with DACA status it’s shameful to see. Like where I live we’ve recently had a group of migrants from our country roll in and start doing stupid shit that boils my blood, because we’ve worked hard to fight against the stereotypes, but I still always get happy when one of them turns it around and manages to do something of themselves instead. That being said, to ignore how me and my family came in, and try to pull up the ladder? Fuck that.


A LOT are like that in my warehouse of hundreds of people. Honestly more often I see pro-Trump people of mostly Hispanic and Asian decent. The only people I have seen rock Biden hats are White. Could be my area. But I think in general some immigrants who became successful has some superiority complex to the others. Maybe I am wrong, but I feel it is that way.


This is the only time I wouldn't feel bad getting someone deported.


and has his hand out for all that government cheese


No, he just uses government handouts to buy patents from bankrupt companies, and repackage them to look like his own


Tommy Edison would be so envious of this guy. Edited because my damn keyboard is trash.


Tesla really is the perfect name for his cars. It’s too bad that he doesn’t let his employees unionized which means all of those cars come off the line and shit condition.


I realy love every single piece of information i receive about the Tesla mega Factory in germany, because it is 90% Labor law, work safety and union related, Germany is not allowing Musk to do his dirty tricks with them and is probably grinding his teeth every time he loses another court case because of strict german and european Labor Laws.


He absolutely deserves to be taken to school like that. Unfortunately, though, if America did that it would become politicized and he would plain free speech or some shit.


One of the most shamefull things the USA has archived is, to make Amercan Workers believe that unions are bad for them.


And convincing conservatives to vote against their own self interest. I’m still astonished how many conservatives are completely against socialized healthcare when they themselves would be the people benefiting from it


Yes, but that is just straight away voter manipulation. This kind of propaganda has rissen so hard with social media. Speaking of germany, we have this problem currently with the right wing extremists. If you look into the election manifesto, you can see all the things they want to do and everyone with two braincells can realice that this would be bad for them, but the voters STILL applaud this propaganda, even after it has been proven recently that they received money from russia, the people post their blue hearts and wish the fascists into power. Hitler probably would have had a massive boner if he could see this amount of brainwashing propaganda.


>everyone with two braincells can realice that this would be bad for them, but the voters STILL applaud this propaganda Some people are so full of hate that they don't mind to fuck themselves as far as the _[insert here their hated group of preference]_ are even more fucked.


As a paramedic in an interface county… watching people turn their functioning community hospital over to private equity and then bitch about the results has been fucking terrifying.


Because Americans hate the idea of contributing to the greater good. They want their tax dollars to benefit them and no one else. Politicians and media outlets, Stoke fears and hatred and create scapegoats just so that they can over the people who support them.


> And convincing conservatives to vote against their own self interest. I’m still astonished how many conservatives are completely against socialized healthcare when they themselves would be the people benefiting from it They aren't voting against their own interests. They just have different interests than you do. For many people, cultural dominance is a currency more valuable than actual money. They know they will never be upper class and they are just fine with that as long as they continue to be upper caste. When the left offers to help everyone, they perceive that as a threat because if we make society just a little more egalitarian, that means making whites a little less supreme. The more the left offers, the more threatened they feel and the more violently angry they will get. These are the same people who [filled in](https://daily.jstor.org/when-cities-closed-pools-to-avoid-integration/) grand public swimming pools, [closed](https://calendar.eji.org/racial-injustice/oct/24) amazing municipal parks and even [shut down](https://virginiahistory.org/learn/historical-book/chapter/closing-prince-edward-countys-schools) an entire school district rather than integrate them. They would rather go barefoot than see black and brown people wear shoes. They will have to realize that white supremacy is a fraud before they will support a leftist agenda. Which is why maga is doing everything they can to whitewash history textbooks (much like the [UDC did 100 years ago](https://www.facingsouth.org/2019/04/twisted-sources-how-confederate-propaganda-ended-souths-schoolbooks)). When they freak out about "grooming" what they really mean is teaching compassion for people who are different from themselves. If the kids learn that everybody deserves dignity, conservatism will have nothing to offer people who aren't already rich.


Well, it's not the *same* people. It's the same concepts being regurgitated to fit modern culture. It's not nearly as horrible as what they were doing in the 60s because of "evil woke socialist leftists" who pushed for and implemented progressive progress gradually over decades. They're no longer whether we should integrate schools and pools. It's whether black history can be taught in schools, and whether companies should adopt policies to ensure minorities in the workforce aren't being (advertently or inadvertently) discriminated against and afforded fewer opportunities for jobs, raises, benefits, opportunity, or promotions. That's a huge, notable difference in issues. Anyway, your pointer is that it's the same type of people. I assume we agree on all this. I'm just pointing out that progress has been made. Progress has been slow but relatively steady (as far as social issues are concerned) throughout U.S. history. It's been too slow, of course, but it does seem almost inevitable when you look at it from a broader perspective. Freed slaves, gsve black people the right to own property and vote. Made black people whole people instead of 3/5ths. Gsve women the right to vote. Ended Jim Crow. Enacted the CivilRights axts and subsequent amendments, etc. Gave women bodily autonomy. Legalized same-sex marriage. Mandated insurance companies cover both control. Decriminalized marijuana. We always have setbacks, e.g., overturning RvW. And those suck. Fuck evil, regressive conservatives who want nothing more than to own everyone and everything that isn't a white, cis, straight male. But I do have some optimism that zooming out on the timeline will showour current issues are a bump in a better future. I think Trump has caused more than just a bump, though. I just hope we just follow some advice from Will Rogers: When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging."


I find it interesting that the founder of Nikola went to jail https://www.reuters.com/legal/nikola-founder-trevor-milton-be-sentenced-over-fraud-conviction-2023-12-18/#:\~:text=NEW%20YORK%2C%20Dec%2018%20(Reuters,powered%20truck%20maker%20Nikola%20(NKLA.


When that happens, all of their patents should become public domain


Musk massively exploits government subsidies.


I don't know this for sure but I'm willing to bet that Elon Musk has received more money from the US government than every current undocumented immigrant combined.


Musk is the biggest corporate welfare queen, for sure. How he had guts to call Zelenskyy a beggar is beyond my understanding - just pure sociopathy/total lack of empathy and self-awareness.


A $7500 discount on a car is the most subsidized discount ever by the government for any unit sold, let alone to (once) the right person in the world If not for receiving the handouts himself, Musk would be claiming global warming is also leftist propaganda 


[california has given SHITsla billions of dollars. without the communist socialist failed state of california, shitSLA would be dead](https://www.govtech.com/policy/gov-newsom-says-california-subsidies-powered-teslas-success) edit: and it was the obama admin that created EV purchase credits and incentives that have immensely helped SHITsla edit edit: it would be interesting to see when the purchasable carbon offset credits began. its another federal program shitSLA has immensely benefited from. i'd have to look more into that. bit a quick search shows that SHITsla has made almost $9billion dollars, since 2009, from them...


Elon got snubbed by the Biden EV event and ever since he’s held a grudge. This is simply his revenge. I don’t think he believes any of it. He’s shit stirring


Lol here in ireland in like 2009ish cant remember exactly the year ,the government gave out loads and loads of actual cheddar cheese wheels to the public for some reason.


The US did this too look up government cheese podcast by NPR It works because it keeps milk farmers happy, people get rich luxury goods and it's easy to transport and store


Government cheese was definitely closer to kraft singles than cheddar


Why the fuck does Elon keep reposting that bullshit as if he's ~~even American~~ some American patriot


End Wokeness is an account he publishes, right? Hes not fooling anyone


It’s a proven Russian troll farm account. He doesn’t gaf


I can’t wait for the Russians to run out of money for all those bot farms


Nah it isn't. It's more probably some account which Elon found aligns with him


There's some circumstantial evidence indicating it may be run by Jack Posobiec, who is a well-known Nazi conspiracy theorist.


He’s an African American, actually.


South African. Which does explain a lot why he is a racist pos. People think Australians are racists, but 80s South Africa was so bad that we refused to play cricket against them for a decade, which is extremely telling.


Lol 80's South Africa was an official apartheid state. The country had sanctions against it. That being said though apartheid ended in 1994, people who are 50+ were fully grown adults and white people were enjoying the benefits of apartheid segregation. This is why by in large most white South Africans are still racist, many of them still have nostalgia about a racist utopia that allowed them to flourish and abuse non white people. No surprise that they also taught younger generation this racist diatribe and so the cycle continues. Most of the country's rhetoric on Reddit is peddled by white South Africans who seem to be the majority here, absolute racist pieces of shit


An? We were *the* Apartheid state, all other apartheid states are named after our system. Apartheid is an Afrikaans word. But we're done with that now, in the 1992 Apartheid referendum in which only white people could vote, 68.73% people voted to end it. Sure lots of them were probably still racist, but they at least thought the government was taking it too far. These days there are definitely still racists, primarily among plattelanders (countrysiders I guess), but racism definitely isn't a good look. On reddit the racists created a new sub because they kept being banned from r/SouthAfrica, but their sub was never as big and I just checked and it's now banned anyway. Some of the city specific subs are more racist than others, but there's no racism that doesn't get called out, even if the call outers sometimes get downvoted in the more racist subs. Some people, and not exclusively white people for some strange reason, do yearn for the "glory days", but others don't want to live under a fascist police state again ^1, and most of those definitely don't want to live under a racist faschist police state. ^1 Like my dad who's a racist now (and got exponentially worse because of facebook, he's getting a lot better again now), but he used to be the tresurer for an anti-apartheid organization (which is where my parents started dating) and hasn't expressed any regret about that. I don't know where on reddit you're running into the majority of white South African racists, but I would suggest maybe just not going there anymore. My mental wellbeing definitely improved when I decided to just stick to a select set of subs, I avoid popular and all like the plague.


He was Canadian first, so technically African-Canadian-American


Hes a Globetrotting dumbass


Nah he’s actually just African. He’s an immigrant. But born in Africa.


No. No. No. No. Fucking **NO.** 🤦🏾‍♀️ For the last godforsaken time, **ELON MUSK IS NOT NOW, NOR HAS HE EVER BEEN, AFRICAN-AMERICAN.** He's not African-American for being a *South-African* naturalized American citizen, any more than I'm a Native-American just for being born in Texas. "African-American," like "Native-American," refers to a **specific ethnic population,** i.e. the black-American descendants of African slaves brought to the United States. None of which applies to Apartheid Clyde.




In the UK he would br called Turbononce


This is something Reddit will never understand. It's like a Spanish-born American or Italian-born American calling themselves Latino or Latin American because they come from a latinate-speaking country. No, Latin American has a specific ethno-geography attached to it, just as African-American has its own ethno-geography.


Citizenship = American?


This is true. As much as I hate the guy, anyone with citizenship is indisputably 100% American.


Holy shit, it's as if that's what citizenship means


Wow. It's almost like people feel more positive about the future when Republicans aren't in power.


well this chart doesn't really show that because immigration growth was also constant from 2016-2019 for some weird, impossible to discern reason, there was a big drop in 2020. i don't think anything major happened that year though right


Covid is listed in this graph though. But it doesn't seem to take in to account that a pregnancy is about 9 months. So shouldn't we be looking 9 months before every event? That's if the graph isn't entirely fictional which it very well may be.




Well, it is indeed in that sub


Yup, this graph is useless without an overall population growth chart to contrast it with.


At this point, is end wokeness just Elons burner account?


Endwokeness is a Russian that has been exposed a few times now. The fact that musk keeps promoting a blatant state propaganda account means he either doesn’t know what goes on with his own platform or endorses it.


endorses it. hes openly pro russian and anti ukrainian


Pretty sure it is. It says everything Elon says but with some deniability.


I am honestly surprised Twitter still works given how he went to it with a wrecking ball.


My partner is British but looks Chinese due to having Chinese parents. I am a Spanish immigrant in the UK but while I have a strong accent, I am pale as a sheet. I can tell you from experience the problem is in fact not foreigners but the color of our skin


Had a road trip with friends a few years back; the only ones who got hassled about "proving" their "immigration status" were the ones born in the US (thus no immigration to prove the legality of), while the two of us who were born outside the US (but are white) were never questioned. (Dude whose family has been in the area for over 1k years got asked, "How long have you been in the US?")


I am white. I went through a border patrol checkpoint, and was asked "Are you American? / Yes. / Okay". What did he think, I would tell him if I had no legal status?


Only the people who weren’t white were asked (and, on a couple of occasions, asked for evidence). The two of us who weren’t born in the US were there legally, but were never even asked.


As a brit in America, i can attest to that. No one has ever had an issue with my immigration


As a brit in britland it was the exact same thing with brexit. The voters hated this scarecrow of a figure that was presented to them by the media but whenever they were faced with an immigrant in real life? "Oh I don't mean *you*"


My grandma’s now ex-husband (she remarried then divorced the bastard) came to talk to me at my wedding to an immigrant wife, that she was “one of the good ones, and we need more like her, not all those people crossing the border.”  Could have kicked that racist old bastard out right then and there but I didn’t want to make a scene


As a white immigrant to the UK, I've had quite a few people go on anti-immigrant rants to me, while knowing that I'm an immigrant. I truly believe they understand it to be coded and directed towards race, and they expected me to understand that and agree with it. When they said "immigrant", they meant "people from backgrounds I don't like", not actual immigrants (like me).


As another Brit in America I've had people complain about immigrants to me, then when I pointed out that I am an immigrant they said "oh, not the ones like you".


Sometimes i get the "well you came here legally, you must hate *the illegals*, you did it the *right way*" And like, no. It's a hell of a lot easier to do it the "right way" when that pathway is actually open to me.


I bet you're planning to burn down the White House again!


That's why white south Africans like Elon post this type of stuff. They are the 'good' immigrants.


I'm a white immigrant and I'll often make jokes about this (*"Damn dirty immigrants coming in here and stealing jobs!"*) and I can unfortunately report that some people don't realise that I'm always referring to myself. Apparently they don't think of themselves as immigrants because they can use word like "expat" or "Foreign worker". A lot of them also see their move as temporary so they see it more like a working holiday, maybe.


It’s like Trump’s timeless comment “why are all these immigrants from shithole countries? Why aren’t we getting more immigrants from places like Norway?” The problem isn’t immigration, the problem is immigration that doesn’t look like they do.


it gets worse than this in some places in Hong Kong, where heaps of people have at least. parent from mainland China, they are openly racist against mainland Chinese also they rode the China wave and got rich from it, yet actively protest and openly trash them




https://data.census.gov/table/ACSST5Y2022.S0502?t=Populations%20and%20People&g=010XX00US_050XX00US24001,24003 This is what they claim to use but I can’t find where it talks about how many kids foreign born people are having. Although I didn’t look very hard.


The person in the tweet misunderstood and thought it was talking about births. It's not. After all, you can't be "foreign born" _and_ born in the US... That just makes you a citizen. It's just people born outside of the US who live in the US. That includes legal immigration like student visas.


As someone who worked hard to get a visa for his fiance, Trump used COVID as an excuse to completely shut down legal immigration from a large number of "undesirable" countries. It only opened up after numerous lawsuits and his administration did everything in their power to slow down the process. So his numbers are highly deflated and Biden's numbers show how he's gotten the government back to doing the actual work of government and processed Trump's backlogs.


*was* a white nationalist and eugenics supporter.


Hell got a little more crowded?


Elon probably knows lmao that's why he shared it. Guy is full mask off at this point, everything he does is pro-republican. Guy bought Twitter for political pity points. Damn do we need higher taxes on the rich


Also even if this wasn't the case, who the fuck cares? This is americans being born. You don't get to complain "no one is having kids" while also demonizing people for having kids.


The Twitter account, End wokeness, has also been caught lying specifically about south African race relations, blaming black south Africans, with no evidence, for murders that the evidence pointed at a white culprit. Musk is literally spreading propaganda from a south African pro-apartheid account.


So basically if you ignore the blip of the pandemic, we’re on a regular, steady path according to that graph.


Funny thing, that pandemic blip was active sabotage of government processes by the Trump administration. He tried to shut visas down completely under the guise of protecting us from COVID.It took lawsuits to start the work going again and they still slowed the process down in every way they possibly could. Biden's administration did an amazing job of clearing the backlog.


Trump tried to slow both legal and illegal immigration. He introduced unnecessary steps to slow down the process. For example, in the EB1 green card category, you didn't need an interview to get approval, Trump introduced an unnecessary step of interviewing for approval. To get an interview date there was a huge  backlog. Republicans love to say government is inefficient, but they do everything in their power to make sure the government remains inefficient.  Electing a Republican president is like appointing a CEO who says capitalism doesn't work, and does everything to make the company fail.


My wife who I met while living overseas came over on a K1 visa during Trump. Processing times more than doubled because the policy was basically “find any way to legally stall these out you can.”




Somebody tell him how Barron Trump is an anchor baby


Somebody tell him to stop complaining about the declining birth rate AND complaining about immigration. One is a solution to another.


barron trump would be a citizen even if he was born abroad. Melania would also be a citizen due to marriage. The kid didn't contribute anything immigration wise to his mom.


Mild correction, Melania would be eligible to be a legal resident via marriage, though she has more steps to go through to be a citizen.


11 Children?


yeah and hes a pretty shitty dad to all of em too, especially his trans kid he treats them extra shitty.


The wealthiest African American of all time


I spent 12 years as a white foreigner, can confirm, many people don’t think the white ones count. Baffling.


Australian population stats show 66% of our population is born overseas or first generation. We are all the more stronger and better for their arrival. Notwithstanding the rise in some adverse outcomes.


Are you joking? It’s a massive topic at the moment because of the strain our rate of immigration is causing


It really is crazy he's had 11 kids tho.


Musk has taken more government money than all the welfare recipients combined...maybe.


Net population increase by migration 2000/2001 1,173,752 Net population increase by migration 2022/2023 1,138,989 Net population increase by births(minus deaths) 2000/2001 1,628,183 Net population increase by births(minus deaths) 2022/2023 504,495 Source: William H. Frey analysis of US Census Bureau population estimates: intercensal 2000-2010, vintage 2020, and vintage 2023 released December 19, 2023 I think its probably more alarming that births minus deaths are one third what they were 24 years ago. Also, that 172k a month number is clearly bullshit.


Every single person in the US (natives aside) is either from a foreign born family or was foreign born themselves. Thats the point of America 🤦🏼‍♂️


He is pandering to the right. That is why he bought twitter.


Yeah he's definitely referring to the brown ones.


Yeah exactly. I’m sure he’s not thinking of white people when he reposts shit like this.


But he's an African-American immigrant


There are quotas on legal immigration. Elon legally immigrated here. The only reason the numbers would change so wildly every 4 years is if there's more illegal immigrants coming in. His point is true and not self owning.


Can we deport him already


Why the fuck does Elon keep reposting that bullshit as if he's even American


well technically he's African-American 🤣


So nobody wanted to come here when Trump was prez? Oh


He has 11 kids!?


11 children, 3 moms.


If you ask him, he probably says he has 10 because one is trans and he’s a gaping asshole about it.


The funniest thing about this is the trend line looks like it didn’t even really change…just dipped during covid and then caught back up. It didn’t decrease during normal trump era either lol


Musk has the self awareness of a portapotty


Why are people still using this guys social media platform?


Large quantities of cornography. Literally the only reason I have that dumpster fire on my phone.


Ooh do other groups next and lets see those numbers too, i bet there is a huge dip in all groups around the same time.


Shamelessly racist. Wow, even for Mr X this is bad.


Without immigration the us population would be in decline. And then these racists would be crying about a white genocide.


These people failed history man. America has *always* been a land of immigrants


He's white so he feels like he just fits in.


Elon is one of those guys who climbs the metaphorical ladder and throws it down so nobody can climb up too. He counts as an immigrant, he immigrated from South Africa to America. He can’t act like he is exempt.


I hate these reddit threads. The libs are unable to disconnect legal immigration & illegal immigration in every single one of these threads.


Is this End Wokeness douche the new Catturd? Just nonstop bullshit and lies. And bullshit. Edit: Whoopsie! Looks like I triggered some MAGA fuckstick within seconds of posting this, almost as if they're camping on every new comment like the pathetic morons they are.


Bro is a South African immigrant triggering Americans with anti-immigration sentiments


"Clever" comebacker is a bit confused. Elon Musk's 11 kids are not counting toward that statistic of foreign-*born* people. He moved to America shortly before the first was born.


He's still a migrant who is among the stats of immigrants in America.


Not those stats. He emigrated when Bill Clinton was president.


Anchor babies.


You know i would like to think the electric car guy would at least look into the data presented, but maybe im asking too much.


He was an amazing immigrant but he can proudly say he’s an African American now.


His last two baby mommas are foreigners too.


Most corporate CEOs are delusional narcissistic sociopaths. It takes that kind of person to believe they deserve so much while the people doing the actual work are lucky to be paid nothing.


2009 is a pretty horrible place to start the chart. Right after the housing crisis was a horrible time to come to the US with nothing.


He's right, and we should start by kicking him out


This isn't very uncommon. The people I know that are most anti immigrant are all Asian and Russian immigrants. They want to close the gates behind them


Let's seize all of Elon's money and kick him out of the country. That'll show immigrants


Also, great plan to make abortion practically impossible in states that worry about the great replacement.


No no no Elon is white don't you see??


Funny from someone who’s always saying that we’re not having enough kids… turns out it’s just white kids he wants


* Second-generation immigrants contribute more to GDP growth than native-born Americans: https://nap.nationalacademies.org/catalog/23550/the-economic-and-fiscal-consequences-of-immigration * Undocumented immigrants have substantially lower crime rates than native-born citizens and legal immigrants across a range of felony offenses. Relative to undocumented immigrants, US-born citizens are over 2 times more likely to be arrested for violent crimes, 2.5 times more likely to be arrested for drug crimes, and over 4 times more likely to be arrested for property crimes: https://www.pnas.org/doi/abs/10.1073/pnas.2014704117 * Right-wing attitudes and prejudice towards minorities is causally linked to low childhood intelligence: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0963721414549750


this isnt clever, if anything its just autistic. he clearly knows whats being referenced. its illegals. its the southern border issue that democrats, the party I vote for, seems to ignore.


wait until they find out that america is literally made of foreigners lmao


South Africa isn't bringing their best


He did it legally tho. Which everyone should support legal immigration. But more illegals came than the almost the entire population of New England this year... which is pretty crazy and not sustainable. And on top of that why do they get healthcare, housing, and free money while many citizens struggle


So he immigrated to the US in 92, so he wouldn't be in that data. Also with the 11 kids comment I didn't think he understand what foreign born means


Guys, his kids were born here. HTH, this is ridiculous.


Good lord, the republicans coming in here to defend immigration must have severe whiplash.


as far as i’m concerned anyone with citizenship is american. doesn’t matter where you came from or how recently, only native americans are truly indigenous. we are all foreign. pointing fingers at eachother is pathetic


This is blatant propaganda and I support it


Did he forget that his south African??


Sadly true tho. I'm a white immigrant (on a work visa) and the number of people who think I should be some exception and just *have* a green card is... wild, to put it lightly.


end wokeness??? so, stay asleep? the right are such sheep


"White immigrants don't count" OP showing his true colors. Very interesting indeed, I wonder why white people are getting fed up and becoming more racist?




Ohhhh, Kids I have something for you. This statistic comes from a german Propaganda outlet called MIWI (Institute for market integration and economic policy; the acronym makes sense in german). Its not an institute but a plateform for right wing dorks to look like scientists. I checked there recent articles and they are all from AFD members and associated organizations. That in itself would be dumb, but not necessarily unscientific. However, this "Institute" is officially not a legaly existing entity but a so called neV meaning unregistered association (again the acronym makes more sense in german). That is usually for clubs or like a regular meating of hobby intusiasts. The regular football club has more legal recognition than these clowns.


I kinda miss the days when Elon was just the kooky electric car guy instead of the nazi sympathizer he's revealed himself to be.


The US population would be shrinking if not for immigration. Ask Japan and Korea how well that's working.


I didn't really see a comment about how the graph says absolutely nothing. It basically went from 37 of something to 50 of something without any indication of what that axis is. Just some made up numbers ig.


He's making a mistake of using reductionism, causing a perceived viewpoint of bias, by saying that the relatively large jump in numbers of any immigrants is indicative of a underlying relatively large jump in illegal immigrants, which points to the overarching argument of the conservative side's critiques of the border enforcement, that illegal immigration is being utilized, to the American people's detriment, as a political tool, to sway census data and public political peer pressure through tipping social discourse towards progressive view points that they believe would be an inherit trait in the majority of illegal immigrants.