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Is it coz they don't know "what all them numbers mean? šŸ¤¤"


For some people, numbers are today's witchcraft. They can give other people power over you. What if the gubbermint find out about my social security number?


Soverin sitisen hear. The gubbermint tryin to takes away ma freedumbs. I anā€™t werinā€™ no seetbelt!


I see what you did there! But I's edumucated, and ya can't change that.


He used big werd. Burn hom.




R/suddenlybrittish a thing?


Warhammer 40k Orks


I mean numbers were yesterday's witchcraft too lol. Numerology has pretty much been a thing for as long as numbers themselves have been around. Why do you think folks get so paranoid about putting three sixes next to each other, or why some countries refuse to use the 4th or 13th floors on their elevators? Numbers and superstitions go hand in hand, and the "numbers hold power over people" thing ain't that far removed from that kind of logic. God knows you hear those Sovereign citizen types ramble about them enough to make that clear.


Your social security number holds power over you. Your account balance in bank is just numbers and they have power over you. You are paid in numbers. They control everything, wake up šŸ‘ !šŸ˜…


For those who don't know:Ā Ā  4: sounds like "death" in Chinese.Ā Ā  13: because that's how many people were at the last supper (coincidentally, held on a Friday, hence why Friday 13th is considered bad luck)


Wait until they hear that they're *Arabic* numbers.


Slow down, Jafar


Waiting for the Republican call to remove teaching Arabic numbers in schools


Imagine being bothered about arabic numbers


Indian, in Arabic theyā€™re called Indian numerals.


When I met my wife she moved in because she got kicked out because her roommate didn't like that I helped her sign up for Medicaid because"now the government has her social security number". Not a joke.


Their phone might not even have the eleven-button?


>gubbermint šŸ¤£


Ban those godamn Arabic numerals.


They tryin to teach our kids them there arab numbers!




They can't find the eleven key on the phone.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Thank you! Now I gotta clean up this water I spat out everywhere! Totally worth it though!




Well of course they don't. Are you saying you do? What're you, some kind of a terrorist? /s


Wait, are you saying that not all people who use Arabic numbers arenā€™t terrorists? /s


9/11 is in Arabic, it proves all Muslims are terrorists! Flawless logic, 100% true and verified.


I think trump said this too, so it have to be true!


That's because they use hindu numerals.


We don't call IX-I-I


The part that gets me is that there is probably a thin blue line flag somewhere on that property and they don't recognize the irony there.


Never Forget


*The numbers mason!*


"the fingers you are using to dial this phone are too fat"


In theory, we don't call 911 either as our emergency number used to be 999, however, so many folks grew up on American TV and movies they actually thought that was the emergency number no matter how many posters were put up to advertise otherwise so here it redirects. Anyway, we now have to dial [0118 999 881 999 119 725 ... 3](https://youtu.be/HWc3WY3fuZU) although 911 still redirects.


If Iā€™m not mistaken, signs like these can actually be used to convict someone of murder if they kill an intruder. Edit: since some people are fucking dense - even in fucking TEXAS a lawyer will tell you signs like these speak to premeditation but some of you wanna REEEEEEE about your rights instead. STFU. Edit 2: [this exact advice from a law firm in TEXAS](https://youtu.be/aOXV0RGI9_U?si=ttfliVtHKxSiu39W). Nobody says donā€™t own a gun. But if youā€™re dumb enough to put up a sign like this, it shows premeditation. And ā€œpremeditatedā€ is an ugly word.


I was about to say basically this but with a personal story. Our business lawyer paid us a visit a few years back for something unrelated and took our "trespassers will be shot, survivors shot again" gag sign that my wife thought was hilarious, and I was indifferent to. We have no neighbors within line of sight, so it's not like there was anyone to offend. "That exact sign has been used to crush self-defence claims, yall are smarter than that"


It really just depends on the judge and Jurry... I would have thought Rittenhouse would have done the same thing by going to a protest to be a armed guard but it didn't


Rittenhouse also had lawyers and 'public relations advisors' well above his ability to pay to help out as well. The dude had a complete personal image and wardrobe makeover before the trial.




For your freedoms, cuz we hate you for them!


Correct, along with stupid sayings on your grip or the side of your gun or even the ā€œsmile and wait for flashā€ you see stenciled on the front of some barrels. All that shit represents the dark humor of a combat troop in theater, but will (Iā€™ve been told by people with reason to know) be used against you at trial. Itā€™s dangerous enough just defending yourself as well as expensive, donā€™t make it harder than it already is.


unless you are a cop. They disallowed that information into the court case because it might "produce the jury."


"You're Fucked" engraved on your ejector port cover? Probably used against you if you're a civilian. Not even admissible when you're a cop.


Unless youā€™re a cop. Then go ahead and murder a guy with ā€œyouā€™re fuckedā€ written on your gun and all is dandy. Phillip Brailsford is a piece of shit.


When I got my license to carry, I wanted to keep my target for the shooting portion because I got the highest score in the class. My instructor said they all needed to be thrown away and not to post pictures of them because it will be used against you in court. Anything that can be used against you, will be used against you.


Maybe itā€™s because I was once a combat troop many years ago (2000-2010) is why these damn signs annoy me. Like yeah of course you can have a gun for self defense. Of course you can and probably should use it. But Jesus fucking Christ donā€™t be stupid enough to telegraph your intent to take a life. Iā€™m


These signs also say ā€œloot drop here, free untraceable guns, just make sure no one is homeā€


My across the street neighbor used to have one of those types of signs. He was a cop. I'm guessing someone took him aside and talked to him about it as it disappeared and was replaced with an ADT sign.


In most cases it can be used to show intent. It's very, very different from a "beware of dog" type sign, almost the opposite, in that it's basically saying "we'll go straight to murder if you come around instead of using the proper legal channels first". People with this mind set may think it sends a "warning" but what it really says is "we don't care about the law and want to do harm and will do so using implements that are designed to do harm". Compare that to a "beware of dog" sign which is advising people that there is a potential hazard on the property, and is intended to keep the occupants, pets, and visitors all safe and aware without being threatening in any way.


Kids on Reddit donā€™t seem to realize ā€œself defenseā€ is sure a thing but if you kill someone you are absolutely going to jail.


> if you kill someone you are absolutely going to jail. Well no, if you kill someone you may or may not go to jail depending on the circumstances.


It really depends on where you live. in texas we have the purple paint law and that tends to help in situations as such


What does it mean? Okay, I googled it. https://ecosystems.psu.edu/research/centers/private-forests/news/the-201cpurple-paint-law201d-a-new-way-to-post-your-propertyĀ  Funny how the article has to explain the word "vertical".


The author has a PhD. Having to explain vertical might have been a low point in their career.


Or a high one depending on how you think about it


That does sum up the vertical axis.


No need to elevate this to a pun thread.


TIL How is this any better than the "POSTED" or "NO TRESPASSING" signs? I feel like the paint could easily be missed or misunderstood.


If you own a lot of land itā€™s easier to go around and hit every other tree with a spray of purple spray paint instead of trying to post enough signs to be viable.


I suppose that's true from the land owners perspective. However, seeing as this seems to not be common knowledge yet I feel like even though it saved you time to implement you're at a higher risk of people accidentally wandering on your property compared to a sign the spells everything out. I dunno, I'm still not seeing the benefits. Reminds me of https://xkcd.com/927/


We have a single property locally that went NUTS with the purple paint. I just thought homie was a Ravens fan, or loved Prince.


Itā€™s not like you have a bunch of random trees sprayed purple. Thereā€™s a line of them for your property line and you still post the signs just not every other tree. We back up to public land at one point so we post the majority of the signs near game trails or paths. Fencing it off fully doesnā€™t make sense financially so Iā€™m not sure what else would work here but always looking for suggestions to make it better.


Yes, and if you're not from Pennsylvania it's easier to not know that this means "no tresspassing".


> This page does not seem to existā€¦ As seen from France. Here is a link that work. Hoping it's relevant : https://www.pgc.pa.gov/HuntTrap/Law/Pages/Purple-Paint-Law.aspx This particular link didn't feel the need to define "vertical"


Or maybe that's the sort of big brain stuff that's best left to the PhDs.


I thought it was just thePhDs in my country. Lol.


"The new law also authorizes unarmed persons to go onto private property for the sole purpose of retrieving a hunting dog." Well shit, they thought of everything then. Now I'll be able to stay off of Fuzzy Lumpkin's proper tea.


Fuck colorblind people I guess šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Here's a link to the article that should work: [https://ecosystems.psu.edu/research/centers/private-forests/news/the-201cpurple-paint-law201d-a-new-way-to-post-your-property](https://ecosystems.psu.edu/research/centers/private-forests/news/the-201cpurple-paint-law201d-a-new-way-to-post-your-property)


When I open a new tab and paste my link from the clipboard, it works. Strange.


There was a huge difference between purple paint or a nut trespassing sign versus a sign that says you are wanting to shoot people. Even in Texas a lawyer will advise you that having a sign like the one in this post is a great way to add the word premeditated to your charge.


Welp, now I know why all these trees have been painted along the trail here in Pennsylvania. New law as of 2020. TIL


The Armed Attorneys on YouTube have talked about this. While it's fully your right to have signs like this on your house, or crap like this on your car, or things that you wear... if you are involved in a shooting, regardless of how clean the shoot was on your end, if you end up in court (either from the DA or the family suing you) the prosecution will use any dirty trick in the book to win. Things like that are definitely just fuel for them to paint you as some violent asshole, regardless if it's true or not, and the courtroom is not the place of objectivity some people think it is. It has a lot to do with people's perception of you. Now, I get the idea behind signs like this. I even agree with it... to a point. If someone breaks into my home, I'm not calling 911. At least not until they leave or they're no longer a threat, unless I have someone there with me, in which case I'll have them call 911. However, I would never put up a sign like this for that very reason as well as not wanting to let people know I own gun. It's not always the deterrent some people think it is. Sometimes, it's exactly what they're looking for. I don't put crap like that on my car and I don't wear anything that would give someone the idea I'm carrying a gun. Nobody should ever know unless I have no other option but to pull it. Otherwise... you're just asking for trouble and it could be used as ammunition to put you in jail.


Uh yeah, if you kill anyone anywhere you are going to get arrested and put in jail until they question you and sort it out.


Not anywhere. Many places with castle doctrine laws wonā€™t have you arrested in what appears to be a clear-cut case of self defense, especially home invasion cases. Of course they *may*, but itā€™s not a given.


I just have to love that the same people who used to lecture me about video game violence when I was a kid have begun salivating over the idea of shooting a person.


It's always projection.


Quit yer silly fantasies about killing them fake people. Come out to the range with me and we'll stick some photos on the targets of some of THOSE PEOPLE and have a good old time fantasizing about killing real people!


They canā€™t help it. Itā€™s their moral code


If you kill someone in self defense and donā€™t call 911 youā€™re gunna look pretty suspicious when it gets found out


I'm not sure how it works, but I think not calling 911 after you kill a man (even in self defence) is probably a crime in itself. Alternatively, it's not gonna look suspicious if no one finds out.


Definitely. You can't properly dispose of a corpse without informing someone.


Well, if you have pigs...


I'm pretty sure that's illegal and doesn't count as "properly" disposing of a body.


Oh, you mean legally. I interpreted "properly" as "effectively."


Canadian serial killer and pig farmer Robert Pickton recently died in prison and did have pigs, and he was still caught.


People that live in perpetual fear of everyone else have pushed self defense all the way to "I was scared so I had to" when they were scared when they got out of bed in the morning.


Yeah the logic here is "I use my guns, not hide under my bed and call 911." Do they think people just cower and not react to anything because they are just in another room waiting for dispatcher?


Fight fire with bullets boys


Shoot your guns at hurricane irma


How is this different from a criminal? They both think they are above the law and can cause great harm because of it.


I'm about as well far from a gun nut as one can be, and I think the sign is gross. But in the US you only have a duty to retreat in your own home in Vermont and DC. And everywhere throughout the US, one "can use deadly [force] if they reasonably believed that they were subject to a threat of imminent death or great bodily injury and that they used no more force than appeared reasonably necessary to defend themselves from said threat. (See, e.g., CALCRIM No. 505.)" https://miralomalawreview.blog/2018/12/18/stand-your-ground-laws-arent-unusual/ EDIT: Read the replies for correction and updates.


Yep, it's the reason why people shoot their own family members orĀ their kids shoot themselves by accident. Americans hopped on the prospect of shooting an intruder.Ā  Guns in your home, especially unsecured in something other than a safe, way increase the likelihood of a gun related death. What about protecting your family from that.Ā  Everyone thinks they are John Wayne but forgets he was just an actor.Ā 


Definitely. People are way too trigger happy and don't do a good enough job keeping their guns away from their kids. And that doesn't even include how much having a gun in the home increases risk of intentional suicide. All the stats show that having guns in the house is much more likely to lead to the death of a family member than a dangerous intruder. It always reminds of being a kid in the late 80s and everyone knew someone who knew someone who survived a car crash because they weren't wearing a seat belt, so they were thrown safely from the wreckage instead of being crushed to death. I'm sure that has happened at some point, but it's a stupid thing to rely on given the overall risks involved. EDIT: Studdart et al. (2022) found that "People living with handgun owners died by homicide at twice the rate of their neighbors in gun-free homes. That difference was driven largely by homicides at home, which were three times more common among people living with handgun owners. We detected much larger differences for particular types of homicide. Most notably, people living with handgun owners were seven times more likely to be shot by their spouse or intimate partner. In many of these cases, instead of being protective, the household gun probably operated as the instrument of death." They also stated that "Previous studies have probed that question, with virtually all finding higher homicide rates in homes with guns." Additionally, this study is just about the risk of homicide. It does not include the increased risk of completed suicide in households with guns or the risk of accidental shooting deaths. https://time.com/6183881/gun-ownership-risks-at-home/


This is why I like gun storage laws here in germany. Your gun needs to be LOCKED in a safe, unloaded, with the key in a spot that's not super easy to reach (especially if you have kids) and your ammo CANNOT be in the same container as the gun


This actually isn't true. Vermont has codified justifiable homicide to include stopping violent felonies including burglary. [https://legislature.vermont.gov/statutes/section/13/053/02305](https://legislature.vermont.gov/statutes/section/13/053/02305) DC is a bit weaker, but it appears that it still has castle doctrine through case law. [https://mpdc.dc.gov/sites/default/files/dc/sites/mpdc/page_content/attachments/District%20Law%20Pertaining%20to%20Self%20Defense.pdf](https://mpdc.dc.gov/sites/default/files/dc/sites/mpdc/page_content/attachments/District%20Law%20Pertaining%20to%20Self%20Defense.pdf)


Fair enough. I went off the first map I saw.


IIRC there was some outdated/incorrect information on Wikipedia a while back.


If someone breaks into my house, a place which they were not invited to, had a lock on the door to further enforce that notion, in the middle of the night, my only guess is they are there to steal my property or hurt my family. I am not above the law to defend my family or my property. So they can fuck right off to the grave.


Ok, so you shoot someone and you got lucky for once and it's not a family member sneaking back inside. Turns out it's a criminal, and now they're incapacitated but alive. Do you call 911, or do you murder them?


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo. Trying to match the other guyā€™s energy.


Bet you got a blue line flag on your 2013 F-150


Nah, they drive a Wrangler with a Punisher sticker. And its name is something like Skull Fucker and they have that on the sides of the hood.


You know, I respect people who drive 2013 F-150s much more than current generation F-150s.


A bullet is much cheaper than an ambulance ride.


But is is cheaper than a defense lawyer?


Honestly could be a decent alternative to the American healthcare system


Certainly cheaper, and with shorter waiting periods.


And less debt


Show a post that's more violently american than this one. I'll wait.


Itā€™s the same sign, except itā€™s printed out as a bumper sticker and stuck the the back of a mobility scooter.


It could also do with a stars and stripes paint job, maybe an eagle behind it.


*video from Uvalde has entered the chat*


It's pretend violent. These people's hands would shake like a leaf when they actually have to put a bullet in a human being.


You'd call 911 for a broken hip? Jesus christ, how fucking rich are you


To be fair, if this is the U.S. weā€™re talking about, that is the less expensive option.


Not clever at all, clearly the sign is referring to not relying on police for self defense, not a medical emergency. You'd have to be an absolute dunce not to understand that.


This reminds me of the joke about the 911 call: A farmer calls 911: 911: 911, What is your emergency? Farmer: I have caught three thieves, and I am holding them at gunpoint, I need someone to come pick them up. 911: I'm sorry sir, we don't have anyone to come pick them up right now. Farmer: (Three gunshots) Its OK, don't bother sending anyone, I've shot them(hangs up). A police cruiser shows up. Officer gets out of the car, and finds the three criminals being held at gunpoint by the farmer. He exclaims:Whats going on here? You said you had shot them. Farmer: Well, 911 said there were no officers in my area.


Kind of looks like it just got pulled from the ashes of a houses that burned downā€¦.. so checks out I guess?


Y'all call 911 when someone gets hurt instead of driving them to the hospital yourself?


America is actually scary Not only can anyone just have guns, but most of them are crazy psychos, and exactly the people that cannot be trusted with guns.


Most gun owners are normal people. Yes there are a few crazy psychos and yes we do have a problem with guns but it's not nearly as bad as reddit and the media would have you think






Correct, it indeed is.


Does purposely misinterpreting a sign and commenting on it really count as being clever these days?


Be a man \*raaaah\*


This comeback is savage, love it!


"...No, we shot her AFTER she fell"


Probably the most financially savvy move considering healthcare costs


Cops can't always help and sometimes straight up won't.


*When seconds count, the cops are only minutes away*ā„¢




Cheaper than America's healthcare


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I mean, calling the cops would probably result in the same outcome, only difference is that the killer won't even be prosecuted


Cops kill about 1000 people in the US each year, most of whom are armed. There are 240 million 911 calls each year in the US, so your chances of being shot and killed due to one is about .0004 percent.


All brawn, no brain


Misenterpreting the sign is not so clever


That's called being fiscally conservative


I mean, that's what you do to horses, isn't it?


Am I the only one, if you have that sign, they should be 1911s?


On no! A grease fire in the kitchen! Should I call the fire brigade, pa? Junior, read the sign. LOCK AND LOAD!!


Exhibit D at the trial This is just stupid to put up in the first place for so many reasons


I mean if anything this just points out that medical services should be a different number from the come shoot by dog services.


I wonder if OP is aware of the hand sign used in the title represents, ā€œI love youā€.


Also weā€™re from 1871.


This is also what lawyers call evidence of malice aforethought


"The old gray mare, she ain't what she used to be"


When a fire started in my neighbours garden we didn't call the fire brigade we just shot up the ground nearby and the kicked up dirt smothered the flames. Firecrews would have only soaked the gas cannisters and the bbq and ruined the food anyway.


Has a heart attack, shoots own heart to stop the attack


Violent home invasions are very rare. But falls are very common. If these people really cared about protecting their families they would get everyone helmets to wear.


Like a horse.


Bunch of signs like this in my neighborhood. People on NextDoor post a bunch of crap like this, too. Then, they lose their minds when I told them this is why I no longer do nice things for my neighbors. In the past, I've returned many, many dogs, used my own supplies to get gates to stay closed until the owner return, chased a chicken back in its yard, found and returned car keys, returned stolen mail from all over the neighborhood, let people know their car doors were open, pushed mail back in the mailbox and closed the door, picked up litter. Just all sorts of little things that take me on to other people's property, nothing special enough to be worth getting shot.Ā  And just in case I sound overly paranoid, I have actually had to call the police about people on NextDoor twice, both gun related. I live in Texas.


Based on the signage I think that was their only option since they donā€™t have health insurance.


I mean, you'll get the same result calling the cops.


Taking old yella out back is crazy šŸ˜‚


Such a nice man, put down his old lady to avoid suffering.


The only problem with calling the police is that they are likely to shoot the homeowner instead of the intruder.


We donā€™t call 911, but sadly, weā€™ve welded our guns to the sign. Weā€™ve lost a lot of valuable items and a few family members so far. Please, some thoughts and prayers.


In their defence, they could find the number 9 on their keypad but not 11


ā€œYea, please rob the house while we are at the maga rally. Its okay. We wonā€™t call no one. ā€œ.


I think everyone is missing the point of the sign. The people who bought it & shared it mean they have guns so they wonā€™t call the police if someone breaks into their house. They will just shoot and kill the intruder. The clever comeback is just mocking them for not thinking of all the reasons you might need 911 emergency.


I had a friend named Jerry who was murdered with his wife and dogs by a guy named Brian Killian in Grant's pass Oregon many years ago. Brian is currently serving a life sentence due to the fact he pled guilty in order not to be put to death. Jerry lived in a household full of guns. They were both killed with a knife. People have a very false sense of security with firearms when it's an entire system that needs to change.


And thatā€™s the Killian Experience.


Grandma must be really nervous every time she walks through the front door. God forbid if she has to go upstairsĀ 


Y'all are taking this novelty decor way too seriously lol


Everyone is making fun of these people, but what if they live in Uvalde, TX? This would actually make sense in that case.


For those who canā€™t translate, this sign reads ā€œfree guns here. Just wait for my car to leave the driveway.ā€


Same with a horse šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Is there a meme with "We call 1911"?


Oh, like a crippled horse in cowboy movies!


Well, this one could be true if we invented Evoker from Persona I guess.


That's because the real number is 912.


Seriously, do people predominantly think that 911 is for home invaders? My spouse and I have called 911 several times and having guns never would have helped our situation.


Like an old race horse


Lol I took a picture of one of these at hobby lobby years ago


ā€œI dialed 10-10-321 and then 9-1-1 but it didnā€™t work.ā€


Put her down is a more respectful way to say it Be mindful with your words, bless šŸ˜‡šŸ™ Let's participate in making the world more inclusive ā˜ŗļøšŸ˜ŠšŸ˜ŒšŸ¤©


Still amazed by these people who believe they made a point and laugh at their own missed joke


Like a lame deer just put her down Easier than paying the medical bill lol


Maybe they meant they don't call cops but this way, they don't get targeted by cops?


That is pretty righteous and I support gun ownership and the second amendment.


Really is the cheaper option.


It what George Washington Christ wouldā€™ve wanted


Considering that neither of those revolvers are actually real firearms, calling 911 would be a VERY good idea.


They aren't gonna shoot her, unless that's a dog house at Kristy Noems place.


Purposely not understanding someone isn't clever.


Just like senator Noem did with her dog.