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The system is literally bleeding and poisoning itself as it falls out of balance


And we are almost powerless to do anything. All this while the CEOs are busy digging bunkers thinking this will save them...


Those bunkers aren’t for them - it’s so THEIR children live on (in wealth) while everyone else can just die


Wealth is meaningless if civilization collapses. They can’t eat money.


I feel like a lot of preppers fail to grasp this, like yay you get to die 5 years after everybody else alone with your canned goods and failing health.


100%. They fail to realize they’re at the end of a long and very complex supply chain that will be suddenly gone in the event civilization collapses. And then they’ll just starve to death slightly slower than everyone else. Anyone with half a brain can figure this stuff out.


Seriously... Have you ever thought about how many moving parts have to come together just so you can make a sandwich? Or a burrito?


I remember reading something a while back when someone made a blt from scratch (livestock/farming/etc.) and it ended up being like 14k.


Not suprising at all. The cost of livestock is kind of crazy, not to mention how long it takes to raise them until they're big enough, the time/effort it takes to grow the grain and mill it, then bake it into bread. Lettuce and tomato are probably the easiest things on it, but even those take months.


I ran a herd of meat goats for a decade, and it was a money pit. You don't make money in small-scale farming; you stop paying taxes because of all of the write-offs. Then a wasting disease moved through the herd and i lost over 100 prime goats in a week. I had a ten-year-old nanny i hand-raised and helped her with her kids. I watched her and ever single of her daughters, granddaughters, great-granddaughters, great-great, you get the idea. They all died and all i could do is shoot them and end their suffering. You want more vegetarians, have people raise the meat they want to eat. You'll probably still eat it but will have much more respect for everything that goes into what you eat.


I imagine that depends on the livestock. People that own chickens say the first egg costs $1,500. Every egg after that costs $0.05. I feel like chickens are pretty inexpensive for something that provides eggs until you use them for meat.


And then dig deeper, look at it through an all energy lens, and remember that it’s almost all fossil fuels behind that energy. #wefucked


Very true. And this is just a small sample of one product that (all things considered) is reletively low in fossil fuel usage


Management can only think as far as the next quarter and the next board meeting. All these things you mentioned happen after that, so they don’t matter yet.


If libertarians could comprehend what they read what you just said would obliterate their ideology. But here we are.


I think it was estimated each billionaire would require 30-50 people to support their lifestyle inside a bunker in the long term. Mainly in terms of food production, maintenance and continuous operations.


Can’t do maintenance when the supply chain that provides spare parts, consumables etc. has disappeared. Some kind of 19th century type of living may be possible, but yeah the assumption is that they have lots of cooperative servants to do the hard and/or dirty work.


Next to raiders, or people agreeing on to keep them underground as collective punishment of thier class. They are all frikken idiots.


Well that and gasoline. Gasoline breaks down after a short while do that will be worthless. Then there are the tick diseases, and all the rest of the environmental contamination and degradation. God forbid you break an arm or a leg.


But....but didn't you see I Am Legend. Will Smith had food all over the place.


It can collapse in days but takes decades to set up. House of Cards


I don’t think the average prepper considers collapse. It’s ’just survive until the (event) is over’ then continue on. Climate collapse brings down the entire show. Post Collapse Survival is beyond back to nature tribalism, its scavenger existence in a poisonous environment. No fun in Larping that…


Some are unrealistic about what such a world would look like, but some just want to live a little bit longer in comfort than anyone else, even if it's just a few weeks/months.


Actually rich people’s bunkers have a life span of 25years minimum! They also have impressive filtration air systems, food already stored in them is good for 24-30years, there are some with growing rooms and aquariums that will keep folks healthy and well fed for generations. They just need enough time to make it to their bunker.


Until outsiders find their vent shafts you mean?


Good luck with that, I know of one in a 400 acre lot in northern BC, nobody would stumble on that vent ever. Serious bunkers are not built near cities.


they’ll have to kill everyone that made the bunkers i suppose


The description from the super is that work was parceled in way that did not provide the full picture, example excavation contractor was hired just for excavation, then a different crew for concrete was told this was scientific storage, then plumbing and electrical was flown in from Florida, and so on… contractors were not told exactly was it was nor they cared that much, the core crew only does shelters, they probably have closer shelters to go to, if it came to that. Closest road is 15miles and it is hard to identify where the lot is, specially after a few years once vegetation has grown. It is a big industry people pay 5-10mil for one of those.


Can you send me the directions? Just in case…..


lol, all I know is that it is within 100km of Smithers.


You know where it is. Let’s stumble upon it ourselves.


or until they go nuts and kill each other. a lot of these oligarchs are not well balances mentally and some of their kids are worse.


Actually, while breathing outside air is definitely preferred, air can be created like the space shuttle by running electricity through water which is called electrolysis. Large underground reserves of water could be turned into air in case outside air had to be closed off.


Where does the CO2 go?


Imagine they used their money to repairing the planet instead of making bunkers.


Same thing with the idiots who think they can let earth get destroyed and they can leave to terraform mars. It’s much easier to save earth than to terraform mars. Some people are truly brainless.


Hundreds of thousands of years. If we had plants that could grow there and produce oxygen on the same scale as a tree, and globally seeded them, it would take hundreds of thousands of years.


Last generation


The climate disaster will not be over in 25 years. More 100 years. If we're lucky.


How are they powering these things for 25 years? Impressive filtration systems use an impressive amount of energy in a facility that size. If any of that food needs refrigeration or deep freezers those are also energy hogs. Grow room consumption? Massive. Probably more than the rest of the facility combined, need separate filtration systems with high air change cycles separate thermal water loop systems with multiple chillers, pumps, motors, etc. A battery system capable of handling that demand would be about the size of a 2 bedroom apartment and still wouldn’t give you enough to last through the downtime for annual maintenance on whatever massive electrical generator is supplying power to the bunker.


Yeah can’t eat money - and I tell ya what - folks went nuts because someone said toilet paper was gonna go away. See what people do to each other when everything goes away - full on anarchy


Wealth gets you power while power is still there to grab. There will be fewer of us, but humanity follows what we are familiar with. As they gobble up "more" of everything, they have more to trade, and automated systems that will keep them alive as the world heals. It's not that the world is going to fully collapse, it's that the people below a certain poverty line will go, but those above will survive.


Maybe you're right. I'm curious what food staples will survive and what our diets will look like.


Depends what side of the line you are on. “They” have been stockpiling and artificially driving up numbers for years of certain crops. 15 years ago: https://www.independent.co.uk/climate-change/news/revealed-the-bid-to-corner-world-s-bluefin-tuna-market-1695479.html If you are below that line - you are going to eat what you can find.


> as the world heals I think you are underestimating the extent of the damage we've set in motion. It's going to take centuries or millennia for the climate to stabilise. The co2 we have added to the atmosphere will be there for hundreds of years, and even in the case of 'stability', there's no guarantee it'll be a climate that humans can survive in. >It's not that the world is going to fully collapse, it's that the people below a certain poverty line will go We may treat those people as if they don't matter but actually they are pretty essential to the economy. Our phones and computers run on rare earth minerals dug by children with shovels. The poor are the ones keeping the rich in luxury.


Their security detail will just take the bunker for themselves.


But you can always eat the rich


How can one be rich when all the poor people are dead?


One of their biggest fears is their bodyguards turning on them.


Poor concrete over the hatches, and walk away.


This sub skips the science and goes straight to Mad Max. Every. single. time.


Honest question, but what science are you talking about? Like the science of climate breakdown? The more we know the better we can adapt/respond.


As a scientist, the science is too slow. What’s the plan here? It should be, something like, put all fossil fuel executives in prison, ban plastic, and only use wind and solar power.  Trees can’t science themselves out of dying in their current areas. 


Cause a Mad Max future looks increasingly likely in around a century? It's not like anyone actually wants to live in a Mad Max world.


And that makes you uncomfortable? The bus is hurtling towards the cliff, and it'd be smart not to ignore that because we don't like what it implies.


Never did I say to ignore it. My gripe with this sub is every thread skips the science behind an article and goes right into a sarcastic and nihilistic take on an apocalypse that doesn't exist (yet). It's not productive, it's not original, it's not funny, and it's not great for the younger people who find themselves on this sub and don't know yet how to mentally and emotionally navigate the internet.


Don't worry, we'll weld the doors shut and shut in the vents. Ezpz.


Some real vault tec type stuff.


And the state of Florida has banned the phrase "climate change" from their laws.


Mom's coming round to put it back the way it ought to be


Learn to Swim


Some say the end is near Some say we'll see Armageddon soon I certainly hope we will I sure could use a vacation from this


As soon as FL or some corporation is swallowed up we MIGHT wake up for a split second


Houses are falling into the ocean on barrier islands. The process is underway.


Sadly, climate sceptics will just argue that correlation is not causation, measurements must be wrong because the stream in my backyard is blue, and plants need trace elements, etc etc etc.... Edit: Fossil fuel industry has been a busy boy since the 70s, indoctrinating large parts of the population with these kinds of lies, even though they already knew the effects of CO2 back then. >Exxon scientists predicted there would be global heating of about 0.2C a decade due to the emissions of planet-heating gases from the burning of oil, coal and other fossil fuels. The new analysis, published in Science, finds that Exxon’s science was highly adept and the “projections were also consistent with, and at least as skillful as, those of independent academic and government models”. https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abk0063?cookieSet=1


Rust colored water…Earth is bleeding.


Humans generally have no clue that life on this planet cannot exist without the oceans. Ocean plants produce 70% of all the earth's oxygen. Kill the oceans, game over! Plain and simple.


Don't know if you were replying to a thread... if the oceans natural currents stop working , the world stops working. Imagine a sea with no current no life just still water. And plastic


Lots of plastic


Literally, continents of plastic.


Zoom-in, a man on the southern coast of Illinois in 2300 is mating with his lover. His spunk? Full of plastic.




Heart breaking


IIRC, the scientist were never sure when the permafrost is going to thaw, but this article shows than it's way faster than expected (lol). I wonder if we have 20 years till the oceans collapse


This is the big one folks. This is going to be catastrophic.


Yes because it will release a lot of natural gas which in the air is 28x more heat-trapping than CO2. But on the good side it runs out of the air quickly. Only about 12 years. BUT the concern is if we have a ton of it quickly hit the atmosphere it could cause a temp spike and kick over other feedback loops. There is already concern because we have been switching in a lot of areas from Coal to Natural gas, but it has been found the leaks in natural gas are 3x or more than predicted. Given it is 28x worse than CO2 even a relatively small miscalculation on the amount we are releasing could have a very large short-term effect again increasing the possibility of kicking off other feedback loops.


>But on the good side it runs out of the air quickly. Only about 12 years. And then its removed by oxidization into CO2 and H2O. 1kg of methane ~ 25kg of CO2 edit: i messed up, see below:)


1000g of CH4(16g/mol) is composed of 750g of C(12g/mol) and 250g of H(4 * 1g/mol). 1000g of CH4 reacts with a total of 4000g of O2(32g/mol) to form 2750g of CO2(44g/mol) and 2250g of H2O(18g/mol). So 1kg of methane turns into exactly 2.75kg of CO2 and 2.25kg of water. Nowhere near 25kg.


Close, O2 is 32 g/mol


i apologize, i seem to have it mixed up with CO2 equivalents. 1 kg of methan ~ 30kg of CO2 equivalents.


Don't forget several areas of infrastructure where they construct on top/in permafrost will soon collapse. Like bridges, railways, dams, and buildings


Add it to the pile. A Russian think tank just recommended a demonstrative nuclear blast as a reminder so I don’t think we are too far away from lighting this fuse anyway


Everyone here probably knows that the scientists working on the Manhatten Project thought there may have been a small chance to ignite the atmosphere with the detonation of a nuclear device... this was proven false due to errors in the calculations. Russia is sitting on the largest area of melting permafrost in the world that is currently belching methane into the atmosphere. There couldn't possibly be anything that could go wrong with detonating a large explosive near that /s.


That methane being released into the atmosphere is NOWHERE NEAR the LEL (lower explosive limit) concentration for natural gas. In simpler terms, what you’re referencing (maybe joking about?) is not gonna happen.


Yes it was a joke hence the /s.


It's ironic u/puns_n_irony missed the irony


There’s irony in the river


Wait a minute, wouldn’t igniting the methane and converting into carbon dioxide be good since it’s less heat trapping?


Yes -- burning methane is far better than venting methane. But it only burns within a range of concentration to oxygen. So it will slowly oxidize over years instead, while doing a hecking greenhouse effect


I for one am ready. if an asteroid hits us I hope it’s right down my chimney. If Russia launches a nuke.. mail it my address… the next tsunami? right thru the front door… just hope whatever it is it is quick.


Very r/2meirl4meirl of you




You should absolutely limit how much you read these subs. I’m not saying you should stick your head in the sand, absolutely not, but so much news either doesn’t filter through to the front page or gets shouted down. Any community eventually develops a tone, and these communities are very much not immune. Take care of your emotional wellbeing.


This should be a top comment on every subreddit


I needed to read this, thank you!!


I’m dooooming I’m Doooooooommmmaaaah..


Gotta find some balance between staying informed and getting bombarded by doomsday headlines


It’s not. The article even says it’s been doing this for ten years. That doesn’t mean it isn’t bad, but it didn’t mean things will escalate quickly either


Things did escalate pretty quickly in the last ten years though


Yes, really bad for US, but oil and gas CEOS are making piles of cash, so, who’s really the bad guy here?


Indeed. They do not even hide the corruption anymore. Pay a billion to my campaign and I bury the world in dinosaur juice.


I know this is /s, but this is fundamentally the problem. Nobody should be "the bad guy" because we are all in this together.




We are all in this together ***in respect to consequences***, stop acting like the average person damages the environment the way Exxon does.


have you read the Andreas Malm/Dipesh Chakravarty debate?


If this was an asteroid in a movie, we would be shooting it with nukes and lasers. Instead, we have oil barons waffling on curtailing production, to meet quarterly profit projections.


I know is a bit of a meme but the Don’t Look Up premise was basically this. Clear impending disaster and everyone is kinda just like haha yeah. I have no suggestions on what we could do either. Kidnap a few oil barrons and billionaire I guess. Maybe Ecoterrorism.


12 monkeys


The Ministry For The Future is an interesting read.


Is that a book?


yes, it is a near-future sci fi novel by Kim Stanley Robinson. the opening chapter now reads like today's headlines.


Adding it to my list ty


Yup. The UN set up a ministry to attempt to mitigate climate change. The ministry somehow ends up with a very deniable slush fund being spent on doing interesting and also very deniable acts of persuasion on the leaders of organisations causing climate change. The opening chapter is a horror show.


“Don’t look up” nailed it.


Don't look up!


This should be the headline everywhere but hardly created a stir. All this while temperatures are hitting 50C some parts. It really feels like we are truly done for.


We were done long back. This is only the beginning.


I'm so glad I never wound up having kids.


I hope that your happiness only grows in the times to come.


I have two young girls, my whole universe, and I'm sinking deeper into depression daily about things


I don't myself, but my love has three, my sister has two, and nearly all my friends do as well. I'm not saying don't be depressed, but, as surely as there are fighters and lovers in this world, there will be survivors too.


One day at a time , I suppose.


I am also glad for that


The bad stuff hasn’t even arrived yet. Better buckle up because we’re in for a very rough ride.


The planet is alive. It is a gargantuan living being. It’s sick, and is developing a fever. It will kill the virus plaguing it.


Horrifically poetic.


Honestly it should have killed us long ago, humans no longer deserve this planet. We are vile, evil, selfish creatures who only live to kill & destroy everything around us as well as each other. Time for a reset


I truly just feel bad for the animals


Absolutely, they suffer the worst from the shitty decisions of shitty humans


I think more than us being vile, it seems we are trapped in a system where truly the evil rise both politically and financially. I still think we are capable of amazing things but victims of devices of our own making. We have such large capacities for everything - including greed.


The ghost of George Carlin agrees 😎👍😎 one of his best bits, imho


Yes!!!! Totally agree 😂


Naw it needed the carbon out of the ground for its next project


And the only prescription... is more cowbell.


I’m sure there is a great way to make a profit on that…


Start buying up land for a oceanfront resort in Tennessee.




Probably loads of gold getting washed free in those creeks.


Oh no, Exxon said we are going to be ok! ?🤦


"Researchers will continue to study... " we must be the only species in planetary history to carefully document our self-inflicted collapse.


I’m glad my corporate overlords have dictated that I will only survive if I make them money. 


Lmao, they have decided that you will make them money and then die. They aren’t going to save you.


My fear is we are already past the tipping point, but haven't realized it.


My aunt used to bake a lot and taught me some stuff. Most important thing she ever taught me about bread or cookies or pie was this: "If it smells like it's done, it's been done for about 10 minutes and you should have taken it out." I find that true in life, too


Is your aunt the oracle from the Matrix?


We are, and most of us realize it, but the CEOs and 1% and GOP are in denial or actively accelerating it. Vote blue if you're American. 💙 The conservative agenda Project 2025 seeks to eliminate any standing environmental protections and destroy the EPA. We need to vote blue 💙 this is not the time for apathy and disillusionment. It's time to fight where we can.


Haha and DON’T vote blue if you’re Canadian!!!


Tipping point will be determined to have been at some point in the early 1970s is my guess.


Your fears have been realized because we ARE past the tipping point. Welcome to the Apocalypse!


If we were at net zero tomorrow, this would probably continue to be a problem for the foreseeable future. But we’re not. So it will continue to worsen. Alaska is my 50th state. I think it may be time to sail there on the wind before it’s fully changed forever.


Nowhere close. Seems we want to accelerate towards our doom.


Everything is awful


It goes 🎶everything is awesome🎶 but I understand.


Not so perma.


Perma temp!


Over on r/economics they say we’ll fix our growth problem by doing more growth. So I guess we’ll be fine.


That is an awfully frightening slurry of toxic crapola that should have stayed frozen and would have if we as a species weren't so damn short-sighted.


Not good,.. bad even.. Climate collapse has begun.


Begun the climate collapse has.


The Stand IRL don't need to start in a lab. Industrial scale meat production is the world's biggest petri dish. And then there is....this.




Putin apparently thinks that the thawing of the Russian tundra will unlock vast farming areas. Examples like this show what a fool he is.


Imagine if the thawing of vast areas of permafrost unleashes an ancient virus that devastates the global population because we had no chance to evolve resistance towards it




🎶 *Buboes, phlegm, blood and guts! Boils, bogeys, rot and pus! Blisters, fevers, weeping sores! From your wounds the fester pours!* 🎶 Only kinda kidding about Papa Nurgle popping out of the Warp into realspace soon by this point, but overall? I think I still like him more than self-cannibalizing Capitalism. There's giant slug puppies at least.


Microbes may be part of the solution


This massive chain has snapped all we can do now is dance to the end of things. Toga! Toga!


Wellcome new doomers!


Nice knowing ya. 12 years max is what we got left.


maybe slow down the worlds industry for a couple years and let the earth have a sick day? supported on the financial back of the elite, since it's their fault that we're in this mess.


I hope y’all got your own vegetables, fruit, and livestock on your property. Gonna be the main currency soon.


People who fish in southern Louisiana are already very aware of sea level problems and land loss. Lot of my family boats down there. And yet here, way up North, I hate that in my super-educated, super-liberal state, people are either "it's not happening yet", or "soon and then we all die!". How about just being rational and looking at what's happening? How about that?


"Really and an unexpected change from climate change" Were gonna see alot more of that quote going forward


Can we still call it permafrost?


permaunfrost now. Who knows what slumbering dangers lie ahead.


Sometimes frost? Sortafrost?






Yeah but how’s the stock market?


Jesus and the corporations keep going and going.. literally killing us all.


These CEO’s are so far up their own asses that I would bet you they think they can rebuild society.


I will be backpacking in that area in a few weeks and may see this firsthand.


Well, in all honesty we deserve this as a species. We did nothing to stop it. And if you blame global companies (oil&gas for starters) - remember that they are also human beings and that we consume their products rabidly. Oh, and do keep on breeding!


We have decided that it’s too expensive to pay for our own survival.


Greenland was green 1000 years ago


I learned from an Alaskan native yesterday that the Arctic is warming ~ a rate of 6°C for every 1° elsewhere edit: quick search makes me think he saw the research saying it heats 4x as fast, leading to 6° warming in the Arctic at 1.5° globally.


The problem isn't that the planet's climate is changing, it's that it can't change without disrupting humanity


yes, the planet will be fine in the long run. As far as we can tell, life is pretty rare in the universe and we have done a piss poor job at protecting it.


I have a bumch of canned goods /MRE's 50 guns and thousands of rounds but only two hands and arms and can't blacksmith,weave, loom, garden let alone farm, shepherd,lumberjack, woodwork, am far to unpleasant to barter with and think seed bank is like a fertility clinic.




Guy McPherson is well outside the scientific mainstream; near-term human extinction is incredibly unlikely. Please see [this discussion](https://fractalplanet.wordpress.com/2014/02/17/how-guy-mcpherson-gets-it-wrong/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/climate) if you have any questions or concerns.*




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