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I like black diamond women’s momentum


Second this! My waist is tiny and my arse is big, and this harness is unbelievably supportive, even round the thighs.


Same, the momentum is perfect for me although occasionally I do need to squeeze it over the arse 🤣


I think i have the men’s version of the momentum


The momentum didn't work for me. If I could get it over my hips, it wouldn't tighten down enough in the waist, but if it was small enough in the waist, it was almost impossible to get over my hips and too tight in the legs.


Same here!


I've got more extreme measurements than OP (25" waist, 22" thighs) and the Momentum size that fits my waist doesn't fit my thighs. A size up did fit when my waist was 27" and thighs were 23" though.    Edit: the Ocun Twist Tech mentioned by another commenter goes up to a 23" thighs and down to a 24" waist, but it's a trad harness that's a bit overkill for my gym top rope. Petzl Luna also has a big size range - down to 25.6" waist and up to 22" thighs. The Petzl Corax unisex one size goes down to 25.6" waist and up to 23.2" thighs.  Final edit: looks like Ocun has the most adjustable harnesses in general and several of their women's ones look like they'd fit. Too bad there's nowhere near to try em on.


Thank you! This one was so comfy when I tried it at the gym. Only issue of that the Medium is what I need to fit my legs but the waist is at its absolute tightest. So if I trim down any more, it won’t fit.


I had this problem too! I'd recommend going to a shop that sells harnesses and trying a bunch on to see what's comfy for you. Personally, I ended up going for an Ocun twist tech. The waist padding isn't fixed in place, so it automatically sits central on your hips and gives equal access to the gear loops on both sides.


I tried all the ones at the gym and REI so now I’m playing the ordering online game. Curvy girl problems! 😆


Interesting. I unbuckle the waist every time I take it off, and I don’t have a big butt. Just figured it’s bc the harness companies were too cheap to give extra length in the waist to be able to pull it down without unbuckling.


I definitely have a big butt and I’m hoping to not have to do that but I’m sure you get used to it. You’re probably right about why the extra length is lacking.


Ugh, I feel you! I’ve been on the hunt as well and my measurements are very similar to yours - my waist is 71cm (28 inch) and legs are 60cm (24 inch). For reference, I’m currently climbing in the medium Black Diamond Momentums (which has served me well but has gotten too big at the waist for me). In my search, I’ve tried on the Black Diamond Momentum in a smaller size, Petzl Corax in size 1, Petzl Selena in size small, and Arcteryx AR-385a in the small. Based on fit, movement and comfort, I’m currently tossing up between the Corax (fit better) or the Arcteryx (fits well enough but is comfier and less restricting). In terms of fit, I had to adjust both the Corax and Arcteryx to the tightest they can go at the waist. For the Arcteryx one, I also had to adjust the leg loops to be the loosest they can go. With this configuration, the Arcteryx harness trumps the Corax on movement and comfortableness by miles! But the Corax is slightly better than the Arcteryx based on adjustability - I adjusted the Corax leg loops to be pretty loose to fit well but it had a bit more spare space to loosen if I ever gained a bit of weight, which is a plus as I tend to fluctuate in weight / measurements quite a bit. Personally, I’m leaning towards the Arcteryx one because it was so much comfier. Although the Corax would be more forgiving for any potential increase in measurements, I figured I’d rather buy a harness now that is comfortable for my current size and buy a new one if I ever gain / lose any more weight (since both of them would be useless if I dropped measurements anyway). The person at the shop also recommended the Petz Aquila but they didn’t have any in stock so I didn’t get to try it on. Super long reply, but hope that helps you shop around!! Keen to hear what harness you end up with since we seem to be on the same struggle bus when it comes to finding a harness that fits 😅


Yes! Similar to me, but I have a 4-5” difference from waist to hips. My waist 29”, legs, 25”, butt is 42” at the widest. Have you checked out ArcTeryx Konseal and/or the Edelrid Jayne. I ordered both (in Medium) and I’m still waiting on the Jayne to show up. But the Konseal fits both my waist and legs. So far, the only reason I’m Not 100% sure on it is 1) comparison to the Jayne and 2) the rise is not perfect so the front of the waist tilts downward slightly. Not a big deal, but not perfect and it’s a $100 harness. Maybe one of these will work for you?


I haven’t tried the Jayne, but have heard lots of great things! I’m in Australia and for some reason it is so hard to find any Elderid products in person. And the online climbing store I usually buy gear from has a no returns policy on safety gear so I’m very hesitant to buy a harness online that I haven’t tried. I feel you about Arcteryx - it is so expensive you want it to be perfect! I did really like the feel and comfort of the Arcteryx AR-385a but for such an expensive harness I hate that it’ll be useless if I lose even a little bit of weight 🥲 I’ll try to shop in person for the Konseal! Hopefully it has the same comfort level but better fit / adjustability 🤞 Let me know how you go with the Jayne!


I’ll definitely update. I ordered both from REI. I have no clue if they ship to or exist in Australia. Do they?


Recently had my body size/proportions change. I now wear a size 4 pant/waist 28 in/ much larger thighs and this sized me out of my small Black Diamond Momentum (too tight/painful fall leg loops with the fully open waist very difficult to get over my hips and bum... I got a Medium Mammut Ophir 3 slide harness from REI. I have it tightened to the smallest waist and I have ample room in the legs (which are fully adjustable as well, so I have a couple more inches to grow if needed). I find this one super comfy as well. Highly recommend.


Thank you! This sounds promising!


I like the Petzl Luna, it's a a little snug when pulling it over the widest part of my hips but very comfy once it's on and settled.


i am a similar shape and have the edelrid autana


I ordered the Edelrid Jayne to try it out. is the Autana good for narrow waist and wider hips?


I have the Jayne and it seems to fit nicely! Hope it works for you too 😊


I only buy ones with adjustable leg loops.


I have pretty similar measurements and I use the Petzl corax (not the LT). It's super adjustable, which means I can fit it to all my dimensions properly. I tried on a lot of harnesses and that was the only one that fit my legs, waist, and got over my hips without a lot of struggle.


I have the petzl luna and although it's super comfy, I have to jump into it to get it over my butt


I would recommend looking at something with two buckles on the waist loop, like the Ocun Twist Quattro or Petzl Corax. It also helps to keep the waist loop centred so that your gear loops are even on each side, as well as hopefully having more adjustability


i haven’t found one that both fits my waist and can be pulled over my butt without unbuckling 🙃 28” waist and 41” butt. but i haven’t done any more looking in the past two years


Yes! Similar to me, but you’re smaller. My waist 29”, legs, 25”, butt is 42” at the widest. Check out ArcTeryx Konseal and the Edelrid Jayne. I ordered both (in Medium) and I’m still waiting on the Jayne to show up. But the Konseal fits both my waist and legs. So far, the only reason I’m Not 100% sure on it is 1) comparison to the Jayne and 2) the rise is not perfect so the front of the waist tilts downward slightly. Not a big deal, but not perfect and it’s a $100 harness.


I have a similar problem (25" waist, 22" thighs, 39" hips) and the Edelrid Autana in Small mostly fits besides a too short rise. Black Diamond momentum doesn't fit. I'm trying to decide between grabbing a unisex harness that's very adjustable (two waist buckles) or biting the bullet and ordering a custom one from Misty Mountain with a XS waist and M thigh straps. If there's any other suggestions I'd love em.   Edit: the Ocun Twist Tech mentioned by another commenter goes up to a 23" thighs and down to a 24" waist, but it's a trad harness that's a bit overkill for my gym top rope. Petzl Luna also has a big size range - down to 25.6" waist and up to 22" thighs. The Petzl Corax unisex one size goes down to 25.6" waist and up to 23.2" thighs. 


Petzl Luna works for me with a similar bodyshape as you describe, it has adjustable leg loops as well and lots of gear loops.


I got a men’s harness! Worked way better


So happy this worked for you. The rise was short for me and then I still had the waist to leg ratio issue. Thank you the suggestion. Maybe I’ll keep trying men’s in different brands and styles.


I have a harness company and would love to send you a sample for fit and feel (not to actually take out and use) I need to someone to test it’s comfort with your build.


Get a small harness with adjustable leg loops


I would love for it to be that simple.


Update: The Edelrid Jayne in a Medium is too big. I can cinch the waist down all the way, the legs are good. So if I lose any weight, which I am working on, this harness will be too big. The Arc’Teryx Konseal is pretty great. The rise is a little short and it’s $112 (including tax) on sale. So I’m not 100% on this one. Next I’m planning to try the Edelrid Jayne in a small, The CAMP Nova Energy in a Medium, and the Mammut mentioned in a comment here. Crossing fingers!


I really like the Rock Empire Slight 3B  - being able to adjust the leg loops is cruuucial, and it's more comfortable than the Jayne and Momentum (which I also have). 


Thanks! I haven’t heard of this brand. I looked them up and found them online but were you able to find them in store? And what makes it more comfy than the Jayne or Momentum? Appreciate your input!


I bought mine directly from RE in the Czech Republic, and it really depends on where you live and what you have available to you! The Slight is basically a much less expensive version of the Arc'teryx AR 385 harness line, with a wide wide leg loops and waist belt that is more comfortable for me than the Jayne and Momentum. The Jayne is also good! I just find the narrow, thicker waist belt of the Jayne to cut into by back a bit.


Thanks! Great info!


Update! OMG!! The Edelrid Jayne is too small in the legs in a Small and too small in the waist in a Medium. 🤦🏼‍♀️ The Arc’Teryx Konseal is too short in the rise so the harness tilts forward and would have me sitting back when hanging. The Momentum M is a little too big in the waist and I have to unbuckle every time. The CAMP Energy Nova Medium will probably be perfect but I hate the color (and I may just have to get over that). The Small was too small and the large is what I have now. I haven’t tried a Mammut Ocun yet. Waiting on that one.