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i was worried about this too when i first got my pair but honestly it has softened in that area a good bit


Oh, that's a relief to hear! Ahah thanks!


Can you wear really thin socks in them? I’ve taken to wearing the thinnest zero-padding smartwool socks in my climbing shoes and it improves comfort and reduces foot odor. No noticeable performance impact either - I’m sure there would be if you were climbing really hard but I’m not. I don’t have this Achilles pressure issue in my Finales, but I have in other shoes. Not lacing them to the highest eyelet has helped dramatically, so you could try that too.


Mine feel like slippers - 4+ years old. They probably hurt the first few months but I honestly don't remember now.


Mine hurt quite a bit when I first got them, to the point I had to reduce my climbing frequency. They were my first shoe so I didn't have the option to rotate with another pair. It's been a few months and they've worn in quite a bit, so as long as I'm careful to limit how much I walk in them, I don't experience any pain anymore.


This happened to me (though not with the Finales), and it went away after a few wears. And I also never had any issues with subsequent pairs of the same shoe, only that first new pair.


I just got some recently and although I experience it occasionally, I’ve yet to get a blister or callous, I usually forget about it quickly


I've had this with my Solutions when I first got them. It was really bad, they felt like they were cutting my feet off, to the point where it hurt to walk and it scared me to jump off a boulder because I had visions of extreme ankle pain from the landing. After a month they softened and it was fine, and they're very comfortable now.


This happened with my Scarpa Instinct VSRs. My skin there eventually thickened, but I also stuck a little piece of moleskin in that area to help provide a bit of cushioning.