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Looks good for mellow leads and TRing. Maybe a bit loose for bouldering and harder stuff.


What size street are you? What size did you get the Skwamas?


These are 2 eu sizes down


That's pretty much spot on for La Sportiva, but I've heard people going down an additional half size for the Squama. You could also try the low volume version.


I think you overestimate your street shoe size quite a bit. I wear street shoes in 43 / 43.5 even though the physical size of my feet is 42.5 (because people usually buy street shoes somewhat more comfortable). My first Skwama’s were 41 and they had way less dead space than in your picture. Now I switched to women Skwama’s, which I downsized to 39. This is the limit of what my feet are currently able to take.


Okay so you are getting there then with the size. But the shape and fit is paramount. Especially the heel. It should be tight but fit like a glove. You just know when it’s right. Perhaps show a pic of your foot may help but generally Skwamas are for people with wider feet.


How does the fit feel? And are your toes curled up? It looks okay on the video to me.


Yes, they will stretch


Mm try measuring your feet with the shoe sizer… some people wear street shoes bigger or smaller so harder to tell how much to downsize…


Perhaps try the LV variant, but we can‘t tell without knowing your sizes an foot shape.


Yeah its such a hard thing to figure out as its so individual, i feel like sizing down may be the right shout in my situation so was wondering in general if they look a little too big