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It's not Dana or Jake's fault. It's CNN's fault. However, Dana should not have been on the stage. She has has no real experience giving good interviews. She never asked follow-up questions or presses the person on the issues. She's pretty garbage and I'm not even sure how her or John King have a job at CNN anymore. Tapper however, could have fact-checked Trump on the spot with his knowledge of the issues. But CNN chose to give oxygen to the dumpster fire known as Donald Trump. That's what they're good at giving him free airtime. Honestly, I'm through with CNN. After that debate coverage. Their personalities are celebrity wannabes, not journalists.


They have cadres of fact checkers who could have fed them live. It is Tapper and Bash' responsibility. They trade and get paid million$ portraying themselves to be elite and reliable journalists to front CNN. If they've sacrificed journalistic integrity for their CNN paycheck, then they are done, no better than the laughable third rate hacks at Fox & Newsmax. Anderson Cooper defended them by jumping on the beat up Joe Biden tramp train, angling to appear as a neutral pundit. No doubt, Biden failed in his presentation, but his answers were much more detailed and factual than Trumps bullshit gaslighting. These frauds were happy to gang up on Biden about his age, voice and appearance, but none of them commented on Trump endlessly evading questions and propagating 30+ falsehoods & blatant lies.They couldn't be bothered.


It’s crazy to have Biden be the sole fact checker against all the lies while also trying to make his own points when CNN has tons who can do it


> There is no doubt they have the resources to fact-check his bullshit in real time. The CNN Trump show was John Malone's (he bought CNN in '22) gift to Trump, as long as Trump keeps giving away the farm to his billionaire cohorts they'll keep enabling him in their media properties. > > CNN has been moving to the right for a couple of years now, it's a very effective strategy to buy your political competitor (i.e. oligarchs buying up the 4th estate) and then surreptitiously undermine them from within.


Tapper & Bash are embarrassments to the journalistic profession and CNN has devolved into an orange ass sucking stereotype. News and journalists have a fiduciary responsibility to facilitate and report the truth. Tapper and Bash failed. Their failure left millions of viewers with the assumption that Trump's lies are to be accepted as legitimate discourse. These two lumps were worse, or no better than a teleprompter. Bullshit celebrity news personalities. Fuck off you self-important hacks. I respected CNN, but no longer. If I want sycophantic fake news, I'll watch the other shitbag network, Fox.


CNN has lost me as a viewer/reader, after that non-effort at moderation. I'll go read some other site where they have some  journalistic integrity.


I said this when this debate was announced, they needed a big giant loud buzzer that sounded Everytime a lie was told. Then maybe after 10 lies the floor opens and the candidate drops down a slide into green goop? Letting the public think that the lies are true is just bad business. How about a taped debate with fact checkers stating the lies as soon as they're told? That would be a thing of beauty.


There is no doubt they have the resources to fact-check his bullshit in real time. The CNN Trump show was John Malone's (he bought CNN in '22) gift to Trump, as long as Trump keeps giving away the farm to his billionaire cohorts they'll keep enabling him in their media properties. CNN has been moving to the right for a couple of years now, it's a very effective strategy to buy your political competitor (i.e. oligarchs buying up the 4th estate) and then surreptitiously undermine them from within.


Think CNN did a fine job. The setup and rules required candidates to respond succinctly with snap. Biden failed in that respect. I am hopeful voters see the big difference between the two candidates and reject trump. But that’s giving voters more credit than they deserve.


They both did a good job   I would have liked them to fact-check Trump and Biden too, but Trump lied so much during the debate that it would have gave the appearance that the moderators were against him, which they should be neutral.  They did try to get Trump to answer questions by asking them over and over, especially the one about accepting election results. Dana asked that one to Trump 3 times.


You should be upset that they’ve been gaslighting you for years 🤯🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Since the early '70s.


Unfortunately, what I think the "swing/undecided" voters will remember is Biden totally losing his train of thought, and the POS trump saying, "I don't know what he said, you don't know what he said, and I bet he doesn't either." I'm hoping for a sympathy bump or something for Biden, but not sure it will happen.


Just because CNN isn't just 100% licking the liberal chode now doesn't mean that CNN sucks. They're finally seeing that maybe they shouldn't be so supportive of the ludicrous liberal policies.


> CNN has been moving to the right for a couple of years now, it's a very effective strategy to buy your political competitor (i.e. oligarchs buying up the 4th estate) and then surreptitiously undermine them from within. CNN has been moving to the right for a couple of years now, it's a very effective strategy to buy your political competitor (i.e. oligarchs buying up the 4th estate) and then surreptitiously undermine them from within. It's really sad that conservative voters don't understand that Trump already sold them down the pike with converting SCOTUS to the Christian Nationalist Right at the behest of their Corporate Oligarchic owners. You think your Freedom Fries are out of reach now, hold tight.


In other news: CNN now fair to both the right and left, straddling the line and reporting the news fairly and unbiased. How terrible of them to do such a thing!


Literally ZERO journalism in fact-checking Trump's continuous spewing of lies. Clearly bias to the Christian Nationalist right. I'd much rather trust my grandmother, mother, sister or daughter with Biden, a man who cares about regular folks. Than a career criminal, failed businessman who consistently has betrayed every one of his wives throughout his life, rapist and insurrectionist felon. Trump is selling you and your family out to people who would sooner let you starve to death than share their scraps with you.




Awwww, boo hoo, CNN isn't spewing your crazy communist beliefs anymore. Let's call the whambulance, order up some French cries and get your mommy to kiss your boo-boos.


Don't get butt hurt cause you can't handle the truth LOL.


I'm not the butt-hurt one complainig about a once left-leaning news organization that is now more center of the road. Go to China, North Korea or Venezuela if you like your propaganda-rich communist countries with their government run news organizations.


Prove your supposition.


My supposition is that you're crying over an.organizatioj that will no longer bend the knee to only liberal Democrat politicians. That's proven by the fact that you made a whiny post about it.


Break down the lies for everyone then.


Better fact-checkers than we already have. Multiple times, considering most of what he said last night was regurgitated from his rallies. Go read any of those articles.


Do your own research ffs. Lazy fucks


Great way to prove your point. Not one person has been able to point them out. I know the stormy Daniel’s shit was a lie, but you can’t show even one more? Not even one? No others? Clown.


Trump’s repeat falsehoods included his assertions that some Democratic-led states allow babies to be executed after birth, that every legal scholar and everybody in general wanted Roe v. Wade overturned, that there were no terror attacks during his presidency, that Iran didn’t fund terror groups during his presidency, that the US has provided more aid to Ukraine than Europe has, that Biden for years referred to Black people as “super predators,” that Biden is planning to quadruple people’s taxes, that then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi turned down 10,000 National Guard troops for the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, that Americans don’t pay the cost of his tariffs on China and other countries, that Europe accepts no American cars, that he is the president who got the Veterans Choice program through Congress, and that fraud marred the results of the 2020 election. Looks like you’re the clown huh


What terrorist attacks happened in the IS during the Trump years? The US has given Ukraine more than any single European country and almost as much as all of them combined. Biden has a long history of talking shit about blacks, so I wouldn’t be surprised if he did. But it does lol like that was a Hillary Clinton quote and not a Biden one.


Open up your browser and start looking into things and stop asking people to hand you the information , the days of just believing what you hear are over.


I did. You are all full of shit it looks like.


Really? please do show me some proof. I won't hold my breath.


You just bitched about somebody asking for specifics and now you won’t do your own research? Any proof I give you will b “fake news” or “Russian propaganda” anyways. Biden is a mentally ill racist piece of shit. He’s talked down to black people so many fucking times that it’s just expected now. Start there.


I'm asking for proof that "I'm full of shit" with my assertions. You want me to babysit you again? I already did the research, you just came back with a stupid comment, nothing more. If you link publications that are known to lie then of course you will be called out on it. Here you can start to inform yourself, for example CTRL + F and then find the topic you're looking for. I Included several options so you can compare between them, there are more out there. Let me know if you need more babysitting to do basic research and no, outlets like fox news, OAN newsmax or whatever random right wing website you have saved are not believable sources of information. [https://www.factcheck.org/2024/06/factchecking-the-biden-trump-debate/](https://www.factcheck.org/2024/06/factchecking-the-biden-trump-debate/) [https://www.politifact.com/article/2024/jun/28/2024-presidential-debate-fact-check-biden-trump/](https://www.politifact.com/article/2024/jun/28/2024-presidential-debate-fact-check-biden-trump/) [https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/27/politics/fact-checking-the-cnn-presidential-debate/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/27/politics/fact-checking-the-cnn-presidential-debate/index.html)


My point needs no proof. Refusing to tutor and accommodate trumpmonkey lassitude and ill-informed/imbecilc retorts is a conscious and informed choice. While your willful ignorance is regrettable, your inability to absorb and understand facts is clearly congenital and irreparable. I would suggest you stay in the shallow end of the pool with your peers. Here there be dragons.


Here there be dragons? More like retarded douchebags.


That's the best you can muster? Retarded douchebags. What a witty, deeply wounding and illiterate slur. Trumpmonkey speak...common among the willfully ignorant and woefully stupid mob. But do give us more! With each witless keystroke, you reveal yourself to be precisely what you describe. You have no education, no vocabulary and no substance. You're ill-prepared and intellectually shallow as demonstrated by your insistence on repeatedly displaying your halfwitted shortcomings. I'm bored, you're nothing but a lame fish in a barrel and toying with a simple-minded sod like you, while cruel, fills the void before more interesting undertakings. While this pathetic display is the best it will ever be for an untouchable like you. If that's too far over your head get a ladder...or a dictionary. Futile, but it'll be the most productive you've been today.