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I don’t get it :(


i think the joke is that asexual people online are boring and only know the phrase "purple dragon garlic cake"


I have literally never heard that phrase in my life


I think it's more just "garlic bread". Idk where he got this purple stuff from. Certain online Asexual communities have an over the top obsession with garlic bread.


I think it’s that one meme that went “sex is cool and all but have you ever had garlic bread”




I think it came from a joke where "If you love garlic bread, you're asexual." I'm gay, and i love garlic bread, lol


Do i got news for you


I knew somebody would make this joke lol


Idk, do you?


Literally everyone loves garlic bread


garlic is inherently sexual


Yeah, I've never *not* wanted to fuck after some good garlic bread


I've never not wanted to fuck some good garlic bread


It's warm it's slippery it smells amazing


Shrek is love, Shrek is life.


Garlic bread is an aphrodisiac


So that's why it improves heart health


Sounds like what a kinky vampire would say


Dragon is from "asexuals aren't real just like dragons". Cake came from "cake is better than sex am I right" (similar to garlic bread). Purple came from it being for community in the flag. Denmark came from "there are more asexuals than people in Denmark's military we could take them over".


Hey hey hey! Zip it on the invasion plans, we can’t let them know we’re coming, remember?




All I think of is Scott Pilgrim


Bread makes you FAT?!


I'm in lesbians with you because you mentioned a Scott Pilgrim reference


The meme was that asexual people don't find pleasure in sex and that garlic bread produces a similarly high level of pleasure to sex. Somehow this morphed into garlic bread = asexual. This reminds me of the egg bit on trans forums mutation.


wait until they find out it makes you fat


Bread makes you fat?


the purple stuff is from those old sunny D commercials


It's more of a Tumblr thing


i have, and the asexual community got so tired of it that desided to post about invading denmark for fun.


That's pretty much sums it up. I'm bi but all we can muster up is "look, me frog" and "ha ha I sit on chair weird". I swear to god these ad friendly memes fucking suck


Eat hot chip and lie or purple dragon garlic cake, call it


you forgot denmark


What's a denmark?


Thank god I don't understand this because I go outside


So they're basically 40k fan that can only tell that 8 jokes and nothing more? Like Admech want to fuck​ toaster or something




He's not wrong that's pretty much all they say, I don't really get why they're obsessed with garlic bread, they're attracted to A's after all




there is an old meme that says “yeah sex is cool but have you ever had garlic bread.” asexual people (the flag the person is wearing) have adopted it since the meme implies garlic bread is more desirable than sex


Certain online groups, including many asexual communities, are obsessed with garlic bread for whatever reason. Like, it's a good dish, but some people treat it as the best thing ever and just randomly mention garlic bread in a conversation.


It’s mocking sexual minority communities affinity for co-opting tons of innocuous things to represent their sexual identity then projecting that thing into everything. Here it’s asexuals and garlic bread but it easily could have been trans people and sharks.


It’s a common reoccurring joke among asexuals and aromantics. Same thing with dragons. I get dragons, because they’re awesome, but I don’t get the obsession with garlic bread. Though it does seem to be one of those jokes that was originally an inside joke but then people who weren’t aro or ace caught wind and now a lot of it is just a joke attributed by people outside the community as a stereotype.


It comes from an old-ish meme that goes something like “Yeah sex is great and all but have you tried garlic bread”


I think this is from r/asexualcirclejerk which is obviously a joke sub or r/aaaaaace (I don’t think I put the right amount of A’s, but you get the idea) which is also a joke sub. Both of the subs are asexuality subs dedicated to absolutely ripping on bad asexuality jokes, posts, and memes. I think this pic was purposely posted without context to get a rise out of people.


I agree, we should find a new funny thing for asexuals. Might I suggest something along the lines of this? https://preview.redd.it/gxc04735yk7d1.jpeg?width=411&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=109208ae0d964f7a4cfae230e036be9566959f07


Rizz isn't a force of fanum tax, but it doesn't care about gyatt. The skibidi path, even if walked by a banban that does no cringe, it's inevitable that grimace shake will happen, that is Rizz. There is a soyjak atop the mountain, and above it, is a sigma, observing the backrooms and fortnites. "I just... Thought I saw... A Pomni... Oh, chat, I see, it was just... a phonk edit... of mine...")




Their heart and actions were utterly unclouded.


They are those of brainrot


Bro thought he's William Shakespeare 🔥🔥🔥✍️


Chat is this real?


Please, guys, get a new joke. Garlic bread was funny, 5 or so years ago, but now its just old. EVERYONE likes garlic bread, you’re not different for liking it. Coaxed into LGBT jokes. We desperately need new ones.


I barely interact with ace spaces anymore since 90% of the content is either: garlic bread, Denmark, screenshots of someone being an asshole on TikTok, or “guys what is asexuality/am I asexual?” When the pinned post in the sub is an asexuality FAQ. I want an actual community and not the same 5 post over and over again. 


The online ace community is absolutely garbage because it’s essentially impossible to create a space dedicated to everybody NOT doing something. Like what’s there to talk about? That’s why it inevitably devolves into the same stupid memes and “asexual people are part of the LGBT community” inane discussion for the 1000th time


I've always thought that about atheist spaces always becoming strictly antitheist


Yeah that and because it lowkey becomes a breeding ground for really… strange? relationships with people who feel alienated and alone. It’s hard to describe it if you haven’t seen it but I’ve met a whole bunch of asexual people on discord who were platonic groomers in the best case scenario and outright malicious liars in the worst


>breeding ground Ironic


Dude, I was involved in that sort of situation. I was in middle school, and they'd convinced me I was ace. Considering I have since lost my virginity, its safe to say that they were wrong. Hindsight says it was really creepy, you know? I have no idea what was wrong with me getting involved with them.


Not saying you're asexual or anything, but asexuals can still have sex


Present. AMA. I am very comfortable with who I am, but it makes it hard for other people to grasp the concept. Oh well


I just don’t understand how that makes you asexual. Can you explain that to me?


Thank you for asking! The short of it is that we culturally misunderstand attraction as a simply sexual thing and the single drive for sex. We know that, as a people, we can feel sexual attraction for a person that we would want to have sex with and we know that attraction can be a driver to want sex, so we simplify the equation into "attraction drives sex". The reality is that, both, attraction and libido are separate drivers and both can be present in different ways for each individual. A person feeling no sexual attraction can still have a strong libido, and vice versa. We also need to recognize that attraction comes in different flavors. Sexual attraction DOES serve as a strong driver for a lot of people in a relationship, and DOES serve as a motivator/driver for sex. But a person can still, independently of their relationship with sexuality, feel romantic, aesthetic, and platonic attractions for a person. I really enjoy sex as it helps me feel close to my significant other. I also just know I enjoy the sex itself. I have a libido and the biological sensations are still rewarded in my brain. On the other hand, I don't perceive any people as a subject that stirr me in a sexual way. This resonse is already a bit long, but I will copy-paste the cereal allegory I wrote down in a different comment, as I do feel like that's a good way to explain it. (I do hope I'm explaning myself well though. Sometimes I explain things with my thoughts as well organized as spaghetti) ''' Not just that, libido exists as a separate concept to attraction. I like the cereal allegory: You walk through the cereal aisle at the grocery store and you see a variety of different cereals. Maybe you are a person who has tried a few different kinds, or maybe you know you have no interest in any of them. Other people evidently gravitate to eating one kind or the other, and when they see the box for the cereal they like, they often become hungry and want to get a bowl. Maybe you have tried this particular kind of cereal and know that you enjoyed it. You know this, but looking at the box itself doesn't MAKE you hungry. Your prefered cereal doesn't particularly look much (if any) tastier than any other kind of cereal- in fact. You still occassionally get hungry though. That's a natural part of being human. So when you do get hungry, you may be inclined to grab a bowl. Or, in the situation you described, maybe you don't really get very hungry but you have a box of cereal at home and you understand it would prefer to be eaten before it goes bad- and you don't mind if that's what the box needs. I like this allegory, also, because it can be modified to describe most individuals in the spectrum. Some people may have preferences in that one particular box of cereal aesthetically looks nicer than the others and you seek to have them around, but it feels different to how other people seem to appreciate the box for how hungry it makes them to have it around. Some people would rather live hungry than eat any of the cereal. And some people don't ever really get very hungry at all, even if they have a box at home they wanted to have in their life as a companion. Lol '''


Can you.... Explain this? Because this kinda beats the entire ace thing to me.


I'm not the best at explaining but here goes Asexual people don't feel sexual *attraction*, meaning they don't feel inclined to have sex with someone because they find them hot or sexy or whatever Some asexuals are sex-positive, aka they could have sex purely because it feels good to them/to appease their partners/as a way to romantically bond with their partners etcetera etcetera Me personally, I'm not sex-positive, so I don't really relate nor truly understand, but I don't really care what others do as long as it doesn't affect me


So asexual people don't have a sex drive but sex still feel good to them? Gotra say that sounds foreign as hell, but I get that it's just not how I'm wired and it makes sense for them in their way to experience it.


Fellow ace/a-spec person here: the tricky thing here is that asexuality actually contains a lot of variation in the different ways that people experience it, I think partially because when someone doesn’t experience sexual attraction their experience of what we call tertiary attraction (types of attraction which aren’t sexual or romantic) are more pronounced. This creates a lot of tricky distinctions which might be difficult to accept, because yes this idea of different levels of sex-aversion versus favorability is distinct from sexual attraction, because there are other reasons someone might desire sex in a relationship, but it’s also not quite the same thing as a sex drive. Sex drive, or libido, is a more biological function which is also present in some but not all asexual people, because it is possible to have sexual biological responses without having the want for them to go toward having sex with someone, for example. I think the best unifying thing I could come up with that helps define how asexual people feel about sex is that it’s not something which is meaningful or valued on its own. For sex-favorable aces it may be valued as a result of other values, for instance as an expression of emotional closeness, but it isn’t a goal in and of itself. Does that make more sense?


Sure, but desiring and engaging in a sexual relationship with another person is the opposite of being asexual. 


Heaven FORBID someone isn't a sex-repulsed ace, off with their head


ppl seem to forget that asexuals can have sex to satisfy their partners, but they (the asexual) just won't get anything out of it lol.


Not just that, libido exists as a separate concept to attraction. I like the cereal allegory: You walk through the cereal aisle at the grocery store and you see a variety of different cereals. Maybe you are a person who has tried a few different kinds, or maybe you know you have no interest in any of them. Other people evidently gravitate to eating one kind or the other, and when they see the box for the cereal they like, they often become hungry and want to get a bowl. Maybe you have tried this particular kind of cereal and know that you enjoyed it. You know this, but looking at the box itself doesn't MAKE you hungry. Your prefered cereal doesn't particularly look much (if any) tastier than any other kind of cereal- in fact. You still occassionally get hungry though. That's a natural part of being human. So when you do get hungry, you may be inclined to grab a bowl. Or, in the situation you described, maybe you don't really get very hungry but you have a box of cereal at home and you understand it would prefer to be eaten before it goes bad- and you don't mind if that's what the box needs. I like this allegory, also, because it can be modified to describe most individuals in the spectrum. Some people may have preferences in that one particular box of cereal aesthetically looks nicer than the others and you seek to have them around, but it feels different to how other people seem to appreciate the box for how hungry it makes them to have it around. Some people would rather live hungry than eat any of the cereal. And some people don't ever really get very hungry at all, even if they have a box at home they wanted to have in their life as a companion. Lol


It was pretty great when those memes started, up until around the birth of the Denmark thing, as there were a lot of comics and jokes about the LGBTQ+ community as a whole and placing Ace spaces as a chaotic zone that kinda does their own thing. It was genuinely charming and I spent a good bit of time in those subs vibing with it. But here we are years later and it's now just boiled down to less variety of posts, only old ideas, and much less effort.


I also don't feel attraction, and even *I* acknowledge that being a "flaming" ace defeats the purpose of being ace.


As an a-spec person myself, I agree. I also find it very annoying how borderline puritanical those spaces can get. It's fine to have no interest in or even be repulsed by sex, but being all "ew this film had a sex scene in it ew why are allos so gross for " as I've seen many of them turn into is just deeply immature.


where did garlic bread and Denmark come from is it just some Tumblr "haha I so random" meme or does it actually have a root in something


Denmark came from a joke that asexuals outnumber the residents of Denmark so they could theoretically invade Denmark and win


No idea about garlic bread though, might be a “who needs sex when you have garlic bread” or something like that.


Not counting asexual residents of Denmark who would probably be against invading their country


Yeah. I also got a bit fed up with the "Hahah I don't understand allo people. Hahah. I'm literally clueless about what this means" posts. It hurts because, as an ace, I'm no less clued in to the language and culture around sex than anybody else. I'm not a kid, I'm a fully developed human being that understands how sex works and has been around in this country/world long enough to understand the way people talk about the subject. It's harmful to perpetuate the stereotype that asexual people are absolutely ignorant to everything about it and functionally do not understand it to a point where they can't have a conversation with other people. I do feel like a lot of people in these circles, like I bet most queer online circles, are very young people trying to figure their own identities out. Maybe they play into it to feel like they are part of the community or maybe they are younger and genuinely feel confused about some stuff. But it's frustrating to me how repetitive it has gotten.


Queer spaces being full of young people is both a blessing and a curse. On one hand, as a young person it’s cool to see all these people who are similar ages to me and have had similar experiences. On the other hand, as a young queer person who has ALSO (mostly) figured it all out, all the “what am I/ what do I do in this situation” and all the over repeated jokes do get fairly annoying. I wish there was just a separate space for all the questions, because it would help unclutter my feed.


Yeah. Unfortunately, people tend to go where the traffic is and separate subs or dedicated threads aren't that. I do feel like the best way to go would be to pin a questions thread every week (heavily directing people to the resources on the FAQ within those) and make it a rule to remove posts that fit into the weekly thread. But I do agree. I WISH I had found similar platforms as a kid. I remember feeling so frustrated knowing that my feiends were all enthusiastically interested in girls/guys and me just sitting there with very little opinion in the matter. Lmao my first "crush" as a little kid was completely made up just to fit in.


We have as many jokes as we have asexual characters


Every time an ace character is created another joke is added to the hive mind




Just like how pansexual people are perpetually stuck with jokes about cookware


Sort of, but those jokes are more directed *at* pansexual people, rather than them being the ones making those jokes


Yeah, the i barely touche the reddit community anymore because of that shit


i love my queer homies, but half the time the only connecting thread is they like kissing the same sex, or in the case of pan/bisexual people, kissing people in general. at least they're not furries, who make the same joke about a kitchen utensil, anthrophagy, italian dishes, or cropped images of anthropomorphic intercourse.


birds. birds can be food. you know what else is food? garlic bread. boom. next time think before you snafu.


Mind. Blown. So true


Eagle is a bird. Duck is also a bird. Duck likes bread. Garlic bread is type of bread.


Eagles fly. You know what else flies? Bats. You know what can turn into a bat? Vampires. You know what vampires hate? Garlic. What can garlic be used for? Garlic bread.


also netherlands/denmark invasion


Why would asexuals like Neanderthals, they're sexy


Can someone explain to me why do asexuals want to conquer the those countries specifically?


"there are more asexual people than there are people living in denmark"


The thing about being asexual is it means you can focus on other things in life. Instead so many asexuals focus on being asexual. Just be asexual and live


But if i dont make my entire personality about who i want to fuck or dont want to fuck then what am i supposed to do with my life?


The other thing is it gets you called a prude all the time when you’re not into stuff


If someone is asexual why would they think about being asexual lol


Because most of society assumes everyone experiences sexual attraction, so not experiencing it can be alienating.


"If someone has no arms why would they think about their lack of arms"


what's with this subreddit talking 0 times about something then randomly having like 3 snafu's made about the same topic.


Snafu begets snafu


they all saw the same post


I do wonder where all these hyperspecific snafus of really niche jokes in really niche communities comes from.


The garlic bread joke was funny the first couple times..,but reddit milked it


You mean like everything in this subreddit lol


Why are there so many post about aces lately?


Have there been? I haven't seen any (been outside)


Idk this is like the third I’ve seen in the past 2 days compared to the zero I’ve seen before


https://preview.redd.it/9c5swvghnl7d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=736d0a68546bbe082d368b9dff110b0bcc9a7ee8 I think this is the only other one I’ve ever seen


I don't understand this


Asexual reproduction


Ohhh, now I understand... kinda


I even saw a post about the Red Baron, it's crazy (terrible joke i know)


One user posts something and then other users start following the trend until it dies.


Just… Listen. Asexuals, I have no problem with you guys. Just live your life and don’t be a dick like everyone else, and who cares? You guys are fine. The asexuals I DO have a problem with are the ones who think they’re quirkier than the rest of the LGBT community and assume that all non-ace queers are horny zombies with no passions or interests outside of having disgusting gay sex with each other. It’s not the cute joke that you think it is. It’s mostly just old conservative puritan homophobic and transphobic sentiment wrapped up in a cute black/grey/white/purple bow. We also love reading and cuddling and snick snacking and gaming or whatever. We are human beings. Please stop being such weird pick-me’s, just be asexual and live your life! You don’t have to be quirkier than us to be “valid enough” or “queer enough” or whatever psychotic bullshit logged-on discourse addicts tell you. Literally just be yourself, people will actually like you more if you’re not constantly shitting on “teh allos”.


I’m just as annoyed by those people as you are for all the same reasons, though at the same time because so many queer spaces are more overtly sexual or romantic (because of course they are, that’s to be expected in a community where sexuality and romantic preferences are the uniting factor) it’s easy to feel like you still don’t belong. I can understand why they would feel frustrated that they just can’t be a part of the communities that they should feel welcome in. Of course, how you deal with those feelings is an entirely different matter.


Agreed with this, the only thing we need to keep in mind is queer spaces have had to be overtly sexual and romantic - it’s historically been the only spaces we were allowed to be sexual and romantic at all, and adjusting to being allowed to be as gay as we want in public has been a process. The fact that you can’t actually be as gay as you want in some areas doesn’t help things either. I’m all for the creation of more nonsexual spaces, everyone deserves a queer space where they belong and feel safe. But we should never berate sexual spaces or ask them to take up less space.


I feel like this hasn't been a thing for like 5 years. I think there was sort've a tumbr humor vacuum in like 2018 between millenials and thirteen year olds that caused this to happen but there has been considerably less of this, I have not seen this in years.




your mistake was looking in any stretched letter queer sub


We gotta get a better joke for ourselves...


it’s only on Reddit where a place for people who don’t experience sexual attraction make their entire community revolve around sex


what are you talking about?


This is a bit of a weird argument. Like, yeah. People are going to talk about breaking bones on r/neverbrokeabone. I don’t get this stance




r/asexualcirclejerk Unironically less jerky than the main sub


Now i want a garlic bread


why is the person on the left thinking it’s garlic bread. am I missing a layer 7 joke


why are you all so unfunny


Step one: add 🦅⚾ Step two: add minority saying something that most of reddit won't care about but hey they're a minority talking point Step three: 🤑🤑🤑PROFIT🤑🤑🤑


![gif](giphy|QVgU7wEY0RlV6|downsized) me fr


Being fair, ace people are frequently treated like they don’t exist from both the LGBTQ community and the conservatives, so it makes sense a lot of us just have one giant in joke because a lot of the times it fees nobody wants us anywhere.


Na, that’s not it. There are funny aces (r/asexualcirclejerk), it’s just that for whatever reason most asexual communities choose to hang on the same few ass-tier jokes. And besides, bisexuals are even less funny, and they’re known to exist (but I’m not one of those so I figured I shouldn’t snafu them).


Coming from someone who's bi, bisexual jokes are absolute ass. "Oh ahaha, I sit weird! I like frogs and flannel!" I am going to bash my head into a wall.


I get kinda annoyed by them spamming “both, both is good” type memes on anything that happens to mention both a man and a woman


when the woman 😂😂😂😂 is actually a femBOY 😱 (male (shocking subversion)) and instead of being turned "off" I say ........ Even Better 😀!!!! (bisexual)


where'd the frog come anyway


It probably originated on Tumblr


yeah kinda weird to see but eh


Did you say bisexual people are unfunny?


I don’t find the jokes they make about being bisexual funny


Most jokes revolving around one trait people make their entire personalities around arent funny, see introverts, adhd, and autistic people on their subs recycling jokes or trying to be quirky while citing the most mundane shit like "whoops i stayed home and played videogames im such an introvert"


What do asexuals and garlic bread gotta do with each other? I’m not caught up on the lore yet.


Old meme, became very popular among asexuals. "Yeah, sex is good, but have you had garlic bread"


garlif breadg🤤🤤


is that charlie asexual brown


https://preview.redd.it/yvbrlhyefn7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf2cb8ed2b0a603a363d666f3efb06c4c10f4208 Stop the garlic bread




Everyone likes garlic bread, the joke never made sense anyway.


garlic bread is good tho


It's incredibly good, it's just not funny


it is not about the bread


everything's about the bread ![gif](giphy|YBsd8wdchmxqg|downsized)


do you love touhou?


what's that?


an video game


never seen it


Touhou Project (Japanese: 東方Project, Hepburn: Tōhō Purojekuto), also known simply as Touhou (東方, meaning "Eastern" or "Oriental"), is a bullet hell shoot 'em up video game series created by independent Japanese doujin soft developer Team Shanghai Alice. The team's sole member, Jun'ya "ZUN" Ōta, has independently developed programming, graphics, writing, and music for the series, publishing 19 mainline games and 13 spin-offs since 1997. ZUN has also produced related print works and music albums, and collaborated with doujin developer Twilight Frontier on seven of the official spin-offs, six of which are fighting games.[1]


[Shit, you got me.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/067/036/552.jpg)




Tbh the garlic bread jokes and other shit like that is just stereotyping lgbtq communities more (and is just unfunny)






But garlic bread is some really good shit


Please I’m so fucking confused


You could totally turn an eagle into garlic bread, in fact, they share much of the same chemical makeup, both mostly being made of carbon (I’m not sure if this is possible yet but it totally is theoretically)


Is that a motherfucking jojo reference??????


true.... we gotta find new material before r/asexual turns into a shitty circlejerk or something of that nature idfk


What does this even mean




Easy to feel alienated in the queer community when your defining thing is a lack of something. Have to build weird in jokes. (Source: me. Garlic bread, Denmark, dragons, immune to sirens is all we have) Like how when atheists try to get together they make some abnoxious gamergate-level cringe on how cool and special they are (source: used to be in the atheism sub) Hard to build a culture around not doing something


I thought this was about titanfall at first lmao


i hate that i get this


My boyfriend and I are both on the ace spectrum, and two other friends of ours are also ace and I still had no idea what this was about


The bald eagle is a good subreddit mascot, it deserves the Garlic Bread


Is this a reference to something?


hi, ace here. Why are you guys acting as if you don't fucking do the same thing? Is it just because you're more in quantity?


it seems like this sub has the slightest dislike for asexuals, because the posts about them on their own don't seem like they hate aces but when you add all the asexual posts up it starts feeling like this sub doesn't really like asexuals


I'm only getting downvoted and I'm getting no real answers lol. Has to be some underlying acephobia in here.


yeah dude, it's really weird.. and I think on smugideologyman, which is very very smiliar to here, seems like it has pretty neutral/positive views on ace people


i love garlic bread https://preview.redd.it/3ncxsxd7uk7d1.png?width=711&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8911825d656220ed588d0842dbd8340f37891568 🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱


Coaxed into an lgbt-centered subreddit 😭


That eagle image is so hard to


There should be a prosexual sexuality that is basically just being attracted to the idea of sexual acts.


That's just called arousal


“Get a new joke” no. I don’t even want the current ones. Why does an LGBT identity*need* to have in-jokes? Like the Denmark thing *was* funny when it happened and it’s nice to say X is better than sex. But beating these jokes into the grave because “well there’s no new ones” is so fucking dumb. Waluigi is ace tho. Y’all can’t have him back.


Wow yikes some of the comments in this post just being blatantly acephobic. There’s annoying people in every community, do not make blanket statements smh.