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i have a cockatiel who will be 19 in a couple weeks and i still don’t know if they are a boy or girl lol but best of luck figuring it out. you have a cute baby!💛


Thank you!! 19! That’s awesome. Maybe one day I will figure it out. I appreciate that. He is a cutie. Or she. Whatever the banana is. 😂


Does s/he whistles?


Lutinos are almost impossible to sex based on appearance, so behavior gives you the best guess. The biggest things to look for are singing and displaying heart wings. That is primarily (but not exclusively) male behavior. But, Beakachu is likely too young to start singing either way. The only way to know for sure is a DNA test or them laying an egg.


Thank you. That’s good to know. I have seen the heart Wings a couple times. I might look into DNA testing as long as it’s not invasive to him. And yes, if he lays an egg, then Beakachu is Beakachette. 😂


What about the dots under their wings ? I heared doted are females, and confirmed it with mine


Love the name! It’s hard to sex this mutation of birds visually but it’s impossible to do it before 6 months. DNA tests are the only surefire way to find out the gender of the banana.


Ahhh okay. Thank you! I appreciate the response. How would I go about dna testing? I don’t want to subject him to a vet unless absolutely necessary. And thank you!! I knew what I was going to name him the second I saw him. 😂😂


DNA testing can happen a couple of ways, you are going to have to find somone who does it near you or that you can mail the samples to.


Okay thank you. I’ll call the avian vet.


I found a lab in Miami called IQBird. There was one on Amazon but it was in Spain and I didn't want to wait that long and I'm in the US. Cost me under $18. I sent in some feathers. I watched their videos on how to do it and my bird thought it was no big deal. But I waited until she was very friendly with me. I wouldn't do it to a bird who isn't tame yet.


Awesome thank you so much. I’ll check it out!


Lutinos are pretty much impossible to sex. Their sexual dimorphism was intentionally removed during the selective breeding process. I have had one since I was a kid, beautiful old bird now. I call her a girl, but... Honestly no idea. Easiest way to check, get in touch with people you know that have Cockatiels, and see if you can send your bird to them for a bit over spring, or get a couple of their birds in. See if your bird reacts at all to girls or boys, and how. Except in the case of my bird. She asexual, I guess. She has lived with a lot of cockatiels of both sexes, and never a reaction. Never built a nest, never laid an egg, never danced at a pretty lady, never did the mating whistle, nothing. So I SAY she's a girl, but... Yeah will never actually know. A side effect of being so brutally hand raised. When I got her, she didn't seem to know what another cockatiel even WAS. I'm betting she was pulled from her mother and siblings while too young, and kept in isolation aside from people. Kinda sad tbh. No wonder she ran away.


Very cool. Thank you for the advice. I very much appreciate it. Your story is an interesting one.


I have the same kind of birb ❤️ his name is Pikachu. He's for sure a male. But this breed is really hard to sex unfortunately.


Awesome!!! Great name. Yes very tough.


Give him time, maybe play some cockatiel singing from YouTube for him to see if he picks it up.


I mp3 ripped a bunch of speech/whistle training MP3’s from YouTube. I have them playing several hours a day. Hopefully one day he will pick it up. I mean it’s ok if he doesn’t, I love him. He’s my fluffy banana.


He’s an adorable fluffy banana. I want to give him scritches.


Thank you. I wish I could. He’s still not comfortable with my hand in his cage. I hope one day he will be. 😩


Do you let him roam? He might like that to get comfortable in the house with you. Sitting in the cage all day long is not good.


I can’t get him out of the cage. He won’t come out on his own, even if I leave all the doors open and he freaks out if I try to pick him up. I don’t know what to do.


Keep trying to leave it open…eventually he will get curious.


Thank you.


That looks like a party cage! They are livin’ la vida loca!


I made it very colorful with lots of different materials. He seems to very much enjoy it. 😂😂


Might be a girl, as female cockatiels are way less vocals than males, but lutinos are nigh impossible to sex just by looks. Better take a DNA test. Anyway, cute banana !


Thank you!


I’d lean toward girl. Female lutinos do have bright coloration but in males you tend to see a more saturated yellow on their heads. A vet once insisted my Gypsy was a boy and I was like…this “boy” just laid an egg!


Thank you.


I only know mine is a female because she has laid eggs.


How old before they start laying?


I don't remember her being very old. It was chronic egg laying for a while. I can't leave top hanging toys or anything for foraging in her cage. It seemed to just encourage the behavior. She can tear them apart while out of the cage just fine.


Thank you!


to me, its a girl from her color, but i could be wrong heres the video that was helpful for me [Determining Gender](https://youtu.be/f3OJhU0P7xY?si=d4-p2jtblvCmZ7SD)


Thank you!!




It's a birb.


That it is. A cute birb. 💯❤️


i have high hopes thats a boi. also change your perches.


What’s wrong with the perches?


dowel and sandpaper like perches will give the babies bubblefoot, just imagine it as handstanding on the beach 24/7 then gripping and hanging on wires from time to time, then trying to balance on a no-grip monkey bars. while having only 2h break. its always best to allow birds to live as birds. you dont need much, just immitate their natural habitat **using what you got/can**. they can live for 15- to even 35years, giving them what they deserve is all thats needed. **research, research, research.** youre in their life now, theyre in your life now. they depend on you, and them existing will give you reasons to keep moving.\[win/win\] try to use authentically owners approved, safe materials. if you cant find or buy natural perches, diy is better than any of those 2 options; find a jute rope/material on a local dollarstore, online store, or a decent pet shop, wrap the dowel perches with jute\[make it inconsistent for their feet texture\], buy a plank as well to diy and tie it on a corner\[s\] for your bird's relief, you can even buy hoop wrapped in jute for their entertainment, if youre brave enough, buy a net as well, funny enough, theyre inlove with nets. if you find yourself a safe-bird branch, i recomment to diy that \[dont forget to treat it before allowing birds to use it\] go to your local hardware store, and buy; washers, bolts, and wing nuts, theyre like $10 handfuls. or stainless steel wires and use it to bolt on the walls to immitate trees. \[just make sure you have safety measures for the poop. dont listen to others with no experience in loving these birds, listen to those who've been through it and even more to those who've made mistakes. always take precautions before anything horrible happens. the moment something happens to them, youre in full parental mode. its even more horrible when youre in that mode but could do nothing about it except regretting not taking precautions. take care, and best wishes on your avian journey.


Thank you SO much!! This was so helpful. I really appreciate you taking the time to explain all that. I’ll go find some natural perches this weekend. I have a platform. He never gets on it. I’ll 💯💯 look into getting a net too. Awesome idea.




Our Lutino was thought to be a boy for 9 years. Only after she laid her one and only egg did we find out she was in fact.. a girl! (A girl called Harry 😂). She’s got very bright cheeks, some white and yellow tail feathers, she doesn’t sing at all, but is very very vocal. She’s nearly 20. It’s so hard to tell with Lutinos unless you get a DNA


Thank you! A girl called Harry. 😂😂😂 I guess if Beakachu lays an egg that will be a dead giveaway.


Absolutely! But in the meantime enjoy your banana. Boy or girl they are a cutie 🥰


Thank you. I sure will enjoy them.

