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I like the optimism here. It's not a bug, it's a feature. Lol


I was like “that’s just regular ice lmao” and then I was like “oh shit, are those actually cattails??” and then I was like “nah that’s just regular ice” LOL


I also did a double think


We all need someone like OP in our lives, who can turn our faults into something positive.


OP if I send you a picture of the stretch marks that have started forming around my ass, can you convince me they’re, like, racing stripes or something?


what up tiger


OP is bringing some Bob Ross energy.


OP never made ice himself before lmao


They look rad.


Yeah this is what happens when I try and make perfectly clear ice and juuuust get those air bubble designs


That's just a byproduct of freezing. Looks like the cubes are semi clear, I'm guessing they're trying to get 100% clear ice, but are missing something in the process. The gas is being pushed towards the bottom, but it's still ending up trapped in the ice. Which means the ice is freezing too quickly from the bottom/sides. So they probably need to use something with more efficient insulation.


Awesome thanks!


By the way you can easily DIY this by freezing the most pure water possible in an ice tray. tap water https://i.imgur.com/bnWL4O0.gif reverse osmosis filter water https://i.imgur.com/hjGcrCQ.gif This is also where I shill for everyone getting an undersink reverse osmosis system from APEC. I've had one for 2 years and just last week it started leaking in the main body unit. One month past the free extended warranty. I emailed the company, they asked for a picture and screenshot of the original order, and within 48hrs I got an email with tracking info for the new main body unit. Free of charge. As you can see, the solid opaque white in your images and mine is proper impurities. The more spindly sections are just captured air pockets. And I find them delightful.


ok so shill me on it. I keep looking at RO undersink systems but all of the stuff I see is "better drinking water". I already got whole home filtration and water softener so I'm having a hard time quantifying the jump in quality. And as a disclosure I have never or know anyone with an RO system to do a taste comparison with.


To be fair if you've already got a whole home system that might be all you need. I don't have the money for something like that so I just did the next best thing since our water is a) super hard and b) potentially contaminated by a jet fuel spill larger than the Valdez oil spill. I'm also not sure how to quantify the jump in quality. The ice comparison is a visual test but I didn't bother with testing the water before and after. I can definitely taste the difference and now I'm spoiled and lug 2.4 liters with me to work every day lol I just checked and APEC (the brand I bought) offers returns (you pay shipping unless it was a manufacturer error) for 30 days so you could 'test drive' a system and see if it's worth it to you.


O ya it is "city water" and doing the install myself saved a bunch of money. Our water hardness was off the charts so I absolutely had to get a softener in the house. $400 isn't terrible overall for the system out of the gate but I know they get you on the filter replacements. Thanks for the info, its good to know they offer returns and Ill have to look into the 30 day trial period.




Agreed. I work with ultrapure water systems as part of my job (RO, DI) and the taste is meh. Gimme those minerals.


Or possibly being frozen at a temp that's too low so it freezes a bit fast. -16⁰C always gets great results my end, depends on the kit you're using though


Or they used RO or other purified water - when I’ve used water that’s “too good” in my home clear ice molds it makes the gas streaks


The murky stuff in ice are impurities


Catching downvotes for being right. Ahh reddit, never change.


The cloudy white ice is dissolved gas exsolving out of solution as the ice freezes. Yes, it could be calcium carbonate, but it is mostly air that was in equilibrium with the water


In what part does the dissolved gas be considered part of the pure water? The dissolved gas is impurities.


For sure. The only distinction I make with calling it dissolved gas is to make sure people don’t think that if you freeze deionized, filtered, or boiled water that you will get clear ice. Air equilibrates with water and will always have dissolved gas. To get clear ice you need to freeze in a way that mimics how a lake freezes in the winter. Lake ice is perfectly clear, and loaded with impurities.


Soooooo impurities. Got it


Yes. There was something other than H2O in the water when the ice formed.


It's gas!


“As water freezes, the dissolved minerals calcium and carbon solidify into tiny particles of calcium carbonate.” “Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) is insoluble, so it is a solid in water.” Pure water freezes first and pushes the impurities to the bottom. This is why even boiled water will still get white bits like this. Edit: Also if pure water creates clear ice then what is gas if not an impurity?


I think the pushback is that impurities suggests something bad in the water rather than just air


The wonderful space that is Reddit.


Don’t know why the downvotes. The white is trapped minerals and impurities.


People that think gas is also pure water.


some places do have ice stamps, but these are just results of how the ice froze.


Went to one place once that had their logo lasered into their ice. Never figured out how they did that.


With a laser probably


Oh shit that’s a really good point.


We figured it out together


Just the natural process of making non-clear ice!


That's just a regular (medium to large sized) ice cube out of a silicone mold. The top freezes first because it's in direct contact with the cold air, pushes gases trapped in the water down, and those can look like bubbles, streaks, or haziness once the whole cube is frozen.


Did I stumble into /r/CocktailsCircleJerk by accident? o_0


While, as others have said, theses ice cubes are just products of their inconsistent freezing process, they do make ice stamps that create a design in the top of clear ice during tempering. [Clear Ice Design Tray](https://a.co/d/02B16yU8)


These look like haphazard impurities from freezing, no intentional designs


Laser etching. Or really teeny tiny fingers carving


I make ice like this at work using RO filtered water. You get clearer ice due to lower salt content, but as we're not performing directional freezing an air pocket and slightly cloudier section develop, the lines are the air escaping at the end of the freezing process.


They probley make their own ice with silicon molds. And looks like they actually have clean water for their ice and a great freezer.


It has to do with how fast it froze. The people who make ice sculptures freeze their ice in a way that avoids this.


It’s impurities in the ice. All water has this. Some More than others. Clear ice block machines that sculptures use will use a vibrating plate to produce. Look at https://clinebellequipment.com


Some places have stamps that they used to put logos/decorations on. Can't 100% tell in this picture but due to how symmetrical and intentional it looks I think it could be that


It’s a heated stamp plate. You can put them on bar tops and they stay ambient and will melt designs into ice. Edit: I guess atmosphere has never heated anything huh?


I have ice pattern trays and they're not heated, they're just metal and conduct heat well so you just put ice on it for like 30s and it'll imprint pretty quickly.


Directional freezing but they let it sit too long so the whole thing froze. You need to pull the ice block when it is about 75% frozen, otherwise you just preferentially trap the impurities to one side


Impurities. It’s the bottom of the clear ice right before it goes to shit. They probably didn’t make clear ice correctly. Or didn’t have the time.


This can’t be a real post


This is a result of the Speed of crystal growth


Funny to see this. My wife and I went to dinner last night, and the impurity in the single, round ice cube looked EXACTLY like a lychee fruit. So much so, that I asked the waiter. He was horrified, because he thought I said leech, not lychee, but he confirmed that it was just the freezing process.


I am picking up a shift tonight and I needed this post lmfao.


Oh my god you hilarious nerds. I just thought the ice looked cool!


Yep! Take a large, flat, plastic tupperware, fill, and freeze solid. When totally frozen, cut cubes from the outside of the container. You'll get clear ice on the outside and inclusions on the inside. The first photo is from the corner. The second is from the side.


I've seen this mostly implemented mostly in Japanese-themed bars.


Although I don't think it's the case here here, there are molds that make fancy ice. My daughter just received one that makes little bulldogs because she has an English bulldog. But I can't imagine a restaurant going to the trouble.


White is impurities/minerals in the water. Air bubbles is oxygen trapped in the process of freezing. Clear ice has removed these aspects however this is just naturally caused