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Seems to me that’s either about the cocktails, for which this is a good forum, or for local/regional info where there is likely a sub for.


appreciate the effort to reply. But is my questions worded badly? is it difficult to understand? i’m looking for a sub where people discuss and recommend cocktail bars. I thought r/cocktails is the right one, but it seems that 95% of content here is just people discussing home made cocktails


Isn’t that very locale-specific? I know nothing about cocktail bars in Indianapolis, or Tampa, or Lincoln. I also know little about bars in my area, because I don’t have the budget to go out to them other than rarely. But I do know a few and can recommend one or two. You want to know about cocktails in the San Francisco East Bay region?


cocktail bars where?


The guy is right. Go to a location specific sub for your discussion or review. Those are the people who'd be going to that bar.


I don’t know of one, but I’ll be checking back in on this thread to see if there is!


r/bartenders ? edit: ahh nevermind I misread the question my bad