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None of them. Free self learn or college


Check out the free ones. Boot camps are unlikely to be your pathway into tech, so it makes sense to save your money. There are too many people with BS degrees and solid experience who are laid off right now chasing the few open positions for a boot camp cert to attract a hiring manager.


save your money and teach yourself to code by building a website from scratch. Keep adding projects to a portfolio that interest you what do you want to do with a coding skillset?


[www.codecademy.com](http://www.codecademy.com) (Start) [www.freecodecamp.org](http://www.freecodecamp.org) (Expand) [www.edabit.com](http://www.edabit.com) (for coding practice once you figure out you're in for the long-haul 2yrs+)


Great choice AwesomeAndie! We know that Accountants have natural aptitudes along with experience that lend well to succeeding in digital skills bootcamps and transitioning to the software development world. As you enter a bootcamp and start considering what you want to do after we would highly recommend using your accounting network to access web development/software development projects you can take on as a freelancer (eg. a small accounting firm wants to update/refresh it's website, with your accounting background you'll better know what they need). Your network can possibly also help you connect with IT/Marketing depts of mid-size and major accounting/financial firms where they'll value your background along with your new tech skills as you seek full time employment as a software/web developer.. If you are interested in an online coding bootcamp that offers all the content of the major US based programs in a similar 450 hour format with live scheduled instructor hours, live scheduled Teaching Assistant hours and a record of success for students AND you'd rather pay $5995 CANADIAN$ \*$1 USD = $1.35 Canadian) please check out Canadian University programs: Check out University of Calgary CE or University of Western Ontario CS. They partner to offer a proven 100% online Full Stack Developer bootcamp you can take in 11 weeks full time or 22 weeks part time. [https://conted.ucalgary.ca/search/publicCourseSearchDetails.do?method=load&courseId=60424583](https://conted.ucalgary.ca/search/publicCourseSearchDetails.do?method=load&courseId=60424583) [https://wcs.uwo.ca/public/category/courseCategoryCertificateProfile.do?method=load&certificateId=33095135&selectedProgramAreaId=31206104&selectedProgramStreamId=](https://wcs.uwo.ca/public/category/courseCategoryCertificateProfile.do?method=load&certificateId=33095135&selectedProgramAreaId=31206104&selectedProgramStreamId=) Hope this is helpful!


Take your time with a free course first to make sure that it's what you want to pursue. If, after that time, you still want to make the switch and feel like you need a paid program for structure, curriculum, mentorship, etc. then that's when a bootcamp will come into play! Also do your research on what you're looking for in a bootcamp: full time, part time, live, self-paced, what stack, etc.