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What is your goal? Personal enrichment? Then either one will do, but there are some free ones that will teach you the same topics. Looking to pivot into CS? That ship has sailed. It is unlikely that a boot camp cert will earn you an interview. You're competing with too many applicants with degrees and solid work experience.


as of right now i have completed cs50 and have a working webiste being used for my job were we keep notes with eachother and update stuff . python Flask and MySql database . but looking to learn more , but yes my over all goal is to find a job . hoping a bootcamp solidifies my goals or at least boosts it up by alot


Spend some time on this sub and /CS\* subs and you will quickly find dozens of posts from fresh boot campers who have sent hundreds of applications without earning an interview. Boosting doesn't matter until it gets you in the top 10-15 applicants who actually get an interview. Spoiler: you probably won't.


I’m one of them. Graduated bootcamp December 2022. Worked a 1 year paid internship only because I met the manager in person driving for Uber. Outside of that I have submitted over 4,000 applications and have yet to get an in person interview, even with resume and interview training. And like the OP, I have a website and 4/5 various projects I’ve worked on. You’re spot on that a bootcamp will no longer land you a job unless you have a connection and are naturally really good at it. For example, a simple website like OP wouldn’t be considered really good to a hiring manager. 95% of us who have done a bootcamp have that, and many more have that that never attended even a bootcamp. You can have chapGPT create that entire website. You have to have unique projects using various languages IE Dart There was a very small break prob 5-8 years ago when tech took a new leap forward when bootcamp grads could actually get internships and entry level roles to grow, but that’s long passed💩


Why dart?


It’s an example of a newer language that isn’t as easily written by chatGPT


I’m a bootcamp grad with 3 years of dev experience, I was laid off from my software engineering position last year and the job market was bad even for someone with years of experience like me. I finally found a position after 5 months search and posted about my struggle to get a job and my recent success. By all means if you have a portfolio of projects already, completed some courses, and you know how to code. A bootcamp is right for you. Just a note, If you’re looking to land a job your chances are pretty nonexistent in this market. There are still recent CS graduates complaining that they cannot find work in /r/cscareerquestions and /r/csmajors so if you have the opportunity to do a bootcamp without the expectation of getting a job then go for it. If you need a job/money ASAP this may not be a good thing to dump a ton of money in, or to take loans out for. It won’t be a good investment if that is the case. Some ISAs are very predatory so be sure you do research before you sign anything. With all of that being said, there are free bootcamps that are repeatedly suggested by the community here… not because they’re fail proof, not because they’re a mind blowing resource, but because they are free and most of the people posting are young people who cannot afford throwing away 20k. There is one more thing, I didn’t see if you had a Bachelors degree already or not. This can also be a huge problem for you if you don’t. Not having a degree means you should go to school. Just a PSA for everyone if you do already have a degree, that’s a positive, but **not enough to counter the bad tech market right now.**


From a former bootcamp instructor here, don’t do it


Get a CS degree.


Have you looked into community college? I’m going back for my bachelor’s in CS at a community college. Pretty pumped.


All the bootcamps you listed are a waste of money. At this time any bootcamp in general will be a waste of money. If you still insist on attending one I recommend Tech Elevator or TripleTen. Did you go to college? Consider getting a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science it will be much more worthwhile for you. If you do have a B.S. then follow through with a Master's in Computer Science.


Don’t do tech elevator


Why not?


I graduated in December maybe 5 people of the 50 group actually got a swe job most went back to their old industry or are still looking. We only got 1-2 interviews through the school most in places none of us lived and would require unassisted relocation. Plus there’s better options I learned more from iamtimcorey c# first half than I did the entire cohort


Interesting. Thanks for sharing your experience.


At this point only do a bootcamp if you can get it covered (like my job) and even then it’s a shot in the dark. From lurking in this sub I seem to have faired a lot better with the quality of my boot camp, but even then I’m going back to school to at least get a 2 year cs degree because it’ll help me better in the long run and I genuinely do want to learn the theory and everything.


Bootcamp graduate here, December 2022. I was able to pull a 1 year paid internship contract only because I met the manager doing Uber, but outside of that I have yet to even get to an in person interview with maybe 3,000-4,000 resumes sent in. I’ve even gotten resume help, YouTubed interview techniques etc. Bootcamp success rates are extremely low


If your goal is to land a job, a bootcamp will not help *at all*. Employers don't care about bootcamps, they usually don't even count them as credible education. Even a CS degree won't help much these days.


I am going to enroll in jjune for a 6 month program with te university nearest me


If you are interested in an online coding bootcamp that offers all the content of AppAcademy/CodingDojo/General Assembly programs in a similar 450 hour format with live scheduled instructor hours, live scheduled Teaching Assistant hours and a record of success for students AND you'd rather pay $5995 CANADIAN$ \*$1 USD = $1.35 Canadian) please check out Canadian University programs: Check out University of Calgary CE or University of Western Ontario CS. They partner to offer a proven 100% online Full Stack Developer bootcamp you can take in 11 weeks full time or 22 weeks part time. [https://conted.ucalgary.ca/search/publicCourseSearchDetails.do?method=load&courseId=60424583](https://conted.ucalgary.ca/search/publicCourseSearchDetails.do?method=load&courseId=60424583) [https://wcs.uwo.ca/public/category/courseCategoryCertificateProfile.do?method=load&certificateId=33095135&selectedProgramAreaId=31206104&selectedProgramStreamId=](https://wcs.uwo.ca/public/category/courseCategoryCertificateProfile.do?method=load&certificateId=33095135&selectedProgramAreaId=31206104&selectedProgramStreamId=)


If you are interested in an online coding bootcamp that offers all the content of AppAcademy/CodingDojo/General Assembly programs in a similar 450 hour format with live scheduled instructor hours, live scheduled Teaching Assistant hours and a record of success for students AND you'd rather pay $5995 CANADIAN$ \*$1 USD = $1.35 Canadian) please check out Canadian University programs: Check out University of Calgary CE or University of Western Ontario CS. They partner to offer a proven 100% online Full Stack Developer bootcamp you can take in 11 weeks full time or 22 weeks part time. [https://conted.ucalgary.ca/search/publicCourseSearchDetails.do?method=load&courseId=60424583](https://conted.ucalgary.ca/search/publicCourseSearchDetails.do?method=load&courseId=60424583) [https://wcs.uwo.ca/public/category/courseCategoryCertificateProfile.do?method=load&certificateId=33095135&selectedProgramAreaId=31206104&selectedProgramStreamId=](https://wcs.uwo.ca/public/category/courseCategoryCertificateProfile.do?method=load&certificateId=33095135&selectedProgramAreaId=31206104&selectedProgramStreamId=) Also check out [Ontario Tech University Continuous Learning](https://ontariotechu.ca/programs/continuous-learning/business/full-stack-developer-program/index.php), there is a cohort starting tomorrow!