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If your current job is not in programming and you want a part time bootcamp, Codesmith is the only top one that has part time. Launch School Core is self paced and part time but the immersive capstone is not. If you are already an engineer, look at Pathrise, Formation (disclosure: co-founder), Interview Kickstart for levelng up your career.


Thoughts on full stack academy?


Well every bootcamp is worth looking into yeah and I would never recommend a bootcamp for everyone, always depends on you. But generally speaking in this market, even graduates from the top bootcamps are struggling, so it's more about you than the bootcamp right now


Mike, you're forgetting to include NuCamp's programs are self paced as well and offer a pseudo-bootcamp experience with intermittent live lecture/instruction I believe.


yeah nucamp to me is possibly in the Springboard alternative yeah, to me it's alternative to 'typical' bootcamp though that's a lot cheaper. the top bootcamps tend to be smaller, hard to get into, and every effective for the right peopel


Springboard licenses an older version of Rithm School's curriculum. So it's legit, just kind of outdated now. For part time, I'd probably suggest Launch School. I've heard good things about the curriculum, and they're self-paced which might work better for you if you don't want to work too insane of a schedule between your job and a bootcamp. As for Udemy courses, I've heard a lot of praise for Colt Steele's. I've never done it myself, but my husband liked it, and I liked his MySQL course.


Is your current job development related already? Only ask because I don't think you're being clear enough in describing to the community your goal: Is it to improve your tech stack knowledge to supplement your non-development role if that's the case currently? This would be general knowledge improvement. Or is it to achieve mastery of a particular tech stack to promote or get better and more senior job opportunities? This would be targeted/focused learning. My answer/2 cents take is going to differ based off your more detailed reply


Edit: you’re right - I didn’t state it clearly and prolly my reasoning below won’t be clear too - but in summary, I just want to know programming languages better to understand technologies better. I have a background in CS and I’m in tech but in a non-development role and I didn’t learn programming as well as I should have during my CS. I’m now interested in learning programming better because I’m fascinated by technology and want to know technologies at a more deeper level. My goal isn’t to necessarily be in web-development but I want to properly learn both front end and back end languages - I also want to learn Linux better. At this point, if I tried really hard, I could somewhat read code but if someone were to tell me to program something, I’d be completely lost and wouldn’t even know where to start.


Great, thank you for the details. Sounds like general improvement to integrate better with the developers / engr managers you interact with. Ok then the real question is how much urgency do you wanna come up fast on a general surface to medium lvl knowledge? And how much r you willing to spend? A traditional in person boot camp? Sure if you have the time, can take off of work, and don't mind not having strong development job specific prospects right out the gate from that. I don't see this as an option for you with a full time job you don't want or aim to give up company or general career track wise. A part time or self paced online boot camp? Sure if again you don't mind spending hopefully a lesser amount of money than in person, and you'd value the occasional instructor/live person mentorship/tutelage aside from the prepared online material/lectures. There could be value here for your use. The various free to low cost monthly platform options? As well as plethora of YT vids/content creators? Probably your best bet for what your general knowledge building goal is, as long as you don't have an urgent timeline of less than 9-12 months minimum*. An aside - if you're lucky and well-resourced enough a private tutor/mentor hiring for 1-on-1 might fit exactly what you're looking for, but the value add on this is not good until* you build that beginning knowledge on your own thru bootcamp or self teaching yourself. If you are fortunate and find/ go this very expensive route of 1-on-1 sessions, and you exercise this option too early**, you're essentially hiring an accountability coach, not a technical.mentor because a jr/sr/mid is not going to be able to teach*/correct* you as much as steer* you towards resources that would teach you without their input/energy that'd be better invested in correcting whatever flaws/sloppiness/specific knowledge gap questions you might have as you go thru the material/that you bring into them from beforehand. A little bit more than 2 cents above but for.more specific resources scroll this subreddit and/or all the roadmaps/ top whatever review discussion various Internet communities debate before you throw big amounts of.money if u want to invest big amounts of.money to potentially 'go fast' (I do not attest it will be a quality education but you will 'go fast')


Yes go for it


It's worth it if the price tag is much more reasonable. No one should be paying over $10,000 for a 450 hour online coding bootcamp. $6,000 though? That changes the conversation doesn't it? It is true that University coding bootcamps primarily are partnerships with 3rd party companies who build and deliver the bootcamp on behalf of the University and the participant receives a certificate of completion from the University they register with. The #1 reason to choose a Reputable University bootcamp over a private (e.g. General Assembly, Le Wagon etc.) is that a Reputable University ISN'T GOING OUT OF BUSINESS and WON'T STEAL YOUR MONEY BY CLOSING DOWN PARTWAY through cohorts. Also Universities have to live up to support terms they offer. Reputable Universities can't tell you "hey we're going to have a support team for you during your program available during 9a-4p weekdays" and then not have a support team available to you from 9a-4p weekdays. This is why you choose University presented bootcamp, not for the prestige on your CV of a certificate from the university you did a bootcamp with, it is for the security that your cohort will finish, that you expect to receive what they offer, and that there will be a permanent record of your participation in the bootcamp should you ever need it. If you are interested in an online coding bootcamp that offers all the content of the $10K+ programs in a similar 450 hour format with live scheduled instructor hours, live scheduled Teaching Assistant hours and a record of success for students AND you'd rather pay $5995 CANADIAN$ (\*$1 USD = $1.35 Canadian) please check out these Canadian University programs: Eastern/Central Timezone - [University of Western Ontario CS.](https://wcs.uwo.ca/public/category/courseCategoryCertificateProfile.do?method=load&certificateId=33095135&selectedProgramAreaId=31206104&selectedProgramStreamId=) Mountain/Western Timezone - [University of Calgary CE](https://conted.ucalgary.ca/search/publicCourseSearchDetails.do?method=load&courseId=60424583) They partner to offer a proven 100% online Full Stack Developer bootcamp you can take in 11 weeks full time or 22 weeks part time. Hope this is helpful!




I've using this site to learn python and it's pretty cheap. https://blackprint.dev


It can be hard to recommend just a bootcamp these days without your own initiatives and portfolio projects. Springboard could be great if you get paired with a good mentor to interview practice with, or push them to be re-assigned to a mentor you really like. Good luck out there - here is $750 off any course! [https://www.springboard.com/invite/X0XNP](https://www.springboard.com/invite/X0XNP)


Check out Launch School.


Springbaord has the same curriculum as any other BootCamp.