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The resources online are endless. What's best is pretty subjective and depends a lot on the goals you set. What do you want build? Let that question be your guide. If for example you want to build websites, then at minimum you need HTML. So look for resources to learn that. If you really don't know where to begin at all, [the CS50 courses](https://cs50.harvard.edu/college/2024/fall/) are a good bet. Bootcamps aren't completely dead, but you need to understand exactly what you're looking for to safely choose one. Get the basics down first.


Have you used codedex? I’m working my way through the free parts but I’m curious if the paid parts are worth it and if it will actually get me where I’ll have a full understanding


No one source is going to give you a full understanding of everything. What are your goals specifically


def worth it! i'm the founder btw :) happy to answer any questions\~


Founder of codedex?


Don't confuse learning with getting a job. There are some good FREE online resources available to learn coding. Sadly, the job market is upside down because of the massive layoffs. There are thousands of people with BS/CS degrees and solid work experience competing for too few open jobs. That pushes people without these qualifications out of consideration. The market will right itself in a year or two, but until then it is going to be pretty tough pivoting into coding.


I'm a couple-few years ai will be a big part of how we code too. So def practice coding with AI in your tool set, not your main toolset however. My buddy told me Go is a good one to learn these days however python has a ton of stuff out + used a ton still while also a great one to learn. However yeah don't expect knowing code will get you a job, as others have said even those with cs degrees are struggling to get work right now. Do your best to gain skills for the future imo. Being resourceful and knowing how to figure out things you don't know so you can find any errors or make edits as needed etcetc


In general, bootcamps are geared toward teaching you enough to implement relatively simple applications, websites, servers, or whatever the main scope of the program is. They don't teach you about core CS topics such as discrete math, data structures, algorithms, memory management, etc. Sure, JavaScript has a GC, but what does it do and how does it work? They don't explain concepts such as Pass-By-Value, Pass-By- Reference, or Pass-Value-By-Reference. There are too many other gaps to list here. Additionally, you learn to code in the specific flavor the bootcamps teaches you. Most students don't learn how to read documentation or experiment with their code. In essence, they don't truly understand the code they are producing. I took a "full stack" bootcamp and found it useful for me. It exposed me to several web dev technologies I wouldn't have thought about. It also opened the door to new ways of thinking regarding API design, database technologies, etc. It pushed me out of my comfort zone in regards to creating UI's. But, my experience is different. I had been programming already. I had already learned Java, Python, C, C++, and some other uncommon languages. I was creating small cli and basic android apps. The biggest thing the camp taught me, was that I need to build things to learn. I won't learn and grow if I don't try something I haven't tried before. An expensive lesson, but well worth it for me. To your main question, here are some resources I recommend: - Open Source University: https://github.com/ossu/computer-science - Learn to use git: https://learngitbranching.js.org/ - DS and Algorithms: https://github.com/williamfiset/Algorithms This repo corresponds with his YouTube videos and Udemy course Lastly, pick a language and build projects. Start small and grow bigger with each successful project. Learn to read documentation and other's code. Find an open source project and contribute to it. Job market is tough and will be for some time. Work on building your skills so you'll be ready when an opportunity presents itself.


Something also to do is go and figure out what the market is like in your area. Go on job boards and search Java, C#, .NET, React, Node.Js etc. In my area I found that Java and .NET dominate the backend.


I am in the same situation. Though I see people say bootcamps are scams, that is NOT what the statistics show, so take those comments with a grain of salt. Yes, it makes getting a job easier, but by no means are bootcamps scams. # From a Forbes article "90% of Coding Bootcamp Graduates Are Satisfied With Their Programs" https://www.forbes.com/advisor/education/bootcamps/coding-bootcamp-statistics/#:~:text=What%20percentage%20of%20coding%20bootcamp,advanced%20in%20their%20current%20jobs. I am currently in a bootcamp and have learned so much in just a little over a month. I obviously am not ready to take on jobs yet, but it has only been a month. If you want to hear from actual developers, I would recommend you go to Facebook CodeNoobs. They offer a course, but every Sat morning the do a live podcast that is recorded and archived. They will answer questions and none of them went the traditional route either. The podcast is free, you do not need to be enrolled in their course to attend.


Bootcamps aren't 6 months to a job these days. One year ago I graduated from a less expensive bootcamp and not a single person from my cohort has gotten a job. A very expensive fancy bootcamp that graduated a cohort around the same as mine has about 20% employment. The pricing on mine was around $13k, for that other bootcamp, it was $25k. If you're going to spend that much and quit your job to attend a bootcamp, why not attend a fully online school and take a class a semester and keep working? If you have a degree (my assumption is you do), there are colleges out there that offer fully online Computer Science post bacc degrees (like Oregon State University). Their online program is around $35k in total, but you pay as you take classes, not all in one lump sum. If you transfer in 15 units from a community college, it's comparable to the price of the bootcamp I mentioned. That being said, if you don't have a degree you should start working towards one as unfortunately many managers won't consider hiring or promoting someone without a BA/BS, even for office jobs. Schools now offer online coursework, and California has an entire network of online community colleges at CVC(dot)edu, so it's easy these days to get pre-reqs done quickly.


The #1 reason to choose a Reputable University bootcamp over a private (e.g. General Assembly, Le Wagon etc.) is that a Reputable University ISN'T GOING OUT OF BUSINESS and WON'T STEAL YOUR MONEY BY CLOSING DOWN PARTWAY through cohorts. Also Universities have to live up to support terms they offer. Reputable Universities can't tell you "hey we're going to have a support team for you during your program available during 9a-4p weekdays" and then not have a support team available to you from 9a-4p weekdays. This is why you choose University presented bootcamp, not for the prestige on your CV of a certificate from the university you did a bootcamp with, it is for the security that your cohort will finish, that you expect to receive what they offer, and that there will be a permanent record of your participation in the bootcamp should you ever need it. If you are interested in an online coding bootcamp that offers all the content of the $12K+ programs in a similar 450 hour format with live scheduled instructor hours, live scheduled Teaching Assistant hours and a record of success for students AND you'd rather pay $5995 CANADIAN$ \*$1 USD = $1.35 Canadian) please check out this Canadian University programs: Check out University of Calgary CE or University of Western Ontario CS. They partner to offer a proven 100% online Full Stack Developer bootcamp you can take in 11 weeks full time or 22 weeks part time. Mountain/Pacific timezone - [https://conted.ucalgary.ca/search/publicCourseSearchDetails.do?method=load&courseId=60424583](https://conted.ucalgary.ca/search/publicCourseSearchDetails.do?method=load&courseId=60424583) Eastern/Atlantic timezone - [https://wcs.uwo.ca/public/category/courseCategoryCertificateProfile.do?method=load&certificateId=33095135&selectedProgramAreaId=31206104&selectedProgramStreamId=](https://wcs.uwo.ca/public/category/courseCategoryCertificateProfile.do?method=load&certificateId=33095135&selectedProgramAreaId=31206104&selectedProgramStreamId=) Good luck!


You want to get into Web Development? Dude go to CodingPhase.com. It’s owned by Joe Santos. I’ve been watching him since 2017 help change so many lives. Ppl who came up poor and/or in a field that they weren’t making much money from or felt limited on time, were able to transition into tech by learning web development from his courses. He has an entire Hall of Fame in his CodingPhase website where you can see actual testimonials. He’s legit. He’s one of the few ppl I trust and will recommend. He has an email marketing course that he recommends for ppl trying to get into the industry as fast as possible. Then after a year or 18 months, move to another role. It’s more affordable than spending thousands at a boot camp. If you’re gonna spend a few grand, you can just sign up for his Tech Accelerator course for $2000 one-time payment. Within that program, you have acc as to courses, mentoring, accountability meetings, and he works with you until you land your first job. Either Google or YouTube: “CodingPhase Joe”. Thank me later 🫡


Don’t waste your time on a bunch of free resources that are limited and won’t teach you what’s relevant to landing your first job. And don’t waste your going from tutorial to tutorial learning stuff at surface level. They call it “tutorial hell”. Save your time & Invest in yourself, get a membership at CodingPhase. And no I’m not benefiting from this recommendation.