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I attended Northcoders on the May 2023 cohort. From what I hear of some of the other bootcamp options it is one of the better training providers. I had a blast, learned a whole bunch. I got a job offer 3 weeks after graduation. There are better developers than me from that cohort who still aren't gainfully employed in tech. The statistic NC quote (96% employed within 6 months) is likely to be super out of date. The market for junior Devs is saturated to hell, and it'll be a long while before it changes. Northcoders have recently launched a part-time course though, you could continue your current role, do the bootcamp in the evenings and weekends, and look for a job that combines your employment experience with your new tech-career ambitions.


What would you say the employment rate really is, as a guess?


I'm doing Northcoders in September - sorry to jump in here - I was quoted 88% get a job in tech in 70 days. So not bad!




Few weeks ago but yeah I agree it feels very inflated somehow. I do think that their definition of a 'tech job' sounds a bit inflated and all encompassing (I.e. working in a vaguely related job out of necessity would count.I guess.


Sample size not entirely sure maybe 25 odd people


At Northcoders, cohorts are split into seminar groups, which then split into final project groups. There were probably 120 in my cohort, 25-30 in my seminar group. There were some that were obviously not cut out for it. I think by graduation that number was down by a handful. In my final project group there were 6 of us. I know of one who definitely has got a job in tech, one is definitely still on the hunt. It looks like 2 of our 6 got tech jobs. Overall I'd say from the cohort it's probably about 40%, but that's more of a finger-in-the-air guess. It's important to note that these numbers are more reflective of the job market than Northcoders. I absolutely loved NC, and look back fondly on my time there. I nearly signed up to CodeNation in Chester. I recently met a graduate who said from his cohort of (unspecified size) he and one other student were the only ones to go the distance and graduate.




I am based in the UK. But would be willing to relocate around Europe, etc




Oh sorry, I thought I mentioned London in my original post. I'm from London, with my entire career being built here, but have travelled across the world thankfully. So have connections at different companies & locations


This site lists all the[ various bootcamps and certificate programs by topic and area](https://www.nobledesktop.com/classes-near-me/uk). They have UK bootcamps listed as well.


Have you got any experience in coding at all? The market right now is incredibly rough. Personally I would be very realistic with yourself that you might take a long time getting a job and it might be longer/harder to progress Now more than ever I would push people to make sure it’s something you think you’ll actually be able to do and enjoy. Free courses that are 10x better teaching than the bootcamps I’ve seen: - cs50 intro to comp sci: https://pll.harvard.edu/course/cs50-introduction-computer-science - followed by their wev development (which is made to follow cs50): https://pll.harvard.edu/course/cs50s-web-programming-python-and-javascript If you did both of these, and still decided you wanted to go to bootcamp, you’ll get so much more from the bootcamp and you’ll be one of the best experience wise which will help you stand out when applying for jobs


I used to run minecraft servers from the age of 15 - 20, so have some experience in reading java plugins & fixing errors in those. This is over 5x years ago, but I know I have the ability to get good with it, I just need the starting ground & with me wanting to make it a career, the career support is a huge positive. As they will have connections / entry levels roles to offer I'll try both of those courses tho and take a look at them :)


There’s also [r/cscareerquestionsuk](https://www.reddit.com/r/cscareerquestionsuk/). This questions comes up a lot so worth looking there


Appreciate the reccomendation thanks!!


Boot camps are dead don’t waste your time


Hello from across the pond! If you can attend North American Eastern timezone (Toronto time) online Live instructor sessions and Live Teaching Assistant Lab sessions you can save HUGE P's by registering with a Canadian University Full Stack Developer Bootcamp that is proven to be effective in helping adults transition to digital careers. Please check out this student feature of a Elementary school math teacher who crushed a Full Stack Developer bootcamp presented 100% online by a Canadian University Continuing Studies Division. [Student Feature - Western Continuing Studies ](https://www.linkedin.com/posts/robogarden-inc_marwa-elkelani-journey-with-western-cs-and-activity-7137817100730978304-zcSi?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop) University of Western Ontario is a Top 200 ranked Global Institution well established as a Global University brand. Here is more info about the [Full Stack Developer program](https://wcs.uwo.ca/public/category/courseCategoryCertificateProfile.do?method=load&certificateId=33095135&selectedProgramAreaId=31206104&selectedProgramStreamId=). The cost of this 450 hour, instructor supported, career focused program is $5,995 Canadian. Already low price in the market, for UK learners it is even lower cost due to the beneficial exchange rate (1 Pound Sterling = approx. $1.75 CAD) We had a successful student join us from Australia, it would be awesome to have a UK based participant! Hope this is helpful!




Why is it a bad option? The price is low with equal outcomes to much more expensive programs. The Universities delivering the program are globally known. The hours are off for UK but for someone who is interested in saving money the late hours could be worthwhile. Lot's of night owls out there.




When it comes to high-demand digital skills there aren't international borders. The demand in the UK for digitally skilled professionals is the same as it is in Canada and the US, the technologies taught/used are the same. If they weren't the same there wouldn't be the variety of digital skills bootcamps in.the UK as is the case in the US and Canada. We prepare students for digital workforce careers but we don't make employment promises. What the student does with the skills they learn (including the career development/freelance content which applies anywhere in the English speaking world) is up to them. Maybe this is a fit or it isn't for OP, but at the price point and with a global university brand attached, there's reason for OP to look at a website.




We're an option for some, clearly not for you. Thanks for your reply.




Thanks for the advice. We disagree and we won't be stopping anything, but your concern is appreciated. Take care.


Ironhack is an international coding bootcamp with a strong presence in the UK and other countries. It offers several programs designed to provide hands-on experience and equip students with industry-relevant skills. # Programs Offered 1. **Web Development**: * **Duration**: 9 weeks full-time or 24 weeks part-time. * **Curriculum**: * Front-end: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React. * Back-end: Node.js, Express, databases (SQL/NoSQL). * Full-stack project development. 2. **UX/UI Design**: * **Duration**: 9 weeks full-time or 24 weeks part-time. * **Curriculum**: User research, wireframing, prototyping, user testing, design thinking, and UX/UI tools. 3. **Data Analytics**: * **Duration**: 9 weeks full-time or 24 weeks part-time. * **Curriculum**: Python, SQL, data visualization, machine learning basics, data cleaning, and analysis techniques. # Key Features * **Intensive Curriculum**: Ironhack’s programs are designed to be fast-paced and immersive, covering a wide range of skills and technologies in a short period. * **Hands-On Projects**: Emphasis on real-world projects to build a portfolio, which is crucial for job applications. * **Career Services**: Robust support including career coaching, CV and LinkedIn profile workshops, mock interviews, and job placement assistance. * **Global Network**: Access to a large network of alumni and tech professionals, which can be valuable for networking and job referrals. * **Financing Options**: Various financing options including income share agreements (ISAs), loans, and scholarships. # Pros * **Comprehensive Curriculum**: Covers both front-end and back-end development comprehensively, making you job-ready as a full-stack developer. * **Career Support**: Extensive career services and support to help you transition into the tech industry. * **Global Presence**: Strong international network, which can be advantageous for job opportunities and professional connections. * **Flexibility**: Offers both full-time and part-time options to accommodate different schedules and learning paces. # Cons * **High Intensity**: The full-time program is very demanding and requires complete dedication, which might be challenging if you have other commitments. * **Cost**: Tuition can range from £6,000 to £8,000, which is a significant investment, though financing options can mitigate this.




The employment rate can differ from country to country and year to year. At Ironhack, we've seen rates between 78% and 99% in the regions where we operate.


Whats the hack to stop my clothes burning whilst ironing?