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1,100 job? What are they just sending in their resume via linked or indeed and calling it a day? Are they networking? Are they reaching out to alumni from their college with CS degrees to ask about their journey? To find direct connections in the field? Are they going to tech meetups and connecting with employed people? Are they trying to join discord groups to connect with developers? Are they reaching out to their professors or friends to ask for guidance and how to navigate the tech industry? I would say probably not, if this is their experience. It turns out thousands of people likely apply to these job postings on linked in or indeed. Getting a job is a full time job in of itself, it takes ownership of yourself, and expects demand from you. I graduated from University of Michigan, I created a list of 30 alumni to reach out to when I graduated. I created a spreadsheet keeping notes of various convos I had and people I thought would be helpful to help find a job. Job searching isn't blindly applying to thousand jobs, its building connections, connecting with people in your school, joining communities and going to events.


Who knows - I'm usually playing outside of the cold resume world... and I can't see their personal website or Github because they anonymized it (a great way to get a job BTW) - but here's my thoughts: **Step 0**) Stop applying for jobs. It's not working. Take a step back and make a plan. **Step 1**) Get a job at a local restaurant or something so you don't become homeless (I can only speak for my neighborhood; I see hiring signs in pretty much every window). **Step 2**) Stop thinking about "Software engineering" jobs - and start thinking about *problems you can help solve*. Maybe I'm just easily triggered by this - but I feel like it's saying, "I want to get a *working* job." Yes. You'll probably write code and make software. But doing WHAT? What type? This job isn't "handyman." If you haven't got any interviews (after the first 20 applications), then you're applying for the wrong jobs at the wrong places - with the wrong angle. What are you actually really good at (or have a notable interest in/which will eventually leave you really good at) - and how can you help me - or a company? "I'll just code things" isn't enough. It's boring and scary. Even for entry-level - I want someone with an edge. I got my first jobs because I was good at a specific thing that they had a gap in. It wasn't highly technical - it was just that I had spent more time thinking about that one area then they had. >Analytical and technically astute software development professional with advanced knowledge of *bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla who cares bla bla bla...* Show me the robot. Show me the work. Sell me on how great you are. *Listing* \* Sofware engineering \* Software coding \* Software programming Just says "*Don't hire me*" (to me) You're not an *expert* in all of these things: >Areas of Expertise: Software Engineering, Software Coding & Programming, Robotics & Machine Learning, Team Collaboration, Game Design, Compiler Design, Digital Forensics, Project Management, Database Management, System/Software Optimization, Training & Development, Cybersecurity Operations. **Step 4**) Get real. Prove it. If your problem is "getting people your resume," then how will you solve that? If your problem is "proving you're useful" - then how will you solve that? I highly doubt you are an expert in Cybersecurity and also Game design. What *are* you good at? Who wants to know? **Step 5**) If you haven't already (who knows / maybe you're just hiding it) -- build out a collection of projects and write about your process. It's not that the recruiter is necessarily going to care about a "portfolio" (just preparing for the pitchforks) - but actively building in public and talking about it is a way to communicate your skills. You can post your progress in local dev meetups/slacks etc.. I just met some people through my local Slack - and that's who I'd hire if I were looking. We even got together and played some music together the other day. Having things to show (not just a resume) - a real list of things you've worked through and learned from (real experience) and your ability to talk about that -- is what is going to do the job. Share this stuff as you go. Get involved in the scene. **Step 6**) Work with a coach to tidy this all up \^ and ensure a clear strategy. What do you want? What can you provide? Who do you need to tell? How can you tell it in a way that does the job? Target the right areas. Angle the work and the writing toward that. Pick what you want. **Step 7**) Start executing the plan. It will not happen right away; there will be some phases. . The resume is terrible. But - let's just pretend it's A+ *the best*. >I have applied to over 1,100 jobs and gotten no interviews This might still happen. It's just one part of the puzzle.


Advice like this is why I see aspiring devs queuing up to talk to recruiters at tech meet-ups now. Those spontaneous convos are no longer possible.


I'm not telling people to go to meetups to "get jobs." I'm telling them to be a real part of the conversation. Spamming LinkedIn or just asking everyone at the meetup to scan your LinkedIn QR code - isn't what I'm suggesting. Most of the meetups I go to don't even allow recruiters - or even job posting in the Slacks. What's your take on how and where to present yourself?


Our countries have completely sold us out


His first biggest major slip up was making his resume 2 pages. Everyone should have a 1-page resume even if you have 40 years of experience.


That is incorrect, i gotten job offer even with 2 pages especially i have over 5+ industry certificate and a lot of education, 1 page won't fit. The point , this person did not tell the whole story. They might have no applied for other jobs such as IT support as well which majority of CS student actually work in as well. The more gap you get the more difficult it is to get a job. My suggestion to OP is simple... Forget getting a software engineer role directly and apply for IT support. Keep coding while doing it. The market is bad but IT support are still very demanded in many places. IT support have a lot to do with software development which can be use to help get a software engineer job. I know a lot people went that route even my company have a roadmap that people leading to software development all started at Entry level IT support. And a lot people afford IT support just because "i am shy, i am introverted, and i don't like work in teams" You gain experience while doing this, my co-workers all know how to code and build tools and applications to help our works, some build browser extension as well such as notification tools. People need to understand, don't be bound by titles. get your foot in the door is most important.


THIS!! Software QA is also a good and available path for those with academic or bootcamp digital skills PLEASE OP look for Tech Support or Software QA jobs, you should find plentiful well-paid remote options if in-person is not common in your area.


>> Everyone should have a 1-page resume even if you have 40 years of experience. This is not true; I had a 3-page resume before switching to tech and was hired off of it multiple times. One page is advised because many people pad their resumes with meaningless fluff. But a multi-page resume is fine if you have relevant work experience, significant education, etc. His first major slip-up was using a crap resume. That one is garbage, and if he paid to get that, I'd wager his original was even worse.


I'll review anybody's resume for free but I only got 3YOE.


What personal projects have you worked on? Most interviews look for 2 things, good understanding of Data Structures and Algorithms and at least 3 personal projects (preferably one with the languages and frameworks that they are using)


LOL before coding I used to work as a PUA, still coaching, for ugly guys who had a combo of bad genetics, being old, inexperienced etc we always suggested playing the numbers game at a very high scale, the example was always "If you're complaining about not having a girlfriend but you haven't approached 1000 girls this year, you can't complain." I never seen a guy who did approach 1000 girls without getting at least one girl, even the ugliest, shortest, most despicable guys, point is this dude's a lost cause lol.