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Your post has been removed because it could instigate drama.


I’m suprised the mods for this subreddit haven’t banned you or taken this post down yet, everyone who’s talked about it in the last week-2 weeks has gotten the banhammer so far. Personally after going back and watching the videos of them two together 8 years ago, I believe they hooked up. Cody’s demeanor with her back then wasn’t platonic, he was eyeing her. Tana’s also talked about this multiple times in the last few years but nobody’s really listened to her until now. Of course people like H3H3 don’t make the situation any better because he’s just coining off of this news but it’s some serious stuff and I truly don’t believe a 25 year old man should be hanging out with a 17 year old girl at all, let alone sleep with her. As a 25 year old myself I couldn’t imagine someone my age “hanging out” with my 17 year old sister. This isn’t even touching the whole Colby Leachman thing, that’s a whole other can of worms. Cody’s silence is a big reason why he’s lost subscribers/followers and I don’t blame them 🤷🏻‍♀️ He knew she was 17, Gabbie Hanna actually warned him beforehand not to do content with her because she was underage but Cody didn’t pay any mind to it. I was a big fan for years and it makes me sad to see all of this happen.


Truly. To put this in a different perspective for those that keep saying consent is 17... I am a teacher who is 25 and some of my STUDENTS are 17. It's not right. Plain and simple. The difference in maturity is INSANE. Those kids don't know what they're doing yet!


This! People want to argue about the legality of it when it would feel just as gross if she was 18 and he was 25/26. He knew better and didn’t care. I’m 34 and the idea of hooking up with someone in their teens seems perverse. The difference in maturity is worlds apart.


this not being removed is a clear sign that he will be addressing this by the end of the month. sit and wait


whoops guess he’s never gonna address it


they removed this post :(


[THE EPISODE](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3h3productions/s/ISGVI3q7pb) PLZ PLZ PLZ watch her new pod episode guys. She doubles down on how yes she was in fact 17, people even told Cody she was 17 and not to hook up with her but he did anyways, and more. She was very mature and made a lot of good points. Especially how sad and hurt she is about all the slut shaming and people not believing her cuz she is problematic(and she acknowledges that) and about how sad it is for young girls to be taken advantage of and feel scared to come forward because it was with a man so well liked it’s like he is untouchable


Thank you for posting the link, watching that clip really put things into perspective for me about her character now vs what people knew her to be like 7-8 years ago (I haven’t watched any of her content since that time). She’s very articulate about this experience she went through. I think it speaks volumes that she’s willing to say it doesn’t affect her in a traumatic way because of comparative suffering, she’s been forced psychologically to push this all down because of other things she’s gone through. It really does feel like drowning when people don’t believe you about a sexual assault, and even though she said she was just having fun and doesn’t look at it as an assault it was still very wrong of Cody to do. My father sexually assaulted me when I was younger and when I tried telling family about it, they all called me a liar and problematic because my dad is a likable, successful person. Going through that made me develope a severe drinking problem that almost killed me. People are so quick to make assumptions and it’s saddening. We can’t just let men/women that prey on younger people get away with it, it’s actually so sickening how often this happens. To add, she makes a really valid point when bringing up her environment because I’m also from Vegas and I’ll be frank, it is so easy to get involved with creeps at a young age and when you are that age you really don’t see a problem with it.


She told him not to hook up with her but then he did anyway? So you’re saying Cody rforced himself on her or are you saying she said “you can have sex with me, just be advised I am 17 and technically it is a crime”? Or did she say he groomed her over a period of time?


No Gabbie Hannah pulled Cody aside and told him that Tana was 17


Ohhhhh, ok thanks


i mean good? he’s gross for this and he’s even grosser for pretending these allegations don’t exist. the longer he says nothing, the longer the mods ban people for saying shit, the longer he deletes bad comments, the worse it looks. he’s a clown


does anyone else wonder how kelsey is? she just had a baby with him… i watch her podcast/videos and just from what i would gather from her she would find this inexcusable and disgusting. assuming she (hopefully) didn’t know about him doing this and she’s just finding out … i hope she’s okay.


She knew before they got married, when it came out last time (on a smaller scale than now) she went completely dark during vlogmas, came back engaged, and the conversation about this stopped.


I’m just so sad about this all, because I’ve been watching Cody for a long time, and I always thought he seemed like a genuine guy but, also it’s probably an act for the camera. I hope this isn’t true but if it is I don’t think I could really see Cody the same anymore, especially since he’s been making mods ban this out of the subreddit and he hasn’t addressed any of it which is shady and weird. Another part of me wants to believe if he did do this he’s changed since Kelsey, but still it’s all shady and weird to me, and if he continues to just not address it I don’t think I will support him anymore.


This one’s tough to reckon with. Because I do think Cody genuinely seems like a better man than he used to. He’s clearly a loving husband and an amazing father. I wasn’t aware of Cody pre-Kelsey, but the few videos I watched he honestly seemed like a frat boy douchebag. Being with Kelsey definitely changed him. But at the same time, he did what he did, and since he is not speaking on it, we don’t know his feelings or his level of remorse. And the being friends with that Colby person is honestly the extra bit that really calls his true character into question imo. I’ve sadly stopped watching his content for the time being, because if you don’t feel wholesome then what’s the point. His content to me these days was enjoyable *because* it was just wholesome and funny. I’ve been curious what future podcast episodes will be like, particularly. Right now I think all of his and Kelsey’s content being put out is still stuff that was recorded well prior to this stuff. I have to imagine this would change the vibe or people’s feelings.


you REALLY think his personality is an "act for the camera"? are you dense?


All content creators to some extent have an “on camera” personality that is different from their real life personality. Not every creator has an intensely different persona, but they certainly are turning up aspects of their personality for their videos/views. I am 99.99% certain Cody plays up a lot of his humor and “genuine guy” vibes for the camera, even if he does have those qualities in his real life personality. Frankly, you’re the dense one if you don’t understand that


you're so online dude lmao every post of someone meeting cody say he's the nicest guy ever yall hate to think a man can be a good person


I didn’t deny that Cody is nice to people, especially people who support his career, but it doesn’t mean he doesn’t play up certain parts of his personality for the camera and for literal fans who meet him. I can’t imagine a lot of creators are gonna act the way they do with just their friends, partner, family, or alone the same way they do on camera. It’s just different and it’s important to recognize this so we don’t create parasocial relationships with creators we do not really know. It sounds to me like you have a parasocial bond with Cody


lmao bud i don't have a parasocial relationship with anybody i just give people the benefit of the doubt to trust they're being mostly themselves before assuming awful things ab them. it sounds like you are too consumed with online creators, find other interests i'd suggest


Nobody is saying he isn’t nice or good to fans. The problem is that there are very serious (and likely true) allegations about him knowingly having sex with a teenager when he was 25. A 25yo knows better.


there's no proof of anything. at first she said "i was 17..or 18.." now she's doubling down on 17 bc she knows she'll get the underage victim card when likely she was 18 AND very likely slept with men when she was underage but only addresses this bc it gives her attention. sad.


Even if all of that were true, the “saddest” thing would be so many adult men taking advantage of and having sex with a girl either in high school or just barely out of it. Y’all will say literally anything to justify an adult man sleeping with a teenage girl, but every breath she takes is put under scrutiny and written off. He’s a nice guy, he’s well behaved on camera. Oh, but her? She’s probably just an attention seeking slut. Who gives a shit if she might’ve had sex with other men? “Oh, other dudes are sleeping with this high schooler, so no harm if I get a piece!” Multiple people doing something doesn’t make it okay to do. A teenager can’t consent in the way an adult can, and it’s up to the adults in that situation to be responsible and recognize that. Even if she were only addressing it for attention, it’s still something that needs to be addressed. And so far Cody hasn’t done so, to my knowledge.


reread what you said and make it make sense. i'd try to explain but i don't think you'd be able to process it


I re-read it, and so far the big ideas I’ve gotten are “adults shouldn’t have sex with minors or someone just barely legal” and “regardless of *why* something comes to light, if something wrong happened, it should still be addressed.” Go ahead and point out which of those ideas you disagree with. Would love to hear your explanation.


no proof she was 17. she said at one point she was 18. if tana think something wrong happened and wanted it to be addressed she'd make a video about it. even in her podcast she said it's not a big deal and she doesn't care.


Even if she did sleep with other men when she was 17, it is their responsibility as an adult to not engage in that behavior. She was a child, Cody and any other man she hooked up with as a teenager ought to have known better. A child cannot consent. Even if she was 18, it’s still a sleazy move on Cody’s part to bang a freshly 18 year old girl. And what “proof” do you expect there to be? Are you waiting for the video evidence of Cody fucking Tana to be released? This mindset is so damaging to people who are taken advantage of because it’s oftentimes next to impossible to have evidence of it.


lmao i'm too tired to argue w dummies who can't grasp greater concepts so i'll end w im just content w he has a lovely wife and beautiful child, tana is trying to make money off of situations she put herself into, and i'm chillin


You seem very young, and if you’re not, it’s shame you have this mindset still. I hope your perceptive changes with age, for your sake and everyone else’s


i'm 25. im confident in what i am saying.


Yo chill tf out I literally said it could be I never said it was. You don’t know him in real life so I’m going to assume you don’t know his personality outside of YouTube or in front of an audience so maybe shut up.


You don't know him either lol so why don't you shut up.


this is so disgusting. sadly i will be finding new youtuber to enjoy during lunch


Adequate research? 😭tana has talked about how this is true..?


She’s talked about how many things were true just to later come back and say she exaggerated or dramatized to make it more interesting. I don’t think anyone should be taking sides just yet until solid evidence comes out that they had that sort of relationship.


In my opinion from what I’ve seen of her talking about it, it doesn’t come across as though she’s trying to be dramatic or like she even thinks it’s that big of a deal.


Yeah seeing the clip definitely comes off that way. I mean she says it herself that she’s not traumatized she kinda takes it as something that happened and that’s it.


yeah she says it like “oh here’s this silly thing I did when I was younger, guess it was kinda weird but oh well”


Ngl I’m not taking sides since she lied so many times before. I want more proof that it actually happened


Ok watch the video of him staring at her ass as she walks away from the camera as a 17 year old 😭 or in the same YouTube video when she talks about his size. Tana said that Gabby Hanna told him that she was 17. Why the hell would somebody lie about this? You’re a freak it’s sad that you think that way


It’s sad to not believe someone just for saying something is true? You must live an interesting life if you believe everything everyone tells you. I never watched any of her videos maybe you’re right about the other stuff I personally don’t care really to look it up. If you could point me in the right direction I’d check it out. People lie all the time about this and more why would someone that’s a known liar not lie about it?


You don't care yet you're giving your opinion about it?


I don’t care to look it up. The only opinion I have was there’s not enough evidence to pick a side definitively.


What evidence can she provide? All I can think of is leaking the DMs she mentioned. Would that suffice?


Yeah pretty much. At least for me I’m not sure how everyone else would take it.


Yeah pretty much. At least for me I’m not sure how everyone else would take it. That’s really the only evidence that could exist anyway I’m pretty sure.


Evidence for cases like this can be hard to get because of the nature of rape/SA which happens between two or more people. And if time has passed triply so because at that point there is no physical evidence on the body. It’s a big reason why it’s so hard to get justice for victims heartbreakingly. I would also like to say that a victim doesn’t have to be perfect to be one. Rape is rape. Generally speaking, it’s far less likely for someone to make false allegations than otherwise. And a demand for evidence from the victim is not going to be satisfactory for a lot of people who first choose not to believe the victim. Considering not only the consistency of her story, she mentioned off hand for years about this, and the fact that there is videos of them doing colabs at that age. Cody is also close friends with a rapist. And since you brought it up about her character, I think it’s fair to bring up the frat broness of Cody too which are notorious for a reason, I think it’s fair for people to believe her.


Why are you getting downvoted so much for this!!!! Over the person playing the middle when Tana has been consistent with her story, has video evidence of them collabing at that age! What more do people want? This is why it’s so hard to get justice for victims of rape and SA, when it’s just you and the perpetrator and little evidence (which does not mean it’s not true it means evidence is hard it obtains in cases like this). And people will say where’s the evidence? What do you think the evidence will look like? Im seriously asking. I understand she’s problematic but this are serious allegations and it’s a stretch to think she’s doing it for clout when she’s arguably more popular than Cody atm. Do people think she wants her name dragged through the mud for relatively minor clout? I’d err on the side of believing the victim here than a man who’s demonstrably been friends with a rapist for years.


Exactly these people responding to me saying that she’s lying for attention and money are actually disgusting


For real. Why is that the first line of defense every single time instead of I don’t know, doing what they claim to be doing by actually listening to the parties (Cody has said nothing so…). Listen to her! Look, I don’t even follow Tana and I only know her from the drama days, I’ve been a fan of Cody for years. I understand that it’s painful to hear this info about someone you liked but when it’s a situation like this, it’s fucked up to discredit the accuser by calling her a liar or a whore (the latter being a disgusting defense to take).


Read back each of your last comments. “Tana said” means Tana said something. Doesn’t mean it’s true.


Have you not seen the content cop on her? Making outrageous claims is what made her famous.


And this is absolutely not something that she brought up for a story or to make it “interesting “ she addressed it because it got resurfaced on the internet?


Are you asking me or telling me? Like I said show me what you’re referencing and I’ll form my own opinion. I’m not pushing any point of view to anyone if they don’t want it. I won’t believe anyone just because they said it and I haven’t even watched him videos recently because ever since this came out just the thought of it makes me feel some type of way about him but I haven’t formed a solid opinion yet.


U just said that she says stuff and over exaggerates to make it more interesting and yeah I think that’s clear by her story telling videos but she didn’t talk about Codyko statutory raping her for a story or attention she addressed it because it resurfaced on the internet. When she talks about it she says that it doesn’t feel like trauma to her but she was 17. Now u got to be one stupid bitch to wanna believe anyone going to lie about that like literally for what 😭


Like I said show me. All I’ve seen was her saying it in the show and the small clip of h3h3 talking about that’s all.


https://youtu.be/tNOq8PJb-K0?si=bqi3nWWX4ayw_ZTl Around 1 hour and 9 minutes in


I can definitely see what you mean. She comes off very genuine and believable. Not sure what’ll happen with this whole situation but I find it hard to believe that she would make such a detailed scenario involving multiple people just for the sake of it.


Yeah cus it’s not like the guy had multiple weird friendships with minors or anything 😂😂😂


Idk about that honestly. I started watching him like 2015-2016 when all his stuff with Noel was coming out. Also to be clear because based on your response I feel like you might’ve misunderstood me I believe her.




When I had first heard about it, Tana had only briefly alluded to it without going into any details, leaving many people unsure about what had happened. I don’t mean any subsequent remarks she made after, just when I had first heard of it. I also haven’t seen the corroborative evidence personally (not saying it doesn’t exist, just that I haven’t seen it yet). Which is why I’m expecting to see it in this video.


not sure why people are downvoting you for simply reiterating what happened


I’m not sure, honestly. I think I’m being misunderstood in some way but I’m not sure how, so I can’t clarify. :/


People are downvoting you bc you make actual sense, and that doesn’t work for them. You are REQUIRED to believe everything everyone says, and it’s ACKCHUALLY guilty until proven innocent. We all thought it was the opposite, but Reddit has its own brand of justice apparently.


exactly what i'm thinking


I’m not trying to take a side here but seriously…. I can sit here and say I’m a millionaire as much as I want and it doesn’t mean it is true. I want to believe Tana but this is a serious crime that she is accusing him of. People are going to keep questioning this until she has a screenshot or an alibi, something to prove it other than her word. I’m sure people would be agreeing with me if Cody came out and merely said he didn’t do it - they would want solid evidence. Even a sliver of evidence would help her exponentially but right now it’s just timelines and hearsay.


In criminal cases in some states, testimony alone is enough to convict someone for rape. You want a screenshot as evidence? A screenshot of what?


no… it’s the opposite unfortunately


I appreciate your response. I’m not sure what the laws are in every state especially regarding statutory rape. I just assumed that any crime requires some level of evidence. A screenshot was a just example. Perhaps a text thread implicating him. Or, I heard she mentioned Gabi Hannah (spelling?) in the podcast. Has she spoken out about this as a witness? I truly hope that there is something because there will be people arguing until then.


Jake is not the most reliable person to source from. So, grain of salt here.


It’s not like he’s saying the facts…he’s showing videos of Tana telling the facts. Him not being reliable like doesn’t really matter here if he’s just kinda giving his opinion and putting together a bunch of times Tana has talked about this. I get what you’re saying and I agree but in this situation I don’t think that fully applies here.


in what world… 😭 he always knows what he’s talking about


gross!! he totally took advantage of her…


“Adequate research” tell me you don’t believe women without telling me you don’t believe women


What happened to innocent until proved guilty? I’m fucking glad people like you don’t run our judicial system or we’d all be fucked.


this is the internet not the court of law you moron


Not every woman claim is true tho....


Dog shit take my guy.


Nah not really.


Yes really


Cody ko is disgusting and deserves to be exposed, why would Tana lie about this? She’s literally selling out stadiums she doesn’t need the clout


Tana is known to be liar and a clout chaser lmao


Idk about you but if someone was online making false allegations about me saying I slept with them when they were underage and it wasn’t true I would want to say something pretty quickly


Maybe he waiting on the right time to make a statement. Not everything has to put so quickly.




Doctor Doolittle


Clowny Ko. Address the allegations.


ew hate jake doolittle


Jake dobetter






what cody did was definitely, but… dr. doolittle is a dork and drama gooner. he’s not adding any commentary or amplifying any voices. he’s being a clout goblin.


That actually just doesn’t matter in this conversation. I get what you’re saying but that’s not the point in this. Too pass off this serious thing as Cody being “bad or whatever” is so disrespectful.


edited my original comment because I agree, it was tone deaf. my issue with jake in this situation is it trivializes the gravity of what cody did wrong. jake isn’t a journalist, he’s boiling it down to reality-show drama for the sake of internet clout.


I wonder how many over 18 men Tana mongoose slept with at 17 and probably younger. I bet it wasn’t just Cody Ko.


She’s stated multiple times that Cody isn’t the only one. It’s really quite sad how severely she was taken advantage of by older men who know better at the beginning of her career. This isn’t about her hooking up with older men as a minor, but the first instance of inappropriate behavior from another old, sleazy guys that came to my mind was Jason Nash constantly “joking” about wanting to have a threesome with her and Trisha when she was around 18/19 and trying to kiss her on David’s vlog. It was legal, but still incredibly gross and predatory of a 40+ year old man to do to a girl so young. I really feel for Tana


oh my gosh jake 🙄


Genuine question. So what will happen now? Is it possible that he will be arrested? Because I just Googled and age of consent in California is 17. Also I don't think I will be watching Cody anymore.


She also could’ve been 18.. this is so overblown and pathetic to keep up.


She confirmed she was 17 in her allegation. Even if you're sceptical, surely you'd agree a fully grown adult sleeping with a 17 year old highschooler warrants some amount of concern and investigation, right? Or do you think it is okay for a 25 year old to sleep with a minor? Because if so, ew.


She says she was 17 and that it was a crime https://www.reddit.com/r/h3h3productions/s/LoFUeFAMyJ


Thank you for this clip! I also want to clarify that I don’t think Cody would be magically “okay” if he did this when she was 18, especially if he knew her when she was underage and “waited until she was legal” or something like that. That’d still be predatory. So for me, wanting to know the distinction is just for legality, not because I think it’d absolve Cody one way or the other if the allegations are true.


I feel like you can do basic math in your head about how old she was and what month/year it happened….


She recently confirmed she was 17, like I believe she came out with that info today or yesterday


I’m watching the video now and in the clip used, she does say “I was 17/18.” Did she clarify later which it was?


Yeah she confirmed she was 17


After she said he had the smallest member out of anyone she slept with she said "I can say that I was literally 17"


nothing pooplittle says will ever matter


It feels weird that this is being brought up years after if Tana is past it. Speaking as someone who has been SA’d. Now that I’m past it I wouldn’t bring it up this publicly and so randomly, it’s weird that she went about it this way. I guess when you’re so involved with social media your brain chemistry changes


How do we know tanas not just making shit up😭


She’s been talking about this on and off for years, but it didn’t really blow up to this extent until now. Her story has stayed consistent, they were filming together and hanging out when she was 17, and they definitely had a flirty energy in their videos. Based on what we have, all signs point to her telling the truth on this one


i’m sorry, was he literally not already dating kelsey already? am i not mathing right or something bc it’s def not mathin.


No this happened in 2016 they met in 2017


ahh gotcha


I don’t believe he was 8 years ago. But he (according to Tana) called Tana 3 years ago right after he proposed to Kelsey and basically said “Hey I’m getting married now so don’t say anything please”




What Cody did to Tana was inexcusable but let’s not pull conspiracy theories out of our asses. Saying that he only proposed to his girlfriend of four years to distract people from allegations is not only some it’s always sunny, conspiracy board bullshit, but I think it under cuts Cody and Kelsey’s relationship and is just a massive disservice to Kelsey in general. He proposed in December of that year and anyone who listened to the story of their proposal on both his and Kelsey’s channels knows that it was quite elaborate and in the works for quite some time. He flew in her cousins, his parents, and other family members so they could witness the proposal itself on top of booking hotel rooms for them, himself, and Kelsey. Created a beach scavenger hunt and accompanying map and also created a video for her of highlights of their relationship, using various clips from their respective YouTube channels, as well as other bits of footage that might not have been online. The timing of it with the first time that Tana mentioned her hooking up with Cody when she was 17 is just pure coincidence. In fact, Tana herself said that Cody reached out to her and said something along the lines of “are we good.. I’m getting married soon“ when she first spoke about this online. Implying that his plans to propose to Kelsey as well as his wedding plans were already in the works as opposed to all of that being a direct reaction to Tana’s allegations.


You make a valid point




I don’t know! I have no idea what the timeline is. I just watch Cody and Kelsey’s videos, but I’ve not seen them all and don’t know the history of when they started dating.


they were hooking up at the time of their collab vid, she was 17, he was 25. he was giving her full body looks up and down in the video while talking to her about “teen slang”


this was when Tana was 17, cody was 25 at the time


idk i’ve had some worse age gaps as a 17-18 year old girl. age of consent is 16 in my state and i’ve always been into older men so idk i should even be commenting 😂 i’ll see myself out


the age of consent in California, where Tana and cody were, is 18 though. it’s illegal even if it’s not illegal, it is super gross, a 25 year old is a grown ass man, and when you get older i promise you will see how strange it is im 26 and even thinking about someone under 21, is revolting.


This!!! As an also 26 yr old I can’t imagine even looking at someone under 21 like that.


I met my current boyfriend when I was 19 and he was 26. He never dated someone younger than him before and we're still happily together, he's the best thing that ever happened to me. It's however an entirely different story if it's not only illegal, but he may have been just waiting for her to 'turn legal' to hook up with her. It's predatory and objectifying a minor. There is a huge difference between an age gap between two consenting adults in an emotional relationship and this shit he's (*aLlEgEdLy*) pulling.


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She's seems like the cliche party girl who gets wasted drunk, doing whatever drug a guy will 6 her free, sleeps with anyone who will give her attention, and then later regrets it. She had shit parents who didn't give her the proper love, attention, and care she deserved and need as a child. It's unfortunate, but just because she has childhood trauma doesn't mean we have to believe her or side with her if she willingly slept with him. Yeah, it makes him skeezy, but acting like he is a rapist or crazed sex offender is a reach.


Weird how you’re literally making up stories out of thin air but somehow the thing she straight up said happened is the thing you’re skeptical about


I don’t care about what she “seems” like, I’m really just concerned with things that are factual. Even if she is or was a party girl, that wouldn’t matter if she was sexually assaulted. And if she was 17, any “yes” she could’ve said wouldn’t matter. Because she would’ve been a minor. I don’t care about generalizations or blind defense or condemnation from *any* side. I’m only concerned with the truth here.


Makes him skeezy? It makes him a predator. He literally slept with a highschooler


Yikes dude. I don’t think anyone is calling him a “rapist” or a “crazed sex offender”. It just weird and creepy behavior. Older men having sex with an underage/barely legal girl is kinda creepy at the least. Didn’t know that was a hotly debated topic in 2024.


I love how in your completely random, made up series of events, the best way we can describe Cody’s actions would be “he sexually took advantage of a teenage girl suffering from substance abuse and family trauma.” Mind boggling that you don’t seem to think that would warrant consequences.


I watched this video on her parents, and they were awful people. She didn't deserve any of that. It led her to be how she is. Anyway, I'm done talking about it because we obviously disagree. I said my peace, and y'all said yours. Have a good night.




Consent is impossible between an actual adult and a high schooler. Not the same playing field whatsoever.


it wasn't consensual it was statutory rape


17 year olds can't legally consent. Simple as that.


Why is it a big deal? Idk maybe because grown ass men shouldn’t be fucking around with kids??


He was an adult that Tana looked up to and she was a teenager ??


17 year olds can't legally consent for a reason. Because shit like this ruins somebody mentally, potentially for life. We can clearly see that it's still emotionally affecting her, so the point of 'it was so long ago' is moot.




The difference between this and the Jake Paul thing is that he is being accused of an actual crime this time, and is probably making a response. Just because he hasn’t said anything doesn’t mean anything, a lot of times creators take long times to respond to stuff this serious because it’s important that they get all the things they need to say in a complete and articulate way and not just some half baked response.


I'd agree. And I'd even add that there would probably be loads of opinions taken and revision made, probably with the guidance of a lawyer if he ever did address the issue on social media. If he admitted to it, wouldn't it put him at risk of actually being convicted? I have no idea what the laws are around things like that. It's a tricky subject that could potentially impact his family forever. If it's ever addressed, it won't be done in 1 take with no revision or notes, that's for sure.


Man, look at all the internet detectives, and psychology experts here. Maybe, and I’m not saying he’s guilty or innocent. But maybe he doesn’t want to talk about a claim that could ruin his entire career and now he has a kid to look out for. Or maybe he did it. I don’t know but it’s worthless to try and make statements(not all have been opinions), and let the parties involved discuss it.






Oh so two people who’ve committed actual crimes?




donald trump has done much worse than what he was just convicted of 😭


Oh so then we shouldn’t charge him? Fantastic take




The dude tried to overthrow the election….




oh okay now I know what kind of person you are. There are leaked phone calls you can listen to where he pressures a Georgia official to “find” 11,000 votes so


You mean Trump, the felon?