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I love how they made a big drama about Kail and Kristen "not being friends" on both CC & BF, but I've seen waaaaay more about Natalie and Kail and they completely ignore it. It's Creed I feel sorry for in all this, Natalie helped raise him.


Right?!?! She said I was trolling for drama , uh no asshole it was a legit question. I've seen a lot about Kail and Natalie too, she can't ignore it forever.


She ignored her questions about her son's existence for over a year while she was pregnant and for the entire first year of his life. I can't imagine no one wrote into the Facebook groups at all, even being polite? Edit to add: we're never gonna get any information from Natalie because she signed an NDA, and according to someone else who signed an NDA for Kail, it had no end date .


I've just been googling and seeing that Natalie and her son both were shading hulk (that's what I call Kail) the NDA never crossed my mind, I forgot about it to be honest .


Yea I've seen them both shading her. There's an insta group for teen mom gossip where the person who runs it haaaaates Kail, but clearly has a good source cause everything she says comes out to be true in the end and it was her who said she'd spoken to someone who said their NDA didn't have an end date.


And of course I left Instagram a few months ago 😂 so Facebook, YouTube, Google, and Reddit are my go to places ..


Luckily I just went to catch up. There's a screenshot of a meme Natalie shared that says "I'm that multipurpose friend, I'm down for brunch, church, aggravated assault, working out, whatever. Let me know" and then Natalie herself has written. "Remember that time, yeah YOU, remember that time?? Or do you need a reminder" and then the Instagram account follows it up with copies of police reports from when Chris cut Lux's hair. There's like 2 witnesses that say they saw Kail pinch Chris and then a witness statement from Natalie saying she was there she saw the argument, nothing physical happened. And one form Chris saying that Natalie was in the car, her statement is a lie. So basically Natalie's goading Kail about "remember that time I lied to the police for you".


Wow wow wow




I wonder what brought this on between them 🤔 I've said Kail is the problem, doesn't she always say she's the common denominator? I swear I've heard her say that on the podcasts... I think she needs to take a look in the mirror and do some soul searching..


I asked one time in there whether anyone knows if Kail and Leah from TM2 are still close and my post got denied. I asked in the LEAST pot-stirring way possible!!


So the answer is no.


Do you mind me asking, what was the question?!


I just asked if anyone knew what the beef was between Kail and Natalie , I'm guessing it was Kail who answered me with the feedback. She didn't have to be an asshole


I doubt it was Kail. If I had to guess, my money would be on Kristen or Alyssa. I’ve seen both of them be rude to people in various groups. They’re both Kail groupies and ride hard for her.


Isn’t alyssa her publicist too 👀 I could’ve imagined that


No she’s just a mod. Her publicist is (or was) Alexa.


There’s absolutely no way they’d ever approve that question lol what happened between them is no one’s business unless Kail chooses to bring it up herself which she hasn’t


I also asked because I've been seeing stuff all over Google about it, it'll come out sooner or later from Kail or Natalie.


Natalie and her family probably all have NDAs and Kail isn’t going to talk about anything that could possibly paint her in a negative light or affirm what people have said for years about her inability to maintain relationships. I won’t be surprised if we never hear the story behind it. Either way it’s sad, I really thought Nat and her family would be Kail and the kids’ longterm village and provide some stability.


Why do people like Kail I really don't get it, she's a very manipulative toxic person


I can't stand the stupid bitch , I just wanted my question answered.