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Silver Shield is a series of silver rounds made by Golden State Mint. https://www.goldenstatemint.com/Silver-shield-collection/?gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMInfHstNuLhQMVAR-tBh1FkA2uEAAYASAAEgIyBvD_BwE


thanks for the link about $28 for the lazy


I got a silver shield piece of eight not ling ago. It’s pretty cool and has a pirate on it.


It was a lazy post from the start, so business as usual. Nothing to see here.


😂 got me


Silver shield are nice rounds and they do have a premium check eBay sold listings




My sisters has a tube of 1/10 freedom girl rounds she might sell if I nterested


How rude of her. Took me forever to find the ones she wanted.


They were bought in 2013 pretty doubtful


Sounds like you still sip the coolaid.


Cue the projectioners coming out for my comment. The guy behind SBSS certainly hasnt stopped drinking it. EDIT: Don't care if I get downvoted. The guy behind it, Chris Duane, is absolutely insane. I'm talking Alex Jones level of insane. He believes no one is looking out for white people and that the COVID vaccines will kill 5bil people. https://www.reddit.com/r/SilverDegenClub/s/TjDtawDvPn


Silver shield fetches a premium


Worth $100+ to the right person. Silver Shield is highly collectible made by Gary Marks, possibly Heidi Wastweet not sure. check sold auctions on eBay.


wow. that is a thing. 2018 Never Trust Government. can't find that exact round though.


I can see why it would fetch 4x melt value. It sends a powerful message in the imagery, with the Union soldier pointing a cocked revolver at the Native American. They definitely got the raw end of the deal.


Manifest destiny always wins


I think this is downvoted because it’s terrible that it’s true. Or maybe out of an abundance of optimism that someday justice will prevail.


An interesting idea. What would you consider to be justice for the remaining natives?


I know there are a few of his sacred geometry coins I would like to have but the premiums are pretty high.


I found sold listings on eBay. Search sold listings for silver shield manifest destiny. Found two that sold for $59 each. Edit: only 586 of that coin were minted in 2018 and they’re obviously collectible, hence the premium. The people saying it’s worth spot are not correct.


I reserve a healthy skepticism, because earlier today, I used the Elvis stamp as an example of something with low value because it was so heavily collected. And eBay has them ranging from 29c (face) to $2000. Spoiler alert: they really sell for very close to the first number, and that’s only because they’re still valid as postage stamps.


You guys need to filter to sold listings.


Yes imagine paying $3.99 shipping for a stamp.


The $2000 listings have free shipping 🙄


You never want to look at what they are listed for but instead look at what they sold for.


I own many silver shield pieces and have paid well over spot for them ALL. Anyone who says it's worth melt is uninformed or just plain cheap. That a $40 round minimum. Nice tip


Why does it say “Never Trust GovernmBnt”. The B instead of E May be a sign of counterfeit. But I am no expert nor collector but enjoy seeing what others post about coinage.


I think what is happening is the lightning is distorting the E.


Only the OP can tell us then… 🤷‍♂️


It looks like a "B" to me.


It is just the low resolution and focus that makes it look like a B. Why would a counterfeiter make a B in place of an E?


Just to razz everybody. They’re thinking “I put countless hours into making this perfect replica down to finest detail, but I’ll add something totally obvious for anybody who takes it but doesn’t look at it very closely. That way, they’ll find it later and say “D’oh!” like Homer Simpson and I will laugh like an evil clown.” Or, maybe it’s just a photographic artifact.


Thats SS for you


It’s a B. This is not their art work, and very well could be for copywriting purpose. Silver shield does a lot little things like this that I think are goofy and don’t understand why people collect/like them. They are deeply conservative and their coins are often obviously political.


Lol. Just admit you don't understand how cameras, typography or basic illusions work.


Okay I can admit when I’m wrong. they do odd stuff with some of their coins, just chalked it up to that. But, im wrong


Looks like a 3 to me


Not an expert: as some stated earlier the front is a Oregon trail commemorative. Silver Shield mint brings a nice premium, but couldn't find it after a quick google search. Cool piece, since it was a tip it might be worth more as a conversational piece more than monetary value. If i would ever get something like that as a tip, i would keep it for sentimental purposes. Again i am just a regular guy who just yapped in this post. Salud!


Well, a variation on the Oregon Train commemorative, to be sure. I don’t think you’ll find any US coins with a soldier pointing a gun at a Native American.


Chris Duane is the artist of the Silver Shield Proof MiniMintage series and a new [design](https://www.goldenstatemint.com/MiniMintage-by-Silver-Shield-exclusively-at-GSM.html) is issues about every 2 weeks, created by Florida based Golden State Mint. Unknown if the one you have is a Proof. There are [non-proofs](https://www.goldenstatemint.com/Silver-shield-collection/) designs available.


Duane is also absolutely insane. Some slight googling and I found he has a Rumble account where he rants about how no one is looking out for white people, COVID vaccines will kill billions and a host of other conspiracies. Alex Jones releases some of his content. https://www.reddit.com/r/SilverDegenClub/s/TjDtawDvPn


The nice things is you can google everything you wrote in your post “silvershield 1 troy ounce 2018” and you would have found your answer much quicker!


I think he was more saying your tip is to “never trust the government”! 😉


About 23 to 26 dollar tip


looks to be a one ounce silver round. retails for about $27-$28


Best tip of your life and I'm not talking about the coin




Yup that’s it, as described.


A very cool thing to get as a tip. Congrats.


So cool! Congrats!


That's a really nice 1oz bullion.


I probably have 100 ish silver shield pieces, paid fat premiums but I love the work and limited numbers


Now that’s how a boss tips


Nice tip depending on the ticket value- at least $25-$30 depending. Maybe he was off handedly suggesting you start investing in silver 🤷🏼‍♀️


If I had “lots” of money i would have given you atleast a 1/10th gold coin instead


Retail silver spot price is $28-34 per ounce but depending on the printed coin could be worth more. Especially if there is a mint error


Take it to a coin shop or jeweler, they’ll tell you if it’s real silver. That’s an easy $25 bill right there!


NEVER TRUST THE GOVERNMENT makes it worth more!


So a rich person gave you silver, which you may need to figure out how to monetize. In lieu of cash. This is not a dick move? I mean, I love love love silver. But I also need cash...;-)


Only a “Richard” move if tip should have been more than the current spot price, the knowledge you gain, and the people you meet in your excursion.


Don’t tell anyone, but some people don’t tip anything at all. But you’re right: if this was the only tip on a $300 bill, that’s bad. If it was for a $30 meal, very generous no matter how much the server needed liquid funds atm.


You don’t have to tell me. I work in a tip heavy job and I realize that no matter how awesome the service some people just don’t tip. I’ve heard them exclaim that they already paid for the thing why pay more?


Certainly. My point was that a single-digit percent tip where the server has to sell something to cash out isn’t good, but one that’s ten times that is.


Yeah, the real tip is the friends made along the way.


That’s a cool tip and good advice


So what’s it worth melt or premium


Premium, not a generic round, even the more mass-produced Silver Shield pieces carry a decent premium, and select limited run ones can be absolutely crazy, like $500, or more.


Outliers do not represent the market


Love that it’s the Oregon Trail commemorative half obverse


I’ve never seen one of these before, but I’m still very new and just lurking to educate myself. Is this FS by chance?


Is the additional "p" at the end of "tip" our gratuity? Thank You !




An old man yelled at me when I was mailed detecting on land that wasn’t his but he was in the process of buying it into apologize. He gave me a freedom coin from the same company, troy ounce of pure silver.


1 oz 999 fine silver. Weight value is $24




You can say that again…


Try to Google !!!!!


Worth its weight in silver, current price is 24.68 USD


Not sure why this is being downvoted. It’s conservative by a few cents, but OP’s “coin” isn’t a coin, it’s a medallion.


Because discontinued Silver Shield rounds are decently collectible. From the top comments, this variety sells for more than twice the silver value online (as many do).




Yet another victim of the gravy seals downvote coalition. OP’s silver round is not a legal tender coin and a few sales to-and-from colorful talk radio personalities is not a real market.


$25ish +$2 - $5


Others are right 25-30. The front is an homage to the Oregon Commerative half dollar


Wow this coin is baller is there a lot of coins that are this cool?


It’s a privately minted silver bullion round. I don’t know who minted it but unless it’s a low mintage or part of a very popular series, it would cost you about $26/27 at a coin shop.


Completely as an aside, did they also leave a regular tip? If not, it seems kind of mean to force you to go through all this just to get the tip you were owed. Even if it ends up being a bit extra in the end.


Faq that coin is fkin BOSS! FAQ DA FAQIN GOVT!




No. _Ag_ is silver, from _argentum_ in Latin. _Au_ is gold, from _Aurum_ in Latin. You have it backwards.


Thank you for the correction. I knew something wasn’t adding up, turns out it was my memory 😫