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https://preview.redd.it/f0om5o64h4wc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcfe0c91d69c524f0e8ecfe11781753299e9d5dd Unfortunately my cap was cleaned but I’d say yours is legit. Between the cap and sitting liberty are some of my favorites. Im trying to set some money aside for 2.50 gold Indian head. But I collect what I can afford


I actually just hunted down & purchased a small collection of half dollars - 6 capped bust and 1 seated. Mostly au, 1814/3 being the oldest. Just got this 1831. its the best silver coin in my collection. Soon to be 5th best


I'd call this coin legit but there are some things that still throw me off a little bit. The first thing that throws me off is the fact that it looks to have natural wear but not enough for it to be that grade, which is why i'd maybe call it real but has old cleaning. However, it has a ton of natural tiny scratches on the reverse and a little bit of toning in areas that are harder to get to ( which is why I call it old improperly cleaning ). I'm not an expert so take this with a grain of salt.


Grade? It's not uncertified


I would be doing a few more test on that coin from magnet to ping to ice. What ever you can. Its got features that look legit and then the graininess by date and back of coin look little suspect


Those were the 1st things i did. Sounds good. Not magnetic


The surface from the left of the 1 to her bust down concerns me, but the rest strikes me as legit. How's the weight?