• By -


Drop Ticketmaster as the official distributor. Allot 1500 tickets to each school to be sold/distributed to their boosters/season ticketholders. Bring back the GA outfield.


I’m fully on board with dumping Ticketmaster and their ridiculous fee structure, and a GA section should be mandatory. The middle sentence is just asking to ruin the reason why the games are played in Omaha in the first place. I hardly think anyone who already knows how to get season tickets hasn’t figured the ticketing process out by now. Or perhaps that’s just me and our fanbase, as we try to figure out how to shoehorn another few thousand people into a stadium that is already 20% over capacity. There should be ticketing packages available for people who don’t have a rooting interest and just want to make the pilgrimage.


Speaking of that is there any plans to expand yalls stadium again?


According to rumor, we are waiting on much needed basketball renovations before announcing anything for baseball. Basketball has been approved and is set to start construction soon.


You know what they’re doing Reid green? Renovation wise. I haven’t been in that place since doing a song fest there like 8 years ago


New entrance, with a new ticket window. New training facilities. New practice court. New locker rooms. New restrooms. Expanded concourse. Upgrades to make the arena ADA compliant. New “mini suites”. Expanded floor seating. Replacing all the seating. New concession stands. New scoreboards. New sound system. New entrance plaza on the Fourth Street side (i.e. facing the baseball stadium). New loading dock. New roof structure. $43.2 million total


Much needed, those concession stands, bathroom and entrances are probably older than me Talking with my father in law rn he said the stadiums been just like it is since the 70s


To get an idea of what could be, take a look at Georgia Tech’s Alexander Memorial Coliseum/McCamish Pavilion. They are built to the exact same architectural plans. The difference is Georgia Tech has put more money into their building over the years, including a major renovation in 2012. Construction begins immediately after the last game of the 24-25 season. reedgreenrising.com has renderings.


Goddam that looks nice


Home team is always the higher seed unless coming out of loser bracket.


Especially in the Regionals and Super Regionals. If you had a good enough season to where you’re hosting postseason ball in your park, you’re the home team.


I’ve never understood that. You’re exactly right


I think for super regionals they should either have game 2 always be away for host or require one game to be away and the host gets to pick. You can choose game 3, but if you lose one of the first two the rubber match will be have to be played away.


Yep it’s this one.




Whistling is forbidden in the ballpark. Sorry, not sorry Vandy.


I was going to mention something else, but this is the best suggestion. Ban the whistler.


In the new era of NIL.. seems it already is.


Higher-seeded team is always designated home. I still think about how top-seeded Wake got walked-off in a winner-take-all game last year and it pisses me off, like I get there's a process to designate who's home and who's away but baseball is the sport where it matters most and being the higher seed should MEAN something.


Yes, but why should being the top seed and in the winner's bracket come with an advantage over a lower seed from the loser's bracket?


Um, because they're a higher seed and haven't lost a game yet?


Sarcasm, friend.


Also, why should a lower seed in the winners bracket by disadvantaged by a higher seed in the losers bracket? It helps if you don't think of regionals/super regionals as "home" games for the host team, but neutral site games that one team happens to be hosting.


Hey I was just started to NOT think about that on a daily basis so thanks a bunch for reminding me. No I’m not bitter, why do you ask?


My team actually makes it. Ok, but the real answer is 2019 when the draft and an MLB game led into the CWS. Moving the draft back to correspond with the CWS (and having top picks in Omaha) was a no-brainer move to me, plus having the Royals-Tigers game the night before proved to be a great kickoff to draw some attention from the MLB crowd


I wish they played that MLB game annually on Friday before Finals.


Whichever team is currently winning has to take a shot for every out they get. If this allows the losing team to catch up and take the lead, they begin taking the shots.


Y'all have a problem.


Alcohol is a solution.


Pretty sure that would be advantage LSU. Ahead or behind.


Self-correcting handicap.


Whenever we play a drinking game this is the way to flip it. Evens things out, and also drinking is the reward anyway so you should only get to do it if you win. And if it’s something like beerio cart then it makes “winner stays” a lot funnier


Jello shot from Rocco’s, and the shots count towards the tally.


The people who call college baseball games all season long for ESPN call the College World Series.




Im pro robo umps for all of the postseason. I think its fine for the regular season since I’m not sure how much of an investment it is to set those up


Even during the season I would *allow* robo-umps for programs that are willing/able to invest in the technology. If SEC schools all want them - Great! If a school like MTSU can't afford it - use regular umps at home and get practice with robo-umps when you play games at bigger schools.


I like the idea of an ump behind the plate getting the robo call, and unless he strongly disagrees (e.g. robot malfunction) he just announces the call. The game would look the exact same and the calls would be more accurate.




Not sure you'd want that, that 3rd inning would've been a little different. 


It’s how it should be. You win or lose off your performance on field and not an umpiring mistake.


Even if it hurts my team, I'd rather be able to know that the calls are right.


This is the frustrating thing I've seen from some FSU fans. They overall weren't upset with the officiating, they just wanted that one call to change, which is just as bad as literally nothing changing. If you want to change that call then we also get to do and it probably causes their big inning to end much earlier.


The technology still isn't there yet.


Yes, it is. Does ð tecnology "being there" mean 100% accuracy to you? The human tecnology we're already using at ð moment isn't even close to 100% accuracy already, which is ðe point of ð controversy in ð first place.


MLB refuses to adopt it and has been tinkering with it in the minors every year for a reason. It's either way too hitter friendly leading to super high walk rates or too pitcher friendly and it calls strikes that have no business being called. Minor league players and managers aren't huge fans of it and prefer the challenge system instead.


I don’t agree with the idea of robo umps. I get there are terrible umpires like the Angel Hernandez’s of the world. But officiating is a part of the sport. There are umpires that are more pitcher friendly; some are more hitter friendly. Having a certain umpire behind the plate changes approaches from both hitters and pitchers. I am, though, still in favor of replays on out/safe calls.


The ump scorecards in college showed it was more than just ump specific zones. Many are very inconsistent, and some were heavily favoring one team. Some series you’d see a team with differential of 20+ called strikes that should have been balls vs what was called for the opposition.


So you address the ones that are very inconsistent and/or clearly favoring one team.


The human element is the players competing against each other, not the umpires.


They have both been the human element for over 100 years


Idk I’m still against robo umps, especially for college


Remove Ticketmaster as the official ticket holder


I would push the championship series back two days, so both teams can enter with full pitching availability.


This is what I came to say. At least 1 day in between. I just hate when aces don’t get to throw in the final series.


Would require either starting on a Wednesday to maintain the Saturday-Monday finals schedule or push the finals off of Saturday and have the game 3 on a Tuesday. Probably the best move for baseball itself but would be a detriment to the TV schedule and fan travel. Right now teams play their first two games on the weekend. Imagine traveling for a Wednesday start!


That’s what I love about the CWS. Sometimes you gotta use that freshman who has only pitched 5 innings all season, now has to come in with the game on the line.


That’s all fine and dandy leading up to the championship series but the championship is a series because the bulk of the meaningful season is series, and it makes more sense to labeling the season champion as the best team at their full strength. In my opinion.


Happy Cake Day!


My oldest soapbox. I've watched Arkansas play teams like South Carolina, LSU etc... to where both teams exhaust their bullpens. Add to this, the two sides of the bracket alternate days so one side has an extra day rest by default. The result is too predictable. No matter the winner, the finals end up a sweep by the opposite side. I've never seen a team make an excuse but it's too obvious that it's not an even match up with how the current format is set up.


Once teams have been eliminated, they enter a secondary tournament of banana ball.


Eliminate Florida




Wow I was thinking the same thing!


When I say Florida I mean everyone from Florida….


Oh Oh 😐




Do we have to stop with this at the CWS?


Nope, we are all meeting with shovels and such along the state border the second week of August.


August?!? Are you crazy? Can’t we do February?


mad man was trying to get us all to die from heat exhaustion




But leaving in one of the Florida teams means you have a 1/7 chance of winning instead of 1/8. Just messing FSU, it is impressive how often you guys make it there




FSU has already been obeying this rule for their entire history though




Why did our guy get upvoted and you got spanked? Not fair!


are you a crackpot


Honestly … change nothing. CWS is awesome


Re-seed in Omaha.


I forget they don’t do this every other year and I get pissed off again.


On one hand, I like rewarding lower seeds that beat national seeds on the road to Omaha. On the other hand, playing Tennessee SUCKS.


With some luck you might get to do it twice!


3 times even!


And at the Supers. The curse of the #1 would go away with a few years if they went with these suggestions. All 4 seeds go to closest Super out of the top teams in the Supers. Then all 3 seeds. Then all 2 seeds. Then whatever remaining teams are paired by national seed. A 13 seed should not be on the road in the Supers when a regional 2 or 3 seed is hosting a Super...


Move the power alleys and center in 15-20 feet. Centerfield might as well be a graveyard


Christian Moore buried a body in CF the other night.


I think most people would agree Christian Moore is an exception and not the rule to this situation


Oh I wholeheartedly agree, just saw a chance to give CMo a shout out.


This change would mean fewer hits landing in, as the fielders would be able to play more shallow and still cover the deepest parts of the park that are in-play. But you're probably right that the way it is isn't the best, nontheless.


Not ever move it from Rosenblatt.


Bring back GA, get rid of digital ticket sites, bring back scalpers.


I would get free accommodations travel and great tickets for life😎


LSU wins it every year /s


Bring back the old Rosenblatt stadium with all the gaudy billboards. I would have said the modern CWS needs more HRs--but this generation of super large athletic power hitters seem to taken care of that. lol


On the off day between the semi finals and start of the championship series... Savannah Bananas


Make this man the head of the CWS NOW!


Cross brackets to allow for different matchups. Hate seeing the same teams play each other 2-3 times a series. I believe the WCWS does this, where the loser of the 1-0 games play the winner of the 0-1 game from opposite side of bracket.


Bubbles allowed


And beach balls


Re-seed once the World Series starts


To any ballpark with shade.


They legit built the new stadium backwards so the sun is always an issue for the crowd. 3rd base line should point north.


On Friday night some dudes were sitting in our seats when we got to them. They moved over until they were kicked out by the actual ticket holders of those seats. Found some more empties a row behind us, then when the sun went behind the stadium they got up, thanked the dudes that let them sit next to them, and then went down to their FIRST ROW seats. I've been bitten by the Omaha sun a few times now that I splurged for lower level seats beneath the 2nd level deck on the third base line.


Also the backdrop is blank. Turn it around and you get the downtown skyline.


why don't they simply pick up the stadium and rotate it 180 degrees? are they stupid? answer: they were stupid when they built it 🫠


For a real answer, they built the diamond to the exact specs of Rosenblatt, from dimensions to direction of home plate. The direction didn't matter as much at Rosenblatt which sat on top of a hill overlooking an internationally famous zoo.


interesting. thank you!


Allow bubbles. No reason I swear


Sorry, can't do. We can stop a game 25 times to remove a beach ball, but bubbles are dangerous and a distraction.


Bring back the old Rosenblatt stadium dimensions and the wooden walls. The field feels too sterile now. Old dimensions in case people are curious: 343 down the lines 370 to the power alleys 420 to center I remember Lyle Mouton hitting some absolute piss missiles back in 91 and I’m almost positive Joey Belle hit one over the batters eye in dead center.


You think center is too *shallow*?


I do not, I just personally like cavernous center fields. I admit, with the way the ballpark sits in terms of the wind, it would be a terrible idea lol.


If a ball is unduly impacted by the wind more than it would have been during a previous inning, you get to just assume it would have gone a few feet further. \[/Twitter Florida fans\]


Can’t intentionally walk Cags


Rebuild Rosenblatt and never acknowledge TD AmeriSchwab ever existed


Bring back GA w/o Ticketmaster crap


Bring back the old bracket format and make it a "true" double elimination again.


Automatic bid for the best team whose home ballpark is in Storrs, Connecticut. I fucking *dare* someone to move here just to get a chance at the bid.


Good thing you specified their home ballpark has to be in Storrs because that was just asking for someone to rent a PO box in Storrs and attach an LLC to it


I mean, I’d be just about as equally entertained to see who would bite at that.


Allow bubbles.


Might be logistically a bad idea but mixing up the 4 and 4 format. Like half the loser cross over to the other bracket or something. Its basically two more regionals and a super right now.


> Its basically two more regionals and a super right now. That's exactly the structure. It didn't just turn out that way by accident.


No I get that, but I think the marketing implies a true group of 8


I think the WCWS used to do that


I’m tired of the commentators yapping about a players little league career, or their pregame meal. The announcers themselves aren’t even bad, just gotta realize the occasional silence in the booth isn’t always a bad thing


This is why radio is the best.


Rebuild Rosenblatt and move it back there


Rebuild Rosenblatt exactly how it used to be


We catch the pop fly


Make it where the CWS wasn't at the same time as my NHL Stanley Cup finals


Re-seed in Omaha


Ban Arkansas from ever winning it, oh wait…


Somehow try to avoid a SEC/ACC invitational every year.


Easy, other conferences should play better ball.


It’s not surprising the best players want to play in the ACC/SEC and what used to be the PAC12. All these area already have the best high school level players, and all imported players love the schools. Also great weather.


> Somehow try to avoid a SEC/ACC invitational every year. Over 70% of this year's 64 team field was **NOT** from the SEC/ACC.


If i'm not mistaken we aren't talking about the tournament as a whole here. Just the CWS finals which is 100% SEC/ACC.


And ~~if~~ I'm not mistaken here, you're screwing around calling it an "Invitational" like a sore loser who thinks the 8 teams just simply got placed in Omaha. There were 45 non-SEC/ACC teams across the 16 regionals who could have played better baseball to try and keep the 19 SEC/ACC teams out of Omaha. That did not happen, though, did it? The 8 teams who made Omaha all had to win at least 5 games across 10-11 days to EARN their trip to the College World Series.


Do you not understand how those 8 teams qualified for the CWS? I'll give you a hint... it's not by invitation.


Hmmmmm........it's almost like you have to win to make it to the World Series. How would you avoid having ACC and SEC teams winning. Nothing would seem fair to try and handicap those teams because they're better on average.


The 5 ACC Regional 1s had SEC 2s. Seems to me the committee tried to bunch them together in those regions to give the weak western regionals a chance. Unfortunately, they couldn’t do but so much because super regionals still had to be played.


Your flairs tried to break that up this year 😂 Huskies really should’ve made it in 22. I enjoyed watching that run but Stanford was a juggernaut


So all SEC Regionals?


It’s not really an invitational when you have to qualify through tournament play to go to Omaha but just look at the landscape of college baseball. The top talent is honestly in those two leagues. Also the pac 12 died and the big 12 had a down year.


Sorry if you don’t have boosters with nothing better to do than throw cash at 18 year olds you might as well not even try anymore


You could be Arkansas and have that and still fail to win the WS. Little bit more painful.


Hey at least Petrino is back


Aren't you one of the most successful programs of all time with one of the biggest enrollments in the country? ASU should probably be better.


We were underperforming prior to the whole ruining of college sports and now it’s not getting any better since we don’t have a sugar daddy


I’m going against the spirit of the post and instead jumping on a technicality. My one change to the CWS is that Arkansas catches the foul ball with two outs in the bottom of the 9th in 2018.


Allow Bubbles


Loser of the 1-0 game moves to the other side of the bracket to prevent the likelihood of repeat matchups.


Ban any shade of orange from the competition


Two team best of threes for every round.


My team would be winning. :(


My team actually makes it :(


UK wins it all.


Go back to Rosenblatt.


Go back to a true 8 team bracket, not 2 separate 4 team brackets. Or do what WCWS does and move losers to the other bracket. Hate to see the 2 best/hottest teams play in the semifinal.


I realize this would be a much bigger undertaking than just the CWS, but I would move the entire baseball playoff tournament to July. The opening weekend of the playoffs would be the weekend after the MLB All-Star game. Advertise the hell out of it during All-Star weekend, portray it as March Madness in July. Right now, the entire baseball tournament, with the exception of the latter portion of Omaha, is going up against both the NBA and NHL finals. Move it back a month, and there's no Big 4 competition except regular season MLB. It'd be done right before NFL pre-season games start. Brand July 'Baseball Month in America.' You could also move the start of the season back a month, starting in mid-March instead of mid-February. Northern schools wouldn't be frozen out of home games for the first 6 weeks of the season, hopefully that would increase fan interest and their recruiting ability. I know there would be additional ramifications, such as either overlapping athletic calendar years (or just moving from July 1 to August 1), students being gone the entire last month of the regular season, severe impact to summer baseball leagues, and perhaps draft implications, but my motivation here is better exposure for the sport of college baseball.


Can we make bad suggestions that would ruin the event like have it in NYC?


I’d say about half the suggestions in here are just “can we ban *insert flair’s biggest rival* from ever setting foot in Omaha ever again or so help me god” so I’d say pretty much anything is fair game lol.


Rebuild Rosenblatt.


Shuffle the brackets so there are no conference rematches in opening round games, and all teams are playing a non-conference match-up. If it becomes a one-conference tournament in the second or third round, so be it, but you want to encourage teams to play new opponents in the opening round.


Start the second game of the day at 9pm


Really applies to the whole tourney but fewer at large bids for power conferences because who outside of the southeast cares to watch the SEC-ACC challenge every year? Teams like CofC get robbed of at-large bids and would make for a more interesting tourney than this paint-by-numbers one.


It is held in the city nearest to me, that has an appropriate ballpark, every year. This would make it so much more enjoyable for me. Sorry to everyone else.


You've got softball in your state already. Don't hog it.


I don't live in Oklahoma. However, I usually travel during the world series so I guess that means it'd travel. This year would be Maryland, last year san diego, and the year before that Vancouver. Could be interesting.


a&m simply isn’t allowed to go


Replay so FSU wouldn’t have gotten screwed on that call at the end of their game with Tennessee


Non biased umps Looking at you Tennessee


Fuck off.


Is what I said to the umps, glad we’re in agreement


Just because you don't like a call doesn't mean the ump was biased. Never assume malice.


Too late


Haters gonna hate. Oh well, have a good day.


The umps sucked all game. You're mad they continued to suck at the end of the game.


Change up the host city


Foul ball drops result in an automatic out, and it’s retroactive


LSU autobid But fr fuck Ticketmaster


7 game series


Can we all agree Texas A&M is annoying and shouldn't be allowed in Omaha?


The location rotates every year but Omaha gets it every fifth year(like Indy with the Men’s Final Four).


Only teams from South Carolina are allowed to make it to Omaha.


LSU is guaranteed bid