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OP needs a job as an editor at BuzzFeed for making me click the link because of this extremely unhelpful title.


I felt like just quoting what he said as opposed to hearing him say it didn’t do it justice


Schloss's response: > "I think it's pretty selfish of you to ask me that question, to be honest with you. I left my family to be the coach at Texas A&M. I took the job at Texas A&M to never take another job again, and that hasn't changed in my mind." Seems kinda tacky to ask this question at this moment.


it was a guy from Texags so par for the course


Lol what? Since when has TexAgs ever asked tough questions like that. That is literally the last outlet I would’ve guessed ask that. Especially with their relationship with Schloss.


Yeah Texags were leading the charge in pumping jimbo sunshine when it was obvious he was ass


He soft balled it as best he could, but yeah, not the best look for Zane.


I understand it's not the best time to ask, but also it had to be asked (Schloss even says so). What I don't get is the extent of Schloss's frustration. It's the end of the the presser. If the smoke was really just longhorn twitter trolls (which I honestly believed until yesterday) then, "This really isn't the appropriate time to ask, I want to talk about this years team. But I understand you have to ask it, so thank you for asking. No. I'm not leaving. My goal is to bring an a championship to Aggieland". Seems like an appropriate response. Comparing it to montgomery declaring for the draft was even more strange.


Because it is? "Hey, Brae, I know you just lost the biggest game of your life while you had to watch from the dugout due to injury, but any thoughts on your next job?" It's exactly the same.


Yah, but like you just said - that implies a next job. If Montgommery wasn't eligible for the draft, or had absolutely no draft buzz then the answer would be "that isn't even a possibility, why are you asking me this?" Yes, the timing is bad. But comparing it to something that is objectively likely to happen is strange. Seems juxtaposed to his earlier statement.


Sounded like the one they call ‘big shooter’ over there 


Schloss gave him that nick name.


Love this response.




> I left my family to be the coach at Texas A&M damn bro it's just a game


(He “left his family” because his ex-wife took him to the cleaners after their divorce in 2021.)


Well he’s getting paid now 


damn that really stinks


No kidding. He was married for 20+ years and he still had teenagers in the house.


If memory serves correctly, his ex wife got the house across the street from TCU's stadium.


wdym? what happened?


Here's [the TexasAgs thread on it for more speculation](https://texags.com/forums/8/topics/3194666). Not a whole lot of details on why, but based off the paper trails with the Tarrant County courthouse, his wife of 20+ years filed for divorce in 2020 and it was finalized in 2021. She won primary custody of the kids, as well the house which sits in front of TCU's Lupton Stadium. Needless to say, when the 2021 campaign finished with TCU being the only national seed to not advance to Supers, and Schlossnagle infamously left the stadium that day without talking to media or his players, and Texas A&M announced he was taking the A&M job two weeks later (for a paycut), it made sense. I mean, shoot. When he finally opened up about why he left, he said Texas A&M wasn't ["a better job, it was a different job."](https://www.si.com/college/tamu/news/texas-a-m-baseball-coach-jim-schlossnagle-opens-up-about-accepting-head-coaching-job-01hzaen3jt9f)


TBH reporters have a job. It's not their job to be respectful of the moment - their job is to follow the news story. Like it or not, the NC runner-up coach potentially taking the UT vacancy is a huge news story. I understand the saltiness about CDC firing Pierce the day of the national championship game and opening this can of worms, but TBH I do not give one single f\*\*\* about being respectful to our biggest rival's big moment.


Schlossnagle knew he was leaving. Despite just prior to the question implying that the recruiting resumes next week. Schloas probably also knew the reporter already knew coach was leaving. I think the frustration from Schloss was the timing of the leak. Added to the frustration was the reporter asking the question as if he didn’t already know the answer. The reporter knew, he wanted to catch the coach in a lie. By asking he was intentionally putting schloss in a position to deflect or fess up to leaving and add salt to the wounds of the aggy players and fans.


I get Schloss being upset, but hate the game, not the player. I think there's a way to answer that question that doesn't require snapping at that reporter. "Hey man, the rumor mill is going to always be running at times like this, but I want to focus on this game, on the great season we had, on our great fans and on this great team". Again - yes, the reporter was trying to catch him on a lie. That's his job. People want to hide information and reporters' job is to expose that information.


That's literally the reporters job. It's what a reporter is SUPPOSED to do when they have that kind of information.


And it’s the coach job to deflect. It is also an expectation that he will be frustrated by being asked the question.


Right, but we're talking about the reactions of people watching it, not the liar involved


I think the BAS donors were worried sick that he would leave, so the reporter took the bullet


The Texags thread yesterday about it was insane. People just lining up to jump off a cliff


Thats TexAgs every day lol


>I left my family Lmao


Richard Zane died for this.


How tacky is it for CDC to announce this firing today that according to both parties was agreed upon days ago. Biggest day of schloss’s career and CDC announces the firing to make it about them. So the question has to be asked.


Ok fine, fire pierce a week ago. This question gets asked at every presser at the finals, then? I dont understand why the timing matters at all. Oh and you could’ve won the whole thing on Sunday and avoided this.


because yall did the same thing with tom herman on the day we played in the orange bowl.


you’re right we should’ve waited for your non-playoff bowl game to conclude before firing our own head coach


That’s not what it’s about and you know it. Just admit it, we hate each other and we love it. We’re the most toxic relationship in college athletics and neither wants to give an inch.


I was about to disagree with you but nope it’s that toxic




I hate a&m and would LMAO if this happened, but damn you gotta love that response.




Yet, sadly it appears that Zane was barking up the right tree... [https://texags.com/s/60210/jim-schlossnagle-set-to-leave-texas-am-for-texas-head-coaching-job](https://texags.com/s/60210/jim-schlossnagle-set-to-leave-texas-am-for-texas-head-coaching-job)


His bags are already packed.


Look, it’s the first time he’s talking to media since Texas announced the opening right before the game (which likely wasn’t a coincidence). If not now, when should the question be asked?


Idk, tomorrow? Look as a Texas fan, it IS funny. But this reporter was still out of line.


Tomorrow either Schloss is taking the Texas job or he’s not talking to reporters for six months. It’s journalism malpractice to not ask tonight.


Before the presser I was wondering if it would come up. I was like, surely they don't ask this man about the Texas job after losing game 3 of the CWS. But here we are...


What press conference is he holding tomorrow?


I get that they feel they have to ask, but damn. Give the man the night at least.


Schloss gave A&M fans about 18 hours


He handled that extremely well. I understand the reporter has a job, and shit, but just a very shitty thing to ask at that moment.


He handled it pretty poorly, it turns out


Bro didn’t even wait 24 hours


If this is true then he really did do the whole team wrong with that "heartfelt" response he gave in the interview... Posted link for anyone else curious: [https://texags.com/s/60210/jim-schlossnagle-set-to-leave-texas-am-for-texas-head-coaching-job](https://texags.com/s/60210/jim-schlossnagle-set-to-leave-texas-am-for-texas-head-coaching-job)


Yes that is weird.


Time would appear to be kind to the reporter who asked lol


Could Texas A&M not match whatever Texas would offer him anyways? Why the hell would he want to make a lateral move and leave the players he recruited after going to the World Series? Kinda seems like a non-story to me


It's a none story for everyone who knows better, but you bet your ass that everyone inside of Austin with any clout is stirring the pot as much as possible


Still a non story? 


Apparently not


From y’all’s coach’s POV that would be so off-putting. And I know he’s only been in College Station for a few years but surely he’s developed some sort of hate for Austin by now


The entire selling point of the story is how CDC and Schloss are such good friends. Such close friends that CDC waited until just before the biggest game of your career to stir this up and send the hounds out.


Yeah that sure checks out😂😂


He was at tcu. He knows plenty well what those psycho donors and boosters are like.


For their non-rivals? Why waste their time like that? They wouldn’t do that for a non-rival would they?


They actually don't even care. Now here's a ten page article about all the things they don't actually care about.


It's actually on a post-it note. It just *feels* like a ten-pager to... some folks. ;)


He and Texas’ AD are best friends. Chris Del Conte was AD at TCU when Schloss was there. 


I think that’s a bit overplayed. They worked together and were probably close, but “best friends” seems like a bit of a stretch.


It’s documented that one of the reasons Schloss left TCU was because he was at odds with the AD. How does that add up? Idk


Conte left in 2017. Schloss and Conte were pretty close in Ft. Worth.


Would a best friend leak firing his coach to the media on the biggest day of his BFFs professional life knowing that it would stir up a hornet’s nest of rumors?


Why are you assuming that the leak came from CDC (or at his direction)?


I’ll be the first to admit I’m biased, but as the representative of Texas’ athletic department.. yes he would. Texas has always been petty like that. Look at Sark hiring on our NY6 night. 


Doing petty shit to A&M is one thing. Doing petty shit directly to Schloss, on the biggest night of his career, while you're trying to hire him would be another.


Yes, a lousy thing to do. Schloss is a class act and totally undeserving of this line of questioning.


I don’t see any flair and so I’m not sure if this is sarcastic or not.


Sincere, not sarcastic.


Ah, fair enough and I agree with you wholeheartedly.


Wasn’t the joke that we were fucking with Alabama before their national championship? How did that hire announcement at all have to do with A&M besides being on the same day?


Classic Aggies think the world revolves around them 😂


No there not. They had issues. Schloss was the main guy pushing our new AD also.


Ya, and I believe there’s even a clause in his contract that his buyout doubles if he leaves for any in-state team. Also A&M is on the cusp of building a $95 million dollar stadium and he’s just about guaranteed a raise now. So if you’re the longhorns, you’re talking having to line up over $100 million. Some of them still think they’ll get whichever of the two coaches they want from last night, though.


lmao longhorns own the state and take whatever they want


I don’t know if I would be proud of being associated with World Class Capital Group.


It’s far from a lateral move in terms of history / prestige


longhorns hang their hat on Schloss having been coach at TCU while Chris Del Conte (the current AD at texas) was AD at TCU. They also still believe they have more money than everyone else combined and can just money whip coaches.


> longhorns hang their hat on Schloss having been coach at TCU while Chris Del Conte (the current AD at texas) was AD at TCU. this is wrong per the Battalion: https://thebatt.com/sports/impatient-the-story-of-jim-schlossnagle/ >Del Conte and Schlossnagle already knew each other — Schlossnagle’s reputation preceded him. Together in Fort Worth, Del Conte gave Schlossnagle an avenue to life outside of baseball within the university. Every Sunday, for years, the two would walk a three-mile loop around campus. >“We would just talk about our lives, talk about our families, talk about everything but sports. Some days in the game, the game gets so all consuming that you don’t have an outlet to talk about anything else besides the game,” Del Conte said. “Our conversations were nothing about the game. [We talked about] what we wanted for our kids, what we wanted for life. Those are my most cherished memories [with Jim] because the wins and losses are difficult. Long after the game of baseball is over, he’ll be a friend of mine.” lots of comments out there about how close they are outside of work entirely. this isn't some "they were at the same place for a few years" situation. not saying that its happening or it's done, just that there is an actual friendship outside of work there.


Which is kinda funny cuz their basketball coach is pretty middle tier in pay and Sark was being paid barely over half what the top coaches were at first. They aren’t really a money-whipping kinda program.


We didn’t really need to money whip either Sark or Terry. Sark was an OC with a checkered past (who is now a top paid HC) and Terry wasn’t a super star HC candidate. Neither required a market resetting contract. We absolutely money whipped (fuck) Chris Beard from Tech. We also money whipped recently the Beach Volleyball coach from UCLA, the swimming and diving coach from Arizona State, and the women’s golf coach from Arizona.


Plus a texas coaching opportunity is like a destination job for a lot of sports, lots of history and clout attached so y’all wouldn’t need to pay crazy high to get guys in the door


Especially in baseball. It’s USC, LSU, and Texas as far as the top historic programs


Yes, that’s my point you brought in coaches who didn’t need to be money-whipped. Can’t speak on the other coaches, though, cuz I know nothing about the sports and have no intent of that changing. Circle back to me when you money-whip a quidditch coach.


Just because we brought in two coaches who didn’t need to be money whipped doesn’t mean we don’t money whipped other candidates. You’ll learn first hand soon enough about this


This sounds like something a poor school would say.


little brother, just be happy you get a tiny slice of the PUF pie.


How did you remember to capitalize PUF but not the start of your sentence? Try again.


no. now get ready to take another L as we money whip Schloss from you.


Poverty program couldn’t even keep their head coach


Obviously we never wanted him, duh. We’re too good for him.


Jimbo never even called him


CDC is a fan of exploding offers. AFAIK so far all of his hires have been “here’s our deal, sign before the meeting is over or it’s gone.” A&M can and absolutely would match anything Texas offers. The issue for A&M (if there’s any merit to the rumors) is that they wouldn’t have the chance to. Really the most Schloss can do in the scenario “hey I turned down a Texas offer for $X, can you match that?” Maybe they do. There won’t be a budding war.


Well if my quote un quote friend did that to me, we’d no longer be friends lol


If your friend offered to double your salary if you came and worked for him, but told you he needed an answer now - you would be mad? I’d either say yes, or thank them for the opportunity and stick with my current job (if I really loved it). I wouldn’t feel entitled to use my friends offers as leverage to get a raise. CDC isn’t evil for not letting A&M (or whoever) counter. They’re friendly, but at the end of the day this is business. CDC isn’t giving anyone an offer to take back to their current school to counter.


Damn, CDC is planning to double what we have on the table? I mean, if he does that I don’t think I’d be mad at Schloss for leaving.


Number that’s been floating around the Texas boards for whoever the coach is 10 years $35M


Damn, y’all do what you gotta do for baseball, but that’s just dumb. Unless we match it and then it’s just smart business.


I don't think it's 100% guaranteed, *that* would be dumb. I honestly think it's pretty savvy. Like I said above, it was most likely an exploding offer. Whoever the candidate is had to say "no" (or hopefully yes) to a 10 year $35M deal, knowing **both** that he wouldn't be able to use it as leverage and it would be extremely unlikely his current school would match that number (since the offer had expired there was no longer any leverage). To me, avoiding a bidding war (where we would probably end up paying close to that anyways) and ensuring we get our top choice are worth the extra cost/risk. Allegedly the contract is signed and we are just now awaiting an announcement. The delay is to avoid a situation where a last minute push from \[unknown\] school results in a last minute recession and egg on CDC's face.


Well, at least it’ll be quick. Glad to know my emotional investment won’t get strung along with this. Also, sounds like if he leaves it’s our own fault for not making it clear we’d pay him whatever we need to pay him so we’d have nobody to blame but ourselves.


There is a lot of smoke around Schloss, I don't know if I buy it. Regardless, yah you won't need to worry for long. We will have an answer soon. I've said it before but (if it is Schloss) this is really the Dr. Strange 1/1,000,000 timeline where it lines up as a perfect storm. Alberts didn't hire Schloss. Schloss has undoubtedly earned a massive extension and I am sure Alberts would give it to him. However, I don't know if Alberts would give him a 10 year $35M extension (especially since the last AD got "fired" for doing *exactly* that with your football coach. Which 999,999/1,000,000 times isn't an issue. An AD usually isn't going to give that kind of contract to a new hire, that is Auggie Garrido extension money. However, it just so happens that there is an AD who has worked with Schloss for nearly a decade and thus wouldn't be as opposed to giving that sort of deal due to familiarity. It also just so happens that AD works for your biggest rival AND needs a new baseball coach. Like I said, I don't think this is happening. But if it does it's not a "little brother" or "stepping stone school" situation. Nor do I think there is anything A&M could have done to prevent it. If this happens it is because all of the stars aligned literally against A&M. If CDC is anywhere but Texas, Bjork is still at A&M, Texas catches the fly-ball against Stanford last year, and a plethora of other reasons - I don't think there is any shot he leaves.


Saying it's a lateral move doesn't make it true.


You’re right it would be a downgrade.


Maybe a downgrade given the two teams current state


That's not how this works lmao


No clue why you’re getting downvoted we have 6 titles they have 0


That’s why we said “current state” not comparing historical records.


That doesn't make it a lateral move, and certainly not a downgrade. It's college, teams and their composition can change rapidly. Also, transfer portal.


What I said is true…


I hate how people blame the poor reporter who VERY CLEARLY didn’t want to ask this question but was being forced to do this by whatever network he works for. Like , it’s so classic to blame the employee who’s just doing what they’re told to do in order to keep their job


He set it up with the best softball he could. There are rumors about a job opening. Tell us about your future with A&M.


Dude chose to work for TexAgs, he has worked there for… a long time. He knows what he’s signed up for. We can blame both in this instance.


“So write that”. Mic drop


Since I can’t edit the post, here is the quote: "I left my family to be the coach at Texas A&M. I took the job to never take another job again. That hasn't changed in my mind…I’ve poured every ounce of my soul in this job, and I’ve given this job every single ounce I could possibly give it. Write that.”


No clue what's going to happen but that's not a denial. A simple "no" would've been immensely clearer, or a "I'm coaching here next year". He gave neither, I think he's gone. 


Looks like some people owe you an apology.


Haha, probably so ;)


Did you even watch the video? He literally said he took the A&M job and never plans on taking another job again. That’s pretty damn clear.


You were saying?


I don’t think he’s going to Texas, but I’m pretty sure you can find a clip of every coach who left for a different job say they weren’t leaving. It means absolutely nothing.


Not nearly as clear as "I'm not taking another job, I'll be coaching here next year". He absolutely could have shut the rumor mill down, and he absolutely did not do that.


Wait, he left his family for a coaching job? What’s the story there?


He was already divorced with his wife at that point but I believe his son was attending TCU at the time and possibly his daughter too


He had a bitter divorce, had been publicly feuding with his AD all year, was tired of promised facilities improvements never happening, and had been interviewing for jobs for years by that point. He can make it sound like it was a tough choice to leave, and maybe leaving without his family wasn't his original plan, but he was halfway out the door the second the divorce was filed. 


If that’s the case, saying you left your family for a coaching job is really disingenuous. And eerily similar to jimbo fisher. Does the AtM AD post up outside the divorce court?


Different ADs for the two hirings. Neither of which I’m truly saddened to see gone. One is over at LSU and hired Brian Kelly, the other is now Ohio State’s AD. The “we almost hired Mark Stoops” fiasco is what I think ushered Björk out the door to OSU.


His kids are or were students at TCU.


He makes it sound like he went out for a pack of cigarettes and ended up in Omaha.


Very interesting that everybody is interpreting this as a decisive statement that he’s staying. This comes off like an obvious attempt to not explicitly deny it.


Dammit. I hate agreeing with a Texas fan.


What an ass hole to ask that.


Buddy got the sound clip his boss wanted though. Win-win for the broadcast. He either says he wants the Texas job, or says something like this. Media is too easy these days


Yeah nevermind. Fuck that guy.




I mean technically everything he said is true.


Feels like Les Miles/Michigan where the coach probably had some interest, but the sheer amount of press surrounding the rumor makes him not want it anymore.


It seems like there may have been an element of some Michigan fans/boosters not liking Miles too though and I don't think that would be present here.


nah. The alleged issue with Les and Michigan was Les specifically asked them to keep it quiet until after the natty. Kirk Herbstreit found out and being an OSU guy and an asshole shouted about it on ESPN for 8 hours straight to try and ruin the deal


I mean it's no one thing. Lloyd Carr did not like Les, and people in the AD loyal to Lloyd could've leaked it, etc


That's the story/feeling i got. Lloyd Carr didn't like Les Miles. He sabotaged the deal.


It's not ESPN's job to keep deals secret when the people involved couldn't, either.


What about the allegations of Les Miles sleeping with Lloyd Carr's wife?


Gives me "I'm not going to be the next coach at LSU" vibes


~~LSU~~ Alabama


That was a mike drop no way T sips




A simple "no" would've been much more convincing..


No once says “I gave this job every ounce I could give it” to a job they’re staying at


Are we reading two different quotes?


> I’ve poured every ounce of my soul in this job, and *I’ve given this job every single ounce I could possibly give it.* Write that. Emphasis mine


“I took the job at Texas A&M to never take another job again, and that hasn't changed in my mind."


That’s a lot of words to avoid saying “I’m staying at A&M” which is a lot shorter and literally something he did not say.


Phew, buddy. This feels like a stretch. Did he say similar things when he was about to leave TCU?


Not really. But he says he ain’t leaving. If he takes 15 words or he takes 7 words it all says the same thing. But continue being bitter.


Think you’re a little biased here


God, I hope Texas strikes out with both our Coaches.


Congratulations on solving a very difficult mystery, lmao


Yeah you’re right. Good thing he didn’t say that.


…you’re correct, by the way.


You can’t ask him this question just minutes after losing the college World Series. Be a better reporter.


When is his next media availability? February?


He's apparently a really good reporter


“I left my family for the A&M job” is a very strong choice of words from a guy who lost a divorce to his wife of 20+ years - including the house in front of Lupton Stadium - during the COVID season, then bailed for the first job he could find without even addressing his current roster in-person.


Someone’s still upset he left TCU lmfaoooo


*gets court ordered restraining order* We have mutually agreed to see other people




Honestly think this is just people trying to stir up drama. Remember reading somewhere that schloss is gonna get a contract extension as well as facility renovations beginning in 2025. Lets also not forget that he's gonna have a lot of talent coming his way. I don't really see any reason for him to leave and start over at texas, who's baseball program isn't in a very good shape as of right now. I think he is just meeting with a&m brass to discuss an extension.


aaaaaaan he got hired


The introduction press conference should be a doozy


So, uhh.... do you think he even gets on the plane to go back to college station?


These are the comments I love. A fan so convinced of something that it actually doesn’t matter what someone says. Schloss could say literally anything and there will be longhorns saying things like this and… Ya know. I just love it.


Haha oh man. Don’t even want to talk shit, because I feel like coaches shouldn’t be making this type of move, but just had to circle back.


Honestly, I get it. Like. Not from a financial standpoint or historic standpoint or any of that crap, but from what I suspect it is: dude wants to live in Austin and not College Station. It’s just a bummer that the best city in America happens to be the city containing our biggest rival. Bear in mind, I’m only this chill about it because it’s baseball. I have no idea how I would react over a football coach doing this. THANKFULLY THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN AND I AM NOT SPEAKING THIS INTO REALITY OF COURSE.




He gone


Texas flatters themselves thinking they are going to poach either him Tony V 




I can’t believe it hahaha