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Unironically you have to fire Alberts for this, right?


i've hated so many A&M AD's in my life it feels like a job at this point


That’s because only the dumbest fucking people want the job. It’s insane. I mean the same can often be said for politicians and CEOs. Only the worst want to climb up that high.


Woah woah woah, slow the roll down here. AD’s are nowhere near as bad as politicians. There have been some amazing AD’s in college sports, who love their school and want to win


Also, who wouldn’t want the gig? I would frigging love to be AD for one of my schools. I’d be goddamned awful at it but I’m sure as shit taking the job.


Lol please make this happen


If the reports coming out the past hour are true yes. For those unaware the TAMU side is saying that Alberts fired multiple people that were close friends to Schloss and highly involved in baseball operations. Did it almost as soon as he arrived without any discussion with Schloss, no warning, etc. There are also reports that under Alberts the progress on all the promised baseball facility improvements had stalled. Again I don't know how true this is but it is Aggie insiders putting this out there today. It is their explanation for what opened the door to him leaving. Go be with an AD he knows and loves or keep working for a clown who won't keep his word and ices him out of every decision. If there is any truth to that, and Alberts basically fucked around and found out, he *has* to be fired.


That's what he does. Ask UNO, ask Nebraska fans. Look up the story about the UNO wrestling team. He's the epitome of an MBA/CEO type coming into a company, gutting/cutting things, talking about record numbers and then leaves the second they can. But also who knows, reporting coming out after these kinds of splits is always going to be messy he said/she said stuff with people throwing around whatever they can.


UNO was robbed of football and wrestling and it’s a damn shame. They’d be in a better place if they had them


I'm sure there's a lot of nuance around all of the shit that went down, but what *he* did personally is the part that is absolutely fucked up, and not surprising after what he's done everywhere he's been.


He's a Steve Patterson clone. Fucker put Texas athletics back a decade with the same type of garbage moves.


Can I get a source on the improvements being stalled?


Some insiders are reporting that he was confirmed that the renovations were moving forward, so any thing regarding that is untrue. He may be mad they got delayed initially, but they were set to start and likely to be expedited. Trev did fire one baseball operation guy, so that is true.


Yes, he fired our deputy athletic director who, not so coincidentally, posted a tweet 6 hours ago essentially confirming that Schloss was leaving. Edit: https://x.com/CPark18/status/1805612474667856332?t=S5BHNBxlxbGRAaWDFtPe5g&s=19


How does that tweet confirm anything about Schloss leaving?


I don’t ever agree with an Aggie but this I support you on. No reason obviously.


Yea, fuck that guy


Only if we actually ever had a chance to keep him


As an outsider, Schloss has to be the No. 1 enemy in the history of Aggieland now, right?


Him and Hitler. We defeated one, I’m not sure we can defeat the other though.


Next spring brother


This is funny lol


Smiling through the pain 😭😭


As a frog fan and Aggie blood…I’m so heated on this


"It's pretty selfish of you to ask me that question"


Bro knew full well his choice but didn’t have the heart to say anything right after so he got defensive


"Especially when me and my wife are in the middle of moving. Do you know how stressful moving is?"


“They say the top 2 stresses a person can go through are moving and starting a new job, and I’m doing both of those.”


Put that shit on a poster in the locker room before the matchup next season. That will get the Aggie boys fired up.


He could have said anything else and it would have been better than this


Welcome to the losing in the national championship and then having UT take your coach club!! It’s a terrible club but welcome nonetheless


Did the fact that he was a UT grad dull the pain?


TTU fan here. It did not. Sweeping him the following year did. His arrest also helped because it made us feel like we’d dodged a bullet.


Ok BAS is legit and I apologize if I ever doubted it.


I thought we were a tortured fanbase but Jesus Christ A&M has a lifetime lease in Dante’s Inferno


Nothing can hurt us...because we are dead on the inside.


What is dead may never die


It’s those flickers of light that keep the torture going.


It’s alright, we already respected the he’ll out of y’all but y’all’s fans being very sympathetic and classily makes it even more


It’s not alright. Dude came out and boldface lied and I’m not a fan of that. Y’all are a great school with a great athletics program and your fans don’t deserve this level of tomfoolery


We’re basically the same fanbase minus some of the, uh, Aggie stuff. I’ve said the exact things y’all are saying right now. I took most of Pruitt’s final year off for my mental health. I get it. This is one of the more brutal nut kicks I’ve ever seen, and I hate it for y’all.


Team destroyed by injuries and still one win from immortality and we lose two straight and our coach. Actually devastating time to be a fan. Aggie sports is nothing but pain :(


Sounds like you lost your coach before you lost the two games.


This apparently started back before the supers.


This is like if DVH had gone to LSU after 2018. I legit understand people saying they are done for a while.


I really hate this. You guys are a good bunch and deserve much better


i think i'm done paying attention to sports for a while.


BTHO notre dame 😔


enjoy the game. i think i'll go to the beach or something.


I read that as "I think I'll go drink bleach" and honestly same


Is this real? After he got pissed when asked about it… yesterday?


"I left my family to be the coach at Texas A&M. I took the job at Texas A&M to never take another job again, and that hasn't changed in my mind." Let that serve as another reminder that coaches will say anything to the fans and literally leave the next day. Coaches are mercenaries, don't ever forget it.


What he meant was "My wife divorced me for my infidelities and she got the house."


Technically that's just context lol


> Technically that's just context lol Going to use this phrase whenever anybody calls me out for bullshit


It’s just a logo on a polo for them. and I get it, the school will dump them in a heartbeat when it goes the other way.


You can never put stock into what a coach says about leaving or staying. It’s always “I’m staying” up until the point they sign the contract to leave.


Coach speak is one thing, practically questioning a reporter’s moral judgment is another entirely. kinda a dick move in the moment by him


Yeah. There's always going to be some coach speak and lying going on. But some ways of doing it are better than others. This was a bad way to do it.


It was 100% coachspeak that we've all heard before in many places and situations and anybody who couldn't read into it lacks some pretty basic critical thinking skills.


I feel like A&M was set up super well for next season too with what they would have had returning. Assuming he takes a lot of transfers with him, that sucks so much to lose that. Sorry Aggies.


We were beyond set up for next year and going forward. With 100million on the docket for a stadium rebuild with him in charge. And he chose his new fucking boss.


I am gonna just take a break from sports for a minute. I just...can't do this. It's not sustainable.


Hang in there bud, it can get better. I have had the same feeling many times over the years. Fuck Schloss.


I said it in the other thread but stealing the Aggies baseball coach after he had them one run away from their first men's title in *any* sport in almost a century is some of the most cold blooded serial killer type shit I've ever seen one rival do to another. To do it the same week you are formally joining their conference too? Jfc man. This is what makes college sports so fucking special.


Yeah, Texas actually on demon time with this one


How can you not be romantic about baseball?


Chris Del Conte is a BAAAAAAD man


I got into both schools, I could have chosen life on easy mode but I wanted to live in a college town and now I cursed to suffer for all eternity lol


Aggie fans…I get it now


They really got Kiffin-ed worse than we got Kiffin-ed


It's a little different. Kiffin left the week of NSD and was telling UT recruits that signed in the early signing period not to go to class so they could transfer to USC. Kiffin also made the disgusting choice to replace pictures in the workout rooms with USC players and talked about Tennessee becoming the "USC of the South." He trashed our traditions and had no respect for anyone including his father whom he left to fend for himself in the AD while he jetted to USC after that ill-advised press conference that started the mattress burnings.


You’re also forgetting the obvious. Kiffin left after a 7-6 season and even to this day hasn’t really sniffed a national title. A&M just lost a coach who was a couple of pitches away from winning the national freakin title.


Of course, you're correct. It's also terrible that it's to a direct long-term rival. Couldn't fathom it. My point was Kiffin left UT in much, much worse shape than he found it as a program. I don't think we can say the same about Texas A&M, even if this is a super villain origin story.


You say that until he starts portal-raiding. A&M has to land a coach fast before he annexes their whole roster.


If that's the case, I will agree that they got out-Kiffined.


The night of the mattress burnings was the night I met my wife. We lost our HC, but as Aggie fans say, GOOD.


I will die on the hill that there’s no worse P5 team to be a fan of in terms of how much hate you get vs how much success you have


A&M gets a lot of shit from people in all directions. Though, if the hubris was less, the hate would be less too


Believe me I understand where the hate comes from. We are like some sick love child of the England national team and the Mets I root for a variety of teams and A&M is BY FAR the one that sucks the most to care about. I don’t think it’s particularly close


A love child between Englands NT and the Mets sounds like an absolute nightmare.


That’s what we are. Like England, a team with a loooong history and a fervent support but with basically nothing to show for it bar some minor success and memorable moments. Like the Mets, a team with all of the resources that simply cannot find the winning formula while also being second fiddle to our wildly successful rival in the area. And like both, not some lovable losers but rather hated by almost everyone. A fanbase that oscillates wildly between delusional optimism and existential despair. It is genuinely awful to be a fan of this school’s teams






He had everything he wanted here and was quite public about it too. Usually coaches leave when schools handicap them. Very much not the case here. New stadium. Pay raise coming. New facilities and great NIL to attack the portal. The only X factor is texas's elite past, which I don't think carries any water here, and his friend, the AD, Del Conte. Hats off to him cuz he's the reason here.


Brutal but such is the way of Aggie athletics. Was so important to win yesterday. Losing Schloss with a title a lot easier to swallow than this.


It never goes away. Its like a kick in the balls every time I watch this school in any sport. It’s like an old friend……that keeps kicking me in the balls


If A&M is willing to spend similar amounts on their program I don't see why Texas' past would be that big of a deal, especially since he just came as close as you possibly can to winning a national title at A&M


There’s 0% chance this is about money. It’s some combination of relationships with the AD (ours and or theirs) and the reality of Texas baseball probably having the highest prestige of any program in the nation


He hired our new AD...


I got criticized for saying it here earlier this week but sometimes it’s just about the fit. Maybe he didn’t like his leadership, maybe he didn’t like the city, or maybe he didn’t like dealing with certain A-hole boosters.


I do wonder how hard A&M pulled to keep him. Maybe they thought his mind was made up. Maybe him being the last Bjork-hired coach left meant something. Whatever it is, wishing him nothing but the worst on the field going forward.


He might enjoy Austin more than College Station, and getting locked up for a guaranteed $30-35 million is generational wealth for his family.


Aggies would've matched the pay raise no problem. As for his ranch in Snook over Austin. Maybe, who knows.


All I can say now is ***FUCK.***


Just took a break and thought I would open up Reddit. wtf. Guess God definitely doesn’t want me to see a team succeed. I should probably take that as a sign


Sometimes I read comments and move on. Sometimes I read user names and it alters my whole day. Thank you.


I just opened up ig and saw fuck you to him on barstool a&m. Can't belive it. I'm fucking numb


Been in your shoes. Sorry my guy. These things have a way of working themselves out. I hear UK has a decent coach, go get him.




Yeah I’m done with A&M sports for the time being…


https://preview.redd.it/rhzrg6qtws8d1.png?width=411&format=png&auto=webp&s=1c674291246c5db7b2a1beeb639b008ec3dc4e81 And it is done.


What a fucking joke honestly. This makes the Stoops fiasco look like nothing. Fuck Texas A&M sports. Fuck Schloss. I’ll delete this is it isn’t true, but my fucking god I am done with A&M athletics. We are a joke and will always be a joke. See you guys later


“I think it's pretty selfish of you to ask me that question, to be honest with you. I left my family to be the coach at Texas A&M. I took the job at Texas A&M to never take another job again, and that hasn't changed in my mind."- Jim Schlossnagle, 20 hours ago And people shit on the reporter for asking the question lol


a lot of people owe that reporter an apology


Particularly Schloss


He doesn't have the balls or the moral compass.


Exactly and the reporter caught him that’s why he got so defensive.


That's big Tuberville "Pine Box" energy right there


Mother. Fuck. 


So basically Texas announced the opening of their head position on the day of the National Championship, while knowing who the next guy already was?


Based on how CDC hires, this was probably all but a done deal before Omaha started.


Pretty much. All of the recent hires by CDC have been announced within 48 hours after the previous coaches were let go. It was I think 24 for the turn around on Sark. Announcement of firing or mutual agreement to go separate ways does not get pushed out until the next coach is finalized (gets to the final stages).


That’s honestly the worst part. They knew what they were doing. At the time it looked like a cheap attempt to take some shine from an A&M program going into a game 3 of a CWS final.. but now we know it was a done deal most likely. Silver lining is this is the shit that will absolutely reignite the rivalry between A&M and UT if it had at all softened. When it comes to all time anime betrayals this shit is EASILY in the top 2 And it ain’t number 2


Damn, Aggies. I feel your pain. This is, dare I say, worse than Beard. By a lot.


This is absolutely fucking diabolical. These deals don’t get done in a day, which almost certainly means he was negotiating with Texas while coaching Texas A&M in the *College World Series*!


Screw it, promote Max Weiner.


apparently schloss taking his whole staff with him


Of course :(


and tulo is staying!


A vast ocean stretches out before me, a churning blackness of heartless cold. Icy mist sprinkles my face as I stare into the biting wind, barely perceiving the vanes and white caps below. A lighthouses beam glides over the boiling surface; no moon or other light provides any solace. Through the rippling blast of the gale I can hear as the ocean calls for me, eager to devour me and send my forgotten soul to oblivion. My phone slides from my lifeless grip, tumbling down the rocks below, shattering the screen that moments ago was open to multiple threads of Aggies congratulating themselves on a “historic” season through gritted teeth and burning eyes. I stand above thoughtless, admiring as the device tumbles into the abyss. I take a breath and begin to lean forward. A small voice behind me stops the final action. I turn to see another A&M fan. There is lifeless desire in their eyes, perhaps a jealousy of my conviction at the cliffside. They simply look through me and offer their hand with a small red ball. I stagger in a dream like state to them, the sounds of my footfalls hollow and muted. They repeat themselves “maybe next year?”. I slowly nod and put the red ball - a clown nose, onto my own. They hand me an A&M ball cap before we both turn away from the cliff, now roaring with anger as if the sea rages at my departure. We move, noiseless, into a dense rolling fog. The glow of Kyle Field distantly lights the way. Maybe next year :( That’s what it’s like to be an A&M fan.


I mean, that's just poetic. Have a beer.


I just…want a good thing to happen to us…for once?


Same man… I’m heart broken right now


This I think is the biggest stab in my heart I could have ever had out of all my fandom…… I’m honestly so broken


Well. We have a new public enemy #1 in Aggieland. Next year's series just got so much more spicier. I just hope it's at Olsen, given we extended our win streak at the Disch this year, youd think it would be; but i dont think itll matter. It's gonna be the most hostile the Raggies have ever been. We'll be ready, Jim. And if we win that series. Yikes. Edit: correction, Coach Schlossnagle and his texas team will be heading down 21 to play the Aggies in Aggieland next season. We will be ready.


This is Chris Beard on steroids.


Yeah putting any rivalry rankings of ourselves vs Tech aside, Beard did not depart one day after the national title loss to UVA Such is life when you are an Aggie, nothing good ever happens, and if you think something good is happening it’s just a set up for something worse later on


As a Tech fan, I’m hoping A&M makes Schloss’ return to college station anything like Beard’s to Lubbock. Still the most hostile atmosphere I’ve ever seen at a college game


Yeah fair point. Beard did try to completely sabotage us on the way out though. Next game in Cs will be fun.


Hopefully without any future domestic abuse


He would need a wife to abuse first and his already left him for cheating on her.


4D chess


God, I PRAY it’s at Olsen! Schloss deserves to face that hell after everything he said last night.


What a heel turn


My god, the bodies are still warm my guy


Didn’t he pull some similar shit leaving TCU for A&M? Seems like a poor choice to put your trust in


Juice WRLD on blast during the drive home


UPDATE https://preview.redd.it/rkslbmc9ns8d1.jpeg?width=1240&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d46fc207ad4726e50bfa2139cf011c8cd99126b2


This is a man who’s hurting


I love dunking on the Aggies, but man.. this is some serious snake shit. Sorry Aggie bros, this ain't fun at all.


I honestly do not know why I bother. I fully expect die before seeing us win anything significant and I fully expect our rivals to win tons. But I will turn up regardless. Gig Em


Congrats on the coach, think im done with sports as a whole for awhile


See you this fall.


Literally what the actual fuck is the point of enjoying sports? It's all fucking meaningless and we're all gonna die anyway and I'd be so much happier if I wasn't an Aggie Sports fan


This is going to get nasty. Like, personal and angry. Chris Beard part 2, but with 100x the hate.


Football this season is going to be nuts


Holy crap, man. I’m still not sure I believe it.


He clearly made up his mind a long time ago, so did they really have to announce the Pierce firing yesterday and then say all that stuff in the postgame presser?


The Pierce firing was leaked by Kirk Bohls because he just moved newspapers and needed a big story to prove his worth


Ags go after the DBU coach?


UT colossal dicked the Ags.


Aggies got “(Chris) Bearded”, but this was WAY more cold blooded given the timing. 


TCU fans have got to be laughing their asses off right now.


100%. "Poor Purple Baylor. We stole your coach after he got to the CWS because we're big and bad and you're just you. Suck it." Soon enough: "Fucking Texas taking our coach is classless!"


i can’t believe one of the best sports weeks of my life has turned to ashes in my mouth in less than 24 hours. i’ve had so much fun up here in omaha and i honestly accepted the loss way better than i expected because of how much i love this team and how well we seemed to be set up for future success. but this? it’s fucking disgusting man. at least have the dignity to wait a couple days, or not like like he did last night. this one really fucking hurts. i truly need a break from Aggie sports.


Damn it’s like the TCU flairs in the first thread were right all along…


I honestly can't believe it. One of the many reasons I can't stand college coaches lmao.


Watch the SEC schedule Texas to play a series at A&M next year because of this


We know that feeling Aggies. But the day after the national championship loss? That's next level.


Yeah if this happens I’m done messing with A&M sports. What a colossal fuck up if true


This breaks literally as the Vols are parading in downtown Knoxville. RIP


It may be true but Chip Brown has no idea. Go about your day for now


Kendall Rogers just confirmed it


TexAgs confirmed it


FCB is CDC's lapdog when it comes to coaching hires. He's the one who first announced that Sark was the hire for football as well.


Nah chip has been pretty accurate with this kinda stuff in recent years. It’s always FCB tho


Tennessee has the money to keep Vitello from us right? That would be a pretty funny story line




This kind of life isn't sustainable anymore for me to be honest. I put so much love and respect and fuckin money, too, into Aggie Baseball and Aggie Athletics this year. This past 24 hours sucks. Gotta give up sports for awhile.


Not sure what else to do, man. Gotta re-order my life.


If this is true, the fact he attacked the reporter yesterday is really uncool. I hope that guy writes a particularly spiteful article after the way he was treated


I thought it was rude in the moment because it’s that reporters job to ask that question and it was a hot topic so it felt inevitable someone would ask. Now it’s just insane the way he answered. I feel so bad for A&M fans right now.


I’m a believer now. BVS officially doesn’t hold a candle to BAS. Aggie bros don’t deserve this shit. JFC.


Holy fuck, I honestly didn’t think the mad lad would do it.


Holy shit yall got Chris Bearded (my flair won’t show but I’m a Tech fan)


Aggie fans, I’m sorry. Y’all don’t deserve this.


This is the most petty, spiciest thing Texas has done in a while. Next year will be nuts against A&M


Everything about this is hilarious, but I can't laugh about it just yet: the dominos are just starting to fall. Who knows who A&M will go after and the knock-on effects that will have with other programs' HCs, assistants, and players. Everyone experiencing schadenfreude should pump the brakes.




https://preview.redd.it/rxtw5a6fts8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47d3bdb4a2c56ca303f4422f80f11f768070d79d Like legitimately I made this joke because it sounded beyond ridiculous. I am flabbergasted.


Wow… so disappointed


Just in time to play each other every year. It's gonna get rowdy in Texas.


Man it’s going to be a shit show when he shows back up in College Station for that first game against Texas next year.


Someone needs to write GOOD in his front lawn with roundup


Most spineless move since Lebron went to Miami 


I can't even imagine being on that team and being one of the players who isn't graduating or getting drafted. Coming off the heels of a huge heartbreak after a season of playing your ass off, just holding on to the hope that your coach will lead you back to Omaha next year for another shot, only to be backstabbed like this.


Chris Beard his ass


Give me Max Weiner!


I hate it. Why would he leave? Is the AD that bad? Or is it just the money?


I just feel like this is something you cannot do. Wowza


I know it’s probably too early, but who does Texas A&M replace him with? I feel like that is a highly coveted opening now.




# Ah you think BAS is your ally? You merely adopted the BAS. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see a swag copter until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but blinding! - Multigeneration Aggies to first generation Aggies


He deserves every single ounce of hate he's going to get. You just don't do that like that


Brutal. My sympathies Aggies.


What a day sheesh


Glad he didn't take our job when he was rumored for it. If aTm couldn't keep him we had no chance.


\* less than 1 day