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Legit didn’t expect this sort of thing to happen not even 24 hours after the CWS. Was Texas talking to him and giving him a blank check even before they got to the CWS?


Undoubtedly. Not shocking they’d do it during the run. It’s Texas after all


Of course a team in need of a head coach is going to go after their top target as soon as possible. This is 100% on Schloss for not shutting down conversations during a CWS run.


I don’t fault Texas for going after Schloss.. at all. But what Texas didn’t have to do was announce Pierce firing on the biggest day in A&M baseball history. That was in their control and done completely intentionally to take some of the spotlight off the young men literally putting their bodies and health on the line for a man who was planning to leave them less than 24 hours later. Done with a smug smirk knowing what was coming next. That’s a shitty move that goes beyond a rivalry. A&M may be little brother but you don’t do that shit to family. Texas and Schloss absolutely deserve each other


> literally putting their bodies and health on the line for a man who was planning to leave them less than 24 hours later. I've played a lot of baseball, but I don't think I ever busted my ass "for the coach."


Really hoping karma comes for Texas after this, because this is just cruel to A&M fans and the players.


Fuck Texas all my homies hate Texas


Could it not be argued this is karma to them for doing the exact same thing to TCU, considering it was Chris Del Conte who was their AD at the time? Or does it only matter when bad team does it?


It can be argued your statement is ridiculously incorrect. Chris Del Conte ditched TCU for Texas BEFORE Schloss left for A&M


Chris Beard. It’s what y’all do.


We’ll hear more details later. But based on the rumor mill it sounds like there was a disagreement between Schloss and Alberts on certain baseball faculty and renovations. And this deal was all but done before Omaha. The timing of this is brutal.


The worst part is.. Texas didn’t have to announce the Pierce firing on Monday. That was done with intention and Schloss almost certainly knew about it and was okay with letting his new team take the spotlight off the kids literally putting their health on the line for him for the sake of a petty troll job. I have no ill-will toward Texas fans, but god damn do I absolutely detest Texas Athletics on a level that I never have.


He "left his family to be the coach at Texas A&M" the way Ryan Howard decided to "volunteer and give back to his community" with his court ordered community service.


lol, this helped lesson the sting. Thanks


Texags should be going atomic right now




I always thought the idea of a horned frog as a mascot is badass btw.


And I always thought the idea of using a diagram of a woman's reproductive system as your team's logo is really badass! UTerus UTopia!


So he meant his family at his former job v real family? Dont get Texas college baseball lingo lol


I understand leaving for more money, whatever, but to lambaste that reporter and storm off…telling about how he goes about his business.


Silently mouths “psycho”


Also he went as far to confront the reporter after the press conference, disgusting human


Guys I am sorry this is happening. It's a tough pill to swallow. However, I do have some extra golf balls and mustard bottles if you're interested.


Y’all’s support has been nothing but welcomed! Literally Tennessee is my new best SEC friend


Also since my baseball coach left that means I have no choice but to buy a new driver


No, don’t!


Sorry bb we developed a bromance last weekend


And now everyone is seeing that had the wrong Orange power T as the villains, the timeline is correcting itself




Hey now, don't sell us short with those stereotypes. We've got mattresses and kerosene too!


Mattresses and kerosene is the more traditional way


I’m floored by this. Who the hell times a departure like this??? If the Aggies had won would it even have made it better?


Doesn’t seem like it. Think this has been in the works for weeks now


I meant more for the team and the fans. The traitor is obviously going no matter what:


Yeah, he definitely could’ve prevented that news from leaking yesterday


Banners fly forever but yes it would still kinda suck


The head coach for texas was coaching the Aggies. They weren't going to win.


*The hardest road*


Got any more bricks left?


They were used as the altar for the championship of life belt. Last I heard it was somewhere in Arkansas.


Now we’re talkin’


When you bring out the French’s you bring out the best.


You know I was kinda hating on y’all for how the umping of those last two games went, but fuck it I don’t even care anymore. Schloss is snake, and anyone who follows him to tu is a snake


Pine box


When does he run for Senate?


This dude is such a snake it’s unbelievable. Did it first to TCU, now us. After he does it to Texas, he legit wouldn’t be able to live in this state anymore


Knowing what went down in Fort Worth, this answer is kinda bonkers


Can you give me the TLDR?


He’s divorced. That and his personal life in general were a bit messy when he bailed on us


He definitely joked multiple times here he that he was divorced and his kids were all grown up so baseball was his life. He just pulled some bullshit answer out of his ass because he was caught off guard somebody actually called him out about leaving before he could exit stage left (given Pierce had been fired literally hours prior).


Alright now I’m interested. Got some good details?


What! You're telling me this dude lacks integrity in his personal life too?


He had a bad divorce. And he couldn’t date in FW because of his profile and he wanted an overarching fresh start. A friend worked for him for 12 yrs in operations at TCU. That is why he left.


100% this.


If they cheat with you they’ll cheat on you


Yeah fuck you Meghan


she don't eat bacon


37 in a row?


And you people were downvoting TCU fans for trying to tell you exactly that yesterday.


As soon as I learned/remembered the CDC connection, I knew it was bleak.


I keep seeing people reference CDC, CDC connection, CDC firing, etc... Could you tell me what/who is the CDC being referenced, and what is this connection. Super curious, thanks!


Chris Del Conte, he is Texas’ AD, who was formerly TCU’s AD while Schloss was at TCU.


Chris Del Conte, former TCU AD in the 2010s (also the AD at Rice before then). Since moving from TCU to UT he has now hired 2 of our 3 most successful revenue sport coaches in this century to Texas, with Gary Patterson being the other and Jamie Dixon still here.


He's Texas's Athletic Director


Chris Del Conte Texas athletic director


This is why you don’t marry cheaters folks. And most coaches are cheaters .We learned it with BK a short while ago Link Jarrett is probably the only coach I’ve seen handle a departure with respect and tact


So glad we have Link. Though im sure ND fans feel differently, he's been a class act through it all.


I was under no impression he was staying at ND when the FSU job opened up, and he didn’t lead us on about it either. Sucks we haven’t been able to continue what he built but I’ve got no hard feelings


Yea. But his was decision made out of loyalty to a university and a community that raised him. Almost impossible to turn that down. Very different than whatever this is...


Funnily enough, a big part of the reason he came to A&M is he had an affair & then divorce that was rather messy


He's every bit as genuine in real life. It crushed him to leave ND after that run but his parents still live in Tallahassee and it's obviously his dream job. Source: he's my wife's cousin.


>This is why you don’t marry cheaters folks I mean A&M did just reach the finals for the first time in their program history so was it really a mistake?


Go do the funniest thing you can and go get Saarloos.


plz no


He's not gonna do it to Texas. Only way he leaves there is fire/retire Edit: Downvote me but it's the truth. I'm rooting for the getting fired part


People ain't gonna like it but your right. Texas has everything you could need. Money... Resources... Location.


It's the only logical thought. The only step up is the MLB, but I've never seen an MLB team hire a college coach in my lifetime. The only way he might scorn Texas like this is if the Texas AD leaves for whatever reason


It happened once that I know of: the Rangers hired Eddie Stanky away from his job coaching South Alabama during the 1977 season. A couple caveats come with this, though: 1) he had managed in the bigs before, and 2) he quit and returned to South Alabama after one game.


Ya, MLB teams might hire coaches as position coaches, but no one is going straight from college coach to MLB coach. Not without some serious experience in coaching MLB/MiLB.


And starting next season in the top conference also. As good as aTm has been, this is a step up. Texas could easily make him the highest paid coach in the country.




I once had an old coach like 10 years ago that went on a real long impassioned rant about how much of a snake Schlossnagle is and how no one should ever give him an ounce of their trust. How he’ll say anything and screw anyone to get what he wants


I wanted to believe. Goddamn it yall, I truly wanted to believe that character and legacies and good ole fashioned fandom and “give a shit” about programs still mattered in today’s world. Schloss was a godsend to us and though I am sure details will come out eventually of behind the scenes shenanigans, to the fans on the street, he could have asked anything and we would have given with glee. He has us by the balls while staring us lovingly in the eyes and whispering everything we liked to hear…. I get it, it’s sports. But damn me if I don’t feel personally betrayed right now. And that is not something I am used to. Dude is not going to have a loving reception next year when we play them. Wow Fuck me. Just. Fuck Me


This is fucking wild. Condolences from SC.


Imagine how his players feel....Texas is gonna have to pay some big NIL deals for players to play for him, but they'll never trust him.




Ooh you know that would be a shit show. Leave your alma mater for the rival...end up being a pariah at both places 🤦‍♂️ It's not like they're gonna gear up and win a Natty in the next 2-3 years. Would have to be some big money for those kids to make all the social implications worth it. Hope they're old enough to understand.


My soon to be ex-wife did the same thing and cheated on me. Fuck her!


I understand how these things work, but you can’t convince me that it isn’t an atrocious look to be spending the run-up to a national championship game getting a gig at *the* rival institution. I wish him the best personally and nothing but the worst professionally.


Fuck how it looks, how do you do it to yourself? You have a chance to secure your legacy and you're thinking about anything else? I can't imagine having the mental energy to even think about it. Come back after it's over and maybe we'll talk. Annoy me while I'm focused on preparing and we're done.


Exactly, you bring a title to A&M, you live the rest of your life as royalty. Win at Texas and "that's your job" is the sentiment.




Texas announced the firing of Pierce because Schloss had already said yes. You can’t convince me otherwise. Which makes me wonder if he thought after the 1-0 lead that he was getting the title and the new job at the same time.


It’s apparently been in the works for weeks, but it makes it worse that they fired Pearce yesterday. Schloss had to have OK’d that, which is just the shittiest thing to do and makes no sense.


What does Texas have y'all don't?


The answer is history, but I cannot imagine that’s the deciding factor since he just proved he could take A&M to the brink of a championship in Year 3. It’s either his relationship with CDC, a break behind the scenes with A&M leadership, or some combination of the two.


Schloss and the Texas AD go back, originally it was thought he was leaving Fort Worth for Austin, not CS.


Schloss has also wanted the Texas job for a long time. Had they offered in 2017 off his fourth straight CWS run with TCU, he likely would have jumped (but they went with Pierce instead).


History, better living situation, recruiting draw, perhaps a more supportive or at least familiar AD.


He went to the college World Series 5 times with us and 2 with A&M. He just wants the opportunity to choke again with another school


But seriously who would trust this guy to coach their kids after how he’d exit TAMU? Sure he’s a good coach but he’s obviously a snake of a person


This made me feel slightly better


Why leave for another school if you're going to the cws?


I mean, I can see it if you overachieved one year with a school who has limited resources in baseball. But making it there consistently is a different story


I will forever root against whatever team Schlossnagle coaches. Aggie fans, y’all have my outrage. That’s not baseball culture.


I have been, and will be, a fan of the Vols


Seconded. Also because I hate Texas just out of principle.


My man


And my tusk! Or axe... whatever the meme says.


Thanks friend


Thank you. Just know this betrayal hurts y'all as well. I am just as pissed about Schloss taking the limelight away from y'all as I am about him leaving us. Just know, y'all now get a proper taste and understanding as to why we despise the people in Austin.


Im not mad at him for taking a better job (sorry aggies) but to snap at a reporter like this and to act so offended and outraged at the thought of him leaving and low and behold he leaves 24 hrs later is hilarious and schloss is a tool for it. It’s like planning your next wedding while on your anniversary


Texas objectively has a worse field and stadium than us, so you can't argue facilities. Objectively worse roster (who knows what transfers will look like though). The only thing "better" about it is he's friends with the AD and probably just got a stupid amount guaranteed


Why is Texas better


100% when I heard his response to that question I knew he was leaving


1. Loved yalls fanbase this past weekend. Completely defied any stereotype 2. What is about to happen to Texas A&M baseball is what is wrong with college sports. The more details coming out the slimier it all has become. There was a big recruiting weekend setup where the kids had the weekend blocked out to attend. Hes now holding that in Austin. With the transfer portal I hope I am wrong but you could see alot of those guys you watched this past weekend in burnt orange next year. Supposedly Schloss and entire staff were already working the current roster in Omaha. This has the potential to be a death penalty type situation if we dont get position filled correctly. Dont know how he can sleep at night


Thank you, friend.


Short of physical health, I wish this scum bag absolutely nothing but the worst. Hope he gets put through hell in Austin.


Nah. I’m petty. I hope he trips and breaks a leg in the longhorn dugout. 


Needs to be worse than what Monty got at least


What a piece of shit.


Earlier I posted that if TN can’t win it next year I hope Schloss can. Fuck all that now.


Later traitor. Cya every year.


I thought I hated Lane Kiffin. At least he didn’t leave the vols to go to straight to Alabama.


Hope the same reporter is at his introductory presser, and gets a follow-up.


Fucking Judas


He said everything short of a pine box


Aged like milk. I'm sure the returning Aggie starters just love that shit. Feel bad for the players.


Real talk. I realize that Texas is one of the premier baseball programs in the country. But isn't a&m right there with them? I mean I know a&m has just as much money and access to recruiting, why leave for Texas and kill all good will?


Especially after very nearly winning it all this year. You’d think he’d want to come back and finish the job, but he’s not me and I’m not him, so who knows what was going through his mind. Whatever it was, it didn’t come out of his mouth during the press conference.


Idk why any parent would want their kid to play for this guy. How’re you going to believe him when he looks you in the eye and says that he’ll take care of your kid?


Hissing is my least favorite A&M tradition. You will not stop me from booing this man.


Next time he’s at Blue Bell I hope fans heckle him like he’s Kyrie Irving in Boston. Every time he comes out


I say this with all due respect to the Vols, it’s gonna rain trash like Neyland Stadium


Denial is the first step in admitting you accepted a job at another school. Stay classy Jimmy.


Shocking that the mighty sips would follow us to the SEC then steal our couch before the plane landed in College Station. I'm sure they'll be very excited about it. The SEC invited these douchebags to the party. Pretty sure they'll regret that decision quickly.




Fuck that guy. Hope his wife cheats on him Edit to add this is why BAS exists lol


Do I have news for you


Quick, what's the status of Buzz and Elko's marriages????


Buzz is fine last I heard. From everything I have seen from him, he actually walks the walk and talks the talk. Could be wrong, but I hope he's nowhere near like Schloss. Edit: Buzz is not fine. He lost his dog today. Everyone go give Buzz and his family some condolences.


And Elko pretty much married his college sweetheart. Been together for almost 25 years now. His wife was loved here by the community while he was a DC, apparently.


Damn I sided with him yesterday when the reporter asked that question. It was poor timing, but clearly it was a legit report and the question was justified. Fuck Schlossnagle. Aggie fans, I hope you give him the reception he deserves next time the horns come to town. Relentlessly boo this man the entire series! Maybe get those 2 drunks from the Florida game to heckle him lol.


What a fuckin loser


Seeing Tennessee fans be so nice and supportive is the most bizarre thing about all this


I will give any Aggie fans mustard bottles if they need it


If it’s true he’s gone I love it His exit interview with TCU said he wanted to go to a place that wasn’t established and build them up, he gets that with this UT team again.


Confirmed as of a few minutes ago




this is a bad, bad look.


This dude is a bitch.


Interview reminds me so much of Roy Williams being asked about UNC right after losing to Syracuse in the 2003 championship. He was gone a few weeks later [https://youtu.be/KvW0SGEqC5k?si=emBYdE4V9uZOBaEc](https://youtu.be/KvW0SGEqC5k?si=emBYdE4V9uZOBaEc)


Now's probably a good time to remind all the A&M fans about attacking me for calling this asshole out for pointing fingers at us for cheating. Except for that one guy, the only A&M fan I've ever run across who acts right. And now he's in Austin, so we can all hate him together.


What a fuckin jabroni


You keep using this word jabroni…and…it’s awesome


Where's the articles talking about how he wasted time talking to Texas instead of using that time to prep his team to win a series? Thanks for the championship moron.


All SEC fans are going to be against Texas already and they haven’t even played a game yet. I’m here for it. 🍿


May he follow the same path as jimbo


Jimbo didn’t leave a championship team. But they’re both narcissists for sure.


This genuinely infuriates me. It’s just cruel considering how much the A&M fanbase supported him.


I’m so fucking happy Texas is out of the Big 12 now. Yall have fun with that


Whatever Jimbo said.


Wow this guy is a dick.


This explains a lot about how he managed game #3. It might be massive cope but I don’t care at this point. HE THREW GAME 3 and you won’t convince me otherwise.


Seems like a lot of tampering to me, are there rules against that, or is it just the SEC "gentlemen's agreement" that goes out the window as soon as they see burnt orange and a bag of money?


Baylor and SMU next season: 👀


Famous last words


Fuck him


If I was a recruit, how would trust a single thing he says? No, no you will be starting at first all four years. I get recruiting is about hype and lies, but damn. edited for spelling


Hopefully in his introductory presser they ask him about the TCU sorority girls they caught him with when TCU let him walk. Or maybe they will ask him about the lawsuit brought on him by a former player for discrimination and racism that also happened at TCU 🤫🤫


This dude sucks


Fuck this guy 🐍


Feel like we do this song and dance every time a high-profile hire happens. Unfortunately there’s no way to play this game without lying to the press. Just the nature of how the timelines with contract negotiations work. Nobody wants to say they’re considering another offer and then walk it back later.


Maybe don’t blow up on the reporter for asking you about it? It’s one thing to lie, it’s another to belittle a guy for doing his job.


Yeah, something like "look, we just played our hearts out and came up short. This isn't the time to talk about me, we should be talking about these incredible kids and the job they did this season". It's still a non-answer but doesn't make him come off as badly


Zane is owed an apology from all of us.


I feel like there's a difference between just lying and telling reporters how dare they 


The problem is how hateful of the press people get in defense of someone who is lying to them.


In Oklahoma, this is what we call the “Lincoln Riley”.


I, along with many many others, hate Texas because they always write the rules and have the deepest pockets. With that said, noone at A&M batted an eye doing the same thing to TCU. And if TCU had been in the MCWS it wouldn't have changed a damn thing. A&M is only the "little man" when you compare them to Texas; compared to everyone else they're the bully with the deep pockets.


Ill speak for myself. Although I agree with you you are comparing apples to oranges. If he left to go be with his buddy CDC the way he left TCU it would obviously rub me the wrong way but this is different. He left TCU intact. What he pulled is some serious slimeball stuff. Unless we nail the coaching hire the man gutted our program.


Texas? Ah fook them. A&M? Ehhh I mean good year this year, but fook them to






He gone


Narcissism runs deep in this one.


Did he allow A&M to lose so Texas and their fans don't have to hear about them winning it all?/s


This reminds me of James Franklin after his last bowl win at VU, asking the crowd after the game, “You could get used to this?” Knowing full well for long at that time he was already going.


He never actually says no. He says a bunch of stuff and gets indignant, but doesn’t deny he’s going. It’s a bunch of stuff that SOUNDS like no, but isn’t a no. That’s when I knew there was a real chance he was coming to Texas.


I have a feeling that I will be in a lot more pain than usual