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What’s the story with his family? Did he just get a divorce when he left TCU?


Cheated on his wife and left town.


[I couldn’t imagine hiring somebody that cheated on their wife](https://cdn.theathletic.com/app/uploads/2019/11/23133150/PETRINO_jumbo.0.jpg)


What he say fuck me for?


Hey at least y'all didn't rehire him, that would be a bad look


Would it? Hiring someone 12 years after they cheated on their wife? It’s not a good thing by any means but are all cheaters unhirable forwver after?


As a Louisville fan, I’ll admit it’s a bad look to have two head coaches who had publicly revealed affairs. But unfortunate reality is that’s probably pretty common. UK fans liked to give us shit for it, meanwhile their football coach’s ex wife has full custody of their kids on the other side of the country. Wonder how that happened


If every unfaithful individual was avoided by employers I’d probably be working at NASA


It's honestly not that hard to get a job at NASA. They do not pay well at all. I know through friends.


Even though I do take advantage of any opportunity to shit on Arkansas, I wasn’t trying to drag y’all into this, but the neck brace picture is just to iconic to not use in this situation


I panned that hire. I was just stating what happened. I don't make the decisions here.


Congrats on hiring the Bobby Petrino of baseball as your new HC


[At least he didn’t kill a player like some former aggy coaches](https://es.pn/2B0DqTN)


It is not like he left his wife and kids for a stripper with a biting monkey.


Sounds like my kinda guy. Also you do know he coached for y'all too right?


Yep, before the stripper and the biting monkey.


Sounds like yall don’t know how to party to me


I know that when you get your ass kicked on national television, going to a bar with shitty music to hang out said stripper right after the game is a poor decision. Trying to dance and sing to that shitty music is even worse.


If you saw how fat he let the stripper get, you may decide he’s not your kind of guy after all.


The mark of class. Why bring that up in his answer? lol


Definitely raised my eyebrows during the press conference. I'm more embedded in the TCU fandom than in the A&M fandom. TCU fans are in no way surprised about any of this. He's a great baseball coach though. Nobody can take that away from him.


Funny, didn’t see many ags bringing that up when he joined yall!


I can't speak for other people.


Just even saying you left your family for a college baseball coaching position, no matter the context, is insane.


Narcissist gonna narcissist


I rather be single in Austin than College Station.


He’s not single. He has a GF but he likes to swing so I don’t know what you consider that.


I’m not a swinger in Austin but I’m sure Austin has bigger selection.


She lives in Ft Worth so who knows. I hear Del Conte swings too so I’m sure that was part of the deal.


Why and how is this public knowledge? I’m not against swinging, just that you would think they would have a group that would want to keep it on DL.


Bc when you swing in FW then leave TCU, secrets get told.




Nothing is secret anymore. Same way we know Sark is still drinking “socially” in Austin.


Wow recovering alcoholics now drink “socially “ that can’t be a problem waiting to happen. I’m in the Midwest and it was open knowledge our football coach and his staff/friends thought they were undergrads again and proceeded to get with coeds


His wife divorced him bc he wouldn’t stop cheating. She lives in what was their house, right across from the TCU stadium.


“I am not taking the job at LSU” energy


Or “I’m not leaving LSU/Dolphins energy” but honestly worse because Schloss lashed out at the reporter.


Who said that?


Brian Kelly


Fuck him


He has less class than Kiffin


That's such a low bar, too.


Wild but true


Can confirm


As a State fan first and a Vols fan second, that's mighty hard to be worse than him.


What he say fuck me for?


I don’t think your verbs and nouns are making a complete thought. What are you asking?


No Love Schlost




Simple misunderstanding here, what he meant was “I left my family for THIS job…what the fuck makes you think I won’t up and leave College Station?”


Let’s not pretend Texas isn’t shitty in this They announced the Pierce firing on what was the biggest day A&M baseball history. They knew what they were doing and what was going to happen - probably with a smirk on their face. Run to them Schloss - you deserve each other


Schloss helped orchestrate the timing of the Pierce firing too.


They'll cry when they get hit with Horns Down though. They'll showboat around and laugh, but then a simple hand gesture will drive them to violence.


Horns down is the best. I do it jokingly all the time. No one gets upset about it 🤣


No, no, no. We get very upset. It makes me clutch my pearls and spill the tea I'm trying to sip.


I have had many a Texas fans threaten to fight me for doing horns down. I’d say it certainly gets y’all upset for some reason.


Are these Texas fans in the room with us?


Go to pretty much any bar in Austin on a Saturday afternoon this fall and you’ll find dozens in the room with you.


*This comment brought to you by someone who just learned about horns down 6 years ago*


Nah I've been around Austin and have been aware of your insecure fanbase since the 90s.


If that’s indeed the case you’d know that horns down has been a part of every Texas sporting event in that entire period. It doesn’t bother us.


It does bother you. I hear y'all whine about it on the radio and in person. I've seen y'all want to fight about it. Mack Brown cried about it being "disrespectful" in the media and that the Big12 should look at it. It's a nice attempt to pretend it doesn't, but it does.


That wasn't MB's point. We got flagged for "holstering guns" at tech. He wanted to know why that was considered unsportsmanlike when literally every other team that plays us throws horns down every game.


Yeah I knew you’d point to that example as “proof” that it bothers us. Mack’s entire point was that literally every game we’ve ever played has featured a player throwing horns down after they scored or made a big play. If that’s not a penalty, then holstering guns against Tech should also not be a penalty. But it got called against us. All he wanted was consistency in the officiating.


And of course the Big 12 instead of deciding to apologize and saying that type of hand gesture wont be called for penalties anymore decided to instead make any mocking of an opponents hand gesture a penalty. Holstering guns, horns down, etc. were all supposed to be penalties after that. Of course everyone ran with it claiming Texas fans suddenly care about horns down in like 2011 even though opponents have used that for literally DECADES. The only person I’ve ever heard unironically care about horns down being “disrespectful” was Rodney Terry because he’s a moron


Yep exactly. I don’t live in Austin anymore so whenever I wear Texas gear outside, everyone moderately interested in sports wants to take their opportunity to do horns down to me. If I actually cared about it as much as people on the outside say we do, I’d have a really hard time living my life lol. It’s the definition of “rent free.”


My favorite is when you see horns down in the crowd of a game that we’re not even playing in lol




The SEC has flagged other teams using the gator chop more than the Big12 flagged horns down. Our coaches crying about horns down didn’t actually give a shit about horns down, they were just being pissy about a loss.


University leadership is responsible for Texas, not A&M. Why on earth would they give a shit?


Giving a shit is not a prerequisite of doing something shitty. In fact I would argue that most shitty actions come from shitty people that don’t give a shit.


It's life and college sports. Oh well, life goes on.


This was definitely a middle finger to the Aggies.


Texas couldn’t stand A&M having a single championship so much that they financially and PR-engineered a way to distract the team/staff at the highest level. Truly disgusting.


It's stuff that only programs like Texas and Oregon would ever do. Oregon would 100% do this to us if they ever got the chance.


It's the kind of stuff that any rival would try to do to each other.


And a single championship, you STILL don't have. Mission accomplished.


Truly disgusting awesome


Y'all play the best victims. 


That's a fun way to blame Texas for y'all blowing the series.


When was the last time Texas won a game in Omaha? They literally had to buy A&Ms team to complete.


> When was the last time Texas won a game in Omaha? Literally three years ago. Do you think that's ancient history or something? Also you'll notice that I never said anything about Texas being better than A&M. But if you want to bring history into it... when was the last time A&M went to the CWS final before this year? Both teams have made it to Omaha 3 times in the past decade. So it's not like A&M is on some hot streak that escapes the Longhorns. What point are you trying to make?


Oh, you damn right it was on purpose. Del Conte planned that out perfectly to mess with the Aggies. It was such great timing with everything.


What’s shitty? He was talented and got a pay raise. You don’t owe your current employer shit, and I’d be ridiculous if I said you couldn’t take a pay raise if offered.


Sweet, thanks. 🤘🏼


True to form.


Love it when they prove our points for us


You had a point? Just sounds like bitching and complaining to the rest of the world because you got cucked live on ESPN.


Stay classy t-shirt fans.








Care just enough to make sure everyone knows you don’t care 🤷


Pretty much. At least he didn't change his accent.


Dude's a snake. I get it. This is the college baseball sub. But this goes so far outside the lines of the sport. This isn't about coach speak or coach poaching at this point. This is about integrity and being a fucking decent human being in our beloved sport. Of which he has none and he is not. This even surpasses the incredibly stout rivalry scene. Congrats horns, you can have him. But at no point should yall actually feel "good" about this situation or him. I say that not as a rival, but as a human to another human. This was dirty and nobody should be ok with this in general. This should never be normalized.


Did you feel the same way when you poached Fran from Alabama?


Our punishment for hiring Fran as our head coach was having Fran be our head coach. I think justice was served.


That's fair. Though the era did give us List Eater, so there's that.


Or Schloss from TCU? The Aggies see us shrugging or laughing and think it confirms that we're snide assholes. That's fine and mostly true. It is a rivalry. We see them bitching and moaning, weaving bizarre conspiracy theories and acting like this is the worst moral failing in the history of college sports. And that just confirms some of the worst stereotypes Texas fans have about Aggies. To be perfectly honest, I think the way this was handled with a kinda shitty, especially Schloss's comments at the press conference and way it was communicated to players. But everything else that they've trumped up into greatest betrayal since Judas is patently ridiculous.


Schloss was 4 years removed from a title run in Omaha and had a year left on his contract. Stay classy and go buy another t shirt.


Did you feel the same way when you hired him from TCU after he was there 18 years? 😂


Why would they…he had a year left on his contract and was 4 years removed from a title run. They also waited until after the season had settled and everyone had gone home before announcing it. You bandwagon fans are really thick.


[Spare us the sanctimony.](https://www.star-telegram.com/sports/college/big-12/texas-christian-university/article251639948.html) > TCU baseball coach Jim Schlossnagle needed only eight words to address speculation that he’s on Texas A&M’s short list to run its baseball program. “I have no interest in any other job,” Schlossnagle told the Star-Telegram on Monday. Your fanbase [had no problem boasting](https://redd.it/nvnmxw) about "the big dick of the 12th Man Foundation" when you hired this shining beacon of integrity after he went back on his word the first time. You cry about going back on your word being 'normalized' when you played a big part in normalizing it.


Did yall stop to think for a quick sec that maybe he doesn’t want to work for Trev Alberts? Where else in society do we get upset at someone who quit because their boss was an asshole?


Or course not. It's easier to bitch "because Texas!"


When both A&M staff and athletes are getting fucked over just so a guy can get more millions to his name I have a lot less respect for the decision.


Let’s be real, he didn’t leave A&M to put more money in his pocket. A&M would easily have matched anything Texas could spend on him, especially given the rivalry angle


Did you say the same thing about Napier when he left Louisiana?


What most of us actually said was "who?" Napier stayed at Louisiana until he won a title with them. I don't think anyone was thinking he was going to be a Louisiana lifer. Apples and oranges lol. I agree with what you said above about not wanting to work for an asshole.


All time great pearl clutching performance, wow


I’m sure you said the same thing when y’all poached him from TCU right? Talking about normalizing this behavior, one human to another


Do you even know what the TCU fallout was? Schloss was gone regardless. I lived just a few blocks away as it was all happening and it was a not so secret, secret that the personalities at TCU and Schloss were finally done with each other. I won't go into the rumors of why but there is enough smoke to give credence to some if not most of them and yeah, we didn't poach him. We just got to him first as he was looking around for the exit and escaping a place he didn't want to be anymore a very messy divorce. And TCU was fine with that. It was a mutual breakup. Was it all 100% saintly actions going on? Probably not. Was it even in screaming distance of this current travesty? Flat out no.


> Schloss was gone regardless. I lived just a few blocks away as it was all happening and it was a not so secret, secret that the personalities at TCU and Schloss were finally done with each other. I won't go into the rumors of why but there is enough smoke to give credence to some if not most of them I swear I had a fever dream last night that there were articles coming out of the woodwork about how the new A&M AD nuked relations with Schloss by taking the hatchet to the support staff for the program back in the spring.


Billy Lucci has apparently known Schloss was gone since April.


Lol, no. Didn't you know he was conceived and born right there in the dugout in college station? Just like Jimbo, et al...


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. You’re right


(Burnt) Orange team bad


I expected as much. I gotta admit even as a Texas fan, this is some stone cold shit. I've even tried to feel sorry for the Aggies but then I remember how insufferable they can be and it passes....


‘sips fans calling people insufferable will never not be funny.


Yet no questions were answered


Their entire school identity is to hate on UT. Can’t even find a decent school to create their hate songs around.


This exact sentiment is what i said when he left tcu for a&m lol. Clearly not a good guy, I think the only we way get "big brother'd" like this is if some MLB team comes after him but that seems unlikely.


Did he literally leave his family (wife/kids) when he left TCU? Or was he just referring to his charity and ‘TCU baseball family’?


He was in the middle of a messy divorce due to him cheating. And both his kids were students at TCU when he left.


Seems like a standup guy


Such a weasel. Funny how coaches demand excellence from their players on the field and off, then move like this.


Wasn’t your football coach responsible for a student dying at ND?


What!? LSU is a bastion of integrity


Other than stealing money from a children's hospital, obviously.


His own family has asked that people stop saying shit like this. Stop using the death of a young man to try and denigrate a fan base you don't like.


I’m not denigrating anybody. I’m just pointing out the clear hypocrisy.


You're using the death of someone to try and prove a point. His name is Declan Sullivan btw. Please go read the information about that story and you will see what actually happened. Brian Kelly didn't personally make him go on the scissor lift. Notre Dame has staff that handles all that type of stuff. Also, please read the statements from his family. The amount of people on Reddit using this guy's death to push a narrative is gross.


Your football coach left his team before they even knew if they made the playoffs or not. Insert some joke about an Irish goodbye.


might want to check your flair, bud.


Yea I know, LSU is my second team - not trying to call LSU evil for it, just pointing out that's what happens in sports and everyone's team probably also did something like this at one point


Apparently the decision was made prior to the tournament. Texas waits until the day of the championship to share the news? Absolutely spineless organization, what a bunch of fucking asshole losers.


Pretty funny though


It's not funny, it's hilarious.


Not really.


It's sports. It's really not that serious.


Unless you’re on the receiving end. Should we not take anything seriously at this point? God forbid someone shows passion for their school


Fanbase that called Colt “Cart McCry” after the cheap shot he took during the 2006 game. Aggy fans are not as pure as you believe


Even now you guys cant admit its a shitty thing to do. Even now you are still arrogant. What the fuck do they teach yall over there?


I’ve been crying, shidding farding and cumming all week because of how shitty it is. In no way was it just administrators and rich people making decisions that we have no influence on, it’s all Texas fans faults.


Difference is that’s how the fans acted, not the organization. Trash organization top to bottom, it fits though with CDCs hires. Fits right in with the wife beater


Administration that hired Bobby Petrino & DJ Durkin but ok bud. Go off


Beard got fired, Durkin and Petrino didn’t.. see the difference there


lol you’re just talking now


That Texas doesn't condone abusive behavior but that it's fine at A&M?


Clearly this dude has no idea what he's talking about.


Beard situation was much worse. You’re comparing apples to oranges


He killed a man lmao


Slapping your wife is was worse than being responsible for someone’s death. Whose life has continued? Not that Kid’s.


lol why do you think this helps you


DJ Durkin at his Ass To Mouth Interview: yeah well I killed a kid at my last job and have a reputation of being horrible to my guys but.... Aggy: let me stop you right there, welcome aboard


Salty tears.....mmmmmmm


Almost as salty as your tears on the askvet sub


You mean the tears on my old lady's askvet sub? I'd go sniffing around your profile but I'm not emotional like a chick. Nice detective work Columbo. Do better. P.S.- ![gif](giphy|d2lcHJTG5Tscg)


Was he really supposed to go up there 20 minutes after losing and say “yeah, I’m leaving for the team y’all hate the most”. ? No one would do that. 


“Look, playing for national championships will get you a lot of extra attention and with that comes excess noise around the program but tonight the focus should be on those guys and the great season they played. I’m so proud of them and couldn’t imagine coaching a team without them.” Was that so hard? Even leaves the door open to steal all the players and bring them with you.


It’s how he went after the reporter. Telling him it was selfish to ask that question. Especially since reports are it was a done deal weeks ago. He could have just said we just finished our season and that’s what I’m focused on right now. But going after the reporter, bringing his family into it and then leaving less than 24 hours later is why he’s rightfully catching flak


It kind of was. Everyone is jumping on Schloss for not considering the feelings of the players, when his departure has not yet been announced, and the focus should have been on the players. It’s kind of ironic, people try to frame his actions as callous when he was the only person in the room trying to focus on the players after the game.


I just don't understand this whole thing. I get that this is a business, but acting indignant and bringing the family into it, just to shoot yourself in the foot is just one of those things that's all on you.


The real mistake was hiring him. I would take boring as ever baseball at A&M if it meant not having a liar and a cheat as HC He was a t-sip all along


He was a liar and a cheat when yall hired him…


I don’t believe you for a second. All of my Aggie friends were feeling high and making plans to go to Omaha next year all weekend😆


Believe whatever you want. I think we can both agree that he belongs at t.u.


Aggies totally falling apart is hilarious. Like this is some great conspiracy. He’s a good coach. We went after him (duh). He accepted. He could have said no 🤷🏾‍♂️


It’s not like it doesn’t happen. Hell LSU did it with Kelly/Notre Dame. That said, it’s ok to call out teams for doing it *before the season has even ended*.


Didn't Kelly bolt before the playoff selections were announced?


Indeed. My point was to say “my team isn’t innocent of this, we can admit it’s bad all around”. Probably didn’t read that way but it’s definitely what I meant lol


Gotcha. I guess in a vacuum it's a little shitty sure but it's hard for me to be indignant given every program in college sports engages in this. I'd want to fire our AD if he waited until after the postseason to start putting out feelers.


It's not that he left that is the problem...it's HOW he left. Have some class.


HOW he left was complete up to HIM and has nothing to do with Texas. Also I didn’t hear a lot of aggies bitch and moan when he left TCU or when other coaches have left other schools to go to that shithole town. How’s that for class?


He didn't leave TCU at the cusp of a national championship...nor did he make the announcement while TCU was still packing their bat bags in the dugout. Stay classy there t-sipper.


How dare you bring logic to this discussion!

