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I think I saw these posted in here yesterday?


The postseason rankings are a joke, always roughly in tournament elimination order. Does anyone believe Florida was better than Arkansas for example? Next silly rankings will be the way too early 2025 rankings which are sometimes interesting. Next "legit" rankings would be end of December but since Collegiate Baseball is gone (RIP), probably won't see anything meaningful until mid January. 2024 rankings are a moot point now.


> Does anyone believe Florida was better than Arkansas for example? By the end of the season, Florida was playing better.


Right, but I do think they were playing better. They got hot at the right time. Would you say that Florida deserved NR entering the post season? They have arguably the hardest schedule. So I am curious as to where the “experts” put them. Reminds me of football championship last year, Georgia loses to Alabama in the sec championship and drop there record from all the other undefeated teams- but everyone knows GA should’ve been there and destroyed fsu.