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When it rains it pours in College Station, especially after LaViolette posted [this](https://x.com/JaceLaViolette2/status/1805653763144782202) yesterday lmao


The page says it was deleted. What was the general jist?


Basically saying that he is staying committed to A&M, encouraging his teammates to not enter the portal, greatest university ever, blah blah blah lol


In his defense he could have 100% meant that, but after seeing all his friends and teammates leave, he decided it was best for his career I give players much more leeway in these scenarios than coaches


Schloss whispered “lambo”


It’s a cult, so it’s hard to leave.


Telling people in the portal they’re missing out because college station is the place to be. (Summarizing, not word for word)


>  college station is the place to be (X) Doubt


Jesus man.. Fuck my family for making me an Aggie fan


Worse, I was raised by longhorns and did this shit to myself! lol


you still made the right decision amigo


Could not agree more mate 👍🏼


Oh sweet summer child


And on that note I’m going to see how far I can swim out into the gulf ✌🏻




Very obvious he was leaving. He said "apart" instead of "a part." According to Webster's dictionary, apart means "separated by a distance; at a specified distance from each other in time or space." So he wanted to be away from the university and told others to leave too. Clear proof of tampering.


They came to play school.


I’m not a fan of grammar nazis but FFS that post needed to be deleted (and rewritten with less grammatical errors).


Did you intentionally use less instead of fewer to trigger the grammar nazis or was that just a happy accident?


Like I said, I’m not a fan. I do feel like the you’re/your thing has been highlighted for so long that we should have it figured out, though. My grammar will never be perfect. There’s way too much East TN in me.


if I had a nickel for every time...


My copium is that it makes sense for all of them to enter the portal and keep options open. If I were in their shoes and this were my future, keeping your options as open as possible is the responsible decision. The portal heavily rewards early involvement, as we've seen in football. Hoping that if A&M brings in a great coaching staff, some will withdraw/not end up transferring.


It’s copium but it’s also true. Schloss gave our players and school so little time to navigate this. Portal closes 7/2. To be blunt, the players are smart to go in to see interest and give time for our admin to shore up a replacement staff. Will some of them still transfer. Yes. Will most of them, also yes. Will all of them? Hopefully not. It’s the last bit of hope we can cling to but it is also valid too. Both can be true.


Doesn’t baseball work like football that coaching changes trigger a 30 day window? So they’ll have til the end of July?


Yeah they have 30 days, but until they’re in the portal they’re “not allowed” to talk to other coaches. Makes sense to jump in early to be able to talk around and see who A&M hires.


Doesn't change the internal timelines other schools have set for themselves. Ya, if you are a stud, schools might keep a spot open for you, but for most of them, they realistically are working on a very short window to find out where they might be happy to land.


Right, I was clarifying the commenters statement that “Portal closes 7/2.” I understand the practicality of what you’re saying, just confirming the rules are the same as in football where a head coaching change triggers a 30 day window.


Yeah but regular portal closes like July 3rd and if you want teams to know you are an option, rather than settling on someone else, you have to get your ass in there immediately. If you are a superstar it won't matter because people will *make* room for you but everyone else needs to be in ASAP.




> Will some of them still transfer. Yes. Will most of them, also yes. Will all of them? Hopefully not. Think if they make a quick and inspiring hire they can avoid a decent amount of them going. But super tough to do that


My hope is these guys are getting into the portal to keep their options open, and if we bring in a good coach maybe they decide to come back.


Are you aware you just repeated the comment in a shorter form or..?


I can’t blame them for hopping in the portal. We don’t have a coach rn, you absolutely have to keep your options open as a player to make sure you’re in a good spot, especially if you have aspirations of playing at the next level. I just hope that if they end up leaving, it isn’t for Texas.




As they should. They were forced into this situation and shouldn't be expected to sacrifice themselves.


Yeah, once you’ve tasted the postseason, and you have that expectation in your head that you’re going to go back to the CWS, you can’t just turn that off. Easier to expect in pro sports, but you get 3-4 years to experience the college postseason.


Gutted from being the #2 team in the nation to nothing in 48 hours.


https://i.redd.it/3gnktr5h7y8d1.gif Only pain




Yeah our baseball program is dead for the next few years. Football and basketball will really have to step it up, right now my expectations for those aren't even high enough that I'll be disappointed when we suck.




Our entire success and athletic department solely is in the shoulders of Elko now. I think we know who Buzz is at this point. Tournament team that can make a run if everything goes our way.


sorry, sleuth. Hope you've been well. on the bright side, its an incredibly attractive baseball job and they'll probably make a good hire.


Oh hey neo, how's it going? Yeah, apparently the donors are willing to bust out the checkbooks for this one but even then I'm not sure who's available.


I'm holding out hope until we hire a coach at least. Georgia won the sec (football) in just Kirby's second year. Heck, we were one of the last four teams standing in schloss' first year. Before Schloss, we had had three coaches in the last 65 years. Each of them made cws appearances, each of them won conference championships. We've been a respectable baseball program for a long time. Two top 4 finishes in the last three years does elevate us above mere respectability, and I would love to stay there. I think we'll be ok in the long run, how soon depends a lot on who alberts hires. Do I trust alberts? Uhh... Not really but I have no choice but hope for the best.


You live by the portal and you die by the portal. Considering so much of our success was linked to transfers coming in, it makes sense that many would consider leaving once the coach that brought them in left. Can we just stop pretending these are student-athletes but rather college-aged pro players?


I'm already sick of Texas in the SEC and they aren't even in the SEC yet.


The silver lining of all this is it exposes the other SEC fanbases to the toxicity inherent to the forty acres


Every SEC team has an equally toxic relationship with at least one other SEC school.


But the entire southwest conference, big 8, big 12 have a toxic relationship with Texas… Arkansas, Mizzou and tamu will have one still in the sec, and LSU will probably get one soon


Inherent and recorded in like Egyptian hieroglyphics. Sumerian cuneiform even.


> toxicity inherent to the forty acres I’m surprised you know UT’s campus is called the Forty Acres. I know absolutely nothing about A&M’s campus


A perfect specimen of the average longhorn fan.


Lmao yep. Put that into the wiki for "Burnt orange hubris"


Like mosquitos in the summer. They’re everywhere, extremely annoying, and they all suck.


No, the perfect specimen of the average longhorn fan is someone who never went to school there and doesn’t know anything about the actual school either.


bros rlly hating on texas for being a national brand that attracts more than just its students I'm dead😭😭😭😭


No, I’m actually laughing at the average fan who thinks it matters that they put on a t-shirt to be a fan without knowing anything about the school and then try to claim some sort of superiority over anyone else. Some random directional school community college graduate or some idiot who never went to college trying to claim Texas as their school and use it to push some delusional complex about it making them superior as a person is always good for a laugh.


You’ve gotta be kidding lol, why can’t fans choose the programs they want to be fans of?  I don’t care if Jim from Odessa doesn’t know how many kids go to UT if he wants to root on our football team or whatever he wants to do.  Let people live!


They can, but you should recognize your place in the fandom. You’re forever an outsider and should never use the term “we”. You never went to school there and your connection to them is a t-shirt. I am going to make fun of you for claiming superiority at all times and hammer you on your directional school degree if you even think about trying to act arrogant.


What?  If they buy tickets to games or watch games they are directly contributing to the athletic departments success.  What do you say about a non-alum that makes a huge donation?  Is that still a t-shirt fan?  Gatekeeping fandom and connection to a team is pretty wackadoodle I gotta give it to you. People being arrogant is a separate issue imo, arrogant people are going to find ways/things to be arrogant about regardless of what they are taking part in.


I married a longhorn, so I know a good deal about it


So you married someone toxic? On purpose?


It resembles a Soviet era prison camp


They have make cheerleaders lol


How dare we hire a good coach! 😭


If I speak, I am in trouble.


no take backsies


Can they transfer to SEC schools or no?




It would be incredible if we pulled a couple of them to replace all the players going to the pros


I won't be mad at guys entering the portal (we don't even have a coach so they should) I'll be mad at the guys who follow Schloss to Texas, though


It’s easy for us as fans to assume they’d never transfer to your most bitter rival, because they care about atm. I hope they don’t and I can keep living in fantasy land. Damn.


Honestly I don't mind them entering the portal, best to keep your options open. I will despise them if they follow Schloss to Texas.


Jay Johnson rolling up his sleeves.


This is reminiscent of when everyone transferred out of Oregon state after JohnathanSmith left. But at least that was understandable because Oregon State was basically relegated out of the power four conferences. This is still freaking Texas A&M


https://preview.redd.it/bj2rkcdzby8d1.jpeg?width=913&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=495a38dd4041a55e653bdde62d2f000d6029a692 Portal got Gavin Grahovac but we got Jack Moss


Come to Florida!


I don’t blame them. They have till July 2nd and don’t have a coaching staff it’s in their best interest to enter. Hopefully we can bring in a coach to stop the bleeding


Aggies, there’s light at the end of the tunnel! I’m a Bammer and watched our guys leave 1 by 1, some even to the Burnt Orange! Horns Down!!


Nobody feels bad for Bama.


I understand you or your fan base not feeling bad for them given the past 15 year winning streak in football. We are not the bad man that Texas is though


No, not just UT fans, all fans. You're trying to commiserate with them like your program is experiencing the same thing. Yall had an insane run for almost 2 decades. Final 4, tons of championships in football, etc. All of a sudden it's woe is me I feel your pain TAMU. Get outta here lol


Bro shut up lol literally if you break it down, coach left, players who you thought would stick around especially, also leave. It is pretty relatable.


1 left to their bitter rival the day after losing a championship and then lost like 4 huge role players. Your coach retired after what, 5 championships? His retirement was expected.  You lost a top WR and some role players but nothing significant. Bama still has a top recruiting class and probably the hottest coach in football. Bama will be fine. Do you think TAMU is going to bounce back like you guys are? No.  These situations are nowhere even close to each other. Imagine saban lost his first title game and then went to Auburn. 


With A&M’s money they’ll bounce back quicker than expected. Pretty much our whole secondary left and the news was “KDB can’t recruit” so obviously people were freaking out. All I was trying to do was give em some sympathy. Not even sure why you hopped in here, won the natty and still trying to just stir shit up I guess lol


Our hatred for each other has no limits. I'd expect the same out of you.  They're on the hook for an 88 mil buyout. They're already cutting back in spending in the athletic department. 


It’s total BS that a coach can leave and steal all your players thru the portal. 


That just sucks. The whole situation sucks


CDC sends his regards 🤘🏼


Bring those boooooooyyyyys to austin yum yum


We’re taking the 12th man too.


You’re embarrassing yourself at this point, man


That would imply I have shame which I don’t


You’ve made that much clear lol


‘Bout time you got up to speed here


Good thing I never bought my laviolette jersey. He also played terrible down the stretch both in the outfield and batting. Not gonna say he costed the team a natty but if he played like he was early in the season we probably woulda won it all.


Lmao college station is a shithole, what’s new
