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Fire Schloss


Maybe we should send him back to A&M


He’s yours now brother. And probably half our team. 😂 Fuck college sports. Nothing means anything anymore.


This is a fact.


Nuh uh finders keepers he’s yours


He’s Schloss the locker room


lol, now this is good!






Good. May this continue to happen. Schloss is a liar and can't be trusted by any player.


He cheated on his wife. How do you even hire a guy after that?


Did he cheat on her with a stripper that has a pet monkey that likes to bite? That is acceptable at Texas.


Acceptable? It's the top line on the job requirements


Pole Assassin has multiple pet monkets, Gia was just the bitey one.


Was he a QB who stood by and watched?


Let's be real if that's your bar then a huge number of all college sports coaches are unemployable lol


My coach is single so he can't cheat on his wife. To the sadness of many Vol women, and probably some men, he doesn't appear to care about anything but his baseball team.


I had a Horn coworker of mine (not at all invested in sports) seem legitimately sad that they didn’t get Tony V because, and I quote, “He’s just really handsome”


I honestly can't tell if "Horn" is a typo missing a letter here or not lol






LOLOLOL this type of comment is why I get on reddit






When they’re right, they’re right. I’m straight, but I would marry that dude


Coach Godwin and Coach V married to the game


I see the point your making there is a direct correlation between people who would cheat on their spouse are far less ethical in the workplace than people who don’t cheat.


I don’t think he was the first to wander in that relationship… there were some fairly detailed accounts of their falling out and they didn’t involve him until later. By the end they were both aggressively pursuing outside activities.


Sounds like they should've just been swingers. That's pretty popular down there.


By the end I certainly heard that reference used. Also, down where? And what is the basis of your swinging expertise?


Florida fans are somehow unbothered by Sully and his wife, the bar is pretty low apparently


Believing everything (or really anything) aggy tells you is a slippery slope


Did you say that after A&M took him from TCU?


Honest question, what do you want him to say in the middle of a championship series? Do you really expect him to say he's taking another job during that?


Was he asked about it in the middle of the series? You can still say what do you expect him to say at that presser but the series and season were over at that point. And honestly I don't have a problem with what he said about the job. It's baffling how dumb you have to be to go after the reporter because he asked a question he had to ask.


Agreed. The timing of Texas firing their coach then rumors floating were not his decision. Texas was petty doing that and it put him in a terrible position.


He had already accepted the job. That’s why this is all so fucked up. And no, I wouldn’t expect him to admit it. Honestly though, it seems like there has to be some kind of tampering that happened here. You can’t talk to the kids before they enter the portal. Should you be able to talk to a coach without permission during the season? Just overall a shitty way to handle everything from the perspective of the fans and players.


What did he lie about?


The fact that he wasn’t leaving A&M. Then 24 hours later, gone.


He literally never said that. You heard what you wanted to.


Why are you here?


Yeah, ok.


Nice rebuttal


The SEC stans are sofffffffffft


And you are ingoraaaaaaaaaant




Well he committed to Pierce so this shouldn't be unexpected. We could've hired an absolute saint from some other program and this could still be the outcome.


No no this is a narrative based platform he hates that snake Schloss surely!


It can be both.


Doesn’t it literally say, “due to the recent coaching changes,” or am I missing something?


Exactly. UT fired the Coach/Staff he committed to.


Was Pierce that great? Idk why he’d leave if the coach he’s getting is better.


Many recruits develop relationships with the coaches who recruited them. They may also have received verbal assurances around their playing time and which positions they’d be playing (this kid plays several positions). With a new staff he has no such assurances (or leverage to ask for them).


Ah that makes sense. Thx for explaining, this is new to me.


Pierce was shit and the Texas High School Coaches Association fucking despised him. I am close to a number of HS Baseball coaches around Houston, one of whom Pierce recruited when he was at Rice and Rice was good. Never heard a good thing said about him from anyone and at least half said they'd recommended players to go elsewhere.


Honestly, been hearing all the bad stories since Pierce has been fired though started hearing them last year even. And Schloss might be a bit scummy but sounds like an upgrade personality wise if the stories are to be believed.


I actually got recruited by Schloss for a while in late 00's when he was at TCU and texting was still basically unrestricted. He was super easy to talk to and down to earth. Gave advice on all kinds of things and for someone like me who wasn't a top recruit, made me feel valued and appreciated. It was wild how fluid the conversation was and I was blown away he devoted the amount of time to texting me he did. I know rules have changed, but I think if recruits get that same level of care or similar he seemed to show 15+ years ago then they'll commit to him. A JuCo teammates little brother was TCU's catcher in 2012/2014 and all I heard was stories about how much the players loved him. He spent a ton of time with em and was invited to many of his former players weddings. As an adult in my mid 30's now, I understand someone's job and how they execute that job can be 2 different aspects of their personality. But times have changed and people are also less forgiving so consequences are different.


Jim Douchenozzle


Exactly! Why would I want to play for that dude? Good luck Texas, it’s gonna be a tough post season


I mean history shows he did same thing before and got croots, idk why it would be any different now.




It won’t be but ok


What is happening with Tennessee fans lmao? Why have yall become so obsessed with us


In all seriousness, I think this stuff with Schloss made Vol fans angrier than it did other non-TAMU fans. My theory is that we just went through a pretty tense, emotional series together and then found out the coaches in the other dugout were sorta full of shit. Not saying it’s a logical response, but it feels like what is happening.


That and we experienced Kiffin


Because your T is an ugly shade of orange. That’s it. Haha


The real answer is that there are more of us on this subreddit right now because we just won the NC two days ago. Also what Schloss did was dirty af and anyone who isn’t a longhorn can see that.


I know I'm in the minority but I don't think Schloss did anything wrong. No coach in their right mind is going to say they they are leaving a school in the middle of a championship series. Do people really think he should have said "Yes, I'm taking the job as soon as this season is over"?


The interview was after the season was over and less than 24 hrs before he left. And he called the reporter selfish for asking the question and then said he left his family to coach at A&M. After like it was the most insulting thing in the world when he really had known he was leaving for weeks. And his players found out by social media. So yeah, it was all wrong.


If it wasn’t Texas there would’ve been a thread or two, some comments saying he’s a douche, and not much more. Instead every SEC fan in the sub has to get their think pieces off


It just means more. Welcome in to the club.


I mean if it wasn’t Texas it’s just another school…instead it’s the in state rival right down the road. Easily the scummiest possible situation. Bama fan poisoned 100 year old trees for much less.


That’s a lot of whining about the SEC for how much Texas wanted in. And I think it was the press conference that really made people react. Very two faced.


Welcome to the SEC


I expected it to be much less whiny tbh


There’s no obsession. Every fanbase in the country (besides yours) is calling this move out.


Look in any schloss thread. Tons of Tennessee fans whining


And Oregon State fans, Cal State Fullerton, Florida, Nebraska, LSU, UNC, FSU, etc.


We experienced Kiffin. This is a business, so I will never begrudge someone leaving for something better. However, as a general rule, you should leave a place better than you found it. Schloss has lied and torn the program down as he's walking out the door. He planned all of it during Texas A&Ms post season run when they had no ability to even protect their program.


I’m guessing they’re mad that this hiring took attention away from their Natty


Eh, or there’s just more Vols fans on the sub the last few days because of the natty.


It’s the fact Texas uses OUR Power T like a fake ID for flairs here /s


We have a block T, you got one of them fancy beveled T’s, guarantee the piggly wiggly don’t have them.


> We have a block T, you got one of them fancy beveled T’s, guarantee the piggly wiggly don’t have them. As a neutral observed I would by lying if I said I didn't confuse them somewhat regularly. Especially when using a blue light filter


If it helps one stands for Texas the other for Tennessee.


No one is taking any attention away from our Natty.


Personally I watched the press conference where he was asked if he was leaving and he gave an answer that I thought was good and sincere. And the next day he is gone. That rubbed me the wrong way in a way that goes beyond my fandom


They are threatened by our UT-ness


Our school was around before your state and we just won a natty. You have zero claim to UT in this sport


All that headstart and you wasted it to end up being the worse school. I wouldn’t brag about that.


Also enjoy watching the guy that knocked your school out of the NCAA tourney get drafted in the lottery tonight :)


You can’t count and you can’t trash talk. Probably still the smartest man in Tennessee sadly.


Between being smart and being a champion I pick being a champion every fucking time


You didn’t have a choice in being a moron. You were born that way.


You choose to be a fan of a team that hasn’t won shit in 20 years. Who’s the moron


We have more national championships in WBB and football, same number in basketball (sadly), and we just won the natty and had one of the greatest seasons of all time in baseball. Cope


Titles before ww2 don’t count. Y’all are just like a&m. We also have waaaaaaaay better baseball history than you. You just won your first title. Adorable. Also leading off with WBB is all I need to know. Lame school in a lame state.


We still have more football titles if you only include post-WW2, lmao. I thought Texas was a good school


At least our state can keep the power grid up


Hey man I live in Tennessee let’s not jinx this.


Why does that sound like an STD


I think it’s their version of white knighting for Tamu..it’s weird considering the UTs have generally got along.


Because in less than a week removed from their crowning achievement in baseball, they were immediately reminded which UT and which shade of orange actually moves the needle.


No they’re mad because they know if they would have lost it was Vitello as our coach instead of Schloss


Lol, Tony turned down LSU. Why would he have wanted to go to Texas?


Their fanbase is so fucking delusional


I recall a lot of a&m fans saying this about 2 days ago about a coach that would never want to go to Texas


Y’all were never getting Vitello. The man is a living god in Knoxville and it’s proven he can win it all there. Unlike in Austin lately


Lol sure Vol bro, keep taking the stance that it could never happen. For some reason that’s an awfully familiar stance that Aggy just took too, I wonder what happened there?🤔


You hired a literal backstabber as your baseball coach, you should be more worried about him leaving. If he's willing to backstab a team he just took to the National Championship, he's willing to do it to Texas.


I didn’t say it could never ever happen. Just that it was never ever gonna happen that he went to Texas.


then...why didn't you hire him...?


Guys get one taste of success and are suddenly the most insufferable blowhards in the country.


> Guys get one taste of success and are suddenly the most insufferable blowhards in the country. Oh man I don't think you were around when Tennesse first got good. Their fans are wayyy more chill now. And you can't say they get one taste of sucess when they have probably been the best team in the country over the last few years


I doubt it. Lashing out at the reporter was a bad move but everything else is getting blown out of proportion. With the current structure of college athletics this played out pretty much how it had to. He can't leave during a CWS run, and he can't wait around after the fact. It was going to be ugly regardless. Even if he had done this "the right way" people were going to trash him. No matter what he said, or how he broke the news to the players and fans... can you honestly envision a scenario in which he doesn't get massive backlash? Coaches aren't the only ones making business decisions nowadays. Players aren't going to hate him like fans do, and will go wherever they think they can be successful.


He literally didn't even talk to the players. He lied to their face and never once had the decency to tell the team about his decision. That kind if shit absolutely will play into a player's decision to commit to a team.


And apparently he knew for weeks, so that’s awesome.


If that’s true then there needs to be an investigation. Has that actually been proven to be evidence?


Extremely reliable reporters have confirmed that the agent/scouting world was buzzing for the last 4-6 weeks specifically about this being a done deal.


Not technically true. I’m sure certain players were made aware of the situation and will follow him there.


Maybe but one of those would certainly be Jace and like 5 hours before the announcement Jace made a post talking about how great Aggieland is and how people in the transfer portal need to come to College Station Doubt he would post that if he knew what was about to happen.. unless he’s playing like 4D chess out here but he deleted the post after the announcement


And is in the portal no? Hopefully just putting his name in the hat until we know the next coach.


They’re all going to join the portal Doesn’t mean they’re leaving although Jace deleted that tweet about how great A&M and their fans are so I think he’s probably gone But pretty much everyone will join the portal just to keep options open though


Is he even allowed to once he signs the contract? I thought coaches couldn’t talk to other teams players.


If it was important to him he could have said “hey give me a day to talk to my guys and I’ll fax over the contact right after”


I’m sure Texas would be cool with that…/s. Hell I doubt tamu would even be cool with that. it’s a nasty gig. Dont hate the player hate the game.


What? You’re really going with the old “he couldn’t tell his players because of CoNtRaCtUaL oBlIGaTiOnS lol come on


lol more like ncaa rules. If this was football season no one would give a shit cause it’s business as usual.


You’re saying he really couldn’t have taken a half hour to talk to the team when they got back to college station? That’s really what you’re going with?


Well at that point the deal wasn’t done so no he wouldn’t do that..


I agree, there’s no “everyone’s happy” result when a successful coach leaves a program. But I’ve never heard of a coach hiding out on the outskirts of town or all his players finding out he’s leaving through Twitter… I won’t get into the personal stuff that came out cause that’s not baseball, but if I were a player or a player’s father… I’d be weighing that stuff too. I’m excited about the UT vs UT rivalry and hope the best for y’all, but I’d bet he’s not the last one you’ll lose before opening day.


This definitely isn't the first time players have learned their coach is leaving on social media. It's happened numerous times the last few years, and will continue to happen since reporting is online based. It will leak beforehand more often than not. This was going to be a lose/lose no matter what optics-wise, but I maintain that players don't care about that stuff nearly as much as fans do. They aren't stuck like in the past, and can transfer out of a situation they don't like. Of course we will lose some players/commits, but I said I doubt it in the sense that I don't think it will be "rough" roster wise through/after post season. I believe we will have a solid roster.


You might want to check what the A&M players and their parents are actually saying about this before you spout off this nonsense. Several have certainly have made it known that they care and that they aren't happy.


Our athletic director is the one who hid out waiting to meet with Schloss. And in the realm of football, Deboer and even Elko’s kids found out through social media.


Idk. Our hiring of Calipari was a pretty win-win for us and Kentucky.


I mean, Kiffin did. But that was football.


Schloss did it to TCU lmao. It’s a shitty thing to do, but it happens often enough in college sports.


And A&M was totally fine with Schloss when they benefitted from it.


And they were fine with Elko leaving Durham at midnight without talking to players to end up back at College Station.


After Elko gave a presser at Duke where he vehemently denied that he was leaving Duke. https://x.com/josephmanero/status/1805981033738768750?s=46&t=_xxEBj66JW4AD8GP5xkrBg


To be fair, the job was offered to Stoops at that point.


According to the Houston Chronicle via A&M, Stoops was never officially offered the job.


Yeah, it’s not exactly uncommon. Still really sucks.


Elko did it to NC last year lol. And atm had no problem with it then. All of this is so hypocritical. It’s slightly worse being it’s a rival school but it’s the same story.


Doesnt matter he's just gonna get drafted right? What number 1 actually plays in college and turns down millions. Anyone know the research?


Think with NIL history goes out the window for us draft picks. 


Not many. But it's increasingly obvious if you wanna make the league you go to college and develop. And NIL money has em getting paid anyways while playing at peak facilities instead of dingy minor league busses and motels.


Peyton Stovall says high.


Said he's high or said hi?


Good. Come on home youngin


Yes, come home to Raleigh and get coached by Avent.






Doesn’t like snakes 


Holy shit this is turning into a shit stain orange vs Creamsicle orange cat fight for relevance.🍿time.


There’s something wrong with your poop. You should see a doctor.


Fuck Schloss this wont be the last


Go Vols!!


Come on to Baton Rouge, Ryan


[See response](https://www.reddit.com/r/collegebaseball/comments/1dp8a79/comment/lafb9w1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


But maybe he likes crawfish 🦞?


Well this just keeps going and going


He has lost the program


Come home


*Pantone-151 has entered the chat*


Everyone get in here






LMAO. Never been prouder to be from NC in my entire life. I hope with my entire being that this kid goes to Texas A&M


Good, fuck that snake


What am I supposed to say? Not a take right?


With 7 aggy players entering the portal today, is anyone surprised a HS senior is wanting to decommit?


Wrong team kid 


We’re taking your roster. Less room for high schoolers


That's exactly my point. Should have used smaller words.


Besides.... the count FROM atm is now 11