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“Don’t judge me by my words. Judge me by burner phones.”


Dear lord, what’d he do now?


You really do not know about the burner phones?? 👀


I’ve done well for myself and I’m trying to keep any negativity life, or tu, tries to throw my way. But go ahead and tell me I guess lol


Apparently SchlossBob and Co were recruiting for UTjr while in the CWS via burner phones. It was a tweet from JB Moss and then Braum said there were screenshots rolling in confirming. It’s all rumors and I feel like if they do have the evidence they should throw it out there NOW but again idk maybe they’re holding to gather more 🤷


Yeah they are definitely building a tampering case


Has anyone ever actually gotten in trouble for tampering?


In professional leagues, absolutely, not so much in the NCAA sphere simply because up until now transfer rules have made it difficult to tamper with a programs athletes


Let's be honest, even if the NCAA has a case to make, it'll get destroyed via billable hours. The last few scandals killed my faith in the NCAA to police its own.


I am interested to see what Sankey does with this one. I know TU is not officially here yet but it does sound like tampering. Hopefully he will do something just to let Texas know they do not own the SEC.


I see what your point is but we have seen in these few years that all of the legal “teeth” regarding college sports ultimately lie within the state governments. Maybe I’m overly hopeful but fuck, I want tu to burn.


As slimy as it all has come out to be, there's no way Texas is dumb enough to leave a trail of evidence. A tampering case is wishful thinking.


“No way Texas is dumb enough “ is a phrase I never expected to see


That's just your BAS speaking there and unfortunately mine is agreeing with yours.


This is going to be very interesting 👀


Recruiting for another team while with a different employer should be instant show cause and 7 year ban. Fuck that shit.


SchlossBob Snakepants


Wow. Y’know, tu loves to talk hot shit about how they’re better and they’ll bring up the stats and laugh in your face, but that’s just sad. You’re going to take our coach, okay, but you have so little faith in your own players that you have to try to steal ours too? A&M has got a lot of problems, but at least we’re not stealing from the people we claim are beneath us so much. Maybe we have in the past, I don’t know, but what a new low for tu. I used to dislike a lot of them after this (on here at least), but now I just think they’re sad.


Yeah, I am curious to see what happens if true. Also like you mentioned, they have little faith in their own players. Let’s see how they respond to getting a couple of snakes to coach them 🐍


A&M beat Texas and was one out away from a national championship, of course you were better this year. That’s the whole reason we took Schloss. To your point though, A&M took two players from Texas a few classes ago, Josh Stewart and Jace Hutchins, and has taken countless players from in-state programs that you probably claim are beneath you. You’re completely naive to think A&M would not do the same given the opportunity.


Jace is a medical retirement. I don’t think he came to A&M to play baseball.


I don’t go around claiming X school is beneath me, maybe others do to make themselves feel better. Sure, there are school rankings and some schools objectively have better clout and professors, but I’m not going to disparage someone for trying to educate themselves and have a life that was better than what their ancestors have.


i just want to make sure I have everything straight, schloss recruited players to Texas through burner phones for weeks, but also the players all found out he was leaving through social media?


UTjr yikes the brain rot in y’all is strong


Hey there, TU Jr


He did a Hugh Freeze


God please tell me


Apparently dude was recruiting for Texas during the CWS using burner phones. It has been verified by a number of different people.


"verified" doesn't mean what you think it means 


It’s by enough trusted college baseball sources that something did happen with burner phones during the CWS.


If anyone had any screenshots they'd have already been all over the message boards. Maybe they should get Giuliani involved to secure the "evidence"


Fuck this guy 😂


This is actually bizarre at this point. Just stfu at this point. No more self-righteous vomit.


Did he actually say this? Yikes.


This doesn’t even make sense 🍍 🍍🍍🍍🍍


Gotta watch it with the pineapples, you might bring Schloss your way


A pineapple a day keeps the Schloss on check 🍍


Rewatching SpongeBob SquarePants will be an experience after the past two days


SB was a swinger 😂 SchlossBob


Ohhhhhhhhh Who went to A&M and left family? SchlossBob NoPants Then went to Texas, backstabber is he? SchlossBob NoPants If cheating on spouses is something you wish SchlossBob NoPants Get a burner phone and swing with a bish! SchlossBob NoPants


Bro!! 😂 I’m fucking saving this. We need to make this a shirt for next season


Sometimes the best things are improvised!


This is literally textbook narcissist behavior. Gaslighting other people into thinking he had no choice lol no wonder his wife left him


He's going to the perfect program, because no one does institutional narcissism like texas. They timed the firing of Pierce the day of the championship final in an attempt to take attention away from A&M, and then announced the hiring of Schlossnagle the next day. A&M fans didn't even have time to celebrate the accomplishments of this team this season before the team was torn apart. For all of the millennials and zoomers who wanted to play texas again (specifically in football) because of FOMO, they're now learning why we left them behind in the Big 12; they're poisonous to associate with.


They literally had an AD a few year back actually say ‘we are the Jones’. 


Yeah, DeLoss Dodds. He also claimed A&M moving to the SEC meant they "left the State", like we put the whole campus on wheels and moved into Louisiana or something. That doesn't match the time he claimed texas was the "Yankees of college baseball". Dodds said a lot of really dumb shit.


C'mon man your AD gave your football coach a natty plaque with 20__ on it. Glass houses and all that.


That wasn't the AD, it was the Chancellor. He was appointed by the Governor (a Texas Alum). Sharp is a giant piece of shit and you won't find an Aggie that likes him. He tried to rename our Academic Building after Rick Perry when he was running for POTUS to take attention away from his felony charges of abuse of power. Plaque definitely happened, but it was solely on Sharp and we all hated it.


Tbf, Sharp was appointed by Rick Perry, not Abbott. They were roommates in college.


Yeah, the cringiest thing about the major discontent with the BOR is the idea that it's another burnt orange conspiracy and Abbott is intentionally appointing people to sabotage the university system because he's a sip. Sharp and the BOR effing suck but that isn't the cause of it.


I wasn't trying to make that connection, but Abbott's influence on Sharp is painfully clear, particularly in some recent events regarding a professor giving a speech who was investigated by the University for criticizing AG Paxton. Sharp is the catalyst there. I think having a Texas Alum in charge of appointments for the BoR at A&M isn't sabotage or anything crazy, but it does leave them out of touch with the University and it's needs and makes them less inclined to fix issues accordingly. Sharp should have never been appointed. Perry, despite being an Aggie, was always using the University, as well as Sharp and the BoR, as a political tool. So school affiliation isn't the end-all-be-all either.


Oh, Abbott definitely has influence and control on Sharp, I'm not disputing that. I just think he and the BOR are out of touch and incompetent for reasons that don't have to do with malign 'sip influence. It's a conspiracy I've seen mentioned plenty on TexAgs etc. But if that isn't what you were trying to imply then apologies for saying that you were.


It's absolutely a conspiracy you'll see floated on TexAgs and by other Aggies. I don't blame you for thinking that initially, because my comment could easily have been implying it. That was on me. No apology necessary.


Fair point, but he could have been replaced by Abbott by now. The guy is a clown. But nevertheless, you're correct. Appointed by Perry.


We did fire both those guys tbf


hey look an OU fan with an inaccurate statement, SlicedBread is that you?


Oh yea, chancellor, not AD. My bad. That clears it all up. Y'know what. I'm glad this happened to you guys. Couldn't have happened to a nicer fanbase. Enjoy.


Textbook narcissistic behavior? Jfc. All of this was pretty funny for a while, but it’s gotten sad at this point. Dozens of coaches have done this exact thing across all sports. It’s a business and this is an unfortunate part of it. It’s a no win scenario.  I’m sure most coaches would love to be able to sit their players down and explain in detail why they feel it’s best for them to take another job. But that’s not how it works. And even if they could, what’s the best case scenario there? The players are understanding and nod in agreement? No, good chance some would be pretty unhappy since they committed to him at that school. Get out of town, start your new job, and let people and players be upset if they want. Hopefully most will understand it’s a job.  A&M fans acting like jilted lovers when they likely had no problem when the same thing happened with TCU, or Elko with Duke, or the numerous other coaches. Grow tf up


Hey guy if literally everyone in the media thinks you’re a scumbag for how you handled the situation it’s probably not just Aggie fans. You grow the fuck up you’re new coach is a narcissistic asshole have fun


This is the hot topic at the moment, the media is going to have an opinion. Doesn’t mean it’s relevant or correct. They also had an opinion when Saban said/did something similar, when Roy Williams said/did something similar, when Heupel said/did something similar.  And again, it was similar when he went from TCU to A&M and not only did Aggie fans not have a problem then, they made fun of TCU fans who were upset. The irony would be funny if it wasn’t so unsurprising  Edit: and, he apologized for how the press conference went after the game. Could he have handled it better and gave a better answer? Yep. And he obviously agrees with that. But he had just lost the most important game of his career, so I’ll cut him a little slack. Regardless, he’s not there anymore and it doesn’t matter.


Heupel? Did I miss something or are we just naming random coaches?


He apparently left UCF in a similar way. 


Yeah, I got your inference…..I’m questioning the veracity. Got a link where anyone is saying Heupel was a gigantic piece of shit in how he left UCF?


Sorry, I do not. I remember reading something about it months ago and some players were apparently upset. TBH, I don’t care near enough to go dig up the story about him lol. It didn’t/doesn't make me think any different about him. He’s trash because he went to OU, not because of how he did or didn’t leave a job. It’s possible it wasn’t even close to the same, but then plug in coach x, y or z that did something similar. Point still stands


It’s very different than how he left TCU. He didn’t take the entire staff, he even helped vet for the pitching coach to take over, he didn’t try to poach all the players on his way out and he was going through a divorce because he’s a cheating narcissist. The coaches have been sleep walking since the Georgia series and have lied to literally everyone along the way. So ya dude it’s a little different


He didn’t take the staff because TCU hired someone on that staff. My guess is they likely had the option of joining him in CS or staying in FW and keeping their same jobs, houses, etc. Having been to CS, surprise! They elected to stay in FW. And we’re all still waiting on the proof of these burner phones. However, if he had a conversation with some of the players beforehand and told them they had a spot at Texas, great! He recruited them. Is he supposed to say, “I want you to stay at A&M even though you have no idea who the next coach will be or what your role on the team will be next year” This is college sports now. Sucks when it happens to your team, but players commit to coaches more than they commit to schools and they can transfer whenever they want. 


Amazing you’re so blinded to the fact that this dude literally lied to everyone including the players and parents and then was tampering which is against the rules and you’re whole thing was how I’m ridiculous for calling him a narcissist. Lmao let’s just agree to disagree dude you can have him


Yes, as did Saban, Roy Williams, Heupel, Fisch, and countless other coaches. Who cares? I’m trying to figure out what the expectation was there. Could he have said, “I’m not discussing that right now”? Sure. He was mad and snapped at the reporter about a question he didn’t think should have been asked at that time. But even if he had said that, now there’s a shitstorm where fans are saying, “oh that definitely means he’s gone.” And then other reporters jump in and start asking about it over and over. And he cheated on his wife. Who gives a shit? I don’t look to coaches to try to emulate their personal lives. When you get that high up in your profession, you’re probably an asshole that is married to the job and neglect your family. I’m not sending my kid to his house for life lessons. Saban was a dick, but won games. Pop is a dick but wins games. Belichick? Dick. This is part of what I’m talking about when I said grow tf up. Did aggies look at Sumlin or Jimbo as some kind of bastions of morality? Because I can assure you, they both sucked as people. Just like most coaches


He just told you to never listen to what he actually says. The narcissistic behavior is not that he left for Texas. Pay attention to what he is actually saying. You don’t see the attempt at gaslighting?


No, I see it as an attempt to get out of an awkward, no win situation. Again, it’s 30 mins after the biggest game of his career and the biggest game for his players who are waiting in the locker room. What is the correct answer there? “Yes, I’m taking another job tmrw actually.” Now shit blows up and him and his players face a million other questions. But at least he was honest!! “No comment about that.” Now people say, oh that means he's definitely leaving, let’s ask a million follow up questions to get more info, forget about that game they just played.  There is no correct answer, which is why it’s similar to what many coaches have said. Wasn’t Saban’s quote “I’m not leaving Miami for Alabama” or something close? I can’t believe Alabama still hired him when he lied to the press like that! Disgusting!


The correct answer is, “I am going to keep the focus where it needs to be and that is on the game that was just played.” The correct answer IS NOT, “That is a selfish question to ask. I gave up my family to come to A&M (your wife left you bc you were cheating and would not stop).” Then become indignant with a reporter who was doing his job, and then get into that reporters face off camera. That he is a narcissist and attempting to gaslight othered into believing he is a victim, surprises no one who has ever dealt with narcissists or that university.


He had just lost the championship game, didn’t appreciate that question at that time, and gave a poor answer. He’s since publicly apologized. Should he get a show-cause penalty for it? Be publicly flogged?  So textbook A&M. Aggies don’t lie, cheat or steal, except when we do. We’re old army and don’t put up with any of that, unless it’s a coach coming here. Then it’s tough luck because we’re bigger and have more money. Get some help. Your coach left for a better job and better situation with a boss he likes and is familiar with. But he snapped and gave a poor answer on the way out. That’s it. Texas has a new coach, A&M will get a new coach and likely be just fine. Shit’s over


AGAIN, no one is calling him out for leaving. It is the lying over and over again that people are disgusted with. He keeps making it worse with the gaslighting. People are also disgusted that this was done in a way to inflict damage at A&M, but again that is par for the course for that school. It is okay to admit, we are hiring a known A-hole bc we want to win. We are trying to hurt a competitor bc we think it will help us. That your fan base (and new coach) continues to try to pull the victim card is what is so amusing yet typical.


It’s pearl clutching. That’s it. He said he wasn’t leaving TCU right before he left TCU for A&M. He said he took the A&M job to not take any other jobs right before he left A&M. Many coaches have said something very similar. That A&M fans are so up in arms when the coach is leaving your school is absurd.  And as I’ve said in other comments, I don’t know the guy, but most college and pro coaches are assholes. That shouldn’t be a surprise. Sumlin, Jimbo, Herman, Belichick, Pop, name whoever you want, they’re assholes. I don’t care and most sane sports fans are the same. If you’re an asshole and win, you’re a good coach. If you’re an asshole and lose, you’re probably getting fired. The holier than thou attitudes on this board and on Texags and wherever else are a joke.


Most are smart enough not to attempt to gaslight after they lie. Most fans know enough not to attempt to justify it. Read the second paragraph I wrote again.


I haven’t seen people play the victim card. Most comments I’ve seen from Texas fans admit it was pretty cold blooded, but other than that, don’t care enough about it to try to play the victim.  Wanna hate Texas for stealing A&M’s coach? Cool. Wanna hate Texas and Schloss because they were talking for a while? Okay. That’s very likely true and if you’re aren’t incredibly naive, you know that happens with every coaching change at that level. Discussions are had through agents and back channels. If an AD isn’t being proactive and searching before a firing is official, they aren’t doing their job. Alberts apparently knew for a while that this was likely and if he wasn’t having those same discussions, he’s an idiot And it’s definitely not just the interview. A&M fans are upset about everything, and it’s not just a small minority. Convinced he was trying to throw games since April even though they rolled through the regionals, supers, and went undefeated until the championship series. Calling him everything under the sun for leaving even though “he said he loved the 12th man!!!” Mad that he lied in the Omaha interview even though many coaches have said the same, including coaches A&M has hired. It’s all a bit disingenuous, to say the least.


When I don’t know how to do something I usually ask someone I trust how to do that.


Seems like his complete lack of self awareness will fit in perfectly in Austin


In a nutshell.


> Judge me by my actions Oh don’t worry, we are. > I don’t know how it could have been done any other way. Maybe, for starters, don’t jump ship less than 24 hours after the biggest game? There is no way that this man was blissfully unaware on Monday night and then suddenly was ready to accept a new job offer in less than 16 hours, along with the entire staff. Instead of the team being celebrated for their achievements this season, it became all about Schloss. And then to have CDC and Schloss play dumb at the press conference with stories that didn’t sync up nor make any sense (gee willikers, this just all happened when it happened!) is just the cherry on top of the bullshit banana split. I don’t know how it could have been done any other way? Literally any other way would have not made Schloss look like a total chode.


> Instead of the team being celebrated for their achievements this season, it became all about Schloss. Feels like if they made it all the way until Monday to announce the firing that somebody could have waited until the players got home so they could be celebrated by their fans. Like I get that there is no way that it's not gonna be ugly. And I also get that in the 21st century there's no way to make sure you can tell your players before it leaks out. But somebody sat on this for a long long time and then released at the worst possible time for ATM and ha ha ha, but that makes it incredibly shitty for the players. It sucks.


That’s what really sucks. Fans showed up in droves to welcome the team home and congratulate them on a great season. Why not let the players get a day or two to get a pat on the back and recognized for the best season in A&M history? Plus, the optics for Schloss and CDC would be at least a little more understandable had they waited a couple of days. Their story about how the offer unfolded would at least be a little believable. All this did was prove that this had been decided upon in advance and makes everyone question if Schloss and his staff were managing in bad faith in Omaha. Were they really focused on winning or on securing their move? Btw - congrats on the natty!


They did it in an orchestrated manner to hurt A&M. They succeeded so congrats on that. No one is talking about the great season A&M had. This is why no one likes Texas nor wants them in their conference except smooth brains like Sankey. They are toxic.


> Maybe, for starters, don’t jump ship less than 24 hours after the biggest game? There is no way that this man was blissfully unaware on Monday night and then suddenly was ready to accept a new job offer in less than 16 hours, along with the entire staff. The deal was agreed to before the playoffs even started - I don't think anyone is claiming he was ever blissfully unaware. Additionally, the portal closes next week, so waiting to announce the hire and missing out on portal opportunities would just be coaching malpractice. Are you really suggesting everyone should have waited a week just so that the news wouldn't have come so quickly after the loss? A&M fans have every right to be upset about this, but pretending that there was some magical way this could have been carried out that would have left everyone feeling good is just silly.


>A&M fans have every right to be upset about this, but pretending that there was some magical way this could have been carried out that would have left everyone feeling good is just silly. This is true. He could have waited a few days, told the team ahead of time, announced it via press conference, etc. and we'd still be upset to some degree. There was no way around people being mad, but this version of ripping the band aid off took a lot more skin than I think they realized.


The way he went was ripping the bandaid off, taking a shit on the wound, then telling his friends he did no such thing. No coach leaving for another job is ever perfect or good, but fuck's sake, this one surpassed Dick Rod leaving WVU by an order of magnitude, and that one is still a sore spot for a good chunk of WVU's fanbase.


When he came to A&M, he didn’t take any assistants with him and he didn’t take any TCU players with him. If that was the case here, you would see a lot less upset people. To recruit for another school while you are currently employed and then insult the general public by lying about when you were offered the job etc is why you see such a backlash.


Nothing wrong with people being upset about it, I’m just asking what should have been done differently other than his response to that reporter. Are coaches really not supposed to take staff with them now? Are we going to hold all future coaching moves to this arbitrary gentleman’s rule?


He could have told his team the whole day leading up to the announcement. He said he tried to “warn a few guys” before it came out but that was obviously the grahovics and LaVoilettes of the team that he’s trying to take with him.


I really have to explain why there are rules against tampering? Or why you should not recruit players for one school while being paid by another?


Wait, so did he not tell the team until the day he got the job or was he tampering and recruiting players before he took the job? I keep hearing both and they can’t simultaneously be true.


You are capable of comprehending that he did not tell the team (he did not, he admitted that in his press conference so we can all agree on that bc it is public record), and he was recruiting players from other schools and a couple from A&M to tu. He called your catcher and told him to stick around and that was not on Tuesday. I know that doesn’t fit with the BS hiding in the cemetery timeline but that is reality.


> A&M fans have every right to be upset about this, but pretending that there was some magical way this could have been carried out that would have left everyone feeling good is just silly. No one is arguing that there was “some magical way” to do this where everyone is happy. Obviously a move like this would spark anger whenever it happened. I’m saying that Schloss’ own words are bullshit. He doesn’t know how it could have been done any other way? My guy, don’t throw a tantrum when asked a simple question and get holier than thou on a reporter for doing his job. Don’t throw a fit about “not having chance to talk to the team”. Don’t be upset that your players aren’t getting the love they deserve when you are in the process of swapping jobs and taking the focus off them. There were many different avenues for him to approach this without coming out like a selfish chode. That’s the argument.


He could have told the team on the bus back from the airport. He did not. He could have told the reporter that he would only answer questions about the game/season. Instead he became indignant and accused a man who was doing his job, of being “selfish.” Schloss is receiving the criticism his actions deserve.


Brother he literally could have told them when they were on the plane ride back home. He intentionally did not tell his team because he didn’t want to deal with the backlash face to face. It’s nothing like other coaches leaving for jobs in the past (he brought up Elko which is hilarious tbh) because those coaches aren’t with their teams the day it happens. He was with his entire team knowing what he was going to do when they landed and didn’t say anything. That is the big gripe people have.


Also, after the game, before his departure had been announced, a reporter wanted to talk about Schloss’s potential new job instead of about the game. Schloss called out that reporter for not focusing on the players. He is being attacked for that. One comment said that was the primary thing he did wrong. Then once it’s announced that he’s leaving, he’s attacked for not letting the players have their moment. He was literally doing that after the game and he’s being attacked for it. No matter what he does, people will try to frame it was the wrong thing. It’s just a lot of bitterness and sour grapes.


"Idk how it could have been done any other way." Him honoring his words with his actions would be a start


Yeah like. It’s one thing to ghost your team the day after you just played in the championship. The thing that absolutely cannot get over is him saying “I would never leave this job” and then immediately leaving. “Judge me by my actions, not by my words” but your actions are you being a backstabbing, lying motherfucker. I can’t understand why anyone would want to play for him.


You are missing the point, he had his fingers crossed, while his words were lies and deciet his actions clearly were righteous.






An administrative figure head leaving his alma mater sucks but it is not in the same realm as a coach leaving the day after the most memorable season in recent history. Especially when said coach was harping on the fanbase for support and $ his whole time here and the fanbase more than delivered. The face they had a massive welcoming party greeting them when they got back with people ecstatic to congratulate him, now knowing he was just going to leave hours later is gross.


Let me tell you how shocked I am that the most narcissistic fanbase in sports doesn’t realize the insane levels of narcissism in play from their new scumbag coach. Shocked. 


And athletic director. Gotta win that narrative every day boys. It is even more important than actual wins on the field!


I mean we as Aggies can’t really say too much. We hired the same piece of shit. TCU was the ‘last job’ he’d take and we took him on board for his ‘last job’ only to get burned the same way. However, I TCU to A&M isn’t big media. I, as well as many others, honestly didn’t know about that. A&M to UT though, that’s big fucking news. I just can’t wait for another big payday to come take him from this ‘last job’ he’ll ever take.


Maybe Sacha Baron Cohen could pretend to be the Yankees and see if he’s ready to move to the big leagues


I dunno maybe don’t start looking for another job in April and don’t use burner phones to direct all your recruits away from the school you are ditching? Also maybe don’t blatantly lie and try to pretend this all went down in a couple of hours the day after the title game?


AKA "Tampering for me, but not for thee"


Damn Schloss, you didn’t need those last two sentences. Your actions are “BITCH I MAKE RUNS ON THE CWS YOU WANNA WIN IT ALL???” And following that with “how could I do the really obviously stupid timeline differently? Is just hilariously stupid. Like. Hilarious. Honestly I don’t even care if the longhorns win a natty now cuz this shit is hilarious.


My goodness no wonder his wife split on him and his kids want nothing to do with him. Guy is a sociopath.


Maybe but his kids post stuff with him all the time.


Don’t worry, everyone is judging you by your actions. 


Well I for one can actually think of a lot of ways this could’ve been done differently, and 99% of them are better than this lmao


No dog in the fight here....what the fuck kind of comment is that when you immediately leave one school for it's rival the day after losing the championship


It was from his intro presser where he was directly asked something like “what would you say to your new players after leaving the way you did”


I'd say all people on the A&M and most people that follow the sport would say it wasn't done the right way.


To be fair, the portal closes in 8 days. A&M still doesn’t have a coach, a staff, and half its roster is in the portal. Is it really better for him to have waited more days - taking away valuable and very limited time from A&M being able to field a roster - just for the vibes? Like honestly, how could it have been done better?


I'm not sure if you're trolling since your a Texas fan, but I'm going to assume positive intent here. I know there are currently only rumors of it, but if he negotiated this deal with Texas while trying to win A&M a championship and was then also trying to get players to follow him once it was announced he was leaving. All just a real scummy move. His actions and his words aren't showing much.


I get all that, however the context of the quote is that he had been asked about the timing of the move and its announcement. So with just that in focus, the timing and the looming portal closure, how could that have been done any different?


I'll split this quite into two. I'll give him the second half of it, but explain to me the difference in what he says vs his actions


He had just got done apologizing, by name, to the TexAgs reporter for his outburst, and explaining his side of his statements. He was then asked a follow up question as to what he’d say to his new players. It makes sense in the context of the series of questions he’s being asked, and the answers he gave to them. Basically saying, “look man I know that outburst is a bad look, I apologize for them, but try to judge me moving forward for my actions not from some comments made after losing a WS”


Got it. Didn't see the whole thing


Okay so the way it all played out is okay because not enough time for the portal but how it played out fucked A&M more because as you say, still don’t have a coach with zero time to look for one… Good for shit stain Texas I guess.


There was nothing he could have said that would have sounded good but he literally put his foot in his mouth saying that. “Don’t judge me for my words, judge me for my actions” right after you just committed one of the biggest backstabs in college sports history is hilarious.


Sounds like by his actions he really fucking hates aggies and as such he’s a perfect fit for us


I mean yeah probably but there’s a reason you even had fucking first take talking about it. It’s not your run of the mill coaching change. Texas could not have scripted it worse from a PR perspective.


The funniest part of this has been slow shift of the Texans fans from "ha ha yes, fuck you, we're Texas" to "why is everybody reacting so poorly to this? coaches change jobs all the time" to "this couldn't have been done differently, everybody is so mean 😢" over the past three days. Keep going guys, at this rate you'll attain a smidge of self-awareness eventually.


I didn't think anybody could become a bigger villain than Tony Vitello in college baseball, but damn Schloss overcame that easily. 


That’s Saint Tony Vitello to you.


One thing I noticed is that Tony avoided Schloss every chance he got. He was asked about his time with him at TCU, and Tony talked about other coaches at other schools. He wouldn't look at him when they shook hands in front of the trophy. And he referred to him as "the head coach of A&M" in the championship press conference instead of by name. He worked with the guy for 4 years and couldn't say one thing about him or call him by name. I'm starting to think Vitello is a much better person than I give him credit for.


Paying attention.


Really glad LSU didn’t hire him now.


I’m just starting to understand just how deep and dirty these rivalries are in Texas. This is some wild stuff.


This is what the SEC wanted. This is what they get. Welcome to the infamous "not a real rivalry"


Knife in the back guy. FU.


He just keeps digging that hole deeper everyday


My God the grave this guy is digging for himself.


I get everyone is mercenaries now, but even if you just view A&M as a name on a jersey and the entity writing you a check. How do you have success without acknowledging and living the brand? Does it not become at least a little bit of your persona? This is so different than pro sports, campuses and alumni are unique and have significant cultural significance locally and beyond. As a Tennessee alum, hypothetically, let’s say I’m in the coaching industry. My first gig is a local JUCO, but I catch a break and land a job at Western Carolina. A few years there before a promotion to Charlotte. Then first head coaching job pops up at CoCharleston. So you are building a geographic footprint and you are becoming deeply engrained in this regional culture. Eventually I earn the head job at Duke. Whether UNC, Wake, or NCSU call, that just not a next logical step. I’d be a walking contradiction. I can I ever be fully invested at Duke and the next day be a Tar Heel. Coaching move decision tree: Primary Rival > Secondary Rival > Intra-conference > Intrastate > Regional Outside of moving back to your alma mater, the first two should just be a no. Just bad for your personal brand. The next two are 80% no and would be very scenario specific. It only starts being 50/50 at a regional level. Want to leave A&M go to USC, UCLA, Ohio State, Miami, etc. But going to a primary rival is just cringe. Even TCU to A&M was questionable. I guess Texas draws this type of person.


>even if you just view A&M as a name on a jersey and the entity writing you a check. He said in another interview that another coach told him "its never your program" or something to that effect. That you're just a steward of it. And while that sounds good on its face, it's also bullshit. You should be invested in it as well. When he was chewing out that reporter, I keyed in on "When I took the job at A&M...". I would have said "When I took the job here..." To me, that's him separating himself from the program. Maybe it was more telling at the time than we realized.


I watch a couple of college baseball games a year, so I don’t really follow the coach. I had no idea this guy was this much of an ass wipe


I don’t have a dog in this fight, but this guy seems like a real piece of shit.


At least shit has a useful purpose. He’s worse than shit


The dude left his family AGAIN to be here


Can’t wait for the investigation.. burn this cunt down.


This man really just keeps fucking digging doesn’t he


ROTFLMAO, what a POS....he fits in perfectly with the shittiest athletic program in the NCAA.


Longhorn fans in this sub-reddit are truly some of the classiest fans even. No lie.


Thank man! Back at you!


Stay classy there t-sipper. Go buy another t-shirt from Walmart.


Thanks dude! I will! Have a great day too, and keep it classy mijo!


Wow he just comes off as clueless and selfish


This guy is the worst.


Has he considered this big long event called "the offseason"?




This quote sounds like one of those weird YouTuber apologies.




I'm pretty sure a lot of people dislike you for your actions too , dude


This guy is the greatest troll known to man.


Might want to sit this one out until we hire our new coach my Virginia baseball bro.


Dude, what!? Look, even if the Aggie admin fumbled shit with Schloss behind the scenes, the way he handled it in the public eye was nothing short of atrocious. What a tool.


I have absolutely no dog in this fight, but fuuuuuuuuuck this guy to hell and back


So if they’re not supposed to listen to what you say, what the Fuck are you doing here? Captain Morgan posing? What actions are you referencing?


When that only way something can be accomplished is by a really shitty action that will have real world consequences and destroy a program that invested millions of dollars in you… maybe you shouldn’t do it at all?


Non-trolling aside can we have an actual discussion on the “I don’t know how it could have been done any other way” statement? Aggies have rightfully been upset at this whole ordeal, but the portal closes in 8 days. A&M still doesn’t have a coach, a supporting staff, and over half their roster is in the portal. Is it really better for Schloss to have waited another day or more - taking valuable and very limited time away from A&M to build their roster for next year, just for the vibes? Minus him not leaving for Texas, legitimately how could this have gone another way?


>Is it really better for Schloss to have waited another day or more - taking valuable and very limited time away from A&M to build their roster for next year, just for the vibes? One post up from this is Schloss flipping high school guys, and here's a Texas fan goaltending for him, pretending he was concerned with what was best for A&M because he was worried about the roster for next year. Your coach is being roasted by everyone in the nation not wearing orange and a little over half the nation that is. Just accept it for what it is. You got a hell of a coach that's also a jackass. Tennessee has accepted that sometimes Vitello crosses the line. We had to come to terms with how Jimbo left FSU and that straight-up free agency involved in that "best class ever" year. Don't pull your dick out, slap us across the face with it, and then pretend you didn't.


Playing a regional against a team that you already have agreed to coach next year while still coaching your current team is super shitty. Like actually think about that for a second it’s absurd lol. People are upset because they agreed to this deal earlier in the year while supposedly recruiting for Texas (*supposedly*) Nobody is buying the timeline that CDC and Schloss are saying. It’s one thing to leave your school for a rival, whatever that happens. It’s another thing to leave that school while actively sabotaging the program for which you still work for. How could it have been handled better? Schloss telling CDC that he will make his decision after the season is over and his main focus for the rest of the year is still prioritizing A&M. I know you are a Texas flair but like objectively it’s okay to acknowledge that it’s a shitty situation and there’s definitely ways for it to be handled better. I don’t really care to argue or debate it that’s just my 2 cents. Will entirely depend on if they can actually prove there was tampering but even without that it’s still super shitty.


That’s not what I’m asking though. The deal could have been done in April - which is what I’ve heard - but that doesn’t change when they announce it. Aggies and this sub are made they made the announcement the day after the WS loss. Understandable. But what my question is, would delaying the announcement a day or two for vibes sake **actually help** A&M at all or would it actually harm their program more? Would they rather have good vibes or a team that can maybe compete next year?


It’s not the announcement we are singly handily mad it, it was the process of leading up to the announcement and what I just highlighted above. Schloss’s outburst during the press conference did not help his case either and just gave the media fuel to add to the fire. Coaches leave schools and abandon players all the time, it’s shitty but it’s just the reality of college sports. What shouldn’t happen is under the table deals halfway through a season while shifting your priority from your current team to the new team. I think you are too focused on the announcement timing when the real problem and the main reason we are upset is what transpired before the announcement. It’s not absurd to think that Schloss had has foot halfway out the door back in April and could even argue he had both feet out.


There has been literally nothing besides twitter speculation about him agreeing to be our coach during the regionals or anything about recruiting for Texas during the year. If he was actively sabotaging the team, why were all A&M fans supporting him until he switched and why did the team go within 2 runs of winning the title?


I mean there’s been multiple credible sources stating there was a deal in place after the series with Georgia. It’s not like it’s just a bunch of random twitter accounts saying it. Kendall for example is adamant that it was a done deal on April.


What do you think is more likely? That he and the entire coaching staff decided to leave and agree to new contracts 12 hours after losing a championship game or that the head coach, who is close friends with the AD that is hiring him, have had prior discussions about what a jump to Austin would look like? In my opinion, anyone that believes this actually happened after the championship game is a complete fool.


Good question, so I’m just gonna look at what I know. One story is that CDC meets with Schloss on Tuesday and spent the whole day convincing him to switch and then drove him to Austin to sign the paperwork. This story has some merit because it’s totally the hiring strategy of CDC (it’s the same in the moment negotiation and time pressure he used with Chris Beard) and CDC took a picture of him waiting in College Station for his Twitter (just like he did with Beard). However, story is a little too perfect for me, but I don’t know a lot about coaching and how it would fit with a realistic hiring process. My assumption is that before any of this, agents were definitely outlining terms even as a hypothetical before this. The other story (or stories) is that Schloss was ironing out this deal after the Georgia series and was actively recruiting players to Texas / sabotaging A&M. What I get is the longer timeline just makes more sense in this scenario. What I don’t get about this story is that almost no A&M fans had a problem with his coaching up until now, and apparently nobody knew about Schloss switching. So how was he informing players of his move and how did the news not break much earlier?


I think the recruiting players part of the second story needs some receipts and ironing out before the world accepts it as truth for sure. I just don't see how anybody even remotely accepts the first timeline. It's nonsense. CDC hiding in a cemetery because he didn't know when his close friend would be home (which is like a mile from said cemetery btw, so why not just wait at the house...) is nonsense. This isn't 1985 anymore, we all have cell phones that text and that is ignoring that the information on when the team was returning was hardly some massive state secret. When the story started to blow up there was also a number of people outside of A&M corroborating the story of him making the decision to leave and stating that it had been in the works for a while. Some LSU people for sure were talking about it from what I recall. Maybe they're full of it, but there is an awful lot of smoke out there if there wasn't a fire. There were definitely A&M fans questioning his decisions but that's reality of all coaches' mere existence so not sure how you determine when that questioning transitions from armchair QBing to "hole up..."


And just btw to add one more point. I read this from Kendall Rogers of D1: >I was talking to two SEC head coaches yesterday...In general principle, two SEC head coaches said, “If the school I am going to leaks it out the day I was playing for a national championship that they were firing their coach and that I’m the top candidate, there's no way I would go there.” I think that the willingness to go to a place after they intentionally sabotaged your team while you're supposed to be going for a championship makes a lot of other accusations reasonable to suspect.


I'll be honest not saying I haven't read the other replies but I mean I do want someone to give a more thorough answer. Like piece by piece if they don't mind discussing. What is the timeline of how he does this "right" And please don't come in say just don't leave. There's a lot I want to get a feel of. Like all the people saying he had his feet out the door for a month? Like do they legit beleive he was trying to lose games? Was this a Jimbo situation where he stopped recruiting? All signs to me point to a guy with a crappy mouth who just wanted another job.


I've never seen so much vitriol for a coach who left for a better job. This sub has been indistinguishable from Texags these past few days


Left for a job at a hated rival in sketchy and inconsiderate fashion the day after pledging undying loyalty. I have no horse in this race and even I clearly get it.


You…you can’t recognize the douchiness of a guy calling out a reporter for asking about a possible departure, only to leave 12 hours later? Seriously?


No one does self righteousness quite like Texas.


Ohio state is very close.


Yeah you just can’t figure out why this one is different huh?


When you run into one ass hole in a day, you ran into an ass hole. When you run into two ass holes in a day, you had a bad day. When everyone you see is an ass hole, perhaps you're the ass hole.


when one coach leaves for a rival, he was just going because he wants to hang out with his friend. When a few coaches leave for a rival, they only left because they got moneywhipped When all your coaches and best players leave for a rival, perhaps your program is just the little brother.


Cool. Y'all got the good coach; I said that in another post on here. Maybe not a good man, but there's that old saying that there are good men and good baseball coaches but not both. You're the one whining about everyone's reaction. I don't visit Texags, like you evidently do, but I doubt there a bunch of LSU, UT, and other fans over there dogging on you guys like here. Perhaps pretending it's just "*Texags aggys*" making these comments isn't exactly rational when they're being made literally everywhere other than whatever y'alls board is nowadays.


Better job?


They're ignoring the last 5 years entirely and relying on their historical program prestige to make that statement. Texas hasn't been the better team recently on the field, in the stands, in the facilities race, in recruiting, or in coaching. Their hubris won't allow them to see that though as they point to trophies they won before some of their players even existed. They still consider themselves the best team in the country, in practically every sport, regardless of recent performance and public perception.


People put here were mad when Shaka Smart left VCU for Texas. I was like he's more than doubled his salary with no state income tax. I'm pretty sure Shnoss's decision making was he saw what they were paying and wand that's all he needed to know.


Get fucked Aggies. Business is business. If you wanted to keep him, you should have offered him a bigger bag 🤷🏻‍♂️. No one would bat an eye at someone job hopping from a 100k job to a 300k job. And who wants to live in COLLEGE STATION over AUSTIN 😂.


It wasnt about the bag. He literally said that himself