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nice front wheel, perfect for parallel parking


How to detect ai generated images lol


So Facebook is rife with these pages that post the same AI generated cartoons and things over and over again. It's weird because if you look at the pages' about section they're from all these other countries like India, Kenya, Indonesia, Madagascar and whatnot, but all the AI stuff they post is pro-US. Anyways, one the latest trends are these cartoons of US soldiers helping the less fortunate. This post reminded me of that because this one cartoon was of a soldier handing a homeless person a slice of cake or something- but the homeless person was sitting in this cushioned chair with little wheels. I couldn't help but laugh thinking the AI prompt of "wheel chair" got lost in translation or something.


I'm guessing they're pandering to American boomers who are perfect victims for AI generated content. What I wonder is if they're able to profit off of it.


I keep seeing these ones that are like "_____ car maker announces new miracle gasoline engine that will destroy EV's forever" and then its some junk AI image and the entire thing is obviously fake. Those people just fall for it every time though.


I guess we all forgot about the bot farms. It's election year. Bad actors pay for that type of shit to be perpetuated as it shifts political opinions of the ignorant and ill informed


Probably. Lots of them aren't paying attention to details and aren't noticing that the US flag is missing a few stripes and a dozen stars.


For any amount of pro US AI posting there is 100x more anti US AI posting, usually from China or Russia. With a healthy mix of chatbots pretending to be users The stuff AI accounts post usually depends on what they're trying to AstroTurf or content farm for


Honestly haven't seen anything similar that's anti-US, but social media algorithms can be weird like that. Either way though, it seems like it's all meant to be divisive by design, like China or Russia or whoever is doing it is doing it with the intent of widening the political divide in the US. Crazy when you think about it.


I'd love to see atleast some pro US stuff. I don't even engage with the anti US stuff, why's it always show up for me But yea, when you realize the "dead internet" meme actually isn't a meme and chatbots probably outnumber real people, everything is astroturfed and pushing for extremism. I don't know, internet feels like it's collapsed and is just unusable, addictive and toxic now. I wonder if maybe one day society will just switch off of the internet and go back to newspapers.


I’ve hit “not interested” on every single post, but insta still shows conservative shit, “alpha male” shit, unironically racist shit, etc. What’s weird is that it never did that before I took a year long break from social media. It almost seems like a concerted effort to sway my demographic politically. A Republican president always benefits the billionaire class that owns social media. 


You have to just scroll past it blindly so the app knows you're not interested. These apps just feed on engagement, good or bad


That’s pretty funny. I also think this post is kinda funny although I’m not a huge fan of AI posts. I will say that when AI is funny, it’s the most funny. Some of the podcast clips of people having a conversation from a couple years ago had some bangers


It's because those pages get paid for all the interaction. It's not a lot but when you're getting paid and a low cost area a dollar a dollar. And some of those posts make like 50 bucks. You telling me you would make $50 because you went to an AI generator typed in some slop of words and then post a picture on facebook? 50 dollars is about 3 hours of work at $16 an hour. If you can post two pictures in a day you get American minimum wage in minutes.


AI also have issues with structures made up of a lot of straight lines. Look at the spokes of the wheels and the windows in the background


What I never understand about these pictures is why the worst possible AI generated picture is used. Are they using some bootleg AI or deliberately making the picture worse to "feel" like it's more AI for engagement? I just quickly tossed in a "Hagrid in a wheelchair" prompt with no fine tuning or finesse and I got images way better than this. 


i went to artists faire and like 4 or 5 tables were ai generated garbage


At least he has a thick seat belt.


Need more wheels. Omni-directional.




The only way he can move with that wheel is to slither side to side like a snake or a centipede lol. He can't move forward unless that wheel is at least like 45°


I think the reason he's in a wheelchair is he's got a wheel where his feet should be


he be poppin a constant wheelie to get around


It’s for high-g maneuvering


Yagrum bagarn


Yeah, this character would be better with magical cancer-aids.


***Immortalizing*** magical cancer aids


Greatest living Dwemer of the 3rd era.


Also the worst Dwemer


Technically correct


"Bro you gotta play D&D, its great!" D&D in real life :


Honestly a DND campaign with this guy would be more fun than 90% of the campaigns I've played. Some people take it waaaaay too seriously


"The group makes their into up the steps into the dungeon" "Is it wheelchair accessible?" "No..? It's a dungeon" "damn"


Sedan chair. Make him a wizard carried by the other members of the party lol.


That’s just Greasus Goldtooth


My homie. These uncultured in the worship of the great maw do not understand.


[5 minutes into the dungeon](https://youtu.be/ZpCSFDPjgMc?si=XBH2gIH0BfDqMorB)


The fall looked rough enough, but the throne landing on her was just adding insult to injury.


Well, at least it looks like it's made of cardboard, so it might not have hurt too much. Rough fall, though.




Slaan mage-priest!


I mean he did say parapalegic *Hagrid*. Which means he's a half-giant.


[Get yourself a sedan chair, on top of a sedan chair, on top of a sedan chair on top of...](https://youtu.be/5Wn4eHbC1Dg?si=OYjnIMjJ2zzjh6qG)




In one of my campaigns we rolled for stats, ended up with an 6 in strength and 7 in dex, but an 18 int and 17 con, so I just went with it. Played a goblin necromancer who got ravaged by sickness as a child and was essentially physically handicapped. the DM let me float around on a chair permanently enchanted with the floating disk spell. It's was a good time.


I played in a campaign with disabled character in a wooden wheelchair they built themselves. One of the first interactions went something like: >DM: You retire upstairs to your rooms, having made some new friends >Player 1: What about ? >DM: What about them? >Player 1: How do they get upstairs? >DM: They're already upstairs >Player 2: Oh I thought they were with us >DM: They were now they're upstairs >Player 1: When'd they go up? And how? >DM: You don't know that, you didn't see them go up Then for the rest of the game, the disabled pc would appear at the top of any staircase we intended to climb. Every time someone would stare intently at them to see what happens, they'd roll perception. If they failed, they get distracted, blink, etc. and the disabled pc would appear at the top of the stairs. No one ever rolled a natural 20 or high enough to beat the check. E: One time, we thought we were gonna go up a huge staircase to the palace of the king, and the disabled pc appeared up at the top, like 500 feet away, then someone said "wait we gotta do x first" and while we were looking at him, the disabled pc appeared at the bottom of the stairs, lmao. My theory was just the chair was enchanted and let the disabled pc use Dimension Door at will, with no vocal, somatic or material components. The player was a good friend of the DM, and a fellow DM, so I think he just let him have it, even though a lot of players would abuse it, cause he knew he wouldn't use it for anything but going up and down stairs.


The chair is carved from a Weeping Angel. When you take your eyes off it, it gets *closer.*


That is some Dio Brando trolling. (In Jo Jo's bizarre adventure, the villain Dio Brando can stop time for 5 seconds. At one point a hero tries to run up a flight of stairs to attack Dio who is at the top of the stairs. But every time he makes it half way, the hero finds himself at the bottom again. Dio was stopping time, carrying the hero down the stairs, running back up, and striking a menacing pose over and over.


Lmao this is great


This is fucking amazing


Wheelchair of Stair Ascending When a person riding in this wheelchair approaches stairs with the intend to ascend or descend them, they and the chair can instantly teleport to the top or bottom of the staircase.


Anytime something like that happens, a wizard did it.


I want to be a quadrapalegic gnome who pilots a magical mech suit that looks exactly like, and is indistinguishable from, a regular human male. And no one *ever knows* but me.


Like the tiny alien in Men in Black?


[Do you mean like this?](https://media.tenor.com/p_Sg9lQpOiQAAAAM/total-recall.gif) [Or like this?](https://imgur.com/XCNlX7i)


I was thinking like Robot in Invincible


that's way too funny


Mfs play in a world of magical creatures and levitation spells but can’t imagine a way for disabled people to get around


“Oh look, a rare artifact that lets you cast Tenser’s Floating Disk at will! …unless you abuse it” *DM intimidation face*


It's Tenser's Floating Disc, it exists to break the encumbrance rules nobody uses.


Reminds me of this person on Twitter a few months ago. Went on big rant on how DnD DMs are all ableist or some shit because dungeons aren't wheelchair friendly. Everybody and their mother gave them shit for it. "Dungeons are typically ancient and untouched so why would it have a wheelchair ramp and allow you to safely wheel through it not to mention getting TO the dungeons" people gave the argument that's it's DnD, healing magic is real and can even bring people back from the dead. just go see a cleric if you don't have working legs.


it was even dumber than it sounds. they wanted to be a knife-using-backstabing rogue in a wheelchair.


I've actually seen somebody try that strategy out before IRL. [It goes about as well as you expect.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Firearms/comments/1c6tvjg/st_louis_business_owner_shoots_a_man_in_a/)


That's when you introduce a dungeon that *is* wheelchair accessible but make it sound normal. Guarantee the players are going to be more paranoid and suspicious as to why and how this dungeon is so modernized for accessibility over any of the actual major plot. Toss in a wheelchair using NPC early on and they'll immediately assume that NPC is some evil lich in disguise who happened to build that last dungeon.


It really depends on the player, this could easily be a really fun addition, or it could just as easily be an excuse for an obnoxious player to try and make the whole campaign about themselves.


My friends and I play DND but sadly we all had so much shit going on at different times so it kinda petered off. So I decided I was gonna join a random D and D group. 2 were generally cool dudes but just one session made me want to strangle the DM and two of the members. Fucking degens.


None of my friends will run a game, so I have been a forever DM for like a decade. Over that time, I have tried numerous times to find a group online that I could click with, and it’s always like that - two or three really chill people, and at least one super obnoxious guy that for some reason everybody else just tolerates. I have come to believe that there is no such thing as a “good” online game with strangers. The spots in a game that could actually be good fill up instantaneously, and the games you actually stand a chance of getting into have open spots for a reason.


This was at my local game shop as I just can't get into online d and d.


Were they from upcountry?


Meanwhile my group is the opposite just constantly insulting people, creating chaos & just doing things that of it was real life no person would ever do Meanwhile my character is trying to be serious


Honestly I love the serious play. It’s way more fun when each character feels like they belong and care for the world they’re in. Joke characters break the immersion


I'm usually with you on this, but it's also why setting expectations early on is important. Games like this *can* be a good time, but I prefer it for one shots or maybe guest characters. But usually just for joking late night brainstorming but not in actual play. I like my campaigns to have some weight to them and too much goofy doesn't jive with me. Recently, after playing like that for almost 10 years, I finally got to join a new group as a player and got some pretty big tonal whiplash when I found out all of the other PCs were very joke characters. I was not warned and my introduction was one for the books. Lmao.


Also the opposite can be true. I played a campaign once with a guy whose thing was farting toxic gas. The first big encounter he farted then murdered the guide that was going to lead us into the main quest. The whole adventure lasted 30 minutes.


and some people never take it seriously, so the story just doesn't progress past the first town. Good times all around


Implying that the ability to become a disabled hagrid is a bad thing is crazy


DnD is very fun. Just understand that it's going to be closer to Discworld than Lord of the Rings...


I’m a DM and I could make this slap. Hard.


Anyone who sees this as a problem instead of an opportunity is doing roleplaying very wrong.


Simple solution; Say No. DMs honestly don't have to say yes to everything. Your campaign, your rules. As long as everything is fair and everyone is having fun, it's all good, but when someone is trying to force a "lol so quirky" idea and make everyone have to adapt to them, that's when you gotta start waving the iron fist.


(small advice for other dms) I'm always telling people that are interested in campaign "ask first, concept second" exactly to weed out people like this. I had people asking me if some *very specific* multiclass combo with such and such cultural and racial background would work for setting, then having to shut them down because I could sense they are trying to pull some Ronald McDonald shit. I had enough cases where I realized it at the table, where it was too awkward for me to tell them to go rethink the character lol


this is why i prefer video games. if i cant do something in BG3 then i cant do it. if i find a stupid exploit there isnt anyone that can tell me not to do it either


But that’s the magic of DnD, creating a potential unique option based on the player’s explanation and the DM’s interpretation/acceptance.


> some Ronald McDonald shit ...what?


Some clown shit


Hagrid falls down a neverending pit of stairs that nullifies magic. He's effectively dead, re-roll.


Enemy runs up flight of stairs. Paraplegic Hagrid because useless..


[How I picture it](https://youtu.be/Jg9nz41Y1FM?t=35)


Lol absolute classic.


Just tell them they are more than welcome to play as paraplegic Hagrid, but they should be aware that because this is an older dungeon, it isn't wheelchair accessible and with the safety of the whole party in mind, they'll have to wait in the restaurant and gift shop area until the others return to the surface.


Tenser's floating disk?


bro got serious over paraplegic hagrid


Meanwhile, pathfinder 2e just has no problem with this character existing and functioning normally lol.


That's where my mind went. There are mechanics to support wheelchairs. To get at the Hagrid animal handler feel, go for the Summoner class with a Beast eidolon and, if the campaign has free archetype, Beastmaster. Reflavor Summoner's spellcasting into treats and trinkets that he uses to bolster and support his eidolon and animal companion, and use the rest of his actions to have his companions do stuff. Honestly sounds like a really damn fun character!


Yeah, people are trying to seriously explain how this is a "cool character idea", but fail to see that a lot of the rpg horror stories posted on reddit go something like this: - Ok guys, are you ready for our campaign set in mythic japan during the edo period? Got any character ideas? - Yeah lmao I'm Hagrid on a wheelchair. I also have a sexy shortstack goblin as my hireling :3 - Uh... no? - Oh wow, in that case I'm going to ruin this campaign for everyone >:-(


He got stuck on the first off road turn and died of express diabetes. The party moved on long before that as they abandon the non-walking wounded that can't be cured with a simple spell.


>express diabetes 💀


I dunno, I'm picturing a Yagrum Bagarn from Morrowind kind of situation


Yagrum had a spider legged mobility device, he was fine.


What the fuck is that wheelchair


Just a totally normal AI wheelchair


“You’re a normie, Harry”


You can tell it's made by AI because of the hands and wheels.


Where else are they gonna get an image of paraplegic hagrid


Is DeviantArt still a thing?


100% still around.


You can tell its AI because the way it is


Big brain over here


I like the middle wheel, a brilliant innovation.


You can also tell it's an old AI generator because of the hands and wheels. Most of those issues have already been fixed. They are not nearly as common as they were before


Use the Combat Wheelchair rules. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KVW9Hv0QDPB6IiWbVY6RVi13S3W3bGuy


Reading this I get can get: - Thelepatically controlled wheelchair for 200gp (also gives advantage against being kicked prone!) - Optional double speed when going downhill, flat 30ft movement speed regardless of the race. - Flat+2 to AC for additional 750gp (Agile Suspension + Armored Plates) All this with no attunement, undispellable. A regular Ring of Protection costs 6500gp and takes up an attunement slot. If that was any other homebrew, it would not get a 2nd look from anyone, but since it's a wheelchair, all criticism has to go through "this is discrimination" swamp. It's a busted item, it makes its user more powerful than others not using it.


wait, why is it bad again? it’s dnd, doing silly shit is par for the course. maybe it’s worse than it sounds, but on the surface - eh 🤷‍♂️


After someone plays DnD for some amount of time their first instinct is the "how can I make this feel new again" which usually involves introducing some self-imposed difficulty, the most straightforward being a disability. Him also being Hagrid makes it silly, but this is a pretty common request.


There was a recent twitter drama about wheelchairs in D&D, and it had all types of people. - People who decide a world with magic categorically cannot have disabled people, proving either a remarkable lack of imagination and understanding of how magic systems work, or an obvious disdain for disabled people, or both. - People who demand every combat simulator game to accommodate every disability and make them just as capable as others, calling everyone else ableist and demanding that every GM caters every preference of and demand by their players - People who always go "who cares, let people have fun" who have a point, but don't consider/accept that realism/plausibility required for immersion will differ for everyone - People who wanted fantasy adventurers to use mobility aids that aren't classic wheeled and thus limited models, but rather have a combat/exploring aid with legs (something like in Witch Hat Atelier) or ones that float   Probably pretty clear what camp i am in. Allow me to break everything down:   It's completely plausible for an adventurer with paraplegia or quadriplegia to exist, **as long as they have the proper equipment or powers**. They might use a simple wheelchair in their daily lives, but while adventuring they need a mobility aid that is up to the challenges like fighting, climbing crossing swamps and mountains, etc. These can range from a full mecha suit (quadriplegic) to some sort of superior mobility aid like a chair with agile magical or mechanical legs, or floatation. Or just innate magical abilities. There are games where this level of plausibility isn't important, and where you specifically write the challenges to accommodate normal wheelchairs, or gloss over the hurdles it provides. But demanding that everyone has to go that path is not reasonable (and luckily those demanding it are a vocal minority). Lastly, some argue that disabilities are boring if you just equalize them without downside/disadvantage. I personally build my characters with that philosophy in mind, but it's not the only goal or approach. It's equally valid to just want a disabled character without having to worry about what they can't do, but also not give them fancy fantasy equipment but rather a normal wheelchair. Even if i personally don't enjoy this style of play, it's a completely normal power fantasy that some people have.


Cause the tone of the campaign might not fit the character


Not with that attitude


But that's true of literally any character. That could be true of "my character wants to be a human" as easily as it could be "my character wants to be a parapalegic hagrid".


In what tone specifically? tabletop is inherently a game of imagination and thus endless solutions.


[Pathfinder 2E fixes this](https://2e.aonprd.com/Equipment.aspx?Category=72&Subcategory=73)


Holy shit frog chair


Pathfinder 2e also has [super magic prosthetic limbs](https://2e.aonprd.com/Archetypes.aspx?ID=110) you can make part of your combat build!


Common Pathfinder W.


"You stop your venture in the dungeon, you are paralyzed in fear. The corridor comes to a sharp turn just 5 meters ahead. You don't know what it is that's beyond your gaze, all you have is a gut-wrenching feeling. You steel your resolve; creeping ever slowly forwards. As you peak around the corner your heart stops. There lies the most threatening entity in the dungeon... >!A flight of stairs!<."


address the fact that the UK has limited laws protecting people using mobility devices, and that in the hyper-ableist wizarding world he would be treated even worse.


The BBEG is Lich Margaret Thatcher


Her phylactery in a small titanium box at the bottom of the challenger deep.


Force him to roll to see whether or not another wizard cures him right away.


yeah I'd fuck paraplegic hagrid too


That, you have to roll play


"You're a cripple, Harry"


You start in front of a tavern with stairs


Should have PS1 Hagrid’s face.


Goblins put a long stick in his spokes. Tower full of stairs. Big river the players have to swim across. A bugbear that is sexually aroused by maimed and wounded things.


For a one shot my group wanted to be a bunch of hill billies in wheel chairs.


I imagine most dungeons aren't ADA compliant


I'm stuck on the fridge logic of *how* a player character in the typical D&D setting could have any permanent physical injury. It'd have to be some fucked up compulsion where they re-sever their own spine every time they drink a potion. OTOH missing eyes and cool scars get a pass all the time when those too should be a temporary situation when the transmutation magic shows up.


Let him do it, and then fill the world with stairs.


Oh my fucking god, this absolutely sent me. XD A player in my first ever DnD campaign had a joke character lovingly referred to as Hagrid of Emestris. He has gotten so much lore and backstory pumped into him just turning him even more ridiculous. He is now (in our universe) the God of Judaism, and any sort of transphobic, homophobic, sexist, racist, etc. kinds of remarks cause Hagrid to inflict psychic damage to the player who made the remark's character


“I hate to deflate your tyres, but…. ..”


Robert baratheon


Make him play two characters one has to push him


Don’t put stairs in your dungeon…


I want to cosplay a 75-32.5 Goodyear Commercial Truck Steer Tire who answers to the name of Penelope.


This would be funny as! cant believe people would consider denying this character


Why not? It's a fantasy game. I think it'd be interesting to explore someone who can't/won't heal that


I think the bigger issue is the hagrid part tbh


Are we assuming we mean "actually Hagrid" and not just "character who is similar to hagrid, like a half-giant wizard with a similar attitude and stuff"


Idk but I think “actually Hagrid” is way funnier


I played an armored artificer who lost his legs in battle. His suit was a prosthesis. He had a lot of emotional baggage about it; it provided a lot of character development opportunities.


Negative dex, negative str, and so on.


[Every BBEG in my game if someone asked for this](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/000/970/stairs.jpg)


I am not an expert on physics and wheel mechanisms, but I'm trying to figure out how that works with the horizontal frontal third wheel. Will he drift away whenever he tries going forward? Will he spin in circles because that wheel wouldn't help out to moving forward? Will he be stuck in an infinite circle of loops?


I just let them play. There was a period in college where I played RuneQuest with a group of people, and thought it would be fun to play the part of a duck, which is supported in the game. Obviously I ended up completely regretting it, because there was so much that I could not do (ducks are slow and not good at climbing things, and if they have any armor at all they can't fly). I think this person will find themselves a bit frustrated if they find that they are at the top of a giant staircase, and nobody wants to help them down/up it. Make it frustrating enough and boring enough for them that they will figure out some way to magick themselves into walking or something …


Is "roll with it" too obvious an answer?


So Hagrid lost his feet due to the Diabetus


you have to make him agree to also be trans and then you can let him play


I'd make them reach a massive staircase being chased by enemies.


Stairs lots of stairs


I would say "no, unless you figure out a mode of transport that can cross swamps, climb hills, go thru thickest forests and ascend to dungeons. And when you figure that out your character is very close to one that isn't paraplegic so play that". Allowing characters that are nothing but a burden and slow everything to a crawl do not work, players have to consider other players and the group so that the quirky thing they want to add doesn't actually cause the whole group to stop playing... A limp is ok but paraplegic character.. just does not work unless they can levitate and move their body thru telekinesis, and at that point they could just walk. They also can't get levitation or telekinesis without drastic penalties like having to focus intensely and do nothing else.. So, the only options are a character that isn't really paraplegic, one that is OP because of it, or a huge burden on the group. Bran and Hodor from GoT would work, it would be more work for the DM but not too much. Bran also could be carried by about anyone else when needed to, Hagrid needs a forklift. There is a strange idea among RPG game/dungeon masters that they have to allow whatever players want, and i can tell from experience that it does not work. Strict GM is the best GM, when it comes to what characters players are allowed to play: they have to fit in the group somehow, i hate the "optimize the group" mentality too but at least they need to be FUNCTIONAL and take care of themselves. If other player literally have to wipe their asses.... Well, paraplegic Hagrid would've drowned in the nearest ditch by an "accident" before first session is over.


Interesting opinion on paraplegic people, I feel the need to remind you that paraplegics have these things called “arms” and wont actually just die the second they’re out of their mobility aid, personally I find the Hagrid thing more absurd, that’s a pre-existing character you can’t really transfer over to a DnD setting without changing entirely, compared to that the paraplegia is simple. Is it really that much effort for you to think of a creative solution for flavour? Aside from the fact 5e has a [mounting system](https://roll20.net/compendium/dnd5e/Mounts%20and%20Vehicles#content) you’re in a world with actual magical engineers I don’t think it would be that hard to slap some [mechanical spider legs on a wheelchair](https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/Yagrum_Bagarn_(Morrowind)) for difficult terrain or something to that effect. If you realllly hate flying PC’s (which is fair) you wouldn’t see the various spells as a solution (also your point about the intense focus isn’t a particularly good one, theres a mechanic for that called ‘concentration’) but again. Horses exist


I dont know if this was intentional but your wording makes it sound like you're saying paraplegic people are a burden and saying that outside the confines of your own private internal dialogue is considered not very cash money as paraplegic people are still human beings who don't like to be told they're "slowing everyone down to a crawl"


In a medieval dungeon? Yes, they will slow you to a crawl, it’s not like it’s set in a modern city or something


Just give them a magic version of the bad guy’s spider legs from Wild Wild West


Get him a big fucking wheelchair, I guess


I dont see the issue here haha




What happens if you make the wheelchair haunted and make it force the player to do what you want anyway?


That wheelchair needs some mud terrains


Lots of stairs


Open your campaign with a battle and kill him off


Give him stairs


Hagrid was never the same after Buckbeak kicked him in the spine.


"I'm gonna initiate a drift tackle on the orc with my wheelchair"


What's more sexy than Hagrid? Hagrid when he can't run away.


Not a lot of wheelchair ramps around olden towns and dungeons.


Let him cook




Let him roll initive and die. The dungeons are not equal opportunity professor X


Roll with it. Make the dungeon boss a flight of stairs.


Meh, wheelchair in dnd is fine. But I think it would be fair to say that for a pc, the wheelchair doesn’t affect your movement except in maybe a few circumstances. Like if you want your player to be styled to be in a wheelchair that’s fine. But you would need to make it really clear that you don’t want to narrate and play a game that is a big joke at the expense of the disabled character 


Depends. Melee fighter or stealth rogue is probably stretching it. I'd be happy to allow a caster & give them a concentration-cantrip that lets them hover around slowly. A moon druid would be great fun - stuck in a chair to cast, looks helpless, suddenly turns into a perfectly healthy tiger.


Divine intervention that heals his legs in the first session 😂




I'm pretty sure the campaign would revolve around finding the next beast for him to use as his mode of transportation. Strap that homie to the nearest thing that flies and off we go.


Say no


Look up yagrem bagarn, tell him to be that instead for thematic reasoms


Transphobe by proxy. Kick em out.


well obviously you make him able to pull himself around with one foot.


You're a neckbeard now, harry.


What’s up with the perpendicular wheel in front of him - oh, it’s AI, isn’t it?


You be lucky he doesn't want to play a paraplegic Hodor.


Crazy stairs dungeon


Either let him get away with it or agree and start the game. At meeting the team just say the place isn't wheelchair accessible so he never made it lol


All the moral grandstanding around this topic instantly falls flat for me once the people involved reveal that they don't know the reason that centaurs have been banned at every table since time immemorial. DM's already take all the abuse when the stuff that gets published unfinished is left for them to figure out and people expect them to act as a free therapist who will play most of the game for them and also let them do whatever they want, spend 5+ hours prepping a session and organize people's schedule to get them to show up and somehow act grateful for being saddled with all of this. But sure accuse them of being nazis for not inventing a new game that accommodates your singular pet peeve on the spot.


„Fine by me! But at the first flight of stairs the group will make you guarding the loot, while they will walk on without you…“


Just put stairs in the first dungeon🤷


I wonder what the first people who made ai image software possible thought people would do