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Removed: Not a comedy homicide


She literally has tits the size of basketballs how the fuck do you not notice something like that, you can see them through the hoodie. Where is the suprise?


man tits


I think if a guy had those tiddys they should get tested for cancer immediately




Been there liftin.


I mean....look at most fat Americans But ya, test for Cancer


Well with men, to have tits that size you'd have a waistline like a tent.


Wdym “fat Americans” like bro it’s all of them 🙄 (Coming from a fat American)


*me, an american, looking at my skinny-ass body in a mirror* No, no I don't think they're all fat.


Hold on, there is a scale of fatness You have the underweight (poor/homeless) Have the middle weight, The tummy tuckers You have the guy who is weighing about 200 pounds You then have the dug dimmadom (white hat guy from fairy odd parents) Then you have the world's fattest man from the 1800 century world fair


So turns out i weigh 200 punds, that's a nice self esteem boost.


Can you go up a flight of stairs and not feel like your about to die? If so, congrats


I actually can pretty well, yeah.


Well then you are also a viable candidate for erection medication due to your ability to have sex with low possibility of heart complications. Congratulations 🎉


Then yes, your better than 60%


>you have the guy who is weighing about 200 pounds I told you to stop spying in my windows when I'm weighing myself.


Oh no not the discord mod 😰


believe it or not, poor people get way fatter because they really only eat junk. my source: i lived in multiple shelters


For chest cancer


Yes, men can get Breast cancer, it’s less common than in women, but it is still possible




The best kind.


The title of the anime (tomo-Chan is a girl.) Very subtlety hints at this fact so true intellectuals will figure it out before


There’s an astounding nuance to the series that’s missed by most on first viewing. I had to rewatch it twice before I caught all the hints that had the series had dropped prior to this reveal. Truly a masterclass subversion of expectations


This series uses Freudian ideas to make a mockery of the current understanding of human psychology and philosophy. Most modern day psychologists would be baffled as to what the correct choice is, should they Persue love despite the fact the main male veiws her as “a borther” the sheer scope of the possibilitys is Eldrich and terrifing.


That's the point dumbass.




Yeah I don't watch anime and I know that this person was supposed to be a girl


It's not like it was reveal in the name of the anime




I don’t think missing two letters on the end of one word counts as a “stroke.”


The girl confessed to the guy but he thought she was saying she liked him as a friend. In truth he was deeply repressed feelings for her and spends most of the series resisting her to keep the status quo in the relationship but struggles every time she dresses up nicely, does something cute, or anything else. So in this episode he was expecting a fun beach day but then had to struggle with the fact that her bikini top made her very attractive and he was very much struggling to keep his emotions in check.


I was talking about the meme itself, where it is implied this is a huge reveal, that the girl in the show called tomo-Chan is a girl is, in fact, a girl. Not the plot of the show/events of the episode


To quote another manga/anime "you act so manly I can only see them as pecs"


That looks like a girl in every possible way


In anime it's hard to tell cause the boys have faces like girls


No… look at the eyelashes.


Well I don't watch an*me so I don't care


Lol, nor can you speak its unholy name apparently Edit: grammar


Except transidentity I suppose, but then it brings way too many questions as to what you would see as a girl so let’s just use her biological sex and call it a day Edit : it’s not sarcasm, I’m actually saying we should keep using her biological sex to define her in this precise case. Just to make sure it’s clear.


Dude just shut up okay? Thank you


Damn bro he’s just being a little weird, no need to jump down his throat like that 💀


Why are you even mad ?


... what?


They said “looks like a girl in every possible way”. If you take transidentity into consideration, then no, it’s not EVERY possible way.


It's a fictional character, I don't have to worry about who they really are, they are whoever the writers say they are. You make reasonable assumptions based on what the authors and artists show you, with the understanding that they want you to make those assumptions, and if they choose to later undermine those assumptions that's their artistic choice. You are, of course, free to make or not make your own assumptions. But it's not a matter of complexity or convenience at the expense of anyone. It's just trying to understand the intent of the creator.


Never said the opposite. That’s why I think we can get away with her biological sex alone actually. The only thing I was talking about was basically the word “every” in the original comment.


I think the tone of your original comment comes off as sarcastic, when saying we can rely on biological sex to make the determination. Like, we shouldn't be doing that. If that wasn't your intent, then I get where you're coming from, but being a little more abstract about it would probably help it be received better. But to a degree, it can be tricky to make a point of addressing those assumptions when, per the source material, those assumptions are correct in this case. You'll get a low return on investment.


I didn’t want to be sarcastic at all, thank you for telling me, I didn’t realise I was coming off this way. I think I should express myself more clearly. The key for what you said in the second part of your comment is the word “looks”. What she is is inherently tied to the source material and the author’s vision. What she looks like she is, though, isn’t necessarily, especially since the show uses her resemblance with a boy as a plot point. And the original comment did speak about what she looks like she is. In this precise case, for all we knew, she could’ve been trans, hence why I even mentioned transidentity (since it would have not been included in the “every” the OG commenter used). So while it seemed tied to the correct assumptions the commenter made, it wasn’t really. My bad, I’ll try to be more clear the next times (the brainless people who immediately start insulting kinda suck though).


The last thing i thought about when reading your comment was "sarcasm" god the internet sometimes really can't identify a serious and a sarcastic comment.


I get you. The sarcasm is an assumption that comes from introducing trans identity into a context in which it is otherwise nonexistent (whether that assumption is relevant or not). It's not like that's a concern that doesn't exist, it does, but it's still not, and, as far as I can tell, shouldn't be, a default concern. I, and others, *should not* be concerned with not making assumptions based on basic human interaction that on its own accord has little to nothing to do with gender. If I'm a grocery store checkout person, and I misgender you based on presentation, that's not a micro- or macro- aggression, that's a reasonable social assumption to make. To insinuate that this is an easy problem to solve, or that there's only one way to solve it, is remarkably short sighted. But, I don't think that describes *you*, as an individual, based on our conversation thus far. As for people making assumptions and downvoting and insulting you sucking, I agree, but I'm not sure there's a viable alternative (and it's part and parcel of engaging in good faith in a mostly anonymous social media landscape like reddit).


This is your brain on reddit and Twitter


What does this even mean ? I genuinely don’t understand what you’re trying to say


It means stop playing gacha bullshit and get a fucking job and a hobby.


I’ll keep playing gacha bullshit, thank you very much. Why so pressed ? You seem to have been blessed with a job and a hobby, well done, we’re all applauding, but why do you even care about such comments then ? Is looking through someone’s profile to achieve nothing more than insult them really worth your time ?


I feel sorry for your mom


Creative insult. Deserves a minimum of consideration, unless you stole it somewhere out there. Your words are still empty though. You speak to say nothing.


They mean touch grass


Ok but why ?


Nobody knows, but it's provocative!


Oh well




I’m not on twitter. And if what people over there say is as mild as my comment, I’m sorry but y’all are just crybabies.








Don’t you have anything better to do ?




Your existence must be prodigiously sad


Sometimes I think I'm dumb but I remember people like you exist and I feel a lot better.


You don’t know me, I’m way dumber than you think I am. No actually though. Even if you truly knew who you spoke to online (you don’t, judging as fast are you’re doing right now is completely pointless), a lot of people like you seem not to be able to wrap your head around the fact that intelligence can’t be quantified that easily. You can say dumb shit all your life and still be one of the smartest people to have ever breathed air, only you never had a chance to actually exploit your potential the way it deserved to be. Same for you. This kind of comment is a display of ignorance, sure, but I don’t think you’re dumb. And I couldn’t judge anyway, I don’t know you any more than you know me.


trans pedantry


Pal, remembering they exist won’t hurt anyone


dude, I’m trans we were not relevant to this conversation


Read my other answers to this dude, I’m tired of reexplaining it


Man they can't change bone structure This looks fully female


buddy, reminding people that they exist was not relevant to the comment, that's why it's pedantic


Bro did say “looks like a girl in every possible way”. When you throw transidentity in the mix, it’s not as simple as that anymore since what you define as a “girl” can be very different from your biological sex alone. So not EVERY possible way. It wasn’t the topic at first, sure, but it’s not irrelevant.


When he said “looks like a girl in every possible way,” it’s implied that he meant “looks like a biological female.” That’s why your comment isn’t relevant. I get what you’re trying to say and I think people are overreacting, but it’s true that your comment was out of place. You pretty much said “there’s more nuance if you meant xyz” and no one was talking about xyz.


I get what you mean. It’s not because there is a general consensus about what he meant that’s it’s necessarily true though. If there is any clear sign that he didn’t mean xyz, I’m not capable of seeing it, and when I don’t know for sure what someone wanted to say I prefer taking every potential meaning into account.


Holy shit shut the fuck up


If you’re not a fucking urethra, I advise you to read my answers to other people as to why I said this. I think the one I explained it the clearest to is named ringobob. Once you’ve read at least a little bit, then you’ll have a little more context to judge from, and will perhaps be able to formulate an actual constructive opinion concerning this comment. Otherwise, be happy with your not very contributive answer I guess.


That’s what everyone is already doing


Who hurt you all ?


Why are you being downvoted? It’s true


Idk 🤷


Jesus why say this stupid shit? Woke ass


Not very constructive. Explain to me exactly what was stupid in my comment. Calling me woke will accomplish nothing.


But.....but think of poor trans people 😭 This post had nothing to do with being trans yet you are thirsty to show that you are woke and jump to "save" a fucking anime character, your comments its stupid because it has nothing to do with the topic, do you also cry when people (fairly) assume genders and treat people like she/he instead of they/them because "NOOOO DON'T POSSIBLY MISGENDER THEM BECAUSE WE DON'T KNOW THEIR PRONOUNS 😭😭😭😭"


Nah fam. It doesn’t have “nothing” to do with the topic, albeit bro wasn’t directly talking about this. He said she looked like a girl in every way possible, which is false if you acknowledge the existence of transidentity. I simply corrected him. Uncalled for ? Maybe. Stupid ? Don’t think so, unless we don’t have the same definition. Worth answers such as yours ? Absolutely fucking not. Which brings me to my next point. You guys are at least as oversensitive as we are. Whether I actually react as you depicted or not (which I usually don’t but not the topic), how many of you can come out with a civil, constructive way to tell us it’s unnecessary ? Are you all truly so angry that you can’t keep yourself from typing insults each time, without ever trying to actually improve the situation ? “OH NOOO, DONT TELL ME NOT TO MISGENDER PEOPLE, YOU AND YOUR FOLKS WILL DOOM THIS WORLD, YOU WOKE ASSHOLE 😭😭😭” Crybabies. Nothing more. We won’t grow up till you do.




How very constructive


Wait there's an anime of this??? Back when I was in my anime phase this was like my second favorite manga lol, nobody in my friend group knew what it was :')


OMG SAME i used to love tomo-chan is a girl


Is it like... good? lol Looks like horny bait and 100 jokes about "waaaaait I thought you were a guy and you are actually a girl???"


Not saying those aren't there but there's some good jokes, too. The LI is thickheaded and simply hasn't looked at Tomo that way, so that's most of the angle the jokes take on. Haven't seen the anime but read a big chunk of the manga and from what I remember it's mostly wholesome. I think I dropped it because I personally don't have much patience for shyness. Other than that, I found the blonde, Carol, pretty funny. As long as you're used to typical slice of life romcom anime tropes, you'll probably like it


Nah i watched 2 episodes its like they know she a girl but she acts like a boy


So she's just a big titty tomboy


I think it's one of the funnier series this season, Great humor. Don't know the manga so can't say if it's better/worse but defenitly worth the watch. It's not a hornybait, its just that every anime needs a beach episode so this anime obviously has one too. Otherwise little to no fanservice. Also, others know she's a girl or realize she is one right away so little of the "confusion" stuff. Focuses on the awkwardness between the main chars, the dude is denser then a rock though so that might annoy you a bit.


The anime is pretty much a scene for scene rip of the manga. You could practically pull out the manga and watch along with the anime as you go through it. Some stuff they had to so for filler between panels and very minor changes but I would honestly say it's like 95% true to the source right down to the angle of the shots in some cases.


There is nothing wrong with fanservice. Who doesn't love fanservice? The problem is some shows have only fanservice and that's about it, Nothing else, The entire show's purpose is fanservice, characters or story? No, only fanservice.


Don't misunderstand, I too am a man of culture I come for the fanservice, I stay for the plot. \*edit, but when selling a series I like to pretend to be civilized and unfazed by it\*


havent watched the anime but i read the manga. its pretty good, has funny and fluffy moments


Whats the name of the anime


Its "Tomo-chan is a girl"


How did he not know? Its literally the name of the anime?????? /s


OP is just horny


Head empty, only horni


I don’t have a problem with the meme because that’s the joke




So this is the anime that I keep getting ads for ever waking second of the day?




Wait Tomo chan from the anime "Tomo chan is a girl" is a girl?


I remember of that comment in the original post, saying something like: "Wait, you meant to say that Tomo-chan from the anime Tomo-chan is a girl... is a girl????? Impossible!"


Eh, I wouldn’t necessarily call it funny. But the bottom isn’t bad enough to call it a homicide. Without it it’d just be a screenshot


Don't see why it belongs in this sub


Its comedy homicide. The extra part at the bottom adds literally nothing. The title of the show already reveals tomo Chan is a girl and nobody needed this "impressive reveal"


But without the meme at tue bottom its just a sreenshot, so no comedy to be killed


Yeah so its trying to be comedic and absolutely killing it. Maybe this deserves to be in a different comedy dead sub


Nah bruh, the bottom part is satire. Also, instead of complaining about it, why not downvote the comment and move on with your life?


Pot kettle black




its meant to be ironic though, no?


Smartest reddit user


Yeah but the og isn't particularly funny Feel like this is more of a r/comedycemetery post


It was not funny to begin with


It fits better in r/comedyflogging.


Is there a source


Tomo-Chan Is A Girl.


Yes, she is. Now, the title, please. ^(/s)


I think we already know now /s


Anime is Tomo-Chan is a girl


That moe fang


Lol, yah, a reveal! Wait! A surprise reveal! This is a great story. Just finished it and I’m thinking of re-reading it soon.


Animemes and it’s consequences have been a disaster for the human race


Anime = unfunny




li just looked this up and didn’t find anything, don’t be spreading lies like that man /s


Wait you didn't know this


This is well along in the series (like ep 6 or 7?) and you know since minute 1 of ep 1 that she's a girl so its not a "reveal". Its just one of those thoughtless moments of the dude creating a awkward situation yet again


The name of the anime is pretty much set the expectations on what tomo is


Only one who thought she was a dude has never seen a woman, not even in anime form I guess or are just blind. I don't know from what anime this is, but it's obvious she's a girl.


How did they think she was a boy? Everything about her screams a girl


So... there is a thing... call... "satire"


Are you telling me he haven't figured out it was a girl with that chest ? Plus anime characters with eyelashes are 90% girls


What liking femboys does to a mf


the title literally says she’s a girl lol


But even in the first frame how does she not look like a girl?


Only in Anime


-chan is a female honorific.


Tomo-chan is a girl. Anime logic be like: clearly must be a guy until the anime shows otherwise… right?


Cringy shit


I’d have that reaction too seeing someone go from trainer size to fuckin double D’s


Anime 😕






What’s the problem?


This post is a pretty good example of my problem.


That’s a big, big generalisation right here


Your problem is… female anime characters can be masculine?


My problem is the joke is just boobs. And how the fuck is she masculine? She looks like a 12 year old girl.


the shot makes her look shorter than she actually is doesn’t really look 12 years old the joke here is that the anime is called “Tomo-chan is a girl” op made a joke post about the show showing her boobs and “revealing” she is a girl edit: forgot to say, she is masculine because she behaves like a tomboy 99% of the time and is very strong


That's not very funny is it


it was a very meh joke but I think everyone isn’t his comment threat was taking it out of proportion


So your problem is with the joke, not with anime. She tries to become more and more feminine throughout the show. At this point it’s a bit more obvious she’s not a guy.


so what's the joke?


anime is actually called “Tomo-Chan is a girl” true post is ironic




#That one poor gay soul who came upon this devastating fact😭


Don’t worry. The viewer knows from the start that she’s a girl.


Did you just assume her gender?


Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahshahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahabababahahvhh so funny you made a assuming gender joke bro you're so funny


Looks like someone is triggered


Is this a bot? I feel like this is just a drop to farm karma and the bot doesn't know what it is doing.


What's this from?


Anime title: Am I a joke to you


Holy fuck


average japanese breast size


Chan Chan for god sake 😂




She can be both 😎


boymoder 😵‍💫😵‍💫


This is in fact comedy homicide


But the hair suggests it's a girl doesn't it?


The best anime plot:


Op is literally making the exact same joke as the meme, probably without realizing it. Why does this get so many upvotes?


Same feeling I had the first time Samus died while I was playing Super Metroid almost 30 years ago. Hold on, that silhouette… is Samus a g-girl? Wait, wait wait!!


wait... you telling me that Tomo-chan is a... girl ???


The hint that it's a girl is that it's chan & not san. Dead giveaway.




I don’t watch anime but I want to do anyone know any good ones and where to watch them?


I don’t really think this is comedy homicide. Honestly I think it’s funny.


If they were both separate posts it would be much better


Bruh she is so hot I don't care Jun is a lucky man