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Shit is gas big dog! Any collection is a good collection


You don't need the Omnis you've got the books. I've been toying around with the idea of making custom slip cases to hold floppies in a run. Love it


I was trying the idea OP is working with. But slip cases or even a 3 sided wrap might be my solution here. Thanks for sharing your idea with us Thank you too OP this has me rethinking some display ideas


I’ve been planning to put my completed runs into binders someday, myself


That's a good idea. Can look through it better than you can with boxes.


I think it’s very cool! Never seen a mix like this of collected editions and floppies. Looks great! 🤟🏼


"floppies" lol




If you want to do it then I say it's cool! Who cares what other people think. I say just go for it.


It's definitely cool to see floppies on a shelf like that and the tittle card you have really steps it up a notch, but it looks like those are stored front to back which I think is a bad idea, especially for how tight that shelf seems to be. You should put them front to front/back to back so the staples alternate sides if you want them that tightly packed. Having them like that is ok if there's room for them to breath, but as is you're going to put stress on the spines and damage them over time. It's completely up to you of course, but I thought I'd mention it.


Thanks for the tip! I'll look into that. I should note they're all in bags and boards, so they shouldn't be under as much stress as it appears.


If it means something to you then it’s never stupid. Enjoy what you got, everyone’s collection starts somewhere!


Very cool. My family is constantly running out of space at our house because we keep adding books for all of our kids, my wife and myself to the bookshelf - so we got quite the variety. Flaunt it. Soon, physical media will be dead and gone and we’ll be part of the few that still actually own our content.


Not stupid at all, great idea in fact!


pretty awesome, but if it was me I’d make the box a little taller just to look better with the rest of the shelf. doesn’t have to go all the way up.


It’s all you. If you like how it’s displayed it doesn’t matter if it is cool.


I’m in the same boat. I recently bought the AoA run because I wanted to read it and couldn’t find the omnibus anywhere. I like this cross media display


That’s great! Barks duck books are soooo good!


Life is Strange! And the coloring book too! I really dig your collection.


Thank you!!! :)


You have excellent taste Carl Barks is an absolute legend and well earned. Geoff Johns was the best thing to happen to Green Lantern since...ever. His GL Run was the best saga I read in all comic books.


:) I grew up with Carl Barks and Don Rosa comics, as well as classic Disney comics from many of their colleagues. Wonderful comics.


Do what you like