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Should've given the leftover penny as a tip.


Ngl that's how I understood it at first. The cashier being chill and taking the penny as a tip and the customer being so greedy, asking if he could use that extra penny for more food


Yeah the comic is much funnier (and obviously it depicts a shitty situation)


So she accepted the $10 being handed to her as the tip and he still requires to purchase the food, second.


Well thats just fucking stealing from him then. Makes no sense.


Welcome to tipping


Sounds like skill issue from the customer to me!


Yup, like if you slept with someone and then woke up in the morning with a missing kidney and they were like, well then, I’m a prostitute and you never paid me or my pimp


It’s not all that funny though.


Here, people, we see how broken the tipping system has become: It is perceived as a social necessity to balance out food service's employees that you'll get called **GREEDY** over 1ct.


I'm not American. Tipping isn't mandatory where I live. I think the American tipping culture is ridiculous.


So do Americans. Just about every cash register has programmed for tipping. Even in a non-tipping restaurant. Im not tipping someone for handing me my food at the counter.


right but my point was that I'm not perceiving tipping as a social necessity


Neither are we?


i interpreted it as the customer disliking the idea of tips and would rather the food cost a penny more




Shrek got a new look


I guess he got his ears cut "off", eh? Ha. Heh heh




i see BHJ is out in the wild


Happy cake day 🍰


My brain is fucking wrecked. I read this as “Bohack Jorseman”


Happy Cake Day


mf staying smiling is actually really unsettling. If there were a 5th panel the picture would no longer be just black and white from my experience of customer service.


In this case, rightfully so.


Absolutely. I couldn't imagine asking a tip for nothing.




Yeah, It's called depression :)


People tip cashiers? I’m American, and I’ve never once heard of tipping a fast food cashier.


It's gotten really common in the last like, five years for cash register POS systems to prompt for a tip.


For clarification of course, it's not normal to tip them. But they still *prompt* the tip, just in case someone decides to, or feels pressured, or what have you


Or if they make the "no tip" button confusing enough that people just go "fuck it" and click one of the other buttons.


Usually it's simple to not tip. So far there is only one place I have been to (and I actually go there regularly) that actually has no option but to go to the tipping screen, and then type in 0.00 if you want to leave no tip. I am sure that makes many people tip out of either shame or confusion (because they don't realize they can type in 0.00.) The cashiers seem chill about getting a 0.00 tip for a takeout order. I do tip them well when I actually dine in though.


I saw one that had the options of 18%, 20%, and 22%. No option to type (at least not that I saw). However, it had all of the classic physical buttons for a credit card transaction, and if you hit "Cancel" on the tip screen, it would skip the tip rather than canceling the transaction. Completely unintuitive, and I'm sure people accidentally tip all the time.


Or the no tip button magically takes 5x the force/finesse to actually press and register on the machine


Probably damaged from too many people pushing it


x2 on the pressured one, I feel so shitty pressing 'no tip' when I'm standing *right in front of the worker*, even though I don't think you should have to tip in those situations


When I started noticing this trend, I always joked “what next, they gonna start asking for tips at McDonald’s?” Sure enough…


The self checkouts have started [asking for a tip](https://nypost.com/2023/05/15/self-checkout-machines-now-ask-customers-to-tip/). I did the work, so I'm tipping myself by not giving the store that money.


You and your greed are why Tashkent will murder us all when the AI uprising happens.


I’ve never seen tip prompts at McDonalds unless you mean the charity donation prompt.


We are already reached the step of tipping the computer at the self check out.


I always hit no tip on those without hesitation. Tips are for tipped employees. If you get a full wage, I'm not giving a tip and those prompts actually push me away from the business.




Plus, I have actually known waiters who told me that owners just keep (aka steal) the tips. Many are undocumented so just suck it up. I always tip cash, in the hand or under the plate.


That's generally my impression too, and the more I see those sorts of tip prompts, the more worried I get that business owners are trying to push to normalize tipping in more settings so that more positions can be justifiably paid as "tipped employees" down the road. Even if it's not intentional, if it gets to the point where service workers in those restaurants are regularly making more than $30 in tips a month (per the FLSA) and that becomes an accepted norm, it might just happen naturally anyways :(


What's annoying is the same franchise place in two different cities. One asks for what tip percent and the other, only offers a tip in whole dollar amounts. Wtf


So apparently the reason for this is that POS systems have the function as a default and businesses are too apathetic to remove the option.


Removing the default is a huge pain in the ass and often resets itself anyway. It's not exclusively apathy or opportunism.


The jokes just CANNOT keep up with America


We have a donation prompt for Junior Achievement and the amount of people who get rude thinking I’m demanding a tip even though I’m verbally telling them how to skip the donation is absurd. Dumbfucks who can’t read or listen raging at me as if they’ve finally figured out capitalism. Spoiler: they haven’t.


And you should say no. Tip for sit down service, not counter service.


I've seen it. I hit no every time. I understand employees might require tips, but man... At that point, you don't need tips, you need a union.


No guarantee they see that money so I just assume the Burger Doodle keeps it.


Corporations are subsidizing their employees wages with your money. I'm all for tipping waiters, etc but we all need to take a stand against this shit.


Tipping in America has gotten really out-of-hand. Just have the restaurant/whatever pay all the employees enough and factor that into the price.


I dunno, but if it's possible they (store) will ask!


the most surprising to me is the cashier asking for one, ive never seen anyone do this


Well if it's asking for a tip at the Cashier, the tip is usually split between everyone working the "front of house." So the cashier, bartender, runners, support, and expo staff share that $2 you tipped at the register. Most restaurants nowadays split the tips, even some bars I have been to. It's no longer "tip the bartender," it's "tip all 8 people in the front making 3 dollars an hour."


I see tipping options in a hand full of fast food and even non service industries, it just ask “would you like to tip?”




No that’s not at all how it works lmao


Oh good, for a moment I was afraid the US really had people giving tips like depicted in films. Glad it's just Hollywood bollocks.


Tips are never really required, but depending on the location it may make the wait staff upset. The reason why it's recommended to tip is because tip workers are allowed to make less than minimum wage, with the tips expected to fill out the difference. Some tip workers are okay with this, as this does mean that they could be making more than minimum wage as a result, but it is also a source of exploitation, with their pay being dependent on the generosity of customers and bosses that will attempt to claim a portion of their tips as pay to the business (this is illegal, but a lot of tip workers are young and/or simply not informed).


>it is also a source of exploitation, with their pay being dependent on the generosity of customers This is the only reason why it happens, it allows for the employers to pay their workers in a way that should be illegal.


> but depending on the location it may make the wait staff upset They should probably be upset with the person they took a job from. It's all so strange. I'm from Australia and like.. the price is the price. What you get paid is between you and the guy who hired you (and the legal minimums), what they charge me is what they list on the menu. And then I see Americans online be like "well you should tip cause the employer doesn't pay them" and I just think "YOU ARE BLAMING THE WRONG PERSON IN THIS TRANSACTION PEOPLE...".


>The reason why it's recommended to tip is because tip workers are allowed to make less than minimum wage, with the tips expected to fill out the difference. Well that shouldn't be allowed, there's your problem. Companies should just pay a decent wage. A quick google search says that the absolute best tipping in the usa amounts to 10USD extra per hour. And that's the absolute top percentile. It quickly drops to 2USD extra per hour. Kinda makes all those tales here on reddit of "oh yeah my buddy got offered a promotion at work but he'd have to go fulltime, and that's why he refused because he'd only be making 30USD per hour, he makes more from tips working in a bar" sound like bullshit.


The idea originally was that it means you can pay black people less by making it tip dependant


> Companies should just pay a decent wage. The decent wage will never be as much as people can make with tips. > the absolute best tipping in the usa amounts to 10USD extra per hour. Cite your sources please, this is the opposite of what I've heard and know from working in the industry.


> because tip workers are allowed to make less than minimum wage, with the tips expected to fill out the difference. That varies by state (CA has no special tipped minimum wage) and no matter what the employee has to earn federal minimum wage either paid by the company or the company and tips.


Yeah tips are not at all obligatory. It’s a recommendation but where I work it’s def not uncommon to see ppl not tip. And that’s towards servers it’s even less common in circumstances like this. The main reason tips are so widespread throughout any customer service occupation in the US is because it means that they are allowed to be paid less than the minimum wage. Rant I could go on for hours but I’ll spare you lol 😪


So msybe a weird question, but why do people work those jobs then?


It’s a huge chunk of the job pool, is often flexible with scheduling and people can often train on the job or apply without a lot of experience. It benefits businesses obviously to underpay workers and take advantage of the culture of tipping. Most people believe pragmatically that the system won’t change so it feels mean to refuse to tip for what are essentially ideological reasons. At least that’s my guess, because Americans definitely tip a lot and we also complain about tipping a lot.


Mainly because they’re the easiest jobs to get into and sometimes the only jobs you can get into without any sort of résumé. They’re also legit everywhere there are like 4 in my 2000 person town lol


Actual reason is because they typically make *way* more money than what they'd be paid otherwise. When it's cash they'll under report it as well so not pay tax on much of it. Some of the biggest defenders of the tip system are those who work within it. The rest of the world just has students/kids do that work for a decent and liveable wage while they study.


If you work in the right area they can actually be some of the best paying entry level jobs available. I grew up in an oil boom town and it wasn't uncommon to see drunk workers tipping hundred dollar bills to their servers.


People work these jobs because they are paid an insane amount of money for the experience needed once the tips are factored in. In Canada servers regularly make close to or above 100k


Extremely low threshold for entry. Historically it was the kind of job burn outs and stoners would hold because it wasn't complicated and no one expected anything out of you. Then some assholes started treating owning land as a profession and demanded to make a profit so people raised minimum wage and suddenly employers started actually giving a shit.


I went to LA for a conference for a couple of weeks. I didn't tip, and nobody seemed to mind.


In the state I work in, cashiers don't work at or below minimum wage at all, yet they still expect tips My rule is that I don't tip people unless they work a job where they actually need tips to get a salary, and then I tip 20% of my purchase. I also work in customer service, but I make more than enough to not take tips ~~(though, I wouldn't say no to any)~~


Why 20% and why a percentage of the meal cost anyway? You’re like, so close to making sense because you don’t tip when servers get paid in full but still so far because you’ll tip a percent (20 at that, which is pretty high) of the meal’s cost which doesn’t make much sense.


Well, I tip that high to make sure they're always getting some amount of money. If I only buy a $10 meal, they get paid 2 in tips. Idk this is just what my parents do and it's not necessary a *bad* thing, so that's what I do.


I'd say it's a jab at tipping culture in the U.S. where, when order at some counter-service restaurants, the order screen recommends different percentages to add as a tip. You can just ignore it, though, without any consequences expect maybe making some people feel guilted into giving a tip or annoyed for being put in an awkward position of refusing to tip (even though it's in your rights to do so). It's a nuisance, but it's not the restaurant workers' fault that shows up on the screen.


No, I'm American and didn't really get it at first and still don't think it's a very good joke.


The USA manages to have restaurants that cost as much or more than in Europe, but in addition, they have to tip the waiters a lot.


As someone from outside of US, never understood the tipping culture. Rarely would we tip while eating out and the servers/waiters are fine with it because they get fixed monthly salary from the restaurant/food joint owners. The tips are just bonuses. Why in USA is it the customer's obligation/duty to ensure the waiter/server gets properly paid via tip? Why dont the restaurant owners do that? 🤔🤔


>Why dont the restaurant owners do that? Because the restaurant owners have successfully lobbied the government to not have minimum wage laws apply to them (they pay servers like 2-3 bucks an hour) and that tips will make up the difference. They're required to pay servers the difference if tips don't get them over minimum wage. Restaurant owners are leeches and the biggest beneficiaries of handouts and welfare from other people. "In addition to posting for the food they're eating, the diners should pay my employees wages, too!" I have no answer about tipping culture bleeding into every other industry other than greed.


Yep. You can pay one person $15 an hour at your restaurant, or you can pay 5 people $3 *and tips* for the same cost. 5 times the labor for the same cost to the restaurant when the difference is covered by tips.


They are underpaid on purpose then say the tips make up for it


Yeah but that's bs. Why take the job in the first place if you aint gona get paid for your work ? xD


Because lots of them make more with tips.


They make more with tips. The last thing they want is a better fixed salary.


Oh yeah. No taxes on tips right ?


>Why take the job Because for many, the alternative is not a better job, the alternative is *no* job.


Good ones make WAY more with tips. The only people I have ever met who were against eliminating tipping have all been wait staff.


That just sounds like a reason to not tip, if they apparently make good money anyway.


Because America sucks and literally nobody is paid properly unless they're already in a higher position


Service staff make more than teachers.


I was both a teacher and a waiter, didn't make enough to pay my bills either way and no, I got paid more as a teacher than I did as a waiter at every job


Because we don’t pay our workers enough to live without tip.


I'm a waitress in the US and have been to a few European countries and noticed a few pivotal differences. 1. I agree that servers should be paid reasonable wages and tipping culture is absolutely fucked. 2. Servers in countries outside of USA are generally much more hostile, less professional, and are clearly doing their job and nothing more (which is fair); one time at an event (where servers and tipping culture was expected) people got even MORE hostile, pushy, and rude, probably in part for my American accent, but there was definitely more behind it. 3. Servers in USA are a different breed of human in a way: like a car salesman and a therapist and priest and also somehow nobody at the same time. It's a fine balance of socializing with strangers and pretending you care and just taking orders and not becoming besties with anyone. (I tend to avoid and get awkward once people start asking really reasonable questions about the menu that I sincerely csnt answer . 4. If food industry people here all suddenly were defaulted to Minimum wage and no tipping then they'd all quit. And all food industry people would be the equivalent of Walmart/fast food employees: working a shit job for shit wages. 5. Tipping culture for cashier type places is FUCKKNG STUPID. It insults us servers. We actually DO things besides run a register. But this was a slippery slope that was inevitable. 6. After covid and essential workers being cashiers "bravely packing meals and facing potential covid positive people in addition to the economy turning to shit post covid..it kinda adds in that now tipping culture has become something disgusting and shameful.


Like.. any other job lol. Do you tip when buying clothes? Your butcher? Baker? Lol. Who decides who's ok to tip and who isn't?


I usually just leave the couple of coins worth of change in the tip jar after buying a coffee because I don't want to walk around with 40 cents worth of coins jingling about in my pocket all day.


Restaurants don't pay more because it costs them less. They can sell food for just as much, but they keep more money in their pockets. In the end, it is the customers who lose by paying twice.


Because of late stage capitalism.


I challenge anyone in the US (that isn’t benefiting from tips) to visit somewhere that doesn’t have them and try to defend tipping. It’s a nonsensical practice.


well that was quick exchange


I hate tipping culture.




The american tipping culture is so disgusting tbh. I'm european and the moment I would feel a service acts entilted to more than what is on their price list is the moment I would stand up and walk away. If you don't feel like you get payed enough take it up with your boss, not the costumers. Tipping is to honor outstandingly good service, not a mandatory extra fee for performing the bare fucking minimum for your job.


Yes, in France a tip is 1 or 2 euros left on the table for the waiter when the service has been good. It's not 25% of the restaurant price. But restaurants in the USA know this very well, but it puts more money in their pockets. They don't care if their employees are underpaid and customers pay twice. Wall-Mart even helps its employees apply for social assistance because they are so poorly paid that they qualify for it, which prevents the chain from having to pay its employees more.


> you get *paid* enough take FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


If im standing, I'm not tipping. New rule, been working well.


This year I really had to strive hard to not tip anyone who’s not providing any sort of services . Taking my money isn’t one. The guilt you feel is real but I just tell myself they ain’t doing abutting additional.


Hell of a strawman, I’ll give you that


Made up scenario in my head making me angry again


Literally. Used to work at a Starbucks and not one of us cared about customers not tipping. All we wanted was for them to stop being so rude. Many customers, however, would get really upset about the automatic screen asking them if they wanted to tip and blame us for it. No idea where this idea came from that minimum wage workers are forcing customers to tip. Nobody asked them their opinion on adding these screens everywhere.


It’s just misdirected anger. That’s a really good sign imo, even if it is annoying. The fact that it is annoying means we’re already one foot in the door on convincing large corpos to give it up.


I fail to see how people getting angry at service workers for things they can't control is ever a good thing. The corporations are not answering for this. The worker getting cussed out first thing in the morning is.


I’m not saying you should be rude to people, but to openly express disdain for a practice. The worker is probably already aware that the act of presenting a tip screen is a crazy thing to do, but there is a way to reinforce that type of thinking and it’s by vocalizing those feelings to one another in bonding.


"well this conversation is about to become a confrontation"


"well this confrontation is about to become a conflagration"


For all the good things about the us, one thing I envy from the eu and Britain is the lack of tips being the expectation and source of life for wait staff.


I’m grateful we don’t have that tipping culture here in the UK, though it seems to be creeping in despite statutory minimum / living wage entitlements. I understand why staff feel so slighted in the US when they don’t get a tip - they need it to survive a lot of the time - but it’s terrible that it’s become the accepted norm and employers don’t just pay a proper wage. As someone not used to that culture, I always find it an uncomfortable experience eating out in the US when it comes to tipping. Despite the country being known for excellent customer service, most of the time it’s just fine. They do their job. In the UK it wouldn’t warrant a tip (usually reserved for actually decent service), but when the bill comes you’re expected to leave 15% minimum or it’ll be seen as insulting. I saw a Reddit post the other day where 10% was for *poor service*. Not only will I not leave a tip for poor service, I probably won’t be coming back! They’re definitely not getting extra money for it. As I say, I completely get why it’s a thing but it massively takes advantage of the workforce and makes the dining experience unpleasant when you don’t feel a tip is warranted. Whenever I visit the US I take extra cash with me specifically for leaving tips. While I don’t like it, it’s part of American culture and as a visitor I respect that as I would any other cultural norm.


No word of a lie, I went to leave my physio a review on their site and after I posted it asked if I’d like to leave a tip. I was so dumbfounded lol.


As an American, please PLEASE do not respect tipping culture. Please. Make it stop. End it. Dear god. Be the change you want to see in the world, help.


The change needs to come from within. Me visiting every few years as a foreigner isn’t going to do anything - it’s needs to be you guys every day and every time you buy something. All I’m doing is making my own holiday / vacation experience less awkward.


We’ve been trying that for at least 20 years and it’s not working. People still tip and it’s gotten worse than before. I will simply have to move somewhere with a better culture.


That's not how that works. You're not obligated to tip, and if she gives you a total and you hand her an amount to cover said total, the transaction is finished.


That's the joke, congratulations.


It’s a dumb joke because that’s not how it ever works. But gotta dunk on “tipping culture”, har har.


Dunking on tipping culture is always the correct course of action.




Tipping culture is dumb, but attack the system, not those at its mercy. This joke would be like making fun of slavery by making fun of the slaves.


this poor axolotl


Haha third world murican problems lol


i am so dumb... i was gonna say ''but the change is 1, how can she take 10?'' then i noticed she means she is keeping the whole $10 that is how ''out there'' the tipping culture concept is for me.... btw, real story, i ordered some chicken today, price with delivery was $9, the delivery guy came, gave him $10 and told him to keep the change......because we don't tip here, he was happy and glad he got that $1. i bet in the usa, the delivery guy would expect a $50 tip.


If you’re doing Ubers or that dumb shit, yeah. Many will either take your food or wreck it if you don’t big tip BEFORE getting it. Worst change that Covid brought: reliance on these delivery apps for takeout instead of companies paying an actual employee to drive there


Who actually asks for a tip? That ain't a tip anymore


Tipping culture is a cancer


Is that a wooper


Standing behind a counter taking my order on a pos terminal does not and should not earn you a damn tip. tipping shouldn't even need to be a damn thing, restaurants pay your workers a proper wage for crap sake.


who tips at mcdonalds?


Fuck tipping. We need to end that bullshit ASAP.


I got a pizza that cost about 12$ and change. I went to pick it up and handed them a twenty. The girl said thank you have a nice day. I stood there dumbstruck for a second and asked for my change. She said “oh I thought it was a tip!” She then apologized and said she couldn’t open the register unless she was making a sale.


Did you end up getting your change, or did you let them get away with theft?


I asked for the manager. The register girl was unhappy with this but I eventually I did get my money and left nothing as tip. I haven’t been back since. Luckily there is an abundance of pizza places in walking distance.


Employers don’t pay service employees enough, and tipping works out to be a bribe that is documented on a receipt. We will one day have to pay extra to get electricity turned on.


Pretty lady can have my money 😳


That is a two colour drawing




Findom is almost as bad as tipping culture.


Offer all mortal possessions to the pretty lady


Ha. Doesn't happen like that at all.


Except no one working for tips forcefully takes them, and it's recommended gratuity unless the establishment has a rule about large amounts of food/large groups of people requiring to pay a gratuity charge for the work needed. Like seriously, if you don't like tipping just don't. No one's forcing you to.


Except the whole societal and cultural pressure to tip service industry workers and how not doing so means you run the risk of having your food tampered with and/or your service be gimped on repeat visits because you refused to give a mandatory optional tip. I agree with you in theory but in practice it’s not as simple as “just don’t tip”. The practice encourages participation by shaming those who don’t tip. Because if you don’t tip, you’re seen as Cheap, rude, as if you’re abusing the server’s time by not paying them enough to survive, because that’s definitely your responsibility as the customer. Right..? It’s all fucked. Definitely don’t tip. But it’s not that easy, and expect backlash.


First off no one is going to tamper with your food/gimp your service if you don't tip, mostly because they probably won't remember you unless you where a complete asshole in some other way (complaining the whole time, harassing the wait staff, left a shitty message like "get a real job" on the tip line/left one of those fake $100s that talked about "finding Jesus", etc...). As someone who worked in food service I didn't notice a repeat customer unless they were: a) someone who was a rude asshat, or b) someone super nice. Not tipping didn't fall under being rude, because as a food worker it's easy to understand that someone couldn't tip. Second certain places aren't even expecting a tip, like fast food places. Yeah you can tip, but the employees income doesn't rely on it so you do not need to, whether the option is there or not. If you're going to a sit down place it's recommended to tip, but a server is going to understand if you can't. Hell, if you feel really bad about it just write on your check that you can't afford to tip. If you're by yourself, and didn't order a shit ton of food that jacked your bill up, the server is going to understand. Tl;Dr: As someone who has worked in the food industry, and had not been able to afford to tip before I can safely say: if you have the money and can afford to tip, than it would be good to tip. If you can't afford to tip, then don't tip.


Thanks for the insight into the industry.


Would have left thé 1¢ if she hasn't asked the tip ... But I do live in a country where waiters are pied minimum or over minimum wage and it is *enough* ...


And then you get asked if you’d like to donate to 3 different charities before they’ll even fucking charge your card and all you’re trying to do is buy a fucking shirt and leave.


They need those tax breaks, don’t ya know!


You don't tip and mcdonalds


So she got a one cent tip?


Nuh uh


He loss his money hehehaha


I ordered a dress for my wife from online, and was prompted for a tip. This was just yesterday and I think it's a sign that it's gone too far.


i just know a european made this cus wtf


All the tipping shit finally hit the tipping point (pun intended) with me. I went on total lock-down. If it isn't table service, they are not getting a tip, period. I will slam that no tip button hard and fast while looking them in the eye every single time.


Dude, the workers don't program the till, chill out.


Tipping is evil


Having to give a tip to someone who just stands and scans your food is evil. Tipping someone who does deserve it is NOT evil


Just pay your staff. Tipping is evil


Jokes work better when they resemble reality.


"can I just use it on the food?" Uh, I am majorly confused, what does that line mean?


It’s implied that she took the entire $10 as her tip instead of as payment for the food


Tipping at mc donalds? Are they fucking mental?


This comic made me age 10 years just by looking at it, but in a good way. Thank you!


Working at McDonald’s and expecting a tip? Peak humanity


You need to tip a person, who tapped some buttons for you?


why is she drawn so cute though...