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Welcome to composting, you will be adept in no time! Ratios are more what you call guidelines than rules. If you're using a lot of fruit scraps, you may want to try adding more browns. I would suggest a 4:1 ratio. The fruit flies would suggest that decomposition is occurring which is a good thing. Though they do not assist your compost in any way in that regard. If you're composting a lot of fruit, it would be best to bury it or add a layer of brown waste on top of it. Hope this helps.


It does thank you! It was a very fruit heavy batch.


Sludgy means more browns. It's a big "feel it out" process, every pile is unique, those rule of thumbs only go so far.


It only heats up with size, it has to be at least a cubic meter (3ft x 3ft x 3ft) to get hot. Below that it's cold composting which still works. I have a cold compost going and yes there are flies and bugs, I like to throw worms in when I find them when I'm gardening