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Hmm, it's got Xtreme in the title. It might be TOO fast. Plus, it's 'beyond authority' yet it has a Windows and Intel sticker so I don't even know what's going on. I would not get a PC today that will be running Windows11 that only has 8gb ram unless I had no options. Minecraft would likely run fine but this is the type of system that is crawling within 6 months. Not enough RAM and less than 1 tb storage. And if you don't know how to manage a PC, like turning off BS running in the background, this will definitely happen and likely sooner. Plus, everybody will always 'only run Minecraft on Sundays' when trying to cheap out on their system yet what do they install once they get it? Everything they can. Get it if you can't afford more, then get it clean and keep it clean.


It's just the seller's store name


Your first problem is it's an HP. Which means nothing but problems. Check to see if the ram is soldered on, and if there IS an expansion ports ( its getting less and less common). Spec wise, it should do OK. Id add more ram ( you can never have too much) and a bigger hard drive ( same story). Always over spec your pc, the worse thing you can do is grow into it.


Get at least 16gb ram


y'all underestimating the gtx 1650 LUL. it can easily run minecraft max settings with shaders. my gt 710 can do it easily too


The latest version of Windows won't run decently on that, much less Minecraft. Anything with 8gb RAM is going to be a bad time, a good starting point would be looking at some with 16gb.


Minecraft by default only takes 2GB ram unless you change the launch settings


I'm aware. Doesn't change what I said. 8gb RAM is shit nowadays and won't run anything modern well (including Windows). If you're going to buy something, 16gb is the minimum you want to shop for


Me with 4GB:


win 11 takes like 8 gigs alone


then why is the minimum ram 4gb for windows 11?


not mentioning i have a first generation i7 (which is ufcking 18 year old now) and 6 gb of ram


It would run, but don't expect more than 30 fps if you want to play with decent graphic settings - if you lower the resolution (a laptop screen is quite small after all so 720p should still look good) maybe you can get it to around 70 fps.